Title | : | Les Petites Reines |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | French |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 270 |
Publication | : | First published April 1, 2015 |
Awards | : | North East Teenage Book Award (2017), Prix Ados Rennes Ille-et-Vilaine (2017) |
Les Petites Reines Reviews
I loved the
Sesame Seade series, a hilarious and smart middle grade mystery trilogy from Clémentine Beauvais. Piglettes shows us (as if we didn't already know) that Clém has a unique voice in fiction. This is her first YA novel, translated into English (by herself, I might add) from her 2015 French novel, Les Petites Reines.
Piglettes takes us on an unlikely adventure with three witty, quirky and smart protagonists, like the ones featured in her younger fiction. But now Clém's used her writing powers to create a YA read that you won't feel like you've read before.
Mireille, Astrid and Hakima have been voted the three ugliest girls in their school. Awful, right? If it were me, I'd hide under my duvet forever, but these new friends band together and take matters into their own hands. From bullies and bicycles to periods and politicians, you never know what to expect next in Piglettes. The girls set off (slowly) on their bikes to Paris with a plan to crash a garden party at the Elysee Palace on 14th July. This bonkers adventure attracts interest from the French press and a wave of support on social media, leaving you cheering for the Piglettes.
Piglettes is a light-hearted, funny romp through France with a serious edge: girls, you should do what you think is right, even if everyone is telling you that you can't. I couldn't get enough of the below line, which I read over and over...
“I don’t understand why you insist on calling yourselves Three Little Piglettes,” Mum groans. “It’s a horrible name.”
“We’ll make it beautiful, you’ll see. Or better, we’ll make it powerful.”
Thank you to the publisher for providing this book for review!
I also reviewed this book over on Pretty Books. -
Piglettes was one of the worst books I have read this year and a huge disappointment... I can't even...
This is correct I didn't even wanted to give it 2 stars this was so generous of me.... I have never had so many issues with a book before and I wanted to like this book it had soo much potential and the premise was so intriguing and good and also the cover looks pretty cute.... boy have I been so wrong... I hated it sorry guys I just did
Do not get me wrong the fact that I hated this book does not mean you would not like it too. We live in a 21st century and I live in a republic and democratic country, which means that I am allowed to express my own opinion even if it is different than yours or yours or his or hers ect. Yes you get what I mean...
In fact I do encourage you to read it so you could make your own opinion and share it us.
We have 3 girls that go to the same school and all 3 are the finalists of the Pig Pageant contests that take place in Facebook and it is run by all students that go that school. If you have no idea that Pig Pageant is in short it is a cyber bullying kind of ''game'' that students do the pick up the 3 most ugly and fat girls in the school... Awesome right? This premise got me intrigued and I thought oh wow this would be a very deep and heartfelt read and there is diversity and stuff... I will get to that point now these 3 girls eventually become friends we have Mireille which is basically the ''team leader'' of the 3 Astrid the winner of the contest that has recently moved to the city and Hakima that is Arabic I guess so yeah there is a lot of diversity and this is one of the main reasons why I was expecting so much from this book. And they decide to go on the adventure of their life from their town sorry I forgot it too complicated to remember to Paris by bike! That would be 7 days of cycling. Each one of them has her reasons to go to Paris and these reasons happen to intersect at the same time at the same place in Paris.
This is it, now I am going to talk about the
This book is written by the French author
Clémentine Beauvais
This book is about France
There is diversity
Now I don't even know where to begin with. At the beginning it was OK there were some funny parts but then it stroke me why the hell is Mireille being such a b*tch with her mother... Like hellooo you are just 15 could you just shut the f* up and stop barking back at your mother and asking her why did she sleep with an ugly man like your father... Like girl you got some issues and you need a psychologist. I get that you are upset and you do not feel alright with your self, but what the hell and her mother is just taking it as if it something normal.. No I AM NOT OK WITH THIS ATTITUDE! SORRY FOLKS.
