聲の形 7 [Koe no Katachi 7] (A Silent Voice, #7) by Yoshitoki Oima

聲の形 7 [Koe no Katachi 7] (A Silent Voice, #7)
Title : 聲の形 7 [Koe no Katachi 7] (A Silent Voice, #7)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 4063952681
ISBN-10 : 9784063952681
Language : Japanese
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 192
Publication : First published December 17, 2014


聲の形 7 [Koe no Katachi 7] (A Silent Voice, #7) Reviews

  • daph pink ♡

    Let's be honest I was supposed to feel ton loads of emotion but I didn't. It was great at times and boring at times too.

    Some characters were awful and still acquired a major portion in the later volumes which was a major turn off for me.

    The message was good but I guess it just dragged on and on.

    Some of actions were unacceptable and some decisions made by Nishimiya were beyond my understanding. Nishimiya as a character wasn't good. She was just boring and like too much too much good , too much forgiving , too much understanding. I mean she is a human being. She is allowed to hate people and beat them and be angry with them I just don't find it realistic.

    Next problem is art. I don't like the art at all. It was just so messy and all over the place which kept me distracted for most of the time.

    Overall a wasted potential.

  • Gabriel

    De mis mangas favoritos

    Se me había olvidado escribir algo para el tomo final de esta grandiosa historia y que básicamente es una que amé muchísimo. Ese sería el resumen perfecto pues no podría negarle eso a esta obra, ya que es una historia que me hizo sentir tantas emociones a lo largo de su extensión y el como pude empatizar y detestar a muchos de los personajes que aquí aparecieron. A veces las dos cosas al mismo tiempo.

    Koe no katachi (A silent voice) es una historia sobre el bullying, sobre ponerse en los zapatos del otro e incluso vivir en carne propia las situaciones a las que someten a las personas que se ven afectadas por el acoso y sobre el cómo en cualquier momento puedes pasar de ser el victimario a la víctima en un sistema en el que sin duda no eres el rey intocable y que habrán personas igual o peor que tú en ese ámbito rastrero de incitar y provocar más bullying y situaciones de acoso.

    Me gustó muchísimo la complejidad de algunos de los personajes y que se mantuvieron fieles a sus principios por muy incorrectos que me parezcan moralmente (como Ueno) y aún así me parece un lujazo porque demuestra la realidad. Como hay gente que es mala con otros y lo saben pero no les importa porque no quieren corregirse pero quizá el tiempo permita ese desarrollo hacia el lado bueno. Y como existen personas como el protagonista, quien empieza siendo de lo peor y quien propicia ese ambiente abusivo pero luego se arrepiente, aprende, cambia y decide empezar desde cero consigo mismo y con el resto de personajes.

    Es una gran historia que visibiliza las diferencias y las incluye para representarlos y para mostrar que si bien el acoso existe también hay espacio para el perdón y la redención. Muy bonito todo y también muy triste y duro y complejo pero excelentemente hecho. Hay escenas que me mantuvieron al borde de la ira, otras que me daban pena y algunas que me hicieron tener los ojos al borde de las lágrimas pero a pesar de lo indignación o la tristeza hay espacio para escenas que te llenan el corazón de ternura, amor y felicidad. Y sobre todo esperanza.

  • Nicole

    I wish I can say I loved this manga and it made cry but then I would be lying. I didn't feel anything while reading it and I expected a rollercoaster of emotions. To be fair, it started well, not just good great. But then it dragged a bit and it was slow. I didn't care much about the characters maybe Shoko and the Nishimiya sisters a bit.
    Ok who am I kidding I really liked Shoko but that's it, after all I gave it 3 stars for a reason.
    The last volume didn't meet my expectations (the whole manga didn't). Now I'm hoping the movie will be better.

  • Dave Schaafsma

    The series ender for this relatively short--for manga-seven volume series about a deaf girl, Shoko, who is bullied by Shoko, in elementary school. The series takes them all to graduation, and my five star rating is for the whole series and for ending, my first five star rating of the series, so you know I think it ended well. Characterizations are all done really well, though to the end, Shoko's character remains a bit of a mystery. . . she maintains "a silent voice" in a sense.

    And Shoya, a quiet, uncommunicative guy mostly, discovers his voice in the end, deciding, after he wakes from his coma, to choose life and change fundamentally, and talk to (almost) all of his friends he has been so removed from in many ways.

