Title | : | Shadow Soul (The Night Horde SoCal, #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 324 |
Publication | : | First published March 14, 2015 |
Demon met Faith Fordham when they were young—when she was quite young. The daughter of the former club’s Sergeant at Arms, Faith set her sights on the Prospect with the romance-hero eyes, and she didn’t care that her father, and her age, had made her off limits. As captivated by her as she was by him, and a slave to his impulses, Demon, too, ignored the dangers of loving the SAA’s forbidden daughter.
It ended in the only way it could. They were torn apart, lost to each other. Losing everything.
Ten years later, Faith comes home to a place she’d never lived, and Demon, darker now than ever, is there.
Note: explicit sex and violence.
Shadow Soul (The Night Horde SoCal, #2) Reviews
4 stars. Rating clarification see below. Review completed March 23, 2015
Being a parent doesn't mean that you can chain your child to yourself. You give kids roots so they know they are always welcome home and won't forget where they came from when they are ready for take off to spread their wings. They will occasionally have an accident and get banged up a bit but we hope they won't crash and burn. Getting hurt and making their own mistakes, while at the same time knowing they have their parents' trust to do it right, is part of a long process. It's called growing up and, ultimately, cutting the cord because there comes a time when kids will have a big enough rucksack on their back to walk through life and make their own decisions. They will own their position and that's the good thing about standing on their own two feet. Have a little faith in your offspring. Give them the trust they have a right to claim and expect from their parents. You may shelter, protect, advise and guide them for all you're worth. But. Don't choke them. Don't restrain them. Don't force your will on them because that's not love. Life happens, you can't turn back the time. And, don't you dare projecting your beliefs and perceptions on your kids. You'll lose them or, at least, the bond is going to crumble.
My point is that Faith's parents, Blue and Margot, disappointed me greatly. I'm not sorry that Blue died (no spoiler, he was dead for quite a while already). Being protective is one thing but sheltering your seventeen-year-old daughter to the point where you are smothering and patronizing her "to death" (figuratively speaking) and putting shackles on her feet and hands, isn't going to lead anywhere. Well, it can only end up in a disaster, can't it? When I was privy to Margot's diagnosis and got an eye and earful of what kind of human being and mother she'd been, I couldn't help wanting the word karma practically spitting in her face. And, surprise, surprise, Things like these make me sad and angry. I had an inkling what kind of secret Faith had been carrying around for the last ten years and I expected her mother to react the way she did. However, I didn't expect her to well, let's say that came as a nasty surprise. was yet another low blow.
The part of him that knew he should stop was almost inaudible.
Almost. He pulled back. "You have to stop me," he murmured on her lips. "I can't stop, You have to do it."
I blame Deme for my slightly red-rimmed eyes and sore heart. Guilty as charged. Deme stuck out of that vast ocean of stereotypical badass biker dudes. Let's be honest, he wasn't badass enough to qualify as a tough-as-nails biker guy but I was ok with that.
However, let me get my issues off my chest.
I loved Deme. I really did. But.
I'm the first to admit that I love men getting emotional; I love to see them crying once in a while because they are definitely entitled to that kind of outburst. Yet I felt that he really cried a bit too much and the constant 'I love Yous' that Deme and Faith exchanged felt overdone. Also, it is very unfortunate that the last third of the story lost its momentum, was somehow too sugary and I'm sorry to say that it kinda fell flat for me. Fact was, I was sorely disappointed when Deme finally revealed everything of his past to Faith and it happened off page. That could have been such a crucial part of the entire book and the reader isn't privy to their talk?? I was so incredibly stoked when I was past the 29% mark and the story, dialogue and characters practically overwhelmed me and I was thinking "Holy crap. This might be the best that Fanetti has ever written". So….don't count your chickens before they're hatched, right?
Another big issue I did have was that Demon didn't get professional help. Deme is a very likeable guy and he really tried to get his life under control and he was a good dad, no doubt about it. The scenes between him and Motor Man were adorable and I loved these two guys. Yet with his background story and his "personality disorders" and him acting out and blowing a fuse all the time, he was in dire need of therapy. Seriously. Michael was so messed up, it's simply unrealistic to believe that love can heal everything. Lovin' Faith won't prevent him from having his scary and highly choleric outbursts. Again, that man needed professional counseling.
Despite my issues, I really enjoyed this second installment because it made me feel and I'd like to strongly encourage you to give Demon's story a shot because he's definitely worthy of your time and money.
Give him some TLC--he needs it.
Recommended read.
Rating clarification:
3.5 stars for the first third
5 stars for the second third
3 stars for the last third
Average rating: 3.83333333, I rounded up to 4 stars. -
GIVEAWAY: 2 kindle copies. Find info here ->
Shadow & Soul opens with a poignant dedication that sets the tone of this story.
”This story is also dedicated to the children no one looks out for, and to the adults they become.”
I knew right away my heart was going to be in my throat for this book.
Shadow & Soul is a forbidden romance that progresses into a second chance romance with the heartiness of Michael (“Demon”) and Faith’s tumultuous love story. Demon’s story begins in book one; Strength & Courage, and becomes the main focus of this book. When we first meet this broken man I knew I was going to love his story because it wouldn’t be an easy, peasy, cheesy love story. Ms. Fanetti’s muse, Lola, loves to play with her beloved characters and Demon was no exception. Lola’s been quoted as saying, “Sure, I love a good torture. Blood and guts is my meat and potatoes. But angst—tears—that’s my Dom Perignon. When Susan cries while she’s writing, I am intoxicated.” *shivers*
Faith was born and raised in the MC where she grew up feeling connected to the lifestyle. While Demon was raised in foster care where he had to learn to fend for himself. Even though, their childhoods were shaped differently these two were immediately attracted to each other.
The shadow of their past love affair still haunts them ten years later when they meet again. At this meeting it’s as if all those years had vanished and their souls were intertwined together. Despite the fact their relationship was no longer forbidden the fear they felt from the earlier years still lingers in the shadows of their re-acquaintance. Along with their past fears both of them have personal stuff they are dealing with that test the strength of their newly formed bond.
I loved how emotional this love story is with both characters battling their own “demons.” Ms. Fanetti is a favorite author of mine because she isn’t afraid to write a story that has realistic aspects even if it breaks the readers hearts. Lola's ability to make a story come alive with the facet of realness adds to each story. The characters never travel the easy road but instead they battle uphill for their happiness.