Another thing I cannot get they literally met on the same goddamn day and have already planned to go to Paris cycling for 7 days!
Rewinding two of them are nearly 16 and one of them is 14!!!! Are we for real? Is this a joke? Where are the hidden cams??!!
Ohh it gets better I promise Hakima's brother who is an ex solder on a wheelchair missing both his legs (total respect for those people this is by no means meant to be offensive nor anything in those lines!) decided to accompany them for the trip and their parents be like oh sure Kader is going with them why not let them go here take these sausages made by Mireille grandparents in one day, take this trailer to carry the sausages and the other stuff you might need for the travel, oh here is a solar battery to charge the little fridge here is the license to sell food....
helloooo PARENTING LEVEL BELLOW ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guysss I cannot comprehend thiss I just found it to be ridiculous at last and sending wrong messages to younger audience that might read this book. It promotes that:
It is OK to talk back to your parents and treat them like they are your age
It is OK to want something and get it your way no matter what
It is OK to think of doing something hugee (like cycling for 7 days) at 15 and you would get attention for it and get some kind of ''revenge'' to those that have bullied you...
This are the messages I get from this book.
I just want to quote a couple of dialogues that got me like WTF!You can't go. You are not even allowed to sell food! You will poison everyone...
Uhmmm what? You daughter might get in some much more serious trouble by cycling 7 days alone with 1 girl younger than her and another her age and all you worry is that she will poison someone because she does not have food selling license... I jut wanted to throw the books at that moment if had I have the hard copy...
I am going to wrap it up because I could keep going on all night..
Over all I gave it 1.5 stars rounded to 2 only because there was diversity in this book and I appreciated it. It was the worst book I have read this year, which was really disappointing I hated it, but you should read so you could experience it. It might not deliver the same emotions it did to me so you might end up liking it which I hope so!
Kniha je to vo svojej kategorii a temami, ktore prinasa velmi dobra, i ked vyhrady mam, tie superlativy, co sa siria kniznym svetom mi pridu prehnane. Autorka sa nevyhla sa klise, ale to sa asi uplne neda, ale ako clovek, ktory cely zivot zije v tele jaternice ma k tomu co povedat :) Ja by som v podobnej situacii asi dopadla velmi zle, casto si spominam na bulimicke pokusy z puberty, ktore nastastie skoncili skor ako zacali. A to som ani zdaleka nezila v takom toxickom "sikanatorskom" prostredi a neexistovali hnusne internety.
Je zaujimave, ze v cestine kniha vysla pod nazvom Kralovny osklivek a podla reakcii na databazeknih nevzbudila take nadsenie ako u nas. Je celkom vtipne, ze francuzsky nazov Les petites reines (doslova Male kralovne) je oproti ceskemu a slovenskemu nazvu uplny eufemizmus.
A jedna vec na zaver, co ma stve (dalsie klise, co bolo v knihe). Vo svete sa vseobecne akceptuje, ked muzi prejavuju svoju vasen k sportu a su hlucnymi fanusikmi aj s excentrickymi prejavmi, no u zien sa prejav vasne v podobe fandenia (hlavne chlapcenskych skupin) automaticky spaja s hormonmi a hysteriou. FUJ!!!
Pôvodne som dala 4, tú štvrtú za preklad, ale s odstupom času...tie 3 budú stačiť. Inak vraj to malo byť vtipné. Nebolo. Ja strácam zrejme zmysel pre humor. -
Akonáhle som sa dozvedela, že Absynt sa ide púšťať do young adult kníh vedela som, že si to proste musím prečítať. Napriek tomu, že tento typ literatúry už v súčastnosti nevyhľadávam, bolo mi jasné, že toto vydavateľstvo sa neuspokojí s knihou lebo je mainstream a cool, ale prinesie nám hodnotné a kvalitné príbehy. Nebola som sklamaná.