    This is a bullying comic, and I'm kinda sick of these, but this is a thoughtful exploration of bullying, and its ripple effects on everyone: bullies get bullied as a result of their bullying, bullying creates bullying. People are mean to each other throughout, but it's also true people grow up, broken friendships mend, and so on.

    I loved the subtlety of the end, though I see and know other readers wanted a more definitive romantic ending. I thought it was perfect for the expression of there relationship, and hinted at the future without promising.

    I loved the fractured storytelling and the fact that it is so hard for these young people to figure out how to talk to and be honest with each other and themselves. The talk feel real, and difficult. And there are so many different ways the telling takes place, I thought it was fresh and original and open and interesting as visual storytelling. A great series.

  • Books with Brittany

    I wasn’t ready for this to be over 😭

  • Iryna *Book and Sword*

    2.5/5 stars

    And there you have it. The biggest disappointment of 2019 for me (so far). What the hell was this last volume? What happened to the original plot? So many branches, so scattered, so many needless side character plots that I didn't care about. And the main reason I was reading all of this - Shoko and Shoya? Their ending was barely acceptable, at the most.

    Just not the way I was picturing this going. I'm not saying all of the stories should end happily and with "ships sailing", but I wanted more. Much more.

    I'm just angry, okay. I might not even read manga for a bit.
    Like a day.


  • ✶Rachelle✶

    A fantastic end to an incredibly moving and emotional series. It makes me so happy =)

  • Laura Grace


    If I could, I would give this a standing ovation. What a beautiful and moving ending to this story!

    I can fully say that, yes, when you start this series, be sure to finish it. That first volume (and even the previous volume) are HARD. This series is not an easy read by any means and while this ending wasn't wrapped up in a perfect bow, it was a realistic beauty that truly left me hopeful.

    Shoya has one of the most transforming arcs I think I have ever read in manga. I can't help but get teary-eyed when I think of how much I disliked him in the beginning to this young man who leaves an impact on everyone around him. (And a positive one at that!!) That conversation that him and Shoko have on the bridge was everything and cannot read that scene without getting emotional because it is so heartfelt. Plus the way things almost gave full circle in how Shoya wanted to help Shoko live and love herself, but now look at how SHE is helping HIM.

    Again, so incredibly impactful and really loved seeing everyone together once again, but through Shoya's different eyes. I honestly can't get over how he views those around him now and just how much he has changed. I would also say it was pretty amazing to see how Shoko's mom changed through this series. Very transforming as well! (Also, that movie they made was AWESOME!)

    I really liked the scenes about the future, especially Shoya's reaction to what Shoko shares. I felt that was such an honest and realistic way to respond what she voiced and how it didn't make even the last quarter of this volume "smooth sailing" so to speak. I also thought that conversation pointed to the end in a really cool way and loved how it was open-ended.

    Overall, I am SO glad I read this series! I feel I often say that series I read are unforgettable, but this is a special one that is indeed unforgettable, but also one that has such a strong resounding hope that you can't help but hold onto right alongside Shoya. <3

    Thank you manga community for encouraging me to read this and
    for participating in the voting I held last month! Truly grateful to be able to stand alongside the many who would recommend this beautiful, heart-wrenching and touching series!

  • Repellent Boy

    Acabé. Y me ha dado mucha pena acabar porque me ha encantado. Normalmente soy partidario de las historias cortas o medias. Pero cuando descubres historias como estas que se quedan contigo, siempre deseas que haya algo más que leer. En este caso, existe una película que dicen que es maravillosa, así que continuaré la adicción allí jajaja.

    Me ha encantado la historia de principio a fin. Como está tratando el tema del bullying, tan real. Sin tapujos. Me encanta como se refleja que, normalmente, la gente no es capaz de empatizar con los demás hasta que pasa por lo mismo. Me ha encantado el dibujo. Había imágenes que eran auténticas obras de arte. El lenguaje de signos estaba tan bien integrado, que a veces me olvidadaba de él. Me ha parecido maravilloso también el coro de personajes tan carácterísticos que tiene esta novela. Todos con su personalidad muy bien marcada. Y por supuesto me ha encatando Shoya. Como avanza, como crece. Como aprende. Un personaje super positivo. Pero si alguien se ha llevado mi corazón en esta historia, y ha conseguido hacerme empatizar con ella, incluso cuando pocas veces sabes con seguridad lo que piensa, ha sido Shoko Nishimiya. Sientes lo que ella siente. Y es un doble talento de la autora, gracias al dibujo y a los diálogos.