♥Thank you for another well told tale from the mc world, Ms. Fanetti. ♥
Meet the men of Night Horde of SoCal Motorcycle Club(& their women):
Hoosier: President.
♥Bibi♥: Mama to the Horde family
Bart: (30ish years old) Vice President
♥Riley♥: movie star.
Connor: SAA. Hoosier's son.
Lakota: Secretary & Treasurer.
Sherlock: Intelligence Officer.
Muse: (43 years old) Enforcer. Somewhat of a mentor to Demon
♥Sid♥: social worker
Demon: (32 years old) Enforcer. A scarred man from a rough upbringing.
♥Faith♥: born and raised in an MC
♥Ingrid♥: model
Ronin: (50 years old) patch.
J.R.:patch. Only black member of of the Horde.
Release date: 3/14/2015
Pre-order | order:
Continuing story where secondary characters from the first book become the main focus in subsequent books.
Book 1 - Muse | Book 2 - Demon | Book - Nolan
To find out if there will be more books in the series click
**Complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.**
This book was phenomenal, a beautifully written story about love lost and found again. The story of Demon and Faith, is told in the present and through memories of their past. And it's a powerful story. Susan Fanetti has quickly become one of my favorite authors. Her stories have such an authentic feel and her characters are always beautifully rendered, flawed and unique.
Shadow & Soul is yet another example of Susan's brilliance. Michael ‘Demon’ Van Buren is a complex character, growing up in the system, he hasn't had an easy life. His internal battles throughout his story are simply heart-breaking. I knew his book was going to be emotional, after getting hints of his story in Strength & Courage. I was not disappointed. Faith Fordham grew up in the MC, she is a strong, independent and passionate. Ten years ago their short time together ended painfully, when their forbidden relationship was revealed. Now, Faith has returned home to care for her mother, and Michael is trying to get custody of his son, Tucker. When these two see each other for the first time in 10 years, they are both overwhelmed. All of those feeling are still there.
How could that be? How could a decade just disappear? How could all that time not make things softer, easier to bear?
Will these two get a second chance at love? This story was perfect, it's messy, yet utterly beautiful. I loved every minute. -
5 Making Something Into Everything Stars * * * * *
WARNING...this is a long ass review... I just needed to say a lot, I guess.
Everyday we see hear about it...we see on the news, or read about it on the net...but we learn the details of another horrific case of neglect in Children's Services and the discovery of all types of abuse. We are shocked... we may even talk about it to co-workers or family and friends... of how terrible it is and how something must be done...and in the telling we mean every word we say....and then life goes on and something else takes our personal attention.
Susan Fanetti has a way with all of her books. She brings to light society issues which may have us consider serious topics more deeply than a news broadcast or article. She brings them front and center and in our face. She has the characters we have grown to know and care for reveal the realities of life....all types of life and through them....we experiences things we never in a million years would. We see how these things form people.... how all of the hurts and trauma play out and some how.... finding a way through them... they become the "better them"... the true beings able to finally accept who they are and move forward.
Powerful stuff.
In this book we have the central story of Demon/Michael and Faith. As with all Fanetti books, we also have the continuing stories of the Club and its members. By using this framework, it gives us a sense of knowing ... of ease allowing us to settle in right away.
We met Demon in the first entry of the SoCal Night Hordes. He was an enforcer who had a rocky relationship with his home charter. He was patched but sent immediately away to be a Nomad due to the betrayal to his brothers. He did what no brother should do...he fell in love with the SAA of the Club's daughter, Faith.
These two were drawn together by some internal recognition...they were like the discarded motor parts Faith would make into art...they were puzzle pieces which only made a whole when fitted together. The power of this need caused both to disregard all warnings...nothing was going to stop them from being together.... and eventually they paid the price.
These two came from such different homes....Faith in a "normal" mother, father, sister home. Three meals, constant parenting, regular school, a roof over her head. In the overall scheme of things it looks fine.
And it was...but not in any Brady Bunch way.
She had a father who was the head of a outlaw biker club. Her mother was an ex porn star. Her uncles and aunts were all members of the club and their "old Ladies".... and it was the shop or clubhouse where she did her playing. All the rough and tumble men knew the rules...and looked out for her. She felt more comfortable around pool tables and cues, motor parts and Sharpie pens.
Her mother let her gravitate to her father as Serenity, her older sister was the favorite there... The Mother adored Serenity, leaving Faith to blossom into the unique artist she became. Faith was independent in her way... and when she first met Michael as a prospect... there was a connection...he saw her, asked about her drawing on her car... noticed and suggested exactly what she had been planning...That was the start...she also had been in sexual lock down for so long...With bikers in formations bringing her to the first day of high school, parked and glaring in full club cutts and shades...the message was sent...HANDS OFF OR DIE....so Faith had been lonely for awhile.
Michael knew to stay away and he tried... oh, how he tried...His background and life experience made him an oxymoron... meaning he was jaded and old for his years yet so uninformed about so many things young people did and grew up knowing. There were these huge gaps created by never having a parent of any kind sit and read to him as a very young child. At two he was brought into the system and from then on, the lessons he learned would leave trails of mental and physical scars so thick and confusing it was a wonder he functioned at all. Experiencing the "Do Good Days", he somehow survived the insidious abuse from so many hands until he could fight back at 13. With multiple foster homes and Juvenile group homes he was primed for survival. What was the added trigger was no restraint on his impulses when angered. His mind would tell him he should stop... he could hear it... but the red haze would cloud his sight and even show through to his skin...and then... all bets were off... Michael would act...This trait, which he hated in many ways, would serve him while being a nomad.
So this is the back story of these two and we learn all of this and so much more through the use of Memories by each of them. These memories fill all the needed understanding of this Romero/Juliet type of love they had and lost.
We come full circle for them...at this time, Demon/Michael is holding all of his pent up aggression in...on his own lock down for the sake of his son, Tucker. He has the one time only chance of getting full custody due to the help of a high profile attorney taking on his cause. His ex was addicted when Tucker was born and that should have had the courts decide for Demon but due to her provoking him and taunting him knowing it would set him off, he ended up hurting her like she actually wanted...thus disqualifying him in court. Over the years he has tried to do right by his son, but blocked every time by a corrupt family worker reporting all things were fine for Tucker when the opposite was the case. It all came to a head when Sid, the social worker who is now with Muse, discovered Tucker in filth, under weight and uncared for. Family Services stepped in and after a lot of quick work, Tucker was placed with the Prez and his woman Bebe. These are the first positive steps Tucker has had in his 2 year old little life. Demon looks to both the man and his woman as a type of mother/father figures.... with Tucker there... they are healing slowly.