Táto kniha má vekové označenie 13+, čiže ja nie som práve cieľová skupina. Avšak, táto kniha sa dotýka dôležitých tém, ktoré majú čo povedať čitateľovi v každom veku. Autorka sa na necelých 300 stranách venuje šikane, kyberšikane, traumou, body imidžom, sebaláske či postihnutiu a robí to úplne prirodzene, čiže nemáte pocit, že je to prepchaté.
Jej štýl písania je veľmi čtivý a celá kniha je veľmi vtipná. V štýle mi pripomínala ďalšiu výbornú YA knihu Láska je pre lúzrov. Avšak, mala som trochu problém s postavami. Autorka dala ich charakterom hĺbku, ale len miestami. Hlavne Hakima mi prišla ako postava, ktorá tam len bola. Skôr jej brat bol v centre pozornosti. A keď už sme pri Hakime - nikdy neuverím tomu, že by nejaký rodič dovolil svojej 12,5 ročnej dcére sa takto vydať na cestu.
Môj ďalší problém s knihou je skôr taký kozmetický. Papier obálky je podľa mňa dosť nanič (rovnaký má aj Vo vlnách), pretože sa ničí a krčí na okrajoch už len tým, že knihu pri čítaní držíte. Na dotyk je príjemný a vraj je ekologický, čo je super, len škoda, že je taký nepraktický.
Každopádne, táto kniha by určite nemala ujsť vašej pozornosti, pretože každému má čo ponúknuť. -
Tout simplement brillant.
« rubrique trucs et astuces de la vie, par Tata Mireille: prends les insultes qu’on te jette et fabriques-toi des chapeaux avec. »
Une fable féministe, politique, cynique et immensément poétique, écrite dans une langue ciselée.
Un bijou à lire absolument, et à tout âge! -
Je vous recommande totalement la lecture de cette merveilleuse petite tranche de vie d’adolescentes que la nature a peu gâtées physiquement mais qui ont réussi à se faire néanmoins une place au soleil avec une bonne dose de rêves et de volonté. La plupart du récit se déroule au début du mois de juillet, puisque le but de Mireille et de ses deux copines, Hakima et Astrid, est d’arriver à l’Elysée pour la Garden party du 14 juillet….Il est donc fortement conseillé de le lire en période estivale (juin/juillet, c’est parfait !) et je vous parie que cela vous donnera même des envies de sortir votre vélo du garage…En tout cas, bravo à l’auteure Clémentine Beauvais, qui, par le bais de Mireille, son héroïne truculente, a réussi à renverser la vapeur et à montrer à toutes et à tous que les filles dites « pas belles » ont aussi droit au respect et que finalement, les plus ridicules ce sont bien les gens qui jugent les autres sur leur apparence physique ! Ce livre est à recommander aux ados, notamment ceux qui sont mal dans leur peau. Vive Mireille, Hakima, Kader et Astrid….Et le vélo, et….Le boudin !
Ma note : 19/20 - Coup de coeur
Mon avis complet sur :
http://lespassionsdeviedefun.blogspot... -
(Note: I received a copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to NetGalley, Pubishers and author.)
This is funny, coming of age YA book about today’s world where girls (any person) are judged by their face, size and shape. it's about 3 ugly girls facing bullies at school, their growing friendship, and travel of course. I liked tone of the book, I was laughing right from the beginning.
Overall, this is intriguing, light and easy read. Teens would love it.