    En fin, quien crea que el manga es para niños o que tiene poca profundidad, que pase, vea y se de un festín.

  • Andrea Vega

    ¿Leí todo esto en un día? Yes yes I did.


    Back on my usual bullshit. Una amiga el año pasado me insistió muchísimo para que leyera este manga que tiene sólo siete tomos y está cortito. Yo oí la sinopsis y dije SÍ A HUEVO ES MI TIPO DE HISTORIA. Con todo y las mayúsculas y la falta de comas, debo decir. El caso es que yo estaba sumida en un infierno que se llamaba Tokyo Ghoul:re (del que ya les hablé en el blog) y me urgía terminar, así que la mandé a la lista de lo pendiente. Y de ahí caí en un infierno que se llama Bungo Stray Dogs (de la que todavía no les hablo porque sigue publicándose pero van a ver mencionada varias veces próximamente porque me está llevando a conocer a grandes autores japoneses) y bueno, pasó lo que pasó: el tiempo, porque nunca hay suficiente tiempo para leer de todo. Hasta que un fanfic me spoileó la película. Les quiero poner el contexto para que sepan exactamente cómo llegué a esta historia y de donde viene mi opinión.

    Estaba yo leyendo un fanfic muy tranquilamente sobre mi personaje favorito de My Hero Academia (que en el manga lleva un lento pero seguro camino hasta la redención, porque en el primer tomo es presentado como el bully de la secundaria) con mi ship favorito del manga (que nunca jamás será canon, pero se vale soñar) y la historia de A Silent Voice, que trata el bullying, el pedir perdón y la redención era un reflejo perfecto de la relación entre ambos personajes. Así que eso pasó: me la spoilée porque la usan para explicar muchas cosas. Y como me la spoilée (no fue malo, eh, no se crean) me dieron muchas más ganas de leerla. Así que un día empecé en la noche y acabé en la mañana. Y mi falta de sueño y el hecho de que haya interrumpido quien sabe cuantas lecturas pendientes se lo pueden agradecer a Ati que no dejó de recomendármela hasta que la anoté casi casi con sangre en mi lista de pendientes y a un fanfic que me la contó a pedazos y me causó todavía más curiosidad.

    Así que en ese estado llegué a leerla.

    A Silent Voice es una historia sobre bullying y le agradezco dos cosas: es muy sincera al abrirle las puertas a la redención y no es moralina en lo más absoluto. También habla de lo necesario de pedir perdón y de cómo aunque lo pidamos no necesariamente la otra persona está obligada a perdonarnos. Habla de como a veces te van a pedir perdón sin sentirlo realmente o entender lo que hicieron mal. De que hay perpetradores que, en su mente, son las víctimas (hay un personaje especialmente que ilustra esto y yo, dada mi vida, sólo quería darle con una silla en la cabeza..., pero eso más adelante); de que hay quienes se convencen de que son buenos, pero en realidad participan en el acoso, aunque no lo hagan activamente y luego tienen que enfrentarse a lo que hicieron. Y habla, también, de lo que cuesta hacer lo correcto, pedir disculpas y arreglar las cosas dentro de las posibilidades que se tienen. Y por eso me encanta.