Demon is not on the road, he stays away from any outlaw happenings...he is manning the garage and shop. He will not do anything to stop his getting Tucker. This is his daily focus.
Faith has been away from the club for 10 years. She left, no turning back when she turned 18. The loss of the father who loved her...and the cruelty of what was done to her and Demon caused her to never think she could be around that life again. She has come into her own... all of the artistic talent... the seeing things differently has become her calling card. She took her motor parts, nuts and bolts and fused them with flame... creating objects of beauty and also pain...She acquired a following and has done large park pieces and is working on a massive one now. She lives in Venice with her loft as both workroom and home. Her way is confident, cutting and unique to her.
She is pulled from her life by a phone call informing her of her mother being at the hospital at the club location, about 50 miles from Los Angeles. Her sister Serenity was the one who should take these calls...but Serenity is now in Japan. She has distanced herself by being the top in the financial field. This left the personal contact as Faith.
She is at the hospital and Bebe arrives. Bebe is the only one Faith has stayed in contact....and she is hoping Bebe will make it all better. Bebe was her mother's best friend for years... so with her here... there is breathing room. Faith is holding it together as best as she can when the doctors inform them of the situation. The mother was incoherent, naked, combative and hit by a car due to running into the street at night. They are asked if she was on drugs...Faith has no idea and Bebe says no...She has many injuries and they will have to leave her and comeback tomorrow for updates. Faith turns to Bebe and asks to stay overnight at the house...there is hesitation... and then Bebe explains...Michael is there.
Faith, in sweats, ragged, confused and overwhelmed by all of this...takes a moment and says it is ok, I will be fine. It is a moment when we all know... she will be anything but fine.
These two, Michael and Faith, together are addictive; they both have always loved each other so everything is fragile and must tread carefully because they both feel it could all go bad at any moment... that is all they know when together.
This story will rock you deeply. There are so many branches which will take your heart and twist it till you won't think you can breathe.
The coming together of Demon/Michael and Faith.
The Memories and how they interlace with the current events.
How the System fails in so many cases causing children to become broken men.
How a warped sense of "What's Best" destroys relationships and trust forever.
These are only some of the things which are highlighted in this book; there is the acknowledgement of sometimes people will never understand their wrongs..... there is no getting to fix things due to the way life throws its curve balls. Illness can happen and take away the ability to make amends...and in the artful hands of Fanetti, we learn so much to file away for our own lives should things occur.
So much is packed in this book, I can't even touch on the club business and what they are juggling. It is gritty and violent. It is where they are going...no turning back. We get the relationships of all the members we have known from the past and learn of children and life blooming...and we also have the cloud of more which might make all of the ease disappear in an instant. Be prepared to tear up for the happy as well as being shocked and holding your breath.
Our Nolan is still in SoCal... and he has vengeance in his heart and soul. He will not be detoured and it will be playing out in the next book. This is a series which takes you by the hand and leads to places you would not usually go on your own.... too dangerous...but even with the danger... and the pain... there is always the beauty and love....So Fanetti... I am ready... any time any place.
Before Reading
Well, I have it in my hot little hands...
(What is up with all the cliches?)
Very excited and staring now :DDDD
I am waiting with baited breath for this book....
What the hell does that mean, anyway... hahahahaha
Seriously... I am excited to see the release date and have started my count down.
For more Reviews, Free E-books and Giveaways
5 “Trouble is as much the glue as love” STARS
"I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul." ~ Pablo Neruda, Sonnet XVII
After the dedication and then the Neruda quote, I knew I was in for heartbreak. I know I say something along these lines every time I read Susan Fanetti but it warrants saying again and again...this woman is amazing. Her writing is poetic, her stories flawless in tempo, flow and arc and her characters are so memorable, endearing and real.
The second book in the SoCal Night Horde is about Faith Fordham, born and raised in the MC and Michael Van Buren (aka Demon), a foster kid who finally finds a home with the MC. These two have a tortured past, partly of their own doing but also put upon them by the hands of others. Their story is about true love despite age, time or circumstance; about second chances even when you feel you don't deserve it or are afraid to trust it; and about new beginnings among the chaos, the secrets of the past and their own fears.
“Now, twenty-four hours later, all that, all those years of her pretty good life, felt like a dream, one that was breaking into pieces and blowing away...”
"The thought though that he had traveled that full circle should have brought an even deeper sense of peace, maybe even happiness. But instead, Demon felt a creeping certainty that it was indeed a circle he was on, that he would lose it all again."
“It wasn’t about type. It was about being understood. It was about finding someone you fit with, someone whose puzzle matched your own.”
“What do you want?”
“You. I want you. We were wrong before, but maybe we can be right now. I love you, Faith. I never stopped.”
“I never stopped loving you, Michael. Not for a minute.”
“Sometimes, you only had to see what was right in front of you and let the future worry about itself.”
My favourite things about this story:
1. Faith, another kickass heroine whose strength and beauty just leaps off the page. Just like her name, her faith and love for Michael never waivers. It’s a rare kind of love that is pure, true and endless.
2. Demon, a truly broken soul if ever there was one. Beaten down and faced with the ugliest of mankind at such a young age, but despite it all, he is a protector and a loving and gentle soul.
3. Sly, the big ole tom cat. He may just be a cat but his meaning to me was so much more. He saw a kindred spirit in Demon, a survivor and he recognized a gentle loving soul in Faith. You know what they say about animals having that sixth sense about which humans are trustworthy.
4. Bibi, another strong beautiful woman. What an awesome club Queen! She’s a mother to the MC but seeing her with Demon and Faith just had me all emotional. Loved her!
5. Muse, Muse, Muse…loved him in
Strength & Courage and loved to see his bond with Demon even more in this one. A true brother to Demon.
6. Finally, last but certainly not least, Susan Fanetti. I’m constantly in wonder of her and her ability to breathe life, love, loyalty, beauty, hope, family and friendship and so much more into the darkest of places and into the most broken of souls. And in the end of it all, she leaves you with the truth in the strength of spirit, the power of love and that hope shines eternal. -
BeatsStars! Actually, make that TEN!
Susan Fanetti has astounded me, yet again!
I knew this book was going to blow my mind when the dedication brought tears to my eyes. Yes, I was hooked right from the opening page. Oh, the magnificence! And even though it made me a big sappy, stupid mess, I didn’t want it to ever end!