Read full review on my blog - Books Teacup and Reviews -
Labai mėgstu paaugliams skirtas knygas. Patinka tas amžius, tos emocijos, žmogaus formavimasis, kuriam, be abejonės, tokios knygos daro įtaką. Juk taip svarbu bręstančiam žmogui parinkti skaitinius – tokia svarbi misija. Ir tiek daug gali duoti! Paskatinti, padrąsinti, išmokyti, nuraminti, įkvėpti ar net pagelbėti. Man, paauglystėje, knygos buvo draugės, o su kiekvienais metais ta draugystė stiprėjo. Užaugo iki ko užaugo ir labai dėl to džiaugiuosi. Tad kai „Debesų ganyklos“ pasiūlė perskaityti „ Kiaulystės dėsnis kiaulėms negalioja“, net nedvejojusi sutikau. Senokai jaunimui skirtą knygą rankose turėjau, o ir tema aktuali pasirodė – patyčios, svoris, draugytė. O kur dar visas glėbys apdovanojimų, kuriuos romanas susižėrė.
Mirėjos, Astridos ir Akimos mokykloje kasmet organizuojamas konkursas, kurio laimėti nenori niekas. Tai – bjauriausių mokyklos kiaulių konkursas. Paauglių pogrindyje vykstančių dalykų nei mokytojai, nei tėvai sukontroliuoti negali ir būtent Mirėja, Astrida ir Akima gauna šį... titulą. Visos mergaitės apkūnios, tačiau vienintelė Mirėja, kuri nominuojama jau ne pirmi metai, užsiaugino odą patyčioms atlaikyti. Ji nebeima į galvą įžeidinėjimų ir atsikerta humoru, į kurį bendraklasiai nežino kaip reaguoti. Kitos merginos – reikalo naujokės, tad Mirėja nusprendžia padėti joms susitvarkyti su užgriuvusia „šlove“. Nejučia trijulė suidraugauja, o aplinkybės susiklosto taip, kad kartu neria ir į nuotykį! Dviračiais keliauja į Paryžių.
Maniau tai bus sopulinga knyga apie kančią ir kaip ją išgyventi sudėtingu brendimo metu. Labai apsirikau! Tai labai šmaikšti, vietomis net juokinga knyga. Mirėjos humoro jausmas – aukščiausio lygio. Kandus, tačiau nežeidžiantis ir ne piktas. Intelektualus, tačiau ne pamokslaujantis. Tai kaip ji tvarkėsi su užgriūnančiom bėdom ir nelaimėm, tikras pavyzdys visiems mėgstantiems per greit nuleisti rankas ar pulti į ašaras. Tikrai puiki knyga paaugliams, ieškantiems drąsos mylėti save, priimti gyvenimo mestus iššūkius ir ne susitaikyti, o didžiuotis savo išskirtinumais! -
This was a rather random pick for me. I was thinking I needed to read more books that take place outside the US, and what better than a book set in France written by a French author. I must say, I am very pleased I chose this book.
"I don't understand why you insist on calling yourselves the Three Little Piglettes," Mum groans. "It's a horrible name."
"We'll make it beautiful, you'll see. Or better, we'll make it powerful."
I have heard people talk about this reclaiming. Taking back something that was meant to hurt you, and turning it into something empowering. That is what Mireille did. When she medaled in the Pig Pageant for the third year in a row, she banded together with the gold and silver medalists to take back the term "piglet" and make it into something powerful. I was all onboard this girl-power trip, and loved the message.
I also really loved Mireille. She was witty, amusing, and a little snarky. She loved poking the bear when it came to her mom, but when it came down to it, she had nothing but love for her. In fact, she just wanted more for her. Mireille had a lot of growth during this story, and I always expect that in a good YA book.
Both Astrid and Hikima added to the fun. The three could not have been more different from each other, but I love that this wonderful friendship came from something so awful. I also thought it was so sweet the way Astrid and Mireille took on the roles of big sister to Hikima. Mireille was not quite as warm and fuzzy as Astrid, but she had a heart of gold underneath it all, and there were many decisions she made which support this.
I kind of loved the way Beauvais tied things up at the end. She gave a little something to all the main players - Mireille, Astrid, Hikima, Kader, Mireille's mother and step-father. I am a sucker for a happy ending and I got that plus a great deal of closure.
Overall: A delightful coming-of-age road trip, which made me laugh and warmed my heart.
