Title | : | Healing the Hurts of Your Past: A Guide to Overcoming the Pain of Shame (The Overcoming Series: Self-Worth, Book 1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 208 |
Publication | : | First published November 1, 2011 |
"I was blown away at how accurate it describes the mind and the way shame affects so many areas of our lives from perfectionism to the way we raise our kids. The biggest takeaway for me was discovering how the shame I'd lived with had actually influenced the way I parented my child."
"This has been the best purchase I have made this year. I wish I would have come across it sooner. An extremely good read and very helpful. I would recommend it and have recommended it to many of my close friends."
"I can't say enough about this book, I wish I could give it a ten. Well written and right to the point. Everything you need to know about healing your past and moving on."
Don't Let Your Past Hurt Define You
Many people let the hurt from their past define them. As a result, they live in a world of depression, often trying to medicate their pain with drugs, alcohol and various self-destructive behaviors. Why is that? The answer, in a word, is shame.
The Role of Shame in Your Life
Shame declares you to be worthless. Once you believe that lie, you will live as if it’s true. With your self-esteem in jeopardy, you scramble to find value in three primary ways: you seek to prove your worth, you seek to hide your worthlessness, or you simply express the pain of your worthlessness in self-destructive ways, which can include suicide.
A Biblical Approach to Self-Esteem
F. Remy Diederich connects the dots to your shame based behavior, helping you understand why you do what you do. Then he gives practical advice on how God's love can free you to live the life you've always wanted.
Remy roots his help in a strong biblical case without being religious or preachy. Even non-believers will find help. You will learn:
How the lies you believe control and defeat you.
The roots of shame: what events from your past lead to shame.
The fruit of shame: how shame manifests in your life in self-destructive ways.
How God’s love is the antidote for shame, giving you the self-esteem and purpose you've longed for to live a new life.
Questions at the end of each chapter help you to process the material personally or to discuss it in a small group setting.
Take the First Step to Change
If you have been looking for the first step to Christian counseling, addiction treatment, or just repairing the damage from your past, then "Healing the Hurts of Your Past" might be for you. Read all the reviews to see how the book has helped the readers live a new life.
Note: The three books in the Overcoming Series can be read in any order. They each stand alone, although when read together, complement each other, helping the reader to find freedom from a variety of emotional issues.
Overcoming Anger: "STUCK"
Overcoming Loss: "Return From Exile"
Healing the Hurts of Your Past: A Guide to Overcoming the Pain of Shame (The Overcoming Series: Self-Worth, Book 1) Reviews
I love the author's style of writing. It is conversational and he has the ability to break down concepts into bite-size and understandable explanations. Each chapter has journal/discussion questions that are helpful to process what was just read. He breaks the book into 4 parts: shame defined and the lies of shame, the roots of shame, the fruit of shame, and cutting down the shame tree. He gives very practical advice on how to reprogram the lies one has believed. There are great resources in the back of the book for other books to read, and Bible verses to help retrain one's thinking about who you are. The author is a pastor and addiction counselor, so he has real life experience dealing with many people who are paralyzed by shame. Having come from a church background that did nothing but shame from the pulpit, this book was so helpful in reframing my perspective of who I am. He has helpful diagrams as well. Well worth the read!
Quite helpful to me in a rather bleak time.
This is the best simple introduction to shame from a Christian perspective that integrates well contemporary psychology. The roots of shame are: abuse, ridicule, your name, neglect, secrets, and traumatic events. The fruits of shame are: control, denial, and expression. The goal is to cut down the shame tree by understanding which lies you have believed and replacing them with God’s truth about who you are. The fruit of truth is joy and peace. The only downside of this well-organized, self-help book is that the focus is on American shame and is occasionally oversimplified. I read the third and revised edition.
This is a book that works as a guide and tells us how to heal the suffering from past actions. It shows us a list of things that we should make rearranges in our way of thinking in order to change the things that hurts us inside.
¨there is no one response to the pain of shame. Every person handles it in a different way.¨
page 13.
The author expresses six typical reactions to the pain. Denial, suppression, cover up, medication, suffering and suicide.
¨men tend to deny their shame more than women to. I thin it is harder for men to admit that they hurt emotionally.¨ page. 13