This is the story of Demon and Faith.
Ten years ago their forbidden romance ended in persecution …Wrong. All of it was so fucking wrong. He needed to get clear. Instead, he grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her.
… and when their young love was torn apart it left nothing but pain, regret and longing.You’re so young. You still see your life like an epic story that you get to tell … Life isn’t epic. It’s small and made up of mistakes.
A decade later, their love has not diminished ...How could that be? How could a decade just disappear? How could all that time not make things softer, easier to bear?
... can they overcome the shadows of their pasts while fighting for an uncertain future?
Michael ‘Demon’ Van Buren is such a beautiful, tortured soul. Never have I read a more challenging character … a male character with such conflicting and overwhelming emotions. His backstory is so heartbreaking, every little step forward had me clutching at my heart. There were moments when I wanted to just reach into the book and wrap my arms around him; to let him know that he was loved and accepted. His struggle just made me FEEL … especially the scenes involving his son, Tucker … Daddy Demon had me swooning. ♥♥♥No secrets. No shame. That’s family. Trouble is as much the glue as love.
Faith Fordham is an incredibly strong, passionate and creative leading lady. Her spunky, sixteen year old attitude morphs into an adult self-assuredness … But it is her utter devotion to Michael and her unwavering love that really makes her perfect for this story … no amount of personal angst or drama holds her back from loving her man.I’m not afraid of you, Michael. You’re not a demon. You’re a man - with a scarred and beautiful heart.
This second book in The Night Horde SoCal series is a testament to the brilliance of Susan Fanetti’s writing abilities.
Love story aside ... this book deals with so many issues; abuse, cognitive disorder, family definition, jealousy and forgiveness. And, despite having all that going on - plus the dealings of a progressively unlawful MC - it was never over the top or unrealistic … it was just the opposite. This book is understated and thoughtful … just so utterly REAL. I truly felt like I could walk into the Night Horde SoCal world and meet real people … experience real events.
Every single word holds meaning. Every meaning holds hope.
Every hope holds happiness …
If you’ve yet to catch on to the wonder of this author … well, I honestly don’t know what you’re waiting for?! Susan Fanetti is simply amazing!
Thank you to the author for providing me advanced access to this stunning book!
Release date March 14, 2015
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Series reading order:
Strength & Courage
Shadow & Soul
Related; the Signal Bend series:
Move the Sun
Behold the Stars
Into the Storm
Alone on Earth
In Dark Woods
All the Sky
Show the Fire
Leave a Trail -
June 2020 - This one is great too. I love how it toggles between past and present to really show the never ending love between Demon and Faith. It's a great representation of Bibi and Hoosier too and they're dynamic as King and Queen of the SoCal charter.
Reread as part of the whole series August/Sept. 2017 - I forgot how much I loved the dynamic between Michael and Faith and the circumstances that bring them together and drive them very far apart. Their love story is quite unique compared to the other members of the Night Horde SoCal. Faith is a one of a kind female lead and her abounding love and patience for Michael makes this book what it is. Michael struggles every day but with Faith he's better. The story told in the present but also toggles between memories of the past making it that much more bittersweet. I loved it all over again.
**Shadow & Soul generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.**
Shadow & Soul
5+++ "Point of No Return" Stars
Simply amazing, as per usual Fanetti standard. Rich in symbolism. Poignant plot. Absolutely loved the real story of a Demon losing and finding his Faith.
Each time I read a Susan Fanetti book I’m left in awe when my Kindle reaches the end. She gives so much in her books; so much feeling, so much depth, so much symbolism. Throughout her books, readers can easily take what she gives. There’s never a stall period in the story, never a point that doesn’t flow with the structure she chooses. This is no exception with Shadow & Soul.
Chronicling the great love of Demon and Faith we're toggled between their current present and their sordid past by the memories they relive. There is no more a broken soul than Demon’s. He’s a maelstrom conflicted by the thoughts in his head that create impulsive reactions. Demon is a protector, his greatest gift is the protection, the security you feel with him in your life. He provides this net of safety for his family, those who need him most, whom he needs the most. He cherishes his people.
Faith Fordham calms the storm inside Demon. She sees things others cannot in all aspects of her life and Demon was never an exception. She recognizes the good in him, pushing to expose it for the rest of the world to see. The extraordinary quality about Faith though? While recognizes the good, she also recognizes the fury, the dark – she doesn’t expose this side of this complicated man but rather treats it with delicate care and acceptance. She’s another example of real woman, a strong woman that are uniquely Fanetti.
The story gave me a feeling of star-crossed lovers, the young Romeo and Juliet of the Fanetti MC world, doomed from the start. How will they ever get back to what they shared? There’s nothing more amazing than the honesty these two give each other, from the very start to ten years when they’re thrust into each other’s lives again. The need comes from the strength the give each other, from the implicit trust they’ve always recognized in each other, owning something they need something they thought was lost forever everywhere but their hearts. Demon and Faith have never wavered from the fact that they love only each other no matter the darkness, the time apart, the vicious memories of their past.
Susan Fanetti creates real people with real realities. The fantasy for the reader is wanting the protection, the light that comes out of their darkness. Those bits and pieces of happiness her characters get come from such dark places. Their strength is formidable. The friendships, the bonds, the family Fanetti has created once again out this motley crew of characters is unbreakable, when she extends that bond to her main characters making them lovers she creates a fortress. These people just live.
There’s a lot of symbolism in this book I feel like I could write a 20 page college term paper on everything I feel from Shadow & Soul, I think there’s a force coming, a storm where things are about to get really intense for the SoCal Night Horde. Being a rabid fan, I sense things I sensed while reading Signal Bend – little idiosyncrasies in the plot reminding of the strength of the bond from how the Night Horde started and the journey the mother charter took to the end. I get these feelings about the writing and the way the story went that I can’t even begin to summarize.
But one major thing about this particular book I’d like to point out is the theme of seeing things that aren’t necessarily there. Faith Fordham sees things out of the most unlikely objects both literally in figuratively. My opinion is that Faith’s character is a direct projection of how I see this author.
Because to me, Susan Fanetti see things that aren’t really there, she makes me see things I’ve never seen before. She finds beauty in what others might find ugly. She finds the truest love for people who don’t even believe in the fantasy. She finds this love through honesty, strength, and kindness even when it’s surrounded by chaos. Susan Fanetti does not breed hate or distaste, she finds love in the darkest of places to create light. Susan Fanetti takes broken people and makes them whole through love, loyalty, and friendship.