**I would like to thank the publisher for the review copy.
This book — Piglettes in English — is what I call a good surprise. A really good one. I hadn't expected to like this book as much as I did.
Three girls — Mireille, Astrid, and Hakima — find themselves being awarded the Gold, Silver and Bronze trotters by their classmates after a vote took place on this Facebook. For Mireille, it's her third time, and the fact that the guy who created this award was once her childhood best friend is something she cannot let go of. These three girls decide to go to Paris with their bikes — and Hakima's brother, Kader, who is going with his wheelchair — to attend a garden party at the Élysée. How are they going to fund this trip? By selling black, white, and vegetarian pudding. How ironic.
This book was extremely funny, it made me laugh a lot, that was unexpected but nice. I enjoyed the girls, and I liked Kader as well, I liked their relationships. It wasn't a groundbreaking story, it had some ableist language and I didn't always agree with what it said about feminism, but it set an interesting discussion on how fat people are being perceived and discriminated against in our society.
It honestly was a sweet story, I had such a good reading time! I'm not sure I'd reread it, but it's definitely a book I see myself recommending in the future!
3.75 -
Chvíľu mi trvalo, kým som si na príbeh a jazyk, akým je písaný, zvykla. Kniha sa mi zdala akási “zhrubnutá”, neláskavá, tvrdá. Správanie aj jazyk prakticky všetkých postáv, cynizmus.
Postupne si ma však predsa len získala. Nešlo, našťastie, o žiadny osudový prerod s happy-endom hollywoodskeho charakteru, skôr o pomerne prirodzený posun - príbehu i postáv v ňom.
Veľmi prirodzene kniha prepája množstvo dôležitých tém. A je zábavná, nie že nie! -
Écouté en livre audio. Super drôle !
Nie je jaternica ako jaternica. Dôkazom je aj táto vegánska, ekologická verzia, ktorú si môžte kúpiť v kníhkupectve. Jaternica medzi knižkami? Áno. A rovno tri (za cenu jednej)!
“Vždy to tak bolí?”
“Gramatika? Hej, je to veľmi bolestivá záležitosť.”
“Ale nie, krámy.”
Toto bolo také milučké, nenútené a vtipné. Hneď na začiatku sa zoznámite s hlavnými postavami - s hanblivou Hakimou, najväčšou fanúšičkou kapely Indochine Astrid a jedinečnou Mireille. Tieto dievčence spája to, že sa ocitli na špičke zoznamu najškaredších dievčat na škole, alebo aj inak povedané, vyhrali súťaž - Miss jaternica. Je to naozaj odporná zábavka, ktorá ma poukazovať na zovňajšok dievčat, ničí to ich sebavedomie a sebalásku... Ale, niekto zabudol na to, že sa tam ocitla aj Mireille, ktorá si z toho už nič nerobí (minulý rok tento rebríček vyhrala) a dokonca to so svojimi kolegyňami - Jaternicami využije vo svoj prospech!
Kiežby bolo takýchto knižiek viac. A kiežby by som ich čítala v pubertálnom veku. Za humorom a dobrodružstvom sa skrývajú dôležité veci, ktoré mnohé deti a pubertiaci zažívajú (a možno aj dospeláci). Šikana, vysmievanie sa, je ok nebyť ok, život s hendikepom, nízka sebaúctu a sebaláska… všetko bolo podané nenútene a prirodzene, za čo sa autorke klaniam, pretože je ťažké napísať knihu pre také kritické a citlivé obdobie, akým je puberta.
Je to skvelá oddychovka, ktorá ľuďom aj niečo dá, nájdete tu skvelé postavy a veľké dobrodružstvo! Plus tá obálka a prevedenie…nádhera! -
Une pépite ! Le style et l’humour de l’autrice m’ont beaucoup plu, l’histoire est originale et pleine de beaux messages ... je frôle le coup de cœur !