    Me gustan los arcos de redención que se ganan tanto como odio los que se resuelven en dos líneas. Hay una muy buena razón por la que considero que el arco de Zuko en Avatar (si no la han visto, se están tardando, a mis ojos es la mejor caricatura occidental en el mundo) es el mejor arco de redención jamás escrito y es porque le estampa en la cara el sufrimiento al que en un momento de su vida abonó, lo obliga a ganarse el perdón, lo obliga a intentar arreglar, aunque no pueda, todos y cada uno de sus errores. No les voy a spoilear nada más pero esa es la misma razón por la que me atrae tanto el arco de Bakugo en My Hero Academia y la razón por la que empecé a leer este manga. Ishida Shôya es un bully al principio de la historia. Quiere ser el más popular, el más ruidoso, quiere divertirse, jugar siempre, quiere llamar la atención y que la gente lo mire. La manera en que lo logra es acosando a Shôko Nishimiya, que ya es víctima del bullying de todos sus compañeros porque es vista como un blanco fácil: es sorda, usa un cuaderno para comunicarse y es percibida como una persona débil. Shôya es la causa de que, finalmente, sea obligada a cambiar de escuela y, de repente, pasa de victimario a víctima. Le cuesta su tiempo darse cuenta de todo lo que hizo mal, pero, al final, pudiendo hacer cualquier cosa (olvidarse de su pasado, mudarse, convertirse en un adulto mediocre, tirarse de un puente..., cualquier cosa) elige dar una vuelta sobre sus pasos y arreglar lo que hizo mal. Realmente todo su arco en el manga es una muestra de cómo cambiar es posible, pero no puedes obligar a nadie a hacerlo. Hay muchas personas en el mundo que no son Shôya y ni siquiera lo van a intentar.

    Además, el manga muestra como el acoso es algo sistemático y casi nunca es individual. Aporta a él el silencio de los compañeros que no participan activamente, las burlas que llevan un "no te creas" después, la desidia de algunos adultos (véase el profesor de ambos protagonistas al comienzo del manga, que queda en un pésimo lugar cuando adolescentes son capaces de redimirse y hay adultos que siguen convencidos de que el bullying hace más fuerte a la gente o que hay quienes lo merecen) o el desconocimiento de otros adultos para tratar el tema (la madre de Shôko, por ejemplo, que en su desesperación no sabe qué hacer o cree que dejar que el tema continúe va a funcionar para obligar a su hija a defenderse). Nos muestra una historia de cómo los victimarios pasan a ser víctimas y de como eso no los exime de su responsabilidad anterior (pero vamos, tampoco se merecen acoso, porque ya saben, somos personas merecedoras de respeto y esas tonterías). A Silent Voice es sobre muchas cosas. El acoso es una parte de ellas. La amistad también. La redención juega su parte y el perdón, por supuesto, también. Es una historia muy redonda.

    Además tiene algunos detalles que me encantaron, como capítulos desde el punto de vista de Shôko, donde vemos cómo ve y oye ella el mundo. Porque todo el manga tenemos la perspectiva y podemos oír (leer) a todos los personajes, pero Shôko no y muchas veces no sabe qué está pasando. Esos capítulos son maravillosos. Personajes muy bien creados. Algunos son muy grises moralmente (y hay una que en especial me cae muy mal porque me recuerda a antiguas compañeras a las que quiero estrellarles una silla o algo en la cara), pero en general casi todos me gustaron o cayeron bien. Mi favorito sí es Shôya, de calle. Aunque quiera estrellarle cosas en la cara y coserlo a zapes al principio, es la muestra viviente dentro del manga de que el cambio es posible y de que puedes intentar arreglar aquello donde la cagaste.

    A Silent Voice también tiene una película de animación dirigida por una mujer. No la he visto porque tengo problemas con el medio audiovisual últimamente y me cuesta mucho la concentración de ver películas enteras (hola, amigos a los que uso para que vean películas conmigo), pero he oído halagos de ella, así que si la ven cuéntenme que tal está y chance me animo a verla en algún momento. El manga, por otro lado, lo pueden conseguir en Panini y son sólo siete tomos. O pueden leerlo en línea, lo que les acomode. Pero por si les gusta leerlo en físico, ahí tienen el dato.

    Por mi parte, sí se los recomiendo. A mis ojos es una historia con muchas virtudes: aborda el acoso escolar desde una perspectiva muy real y cero moralina. No subestima a sus lectores, lo cual siempre es de agradecer. Los personajes están muy bien formados y la historia siempre siempre aboga por la empatía. De verdad, no se la pierdan. Está maravillosa y aprovecha muy bien distintos recursos visuales a la hora de contar una historia. (Pero si la van a leer y es por recomendación mía, tienen derecho a pedirme un paquete de kleenex).