It’s always abundantly clear, as clear as the sky on a bright summer’s day. But with Demon and Faith, these qualities come alive as if they are a living, breathing extension of the words on the pages from this author.
I’m a fearless Fanetti follower. She’ll lead me through the pits of hell yet still find a way to make me believe in heaven. This woman writes a raw side of human nature, exploits a vulnerable side to her characters and in connection to her readers as well. If you haven’t picked up a book by this woman, I’ll once again implore you to do so.
Favorite Quotes:
"And she kept coming, closing the distance between them. Ten feet, ten years."
"Sometimes, you only had to see what was right in front of you and let the future worry about itself."
5 Star review of Book One in The Night Horde SoCal Series:
Strength & Courage -
"I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. ~ Pablo Neruda, Sonnet XVII"
Shadow and Soul is the second book in the Night Horde SoCal Series. I am such a huge Fanetti addict that getting another fix of my favorite MC author was just what this girl needed! The colorful writing, endearing characters, and in-depth character development makes this book another winner!
Shadow and Soul shifts between the present day and the past.
In the past....
Faith is the daughter of Blue the MC"s Sergeant at Arms. She is a bit of a rebel, tomboy, and artist. Even though she is 16, she is guarded like Rapunzel locked up in a tower. Her dad doesn't trust anyone with his little girl.
Michael (later named Demon) is a new prospect in the club. A former foster child, he has experienced pain and terror. He has found a home with his brothers in the MC.
"For the first time in his whole life, he had a home— a place where he could really sleep at night, without being on guard for bad shit of one kind or another to go down on him."-Michael
When Faith and Michael see each other for the first time, it is like pieces of a puzzle coming together.
"He smiled. And Faith had no idea what kind of mystical power she might have over anybody, but at that moment , she herself was completely ensorcelled."
Michael and Faith are young and in love. Even though Faith is a few years younger, she is a perfect match for Michael. Her calm and open demeanor balance out his crazy and rebellious outbreaks.
"She felt right there. She fit with him."
Then suddenly it ends.
The present day...
Faith has returned home to take care of her sick mother. Michael is trying to win custody of his young son Tucker. Action with the MC is heating up. When Faith and Michael see each other again, it is like time stands still. They are both disoriented as old wounds are torn open.
"In the years she’d been away, everything had changed. And yet, somehow, they’d managed to pull her back into her old life, one that didn’t even exist anymore. It made no sense, and it made her feel disoriented, as if the floor under her feet were unstable, like a carnival funhouse , each room tilting a different way."
Faith and Michael don't come together right away. It takes time and encouragement from their loved ones in the club to find their way.
“You. I want you . We were wrong before, but maybe we can be right now. I love you, Faith. I never stopped. I don’t know how you feel, but—”-Michael
“I love you, stupid. I never stopped, either. “I won’t stop. I’ll never stop.”-Faith
Michael and Faith have a rugged mountain to climb together. They both have secrets. They have demons lurking from their past. In true Fanetti fashion, your heart will break right along with them. You will cry, you will smile, you will sigh, and you will feel the passion between these two!
"He went down on her like there was nowhere in the world he’d rather be."
I just cannot say enough about the beauty in this book. Michael and Faith's story is unique and one that I won't forget. If you like a book with a strong heroine and a reckless hero, than this is the book for you. A beautiful story that reminds us everyone deserves a second chance. Everyone deserves to be loved. Everyone is capable of overcoming pain and heartbreak. Bravo Ms. Fanetti!
"Every hurt had now been healed.
He had everything.
His eyes intent on his hand , he whispered.
“Thank you.”
She put her hand over his.
“For what?”
“Everything.” -
***** 5 ~Unconditional Love~ Stars *****
I had already fallen in love with Demon and his son Tucker in the previous book, Strength & Courage. Getting the whole back story of everything Demon had suffered in is own childhood and having Faith, his first and only love come back into is life, made for a truly magnificent book.
Faith is forced back in town after getting a phone call, telling her that her mother has been in an accident and is in the hospital. She was happy in San Francisco and the last thing she wants is to be back in the place where all her dreams were taken away from her and by the hands of her own parents. Faith's dad was the SSA of a motorcycle club and she grew up around the MC life. Her father's club brothers were her family and she was always around the garage and hanging out with other kids from the club. When she was seventeen she fell in love with Michael aka Demon when he was just starting as a prospect. Their love have been forbidden because a prospect couldn't disrespect an official patch by dating one of his daughters. When Faith parents found out about her and Demon, they reacted badly and destroyed every possibly of a future for the young couple. Not having Demon was something Faith couldn't deal with, so she left her family and the only home she had ever known.
Demon can't believe Faith is back, the girl that took his heart when she left ten years ago. He's been trying to focus on winning the custody battle against his ex and officially become his only legal guardian. Little Tucker has been doing a lot better since he moved into the MC's president home, him and his old lady have been helping a lot. Demon had a terrible childhood, without parents he bounced from one foster home to the next, suffering terrible abuse and loneliness. Demon has a really bad temper and very big trust issues but after learning the reasons behind all his darkness, made me understand and love him so much more. He wants nothing more than to have a family with Tucker and Faith but he doesn't believe he deserves anything good so any time things get rough he looses his temper and then runs. Little does he know, that Faith loves him unconditionally and she will run after him, every single time.
This story was truly heartbreaking. Demon hated that his son was having night terrors just like he used to, when he was little. This man looked so scary and ruthless on the outside but inside he is very sweet and vulnerable. All Demon wants is to love and be loved by his family and brothers and I was just blown away by his character. Beautiful story with a powerful message, this books only get better and better and they are not to be missed.
My Shadow & Soul music playlist:
*Black Sun by Death Cab for Cutie
*In The End by Linkin Park
*Iris by The Goo Goo Dolls
*Wherever Is Your Heart by Brandi Carlile -
I wonder how Susan Fanetti do it. She has a new book out every 2 months (which lead to me spending an obscene amount of money on her compare to other authors that published once a year) and yet every single one of her work is at least a solid 4 stars for me (ok, except for Pagano series, which is not my cuppa). I know everyone had different taste when it comes to the characters, but for me some of the couples that she wrote lack a certain 'WoW' factor. I mean we can't be having everyone as awesome as Isaac and Lilli, right? Shadow & Soul featuring Demon and Faith once again showed that why I should be sticking with this author. This might be the one that I truly love since I read
All the Sky.
