パーフェクトワールド 4 (Perfect World, #4) by Rie Aruga

パーフェクトワールド 4 (Perfect World, #4)
Title : パーフェクトワールド 4 (Perfect World, #4)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : Japanese
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : -
Publication : First published September 13, 2016

仕事の飲み会で初恋の人・鮎川に再会し、トキメキを感じるつぐみ。でも、彼は車イスに乗る障害者になっていた。Kiss連載時より反響殺到!! 新鋭・有賀リエが描く痛切で美しいラブストーリー! 作者初の同名単行本1巻より、第4話を収録!

パーフェクトワールド 4 (Perfect World, #4) Reviews

  • Mariana

    Aquí ya empiezan a mejor un poco más las cosas, pero no al nivel que yo quería y necesitaba. Estoy muy estresada de la falta de comunicación entre ellos dos y el estrés que me dan los que interfieren con la felicidad de ambos.

    Merecen ser felices.

    Aquí tiene un lugar especial el amigo de la infancia de protagonista. Me cayó super gordo. Desde que salió supe que iba a traer problemas, pero AGGGG. Odio a las personas que interfieren en la felicidad de los protagonistas.

  • Amanda (BookLoverAmanda)

    3.5 rounded to 4
    My heart is breakkkkinngggggg for these characters! I need happiness! Lol going to take a break on these for a bit, phewwwww. Still such a great series. But I’m a bit frustrated right now with the characters😭😆

  • Jen

    Oh my goodness, this is so good! I only have the next book and then I need to get the rest! 4, the pages turn themselves, stars.

  • Kadi P

    Rough times, man. Can we have some happiness please?
    Full RTC soon...

  • Dayla

    I love this series and if I hadn't of seen the pictures of the next few Volumes, I'd be more heartbroken by the events of this one. But I think it's important for the things that happen in this volume to happen so the couple can appreciate each other even more.

    Happy reading!

  • bian

    I felt a great pain in my chest when reading this...

  • Andrea

    When he calls her omg

  • Sarah

    As always, this series is a heartfelt look at a relationship that comes with unique challenges. It's so sweet, but also so real.

  • Ray Flores

    Every time I read this manga I end up crying like a baby. I don’t really know why this hurts so much but well, here I am, a complete masochist.

    Anyway, in this volume we see how both Itsuki and Tsugumi are dealing with their break up. But, just like in real life, this isn’t the only thing that’s wrong. Apparently, her dad is dying and she has to go back to her home town. But before doing so, her friend, Koreda, confesses his feelings for her and she accepts it, trying to see the bright side in gloomy times.

    But, you see? This guy has liked her for a long time and he’s actually helped her when in need, so I could not blame him for trying to have his share of happiness, even if he knows he won’t be her #1.

    On the other hand, we see Itsuki realizing that being on a wheelchair wasn’t the real problem here but the walls in his heart, how he pushed people away, even Tsugumi. And before she leaves, he tries take her back, only to see her departing. Both Koreda and Itsuki love her in their own way but she’s confused of what she will do, what would be better for her and everybody. At the end of the day she still loves Itsuki but she will have to figure out what happiness means for her.

    Now, like I said, this manga keeps breaking my heart and though I love it so much, it feels like a punch in the gut. I just want them to be happy, at least Itsuki, Tsugumi and Koreda. We’ve seen that other people who live a similar situation can overcome their fears and problems so I hope Tsugumi and Itsuki find their way and get back together.

    Seriously, this manga is far from being all fluffy and cute. This talks about real problems in a serious relationship, whether that means internally or from third parties. I love that the mangaka really builds up the drama and has me totally intrigued of what will happen next.

    This volume contains chapter 15 – 19.


    Volume 1 |
    Volume 2 |
    Volume 3

  • Maria

    Actual rating: 4.5 stars!

    My sister just gifted this one to me on Christmas and I finally had a moment to pick it up and give it a read! This one felt a little more like a filler to add some minor conflict, but the end has me highliy anticipating the next volume!