  • Luisa... Per aspera ad astra ❤️

    La forma della voce

    Difficile recensire questo manga perchè davvero... non so che pensare.
    Inizio dicendo che finora non ho letto tanti manga però a primo impatto direi che A silent voice è uno shonen scolastico con una storia un pò insolita perchè tratta tematiche delicate e forti, in primis bullismo, seguito a ruota da suicidio e depressione tra i giovani e disabilità (in questo caso sordità), di cui secondo me non si parla mai abbastanza. E l'autrice lo fa senza mezzi termini: con una durezza, ingiustizia e cattiveria che ti fa proprio rimanere sconvolto.
    Ah! Che tenerezza mi ha fatto la povera Shouko T_T la cattiveria dei bambini non ha eguali perchè sono così spontanei e sinceri... in tal senso la situazione di Shouko mi ha fatto ricordare a quando ero io alle elementari e venivo presa in giro principalmente da tre miei compagni che mi avevano preso un pò di mira. Certo non è lontanamente paragonabile a ciò che viene qui descritto ma se per me le elementari sono state quasi un inferno che la mia mente ha volontariamente rimosso, non oso immaginare cosa deve aver provato Shouko dietro il suo sorriso finto, la sua "freddezza", il suo essere schivo... senza avere nessuno dalla sua parte. E' davvero inconcepibile!
    Mentre leggevo di lei ho provato una gran rabbia per Shouya che la maltrattava e derideva in modo esplicito e per tutti gli altri compagni di classe che lo facevano in modo indiretto. E gli insegnanti? Ne vogliamo parlare?! Dei menefreghisti proprio. Tale è il quadro che emerge nel primo volume fino a che... fino a che la situazione non si ribalta ed è Shouya ad essere preso di mira. Lui è stato il capro espiatorio perchè, mentre Ueno Kawai Hirose Shimada etc. facevano finta di nulla davanti ai prof, quando Shouya li ha accusati si sono rivoltati contro di lui... in poche parole non volevano essere messi in mezzo e hanno incolpato solo il capobanda.
    Ecco: adesso Shouya proverà e comprenderà ciò che ha provato Shouko: essere insultati, derisi, isolati, considerati idioti e strani. Da carnefice a vittima il passo è stato breve. E continuerà fino alle medie e al liceo. Qui ha iniziato a farmi una gran pena... fino a quando non incontrerà di nuovo Shouko dopo 5 anni. Comincia così il suo difficile percorso di redenzione e perdono perchè vuole a tutti i costi espiare le sue colpe, riparare ai suoi errori, farla sorridere. Sinceramente è un elemento che ho molto apprezzato in quanto vedremo l'evoluzione e il cambiamento del protagonista e anche dei vecchi compagni (sì, ci saranno vecchie conoscenze ma anche di nuove). Ogni personaggio infatti ha una storia da raccontare, è ben caratterizzato e per quanto alcuni siano stronzi l'autrice fa notare la loro umanità, i loro difetti e sentimenti.
    E' un fumetto per così dire di formazione che tutto sommato mi è piaciuto anche perchè è attualissimo e fa riflettere, dovrebbe essere letto da tutti. E' sicuramente una storia potente, intensa e significativa che col suo essere crudo e diretto colpisce al cuore del lettore come un pugno nello stomaco. Però ammetto che alcuni elementi durante lo sviluppo della trama non li ho apprezzati appieno e non so bene il motivo... forse semplicemente volevo che le cose andassero in modo diverso. Resta comunque il fatto che i primissimi volumi sono quelli più belli.
    In conclusione: se volete una bella storia di redenzione, crescita personale e profonda amicizia... questa fa al caso vostro!

  • Yukino


    Lettura di gruppo E&L

    Siamo così giunti al capitolo finale di questo manga molto forte, e molto toccante.
    Davvero bello. Ho riso e ho pianto con i protagonisti, e anche se personalmente il finale mi ha lasciato un pò a bocca asciutta, devo dire che mi ha colpito positivamente.
    E' un romanzo di formazione dove si toccano argomenti importanti, come il bullismo, il suicidio e la disabilità, in questo caso la sordità. Ad essi si contrappongono la voglia di continuare a vivere, di cambiare, di migliorarsi, di aiutare il prossimo, di chiedere perdono e di perdonarsi.
    Il bello di questa storia, è che tutti i personaggi crescono. Anche i genitori.
    Sono davvero contenta di averlo letto. Dovrebbero essercene di più di manga così. Dato il target di lettori, farebbe bene leggere anche storie che fanno riflettere, e che sensibilizzino l'animo umano.