Forbidden love, second chances, past, present...
I knew I'm gonna love Demon since I first met him in Muse's book. He is the guy with an uncontrollable temper and prone to violence. When his face start looking red, it means he is gonna detonate. I'm imagining a red version Incredible Hulk. During the last book, he was trying to gain custody of his toddler son from his drug addict ex-girlfriend.
Faith, the woman from his past came back to town to take care of her estranged, but ailing mother. Once these two soulmates met again after a decade, it brought back the old memories...
10 years ago, Faith, 16, daughter of Blue, a MC member. While Demon, 21, a new prospect. She is the forbidden fruit, but despite warning from Blue, they both can't seems to stay away from each other. The young love ended in heartache, loss, misery.
Their past and present was intervene flawlessly in between the chapters. I read the past with a huge sense of foreboding because we already know is gonna be awful for this young couple. I enjoyed the present very much because of how accepting Faith and Demon are with each other. It was as if the decade they were separated never happened.
"We were wrong before, but maybe we can be right now. I love you, Faith. I never stopped. I don't know how you feel, but - "
"I love you, stupid. I never stopped, either"
I know Demon sounds like a violent man, but when he was unprovoked and sober, he is actually a quiet, shy and vulnerable man. We learned more about Demon's childhood and his friendship with Muse. Learning about Demon's background gave us a clearer idea of why he turned out to be the way he is now. We also knew that he and Muse were tight previously, but now we understand more on their history. This book make me love Muse even more.
Faith was having a lot on her plate as well, dealing with her conflicting feelings in regards of her mother. Learning that Demon had a son with another woman was also a lot to take in. I think she handled everything very well despite the circumstances. She loves Demon flaws and all.
"I'm not afraid of you, Michael. You're not a demon. You're a man - a scarred man with a beautiful heart."
I have to admit I'm not overly excited about Nolan's book next because I'm usually not a fan of the younger MC heroes. I prefer them at least in 30s. And seeing as who Nolan's father was, it guarantee going to dig up all the feelings that I rather left buried. -
I definitely need a break from Fanetti's books.
I admit, I fell in love with this author after reading the Signal Bend series! Loved her courage and her characters and her stories, I felt like it was a lot more than some typical MC books. The last book in the series was a bit disappointing, but we all have our moments, right?
Then I started this series. The first book was also a dud, but hey, it happens.... right...?
Well, this one was the 3rd in a row. It's not that it's a bad book, it's just... mediocre. It lacks that edge, that je-ne-sais-quoi that her other series had. Everything felt pretty flat, from the characters to the plot. And I didn't like the trip to the past part, it felt like it really shouldn't have been there.
Maybe it's my fault, read a lot of her books one after another.
Don't get me wrong, it's still a pretty decent biker book, it's a lot better than some, but unfortunately it's not as great as others (her books included).
I'll probably come back to this series/author at one point, right now I need a break.
Give it a try though, it might surprise you! -
05/15/2015 --
Okay, I know this is only fiction, but there were elements of this story that are disturbing to me. I enjoyed this book, but can't, in good conscience condone some of the thinking, or possibly non-thinking in this story.
I did like certain elements:
1 -- I liked the characters; Demon and Faith. I can appreciate the journey they've been on to get back to this place and have their HEA.
2 -- I really like Bibi. She is kick-ass. She is a decent sort and seems to go over and above to take care of the people she loves and considers family.
3 -- The progression for Tucker. This poor little boy has been so much, but kids are resilient and this story outlines just how much this is true.
4 -- The cover. The Joshua Tree is a resilient plant. It traces back to the days of the dinosaur and has a place in the Bible. It is a symbol of hope. The title is a bit puzzling. Shadow -- get it. Soul -- understand it, but coupling it with Shadow isn't as clear for me.
5 -- The MC family. We still don't get much detail on these guys, but I liked the feeling they have for each other. The family connection.
Okay, as mentioned, what I had issue with:
1 -- Demon is a lose cannon. Seriously. He has so little control over his anger and his reactions when he is anxious about something. You have to commend those around him for trying to help him with this, but are they doing enough? He should have some formal counseling. He is violent to the point of black-out when in the grips of these strong emotions. I get it. I understand the why, but it isn't normal and he needs help learning coping mechanisms for it. He may even need pharma help. Scary to think a woman went into a relationship with this guy knowing how he reacts. How will some of life's more anxious moments [and every life has them] be handled by him. How could you rely on this guy being your partner. Serious help needed here.
2 -- Awarding this man a child; his child. I agree, he will never knowingly hurt this boy. However, he should have been getting help either from the courts or as a condition for his attorney to help with his case. I know this is fiction, but I also think this may be a reality too. Just amazing in a very scary way. What kind of example does this set for anyone? Really? I can't be happy that this turned out the way it did in this story.
3 -- I didn't get much of the MC -- or rather the background on many of the MC family. Very bare minimum here. Only the second full read by this author and I can begin to see a pattern. Now, she wants me to read another story about a character I know little to nothing about. Where's the pull? Not here and I think I'm going to move on to something else. I may be back later, or maybe I won't be. Not sure right now, but know I won't read anything else by her for a while.
4 -- I don't like the "memory" portions of the story. I'm not crazy about a story taking a shortcut by having the characters have a "memory" of a situation from their past. I think this is a shortcut and isn't conducive to the flow or story development. It interrupts your thought process and is a cheap way to pull off some history rather than building this into the story in a more developed way. Because then now you have to provide a whole other level of detail to the memory. Build that detail and who really cares? All you want is the memory, not the detail. May not be explaining this well, but for me, when I find a story that relies on this method, it doesn't speak well of an author's skill.
All in all, it was okay. Decent, but not compelling. I do understand people enjoying stories by Ms. Fanetti, but not the serious fangirl craziness. They are really only average reads for me and this one will have a much lower than average rating due to what I mentioned above.
Happy Reading!!
Overall Rating = 1.5 Stars
Book Cover / Book Blurb / Book Title = 5 / 3 / 2 = 3.5 Stars
Writer’s Voice = 3 Stars
Character / Secondary Character Development = 4 / 2 = 3 Stars
“Did I like” Hero / Heroine = 2 / 4 = 3 Stars
Story / Background Story Development = 3 / 1 = 2 Stars
“Did I like the Damned Thing” = 2 Stars
Ending = 3 Stars
Worth the Chili = 3 Stars -- [$3.99 on Amazon, Scribd]
Smexy [HEAT] Rating = Mild to Steamy
324 pages
First sentence: Faith saw Bibi come through the automatic doors into the Emergency Room.