  • Megan

    3.5/5 stars (rounded up to 4)

    Spoilers for volumes 1-3 ahead!

    I really enjoyed seeing how Kawana and Ayukawa each handled the break-up and thought over their feelings. However, I was not a fan of how Kawana behaved in the second half of this volume. Also, Koreda is really getting on my nerves. I'm hoping volume 5 has less unnecessary drama!

  • Julie

    I can't stand Koreda's crusty dusty ass!! I don't know what it is, but he just rubs me the wrong way. Like he seems nice, but he seems like one of those douchy fake nice guys. Yknow the ones. These are too short tbh. I feel like I'm just not getting enough :( and the cliff hangers!! Ugh.

  • Shae

    I feel like this series doesn't pull its punches when it comes to the important things! Love this story! Need physical prints in the US!
    Though my heart hurts with this series, I still love it!

  • Jordan Murray

    Actual rating 3.75 stars ✨

    I swear, this caregiver is going to be the end of me. She is literally despicable and now she’s sabotaged them more 😭

  • queen0f_hearts

    I had to wait a while before I finally could get my hands on this volume and as soon as I had it in possession I couldn’t hold back reading it any longer. As the volumes before, this one was quite hurting and I felt deeply sad while reading because of the way Ayukawa��s and Kawana’s relationship goes. I want them to be together because they were such a wonderful pairing and they truly love each other but somehow their environment makes it hard for them to be together. Additionally, they’ve built their own boundaries, in their minds and their behavior. It’s such a difficult subject...

    But while reading this volume, I came across another aspect about which I think pretty much. It’s the simple fact that I want Ayukawa to get the girl, though he’s been the one to quit their relationship. As it was said in this installment, he’s built a barrier in his mind and therefore he doesn’t let others in. As a woman in a wheelchair, I understand and relate to that complicated situation he’s in. But thinking objectively, should I really want for him to become Kawana’s boyfriend, when he disposes of her whenever he tells himself, it’s for the better, and when he comes hurrying back for her because he’s realized his feelings can’t be pushed away though he’s aware she’s in a new relationship?

    The other man, Koreda, seems like the perfect boyfriend. He’s been in love with her since high school and he patiently waited for their time. Now, he’s always there for her, helping and supporting her in any way he can. There’s really nothing I — at this moment — can bring up against him. He’s wonderful and Kawana who’s such a self-doubting character needs someone like him at her side. Plus, he never pushed her away. So, how can I complain he’s not the right man for her?

    Now, this is difficult. Do I only root for Ayukawa because he’s in a wheelchair? Out of pity? Because I see myself mirrored in him, kind of? I really can’t tell for sure, no matter how much I consider it. Anyways, I enjoy the story and I’m curious what volume 5 will have in store for the characters. But I also love how this plot makes me reflect myself. A great, authentic story this is!

  • Sonja Lovinbooks

    Perfect World ist eine Reihe voller Emotionen und daher bin ich absoluter Fan. Ich fiebere jedem Band entgegen und so auch diesem hier. Denn jeder Band endet mit einem fiesen Cliffhanger. In Band 3 hat Itsuki sich von Tsugumi getrennt und nun wollte ich natürlich wissen, wie es mit den beiden weitergeht.
    Tsugumi trauert sehr um Itsuki und hat unfassbaren Liebeskummer. Für sie war die Beziehung mit ihm das Beste, was ihr je passiert ist und sie kann ihn nicht verstehen, warum er denkt, sie wäre unglücklich gewesen. Doch wie immer, fängt Hirotaka sie auf und ist für sie da. Die beiden kommen sich rasch näher.
    Mir hat dieser Band auch wieder sehr gut gefallen, denn die Emotionen sind jederzeit greifbar und haben mich mal wieder tief berührt. Auch wenn Itsuki und Tsugumi getrennt sind, so berührt mich ihre Geschichte einfach und ich bin unwahrscheinlich gespannt, wie es nun weitergehen wird. Zumal dieser Band mal wieder, Überraschung, mit einem ganz gemeinen Cliffhanger endet.