Cynická, sarkastická, vtipná a naozaj reže do živého. Úplne rozumiem, že táto kniha niektorým ľuďom nesadne a dôvody môžu byť rôznorodé, od toho, že je hlavná postava neúctivá k matke, neláskavá k ľuďom naokolo seba, že neznáša samu seba a odporúčala by vlastnej matke, aby ju potratila, keď zistila, že je tehotná. A tu je presne ten moment, kedy si človek môže povedať, že prečo má práve to rozčuľuje (to čo vás irituje má svoj pôvod vo vnútri vás (povedala moja terapuetka)).
Hoci sa všetko môže zdať premrštené (Taká krutá súťaž? To ich rodičia pustia do sveta? Také papuľnaté dievča? Zrazu také mediálne pokrytie?), myslím, že sú premrštené len presne o ten jeden malý krok, ktorý vedie k tomu, aby niekto napísal zaujímavú knihu.
U mňa jednoznačne najviac rezonuje vzťah matky a dcéry. Kričí to z celej knihy, aké je pre sebaurčenie dieťaťa dôležité vedieť, ako a prečo sa narodilo.
Za mňa veľmi svieži závan v young adult literatúre a posúvam tejto cieľovke okolo mňa. -
PODCASTové zamyslenie je tu
Na facebooku boli vyhlásené za najškaredšie baby na škole. Astrid, Hakima a Mireille získali zlato, striebro a bronz v súťaži Miss Jaternica a rozhodne preto neotvárajú šampanské. Možno by mali sedieť doma a plakať do vankúša. A to aj urobia. No hneď potom nasadnú na bicykle a vydajú sa na roadtrip. Že kam? Veď predsa do Paríža! Lebo viete ako, Bejby nebude sedieť v kúte a Jaternice tiež nie!
Vyberte sa na dobrodružnú cestu naprieč voňavým francúzskym vidiekom s Mireille, Hakimou a Astrid. Ich dokonalý plán prepašovať sa na záhradnú slávnosť v Elyzejskom paláci zahŕňa okrem iného pouličný predaj jaterníc (áno, jaterníc!), prespávanie v stane na kraji cesty i obrovské množstvo zjedeného syra. S čím však ani jedna nepočítala je záujem médií o ich príbeh.
Ako to celé dopadne? Podarí sa našim hrdinkám hodiť problémy za hlavu? A prečo mieria práve do Elyzejského paláca?
Kniha Jaternice tiahnu na Paríž je živelný príbeh o dospievaní a hľadaní si svojho miesta vo svete, v ktorom ste v jeden deň vyhlásené za najodpudivejšie dievčatá na škole a na druhý sa ocitnete na titulných stránkach novín ako nekorunované kráľovné boja proti šikane.
Príbeh troch kamarátok sa stal vo Francúzsku absolútnym bestsellerom a získal niekoľko ocenení, medzi inými aj prestížnu cenu Prix Sorcières pre najlepšiu tínedžerskú knihu. Ich dobrodružstvá inšpirovali tvorcov zo sveta divadla i filmu a boli preložené do viacerých jazykov.
Prvá veta: Tak a je to, výsledky sú na facebooku: som tretia, bronzová jaternica.
Posledná veta: „A v tom stáde,“ pokračovala Hakima už len tichým hláskom, „vidím tátoše, čo padali a šliapali pritom do vzduchu a kopali, kopali, kopali tými veľkými nohami, až si uvedomili, že im narástli krídla a môžu sa zachrániť.“
Goodreads Challenge 2021: 86. kniha -
Je m'étais gardée cette lecture pour l'été et j'ai bien fait!
La plume de Clémentine Beauvais est assassine et tellement drôle, elle touche et pique. Bref on s'en tord les boudins !
Ce livre retrace le road trip complètement déjanté de trois adolescentes qui ont été nommées "Les trois Boudins" par leur (gentils) camarades de classe.