Last sentence: His eyes intent on his hand, he whispered. "Thank you." -
4.5 stars!
All of Me by Angus & Julia Stone
WOW! What an incredible love story! Demon and Faith's story captured me from the very beginning and had me equal parts sad and happy. I can't believe all that they've been through both together and in the past and I know it's a story I won't be forgetting quickly. My only complaint would be the flashback memories. Even though it was nice to see them in the past I don't really enjoy flashbacks and prefer to stick to the present.
I'm still very nervous and weary of the side plots and I just can't help but feel like I'm reading these books with my hands covering my eyes, peeking through at the pages, scared that destruction and pain will appear out of nowhere. But again, that's my issues and my lack of faith that the author won't break my heart (lol). -
Another great read by Susan Fanetti. I am enjoying this series and I think that I like this one a bit more than Muse and Sid's story. Michael(Demon) is so flawed with having a tortured childhood, it's nice to see someone like that have their happy ending. Nolan's story is next(Havoc's son) am interested to see how his will play out.
Tortured and sweet. If you want levity, this one isn't for you. It's full of the feels!
Fanetti is awesome as usual, feel like a broken record. She's slowly building up the storyline, making us feel at ease, even though some crazy and sad things do happen. Feel like she's taking it easy on us. In the immortal words of my cousin Vinny "I am ascared". Waiting for the next one
Five ***I won't stop. I'll never stop*** Stars!!!
Review to follow -
I loved this one!!! This story starts with a young Faith she's 17. Michael aka Demon is starting out as a prospect. Faith grew up in the MN life and she's off limits.
Demon grew up in the system and has had some very terrible things happen to him. He's very closed off but has a wicked temper and it takes little to set him off. But when he meets Faith there is an instant connection.
Of course they can't stand to be kept apart so they sneak around. And that doesn't end up well. Demon is sent out to ride with the Nomads and doesn't see Faith for years.
When they finally reconnect their lives have changed so much. Faith hasn't talked to her family while Demon now has a son. But they still love each other. I loved the parts with Demon and his son. A lot of times my eyes got misty. Ms Fanetti really captured life's true reality and the embodiment of what it is to love someone with everything they have.
I am really looking forward to get more from these characters especially that
Book 3 come soon!!!!!!!! -
broken people...
and sex...
are the three ingredients that make these books so good!
I liked this story very much because it shows us that when two people meant to be together they will be no matter what!
Demon never knew the warmth of a family since he was born. Until he join the MC. There, although, he was always reluctant and ready to kick somebody’s ass, he found another type of family. Until he met Faith. He knew that he was forbidden but he couldn’t stop himself. I liked Demon a lot because he was real. He knew that he hadn’t the best in life but he was trying very hard. The love he has for his son is beyond words. I believe that in his face he can see everything beautiful in life. He’s his hope.
Faith is also very good. She was away from this life more than ten years and now she is back and her feelings are the same. Did I believe that she was wrong ten years ago? No. I believe that she is the best thing that happened to Demon’s life (except his son, of course) and if things were different ten years ago, they would be very happy. It’s not easy for a young woman realizing that her parents aren’t supportive. She was lonely for many years and, thankfully, that changed.
A very good story! I can’t wait for the next one! -
this book was crazy good. i had been looking forward to demons story, knew it would be an emotional roller coaster & pretty heartbreaking at times to read but it's so much more than that. this book blew me away! my high expectations were definitey met here.
i was hooked from page one, couldn't put it down.
the ongoing complex storyline this author is so good at weaving and building upon is steady throughout while the love story between michael 'demon' and faith was nothing short of beautiful.
full review soon. -
Only the 2nd Fanetti book I have not rated a 5. I am 90% sure it is NOT the book's fault. I am in a reading slump and nothing is holding my interest. This one held my interest better than the stinkers I have read of late. Emotional read as far as Demon's past is concerned.
Re-read 7/2020.
Not much about club storyline, focused on main characters with flashbacks to when they were younger. I only read this one again so i wouldn't miss the club storyline. -
I love nothing better than a good second chance romance, and this one is GREAT!
There’s a fine line in these books. There are horrible things in it wich I really hate but the love. Oh man the love is so big. And the writing is amazing. Loved it.
Honestly never thought I'd ever do this with one of Fanetti's books but I had to DNF at 81%.
Ended up going back and finishing it just to see what happens.
So sick of reading Demon/Michael run away like the pathetic excuse for a woman beating "man" that he is. At 81% into the book and Faith really needing him after what she told him I couldn't believe the piece of shit ran.
I'll still continue to read this authors books but this was just too far outside of my comfort zone. One of the worst for me was the fact that the heroine decided to care for her mother after what that piece of garbage did to her. There is NO forgiveness for something like that. Ever. it disgusted me that she'd show compassion to a piece of shit like that.
I won't even get into Demon and his beating the mother of his child to the point where she almost died. I don't give a fuck what she called him or what buttons she pushed. You shouldn't have been and you wouldn't have been in that position in the first place.
To the safety gang it's safe with major exceptions. I'll get into that later but hero was not a manwhore. -
I really enjoyed reading the forbidden love angle to this story. Young lovers were drawn like moths to a flame, as Fanetti spins the reader back and forth in another tale for the Horde saga.
Back then: An abused and trouble young man is warned, with his life, not to partake in his first taste of true belonging, need, and passion, while a spirited daddy's girl throws herself heedless into the fray of rules among men and her own temptation.
In time: Innocence is lost in more ways than one. A mother's maligned regard of her daughter, a father's unwillingness to relent, a lover's risk of everything, and a daughter's desolate but necessary journey, are all reasons why the saying, "what goes around comes around," has never been truer. In time, a full circle will be drawn, and those things that seemed mighty before diminish into things that have only the power you give them.
Building to something new: As daddy's girl and bad boy, Faith and Demon find each other again, through a sea of pain, betrayal, loss, shame, and redemption. They are two beings who have lived in shadow and are hunted by shadows, but their love has a soul of its own.
Read this story to see if that love is strong enough. Either way, you'll find the characters are as good as their story.
Happy biker fixes and good-story-hunting! -
Thanks to Foxy's Blog and Shadow & Soul by @sfanetti {double 5 stars review – @Kimberley_Bee } + #giveaway
I received a free copy!