    Un grazie di cuore va alla biblioteca che mi ha dato l'opportunità di leggerlo. Adesso mi manca solo di vedere l'anime ^^


    Shoya Ishida frequenta le scuole elementari, è un bambino vivace che insegue il divertimento e l'avventura, e non sopporta in alcun modo le femmine. Adora invece mettersi alla prova con i compagni maschi, competendo in assurde gare di coraggio. Le cose cambiano quando nella sua classe arriva una nuova alunna, Shoko Nishimiya, una bambina non udente, appena trasferitasi da un altro istituto, che usa un quaderno per comunicare con gli altri... Il loro incontro porterà un grande cambiamento nella classe, nella scuola e nella vita dello stesso Shoya.

    E’ un manga molto forte, e molto toccante, mi è piaciuto davvero tanto. Ho riso e ho pianto con i protagonisti, e anche se personalmente il finale mi ha lasciato un pò a bocca asciutta, devo dire che mi ha colpito positivamente.
    Ma partiamo dall’inizio. Il primo volume mi ha fatto molto arrabbiare. Non solo per come si è comportato Shoya con Shoko, ma anche tutti i compagni di classe, ipocriti da farmi venire il vomito. Preparatevi perché è un volume davvero tosto. Dopo la storia fa un balzo di 5 anni, e scopriamo cosa è successo ai protagonisti in tutto questo tempo, e per un evento che non sto a spoilerarvi, Shoya e Shoko si rivedono. E da qui parte la vera storia.
    Ci sono stati momenti molto intensi. E' difficile per me parlarne. Ho anche versato qualche lacrima. Sono emozioni che non riesco, e secondo me, non si possono descrivere. Per capire bisogna solo viverle insieme a loro.E' un romanzo di formazione dove si toccano argomenti importanti, come il bullismo, il suicidio e la disabilità, in questo caso la sordità. Ad essi si contrappongono la voglia di continuare a vivere, di cambiare, di migliorarsi, di aiutare il prossimo, di chiedere perdono e di perdonarsi.
    Il bello di questo manga, è che tutti i personaggi crescono. Anche i genitori.
    Sono davvero contenta di averlo letto e consiglio caldamente la lettura a tutti. Dovrebbero essercene di più di manga così. Oltre a storie romantiche, e divertenti, farebbe bene leggere anche storie che fanno riflettere, e che sensibilizzano l'animo umano. Per tutte le età.

  • Angigames

    E siamo arrivati alla fine!
    Questo è il famoso ultimo capitolo, quello che ha deluso i più. Personalmente l’ho adorato!
    L’autrice porta fino in fondo con dolcezza ma fermezza tutte le dinamiche iniziate nel primo, senza dimenticare nulla. È un passo avanti, un balzo decisivo verso un nuovo inizio, una nuova vita.
    Per me è stata una conclusione degna, di una storia che si discosta molto dai soliti Shojo Manga. Certo i più romantici avranno qualcosa da ridire, ma l’autrice, secondo me, aveva messo ben in chiaro le cose fin da subito. Io non mi aspettavo niente di più e non mi sono sentita tradita da questo finale. Un finale che conclude una storia cupa, intensa e complicata.
    Una storia che deve essere letta da tutti.
    Una storia che lascia il segno, alla fine.
    Una storia reale, con le sue pene e le sue gioie.
    Manga bellissimo!

  • Phoenix2

    What a TWIST!! The chapters dedicated to each character were really nice as well!!

  • Ozan

    It's a really heart felt good story which will leave a long impression. It was about frinedship, consiquences of bulliying and deafness.

    It really depicted well the hardship of deafness... The bulliying at the early parts of the book was very harsh. What made me get really emotional was the part at the end where The main character Shoko and Shoya graduated from high school, and before they went though the door to left the building, shoya took a one last look at another door which had his elementary schools name on it... And that hit me where i live... You can never go back to those days you know, all the fun and pain are just distant memories now, you can never be an elementary school kid again... seeing that panel, and this thought really made me emotional.

    I wish i could go back and relive my childhood with all the fun and pain of it again... Being an adult is really hard... lol

  • Conejo Literario


    Que gran manga, la sorpresa del año.