    Perfect World ist nach diesen wundervollen 4 Bänden bereits meine Lieblingsreihe. Sie ist so emotional und ich mag die Protagonisten so gerne. Ich bin unglaublich gespannt, wie es nun weitergehen wird!
    5 von 5 Punkten

  • ℂ ✧

    Una història d'amor hetero plena de drama, anades i vingudes i amb un protagonista que va amb cadira de rodes per culpa d'un accident. Trobo que és una sèrie que retrata molt bé les lesions medul·lars i totes les possibles afectacions en la vida diària així com el repte que suposa tenir parella quan es pateix una discapacitat en el context de la societat japonesa. M'ha sorprès (i molestat força, la veritat) com l'entorn de la parella principal es creu en el dret d'intervenir i jutjar-los. A la trama té massa protagonisme la família i els "enemics/rivals", s'estira massa el xiclet i hi ha aspectes de la parella que es podrien haver aprofundit més. Com a punt a millorar, em sembla que la història és massa vainilla i que el tema de la sexualitat només es toca de puntetes. En general, una història d'amor diferent i refrescant, però amb un ritme irregular.

  • Laura

    The first 3 volumes of this manga were really good however there is a lot of unnecessary drama and sometimes it seems like its going through a cliché shoujo manga checklist and what with this being a josei series I am a bit disappointed with this. Hopefully, the rest of the volumes don't have so much unnecessary drama and misunderstandings and we get some character development for other characters that aren't Ayukawa (he has had a lot of good development so far) as Kawana is a very bland main character.

  • lexi ✨

    “every moment is worth treasuring, good or bad”

    i love how kawana channeled her feelings into that painting of the ferris wheel & gave it to ayukawa

    also idk if i’ve mentioned this before but i love how this manga focuses on characters who work in architecture & design

    i’m so sad that they’re still broken up i was expecting them to immediatelg get back together & live happily ever after, but that’s not realistic & with koreda in the picture it makes things a lot more complicated.

  • Michael Schmid

    Dieser Band hat mir wieder richtig gut gefallen! Zwar ein regelrechtes Hin und Her, aber endlich gestehen sich mal einige ihre Gefühle und der Cliffhanger macht auch wieder gut was her. Bin gespannt! :D

  • Tia

    Can we please ship Koreda and Nagasawa off somewhere far away to a desert island? Gah. Although I’m a bit annoyed with Itsuki at this point too. Honestly, you all just need to get it together. Can I hang in for like 8 more volumes of heartache? I’m not sure.

  • Demelza

    I’m not crying; you’re crying.

  • SpaceBubble

    Encore une fois une vraie merveille avec un fin de tome qui laisse du suspens ! J’ai si hâte de lire la suite !

  • Elizabeth Murray

    I just need Ayukawa and Kawana to be happy together. If Kawana’s dad doesn’t accept Ayukawa soon, I will be rioting in the streets. Also I feel so bad for Koreda, such a nice man, but such horrible timing for him. Love him to death even if Kawana doesn’t. This series is underrated in every way.

  • Queen Ophilia III

    Really sad, I had some tears coming up >.<

  • Tania

    Koreda merece todo porque siempre está ahí, es comprensivo, dispuesto a apoyar y, en serio espero que sea feliz.

    La trama: Ayukawa y Kawana se han separado. Kawana dejó su trabajo y ha vuelto a su pueblo natal porque su padre está enfermo. En fin. Ayukawa reflexiona sobre el porqué no deja que nadie se acerque sentimentalmente a él. Por otro lado, Kawana decide salir con Koreda y, dios, este hombre, es tan bueno que me dueleeeeee.

    Este manga me destroza siempre haha. Chale.

  • chelci whorley

    Idiots they are frickin idiots. Get your shit together

  • Jill

    This was a great volume. I can't wait to see what happens in volume 5!

  • Sara

    I am so Team Ayukawa!!!