It's late here in Korea so my review will come tomorrow! Looking forward to the rest of the series! -
Susan Fanetti really knows how to create in-depth characters and in SHADOW & SOUL we get the unique and flawed in all their glory. The one thing I always take away in Susan’s books is a sense of triumph over extreme adversity. The danger is always present and the reader KNOWS it can explode at any time and even if the current paragraph is calm doesn't mean the following one won't be where everything is thrown into chaos. This reader tip-toes her way through the story with this in mind.
DEMON: what a man. He is fragile, sensitive, loving, kind, and very volatile. He's a ticking bomb that can go off at any moment in time. This is something his brothers know and help defray. He is loved by his club. HOOSIER and BIBI have become the parents DEMON needs (even though he is in his early thirties). MUSE is mentor and older brother (brother in every sense of the club way). These people care about DEMON. They pay attention to him and if needed; they work to dilute the anger waiting to explode in a man who hasn't been able to completely banish; the horrors foisted upon him in early childhood. When anger strikes DEMON he is once again back in that young boys mind and those feelings overcome him and become violence. I adore BIBI and HOOSIER for the way they take care of their loved ones including the club family. HOOSIER's patience with DEMON is unending in its strength. BIBI is the true MC House-Mama and a woman all ‘old-ladies’ should aspire to.
FAITH; she is the love of DEMON's life. How they are separated is a nightmare for both and the wounds have never healed; in some ways festered. Circumstances bring them back together in a way that only fate can take credit for. They belonged together ten years back and in present-day their hearts are still as one. FAITH: leaving home when she turns eighteen, manages to find a life and profits from her unusual creative talents. She has had relationships but nothing fills that hole created when her parents rejected the love she and DEMON shared. Both FAITH and DEMON suffered for their love and both lost because of it. Special mention to what FAITH's mother forced on her; just beyond hell. Sadly; FAITH’s mother is now alone in her memories and mostly lost to a past spent devoted to a man who loved his MC more than he did her.
Is it me or is there a similarity between SLY the (semi-feral) cat and DEMON the man; in that babies calm the wild beast inside? DEMON's interactions with his boy TUCKER bring out the sweetness in a man who can be anything but sweet at other times. Yes; he loves FAITH and is so loving to her but that certain sweetness only comes out for his son. The little boy is so darn precious and yet he has his own demons to work through. It's predictable that DEMON will feel that way for all children he and FAITH have; he is that kind of man. FAITH is the balm to keep DEMON on track and DEMON is the man who holds FAITH's heart. DEMON is so much more than an MC member; most evident in his story. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how much I enjoyed FAITH's interactions with TUCKER which were rather ‘anxious’ at first but always sweet and loving. I do believe FAITH will truly become the mother TUCKER needs in his life.
How things end; trouble is most definitely coming to the Night Horde SoCal MC. Like I said at the beginning of this review in that the danger is a feeling the reader cannot shake and in fact; makes this reader tread-lightly through the paragraphs. Thus ends book two and I absolutely enjoyed every word, paragraph, and chapter.
Thank you for such a fine addition to the Night Horde SoCal Series. I’m looking forward to what’s next and I believe that is a shorter story for NOLAN (who we know through HAVOC – can’t think about HAVOC right now!). -
3.5 stars
I’m so happy these two got their HEA.
I gotta be honest in saying that I think the way Demon was portrayed for the most part in this book was worrisome. He was a loose cannon and he needed therapy, not just the advice of well meaning friends. That being said, I also believe that sometimes we can find peace in other people and find ourselves better when we live the life we wanted all along. So I’m gonna say that I could believe how his issues became less prominent.
The real kicker in this story is actually the backstory. What happened to these two when they were young, stupid and in love. It was unfair. It was heartbreaking. It was extreme.
I liked that Faith wasn’t forgiving. She didn’t forget and she didn’t grant forgiveness to those who didn’t deserve it. And her parents didn’t. I felt bad for her dad in particular because he was so blinded by rage and was easily manipulated through it by his wife and that cost him his child. That man didn’t have the emotional intelligence to handle that situation but if he didn’t have his wife turning his head inside out I think that maybe he would have made better decisions (I’m writing this because I read Dream & Dare and in that novella, we get actual scenes of Blue being remorseful and finally understanding his mess)
Anyway, back to her mom. That woman was evil but in a way in which she didn’t pass for evil. After all she had a best friend still making excuses for her. Stuff like “your mom was never good at admitting she was wrong and asking for forgiveness” to which our heroine thought “doesn’t that make her an asshole then” - the answer? Yes it does.
So apart from the righteous rage I feel at her parents. I liked how the heroine handled herself.
The hero, as damaged and scary as he was at times, grew on me and I just wanted to take away his trauma.
After reading about them until the very last book, I was always glad to hear more updates from their little family.
The complaint I do have is that this MC doesn’t have the brotherhood feel. I mean, it does but it doesn’t also. There is a disconnect. -
4.5 stars!! I loved this book hard. Fanetti has this magical thing going on where she takes the crappiest situations in characters lives and somehow redeems them without making everything rainbows and unicorns. This one is a second chance book. Demon and Faith had a secret love going on. She was a 17 year old daughter of the motorcycle clubs sergeant of arms, and he was a prospect/patch in the same club in his early 20s. The conflict in this book wasn't anything new, but Demon had some serious issues from his past that made their story heartbreaking not only in the past but in the present. Faith has had a crappy past as well. I felt like this installment focused a lot on the relationship rather than the conflict within the club with their rivals. Snippets from the past are strewn throughout the book, but not overwhelmingly so. It is not lost on me that the perfect pairing for a Demon would be Faith. If you love Fanetti, this one will not disappoint. And oh my word.... Nolan is up next!!!
**4.5 stars**
The Night Horde SoCal series continues with Michael (Demon) & Faith. Demon is the MC's Enforcer and when we first meet him in the 1st book, he is like a powder keg one strike of a match away from exploding. He has had a tragic childhood in and out of Foster Care homes and he doesn't feel like he belongs anywhere until he becomes part of the MC family.
Faith is the daughter of the SoCal's VP, to the Prospects & Patches of the club, she is untouchable, unobtainable! But when the heart wants what the heart wants, young, forbidden love blooms and the consequences of that love tears lives apart.
This story is a second chance story so we get memories of Michael & Faith's first love along with the main story of their second chance when their worlds collide again. There is drama, pit of your stomach unease and punch to the gut wind knocked out of you angst & sadness that you feel right along with the characters. Another terrific MC story by Susan.