  • Natalia

    simplemente precioso, y triste. en muchas ocasiones MUY triste.

    esta es la historia de cómo el bullying puede destrozarnos la vida y de cómo, paradójicamente, podemos ser el verdugo y el salvador de una persona.
    no mentiré y diré que no me ha parecido tópico que Ishida pase de ser el que hace bullying al que lo recibe, pero, aunque no os niego que me hubiera gustado que él hubiera dado el paso de cambiar por sí mismo (es decir, que no se hubiera visto influenciado porque luego él vivió lo mismo que estaba haciendo) también es cierto que no creo que sin haber experimentado el bullying en su propia piel no se habría cambiado.

    a pesar de ese detalle, tengo que decir que los personajes han sido estupendos. verlos cambiar, e incluso hacerse daño entre ellos mientras maduraban, ha sido una de las mejores partes de este manga.

  • The Forest Clown

    This series was amazing. The characters are human with their own shortcomings and I loved the relationship dynamics. I found Shoko and Shoya's journey to be incredibly fascinating and heartwarming. I am glad I read this. ❤️

    "A very powerful story about being different and the consequences of childhood bullying... Read it." -Anime News Network

  • courtney ♡ librarycutie

    it’s the end and i’m so sad about it. i want more! i wanted a relationship to form but i’m also a bit happy with how it went. it was almost a bittersweet ending, and this series was just so quick and entertaining all the way, honestly had me hooked. the story of a bully trying to right his wrongs and the journey of facing the people he knew with a troubled last between them and facing new friends and new journeys and accomplishing what he couldn’t have imagined. honestly i loved it.

    also can we talk about how odd shoya’s sister is and her brazilian boyfriend?? she’s only in the series twice, i found it very odd, like i think if you removed them and their other daughter then it wouldn’t have been so confusing.

  • Lucía Cafeína

    Con lo satisfactorio y emotivo que fue el desenlace en el anime, me esperaba que este fuera incluso mejor, ya que la historia continúa un poco más allá, pero... no ha logrado emocionarme tanto como esperaba.
    Aun así, la historia ha estado a un nivel altísimo durante todos los tomos, me ha encantado llegar a conocer y a querer tanto a los personajes, y desde luego que tengo que recomendarla una y mil veces por lo preciosa e importante que es. La amistad, el perdón, la adolescencia, la depresión... es increíble.

  • Neil R. Coulter

    The final volume of this series wasn't quite as good as I'd hoped. It seems to become a little scattered, pursuing little bits of story that weren't what I was most interested in. What all the friends do in college and afterward might be interesting for a sequel series, but for me, it didn't fit in well here—too much new material when all I wanted was a nice, satisfying conclusion to all the earlier threads.

    At the end of the story, I'm still a little confused about what Shoko is really like. She remains mostly a blank slate through the whole series, with only small glimpses of how she really feels. I was expecting more insight into her perspective on the world, especially after her confession earlier that she hates herself.

    Throughout the series, I was very interested in the little cultural details about Japan—in this book, for example, the urgent need to do something to make things right with someone you feel you have offended or hurt. Also, the obligation children feel toward their parents—a theme that is suggested but not dealt with in depth.

    It's been a beautiful series to read, and I'm glad to know it. The finale wasn't bad, it just didn't quite meet my high expectations.

  • Matthew

    I was a bit disappointed with this final volume but I understand the angle of what Yoshitoki Oima was trying to convey for this series which is Friendship. Can two people who has been damaged by the outcome of their actions remain friends? Yes. Lovers? Maybe.

    Shoya has recovered from falling from Shoko's balcony and believe it or not his friendship with Shoko has blossomed tremendously and his friendships with the rest of the characters have improved. Before he entered into a coma, the film project was dismissed but in his honor of saving Shoko they decided to complete the film and luckily they did and got nominated into the film festival. They did not win anything but the whole aspect of coming together and finally get to see what the film is about is spectacular.

    Since they are in their final year of high school we get to see the character get stressed out over where are they going after high school, what is their major for college, and interesting enough Shoya and Shoko are a bit clueless about what happens when they graduate. We see months go by as everyone is slowly becoming mature adults and we are stuck on these two characters and it dawned on me that they need one another.

    Nothing romantic happens in this final volume which is a total shame because that was my high hopes for this series but I understand that not everything has to end up in romance. Our relationships with one another is as equally important for us to grow as human beings and it does not need a romance for it to blossom. For now I believe they shall remain as friends and the window of opportunity for them to be together is extremely possible and I have no doubt they will get married later in life.