L'auteur aborde ici des thèmes graves dont nous avons l'impression de ne pas maitriser et tourne le tout en dérision. Le tout est très léger et agréable à lire.
Une chose est sûre je continuerai à suivre Clémentine Beauvais (et comme elle me l'a mis dans sa dédicace, il est à déguster avec un bon crottin de Chavignol!) -
un road-trip savoureux et drôle avec un trio d'héroïnes très attachant
Un moment sympa, une belle épopée, et un humour décapant !
I read this book because I suggested it for my class: I had to know what my students were about to read!
I really loved Mireille's humor: it brightened the entire book! Because, well, let's say it: the subject is quite heavy. Beauty, its standards, and ugliness. These girls are deemed "fat lumps", if we translate "boudins" in English. That's awful. And Mireille's strength is exemplary. But, clearly, she's just hiding what she really feels: rejection, from about everybody, be it her mother, her father, or students in her class. She made my heart ache, I wanted to hug her.
About the story: I really liked the idea, but I got a bit "bored" in the middle. Really, the thing that kept me reading is the style, Mireille's way to tell things. It was great really! I laughed at loud sometimes - just with the cat's name, Babyboule! My, I find it so funny!! Then Mireille's eloquence, her poetic gushes. I loved her relationship with her mom: we feel their love, even if they don't express it. And I really, really, wanted her to ackowledge Philippe!
The ending was not at all disappointing! Quite the opposite in fact! I didn't think it would end this way, but it was better than what I expected.
Really, a good surprise, even if it's not a favorite! I might consider reading another book by Clémentine Beauvais! -
Neviem sa rozhodnut ci to je 3.5 alebo 4 :D
Nemala som s knihou absolutne ziaden problem, je krasne a vtipne napisana. Je to presne taka ta europska kniha pre tínedžerov - nie je zbytocne idealizovana, je uprimna a neskutocne vtipna. A rozhodne je pre 13 rocne baby, lebo je tak milo naivna. Riesi kramy, sikanu, vojnu, feminizmus a proste vsetky mozne dolezite temy takou teen odlahcenou formou, ked sa pytaju co to znamena.
Takze to zhodnotim tak, ze je to strasne mile, vtipne, autorka je nesmierne šikovná a viem si predstavit, ze toto bude zboznovat kazde mlade dievca, na mna to bolo trochu prilis mlade.
Inak ale milujem Mlady Absynt! Nadherna edicia - mate tam ikonky, ktore vam jasne povedia, pre koho kniha je, potom tam je ilustracia aurorky a cosi o nej a aj ilustracia a cosi malo o PREKLADATELKE! A k tomu je to ekologicka kniha. Proste milujem to 🥰 -
Výborné! Ak chceme pritiahnuť k čítaniu mladých ľudí, podstrkujme im takéto knižky, nie dvesto rokov mŕtvych ruských klasikov (ktorí sú často samozrejme kvalitní, ale dosť dobre neposlúžia nášmu účelu).
Súčasné, svižné, vtipné, príjemne napísané. Milé postavy, láskavý humor aj občasná dávka sebairónie. Jaternice tiahnu na Paríž je výborne namiešaným koktejlom emócií a pocitov - pobavenia, dojatia, spravodlivého rozhorčenia, ale aj nádeje či súcitu. Absynt si na spustenie svojej mládežníckej edície ani nemohol vybrať lepšie. -
I came across this on
BookTube and it looks soooo cute. Also I highly recommend the
Cook Read Create channel on YouTube.
Mands, aka The Bookish Manicurist, aka one of my favorite people ever, is one of 3 people I trust implicitly for book reviews and I love that she's vlogging on the regular now. I've already added 3 books based on her June wrap up alone. Just FYI, the other two books I added are:
A Cardboard Palace and
How to Bee. -
Grappig en hartverwarmend jeugdboek over drie meisjes die niet in hun slachtofferrol kruipen nadat ze op sociale media uitgeroepen worden tot "lelijkste meisjes van de school" . Wat volgt, is een meeslepende roadtrip naar Parijs waarin samenhorigheid en creativiteit centraal staan. Mooi!
L'un des très bons romans jeunesse lus ces dernières années! -
Nawet nie wiedziałam jak bardzo potrzebowałam takiej książki. Zabawna, smaczna, miła i bardzo wartościowa historia. Świetnie się przy niej bawiłam! -
"... lebo vždy keď o nás niekto povie, že sme geniálne, silné, inteligentné a bojovné, na sociálnej sieti niekto okamžite napíše, že sme tučné, odporné trapky, škraty a pobehlice, babizne a cundry, špinavé hlupane, ohyzdné mangalice. Kto sú tí ľudia: Je to záhada. Sú za týmito ohromnými nadávkami osoby, ktoré skutočne žijú, jedia, smejú sa a tancujú? "
Bolo to veľmi príjemné, ale často som si musela pripomínať, že ja nie som cieľovka tejto knihy. Lebo ňou sú 13 a viac ročné dievčatá.
Príbeh je o troch dievčatách, ktoré sú v škole vyhlásené za najškaredšie baby v súťaži Miss jaternica. Kniha rieši problematiku nadváhy, ale prijateľne. Dievčatá sa rozhodnú bicyklovať do Paríža, ale nie preto, aby schudli, ale preto, aby niečo (každá niečo iné a zároveň aj všetky spolu) dokázali.
V knihe sa rieši: šikana, rasizmus, body positivity (vhodnou formou, žiadna glorifikácia obezity), téma vojny a toho ako ju prežívajú vojaci (letmo), komplikácie, ktoré v živote zažívajú hendikepovaní, prvá menštruácia, zaľúbenie sa, nájdenie si cesty k nevlastnému rodičovi (!! toto ma potešilo, keďže som už dávnejšie premýšľala nad tým, že filmov o tom ako neznášať svoju macochu je milión, ale o tom opačnom, čo deti viac potrebujú, je filmov oveľa menej). Tiež je podľa mňa fajn, že medzi riadkami je ukázané aj to, že zdravý životný štýl je lepšia cesta, ale bez žiadnych extrémov.
Jediné, čo ma mrzí, že sa tam naznačilo aj čo je feminizmus, ale ostalo to v rovine "feministka je nadávka" bez toho aby vysvetlili význam pojmu - koniec koncov kniha je rozhodne aj feministická :)
Určite dám Jaternice svojej budúcej dcére prečítať a potom sa o nich porozprávame niekde pri koláčiku (aj s jej tetou od ktorej som knižku dostala haha). -
I came across Piglettes when I was in the library one day and after a quick read of the synopsis and discovering that it featured a group of girls going on a bike roadtrip to Paris, I knew I had to read it! I visited Paris a few years ago myself and absolutely loved it! So, I was looking forward to being reminded of the city.
During the beginning of the book we find out that three young girls, Mireille, Astrid and Hakima have just been voted the three ugliest girls in school by their classmates on social media. After this the girls come together and decide they want to make a stand and the best way to do this is to attend a national event in Paris and make their voices heard.
- The plot is essentially quite simple which made the book easy to follow and understand.
- The author isn't afraid to discuss/bring up controversial topics, such as online bullying, weight, periods, disability and I really appreciated this.
- I loved the bike roadtrip aspect of the book, it was so interesting learning more about France and its culture.
- The book focuses on giving a positive message to readers - which is "that what's inside is more important than what you look like on the outside."
- Although, the ending was good, it did confuse me a little. I'm still not entirely sure if the President's partner knew exactly who Mireille was.
Overall, this was a really fun read that delivered an incredibly important message. I feel Piglettes is maybe aimed at slightly younger readers because of the simpler language used but it can still be enjoyed by older readers too. -
Jakie to było dobre ❤️
Bawiłam się świetnie, wielokrotnie się śmiejąc.