    In the end Shoya and Shoko decided to enter into the world of hair salons. Shoya's mother is an owner of a salon and Shoko loves the idea of cutting hair and interesting enough Shoya wants to enter the family business without the influence of anyone else. I believe he wants to be close to Shoko always and investing into this career they can work together and be companions. Its interesting to see what happens to the other characters and how they will change once they leave and live in city instead of this small town.

    I am happy that I invested in my time in this series and I cannot wait to read more of Yoshitoki Oima. I hope this is not the last time that we see these characters and someday I hope Yoshitoki invest his time and create a marvelous sequel to see the continuation of Shoya and Shoko. I know they are making an anime film version of this series which I am utterly excited about but I want to know more about these characters. I feel as though they have become a part of my life and I do not want to close the book and believe that it is final. This is a phenomenal series and if anyone wants to enter the world of manga, I highly recommend this series as the gateway into manga.

  • Aja: The Narcoleptic Ninja

    I have to say, the ending to this was kind of disappointing to me. I wish that all of this had wrapped up a little differently.

  • Fatima Ahmed

    I did not think that this manga would be this good especially that I have already watched the movie.. But boy, was I mistaken..

    Ōima San took me in a trip inside wonderful worlds.. The world of a deaf girl that was bullied when she was a kid.. A world of that bully and what he faced afterwards.. the path of redemption he took.. and the world of everyone else around those two..

    I can't really describe the way I felt while reading the manga.. the were a lot of moments that reached inside my chest and squeezed my heart tightly until tears came gushing through..
    I can't deny that there were moments that made me laugh like crazy as well..

    This manga basically held everything.. reasons to live for.. love.. friendship.. hope.. dreams.. (and on the other side) cruelty.. neglect to do one's job.. and more..

    Highly recommended..

  • Sarah Ryder

    This was a good ending for the series! My favorite parts were definitely Shoya and Shoko’s reunion and the first showing of movie they all made together.

    While it’s not my favorite manga series, I think it offers a lot of thought and conversations on bullying, forgiveness, self-hatred, and other important topics and handles (most of them) pretty well. I will definitely try the movie as I know some people say it’s better than the manga and I was curious anyways, haha. ☺️

    Content: mild swearing (including several uses of “friggin”); a couple characters drink and get drunk; violence (nothing over PG)

  • Anne (ReadEatGameRepeat)

    I binge-read the last few books, they were all steller. Its a very complex story (unfortunately) some of the characters were all the more relatable for me, which probably made me love the manga even more.

  • Sophie Isabelle Gaumond

    Prochaine étape: voir le film 🥲

  • Kadi P

    The final vol in this manga series was an interesting one. I liked the individual character exploration. It really highlighted Kawai as a total moron and Mashiba as such an honourable person; I really respected him. The way he called Kawai out on her manipulative behaviour to her face and she was so oblivious she didn’t even realise it. That was some ironic and poetic stuff!

    I was actually shocked that the judge was so rude and insulted everyone like a child. And the way the reconciliation between Shouya and Shimada was completely glossed over was sad. There’s so much more left to be said between them.

    I thought the ending felt a bit rushed. There was still so much left to explore like Kawai’s self-victimisation and Ueno not letting anyone else visit Shouya in hospital. On top of that, we never once saw Shouya and Shoko hug or kiss even on the cheeks or tell each other they like each other. All we got was that two seconds of hand holding at the end which was definitely not enough. I still want so much more from this manga series and I’m sad it’s abruptly over.

  • Elsay

    داستان این مانگا اینجوری شروع میشه که یه پسری(ایشیدا) هستش که توی دوران راهنمایی بدجوووور گردن کلفت بوده و به همراه اکثر بچه‌های کلاس، دانش‌آموز ناشنوای کلاس رو هی اذیت میکرده.(یه چیزایی هم درباره خودکشی داره)
    ولی! سال آخر دبیرستان پسرِ داس��ان تصمیم میگیره آدم بشه و میره دنبال همون دختر ناشنوا(نیشیمیا) تا ازش بابت اون کاراش معذرت بخواد.

    داستان عجیبیه
    از من به شما نصیحت، این کتاب رو زمانی بخونید که روی مود «بی خیالی» هستید بخونید وگرنه اون لحظاتی که دختره رو اذیت می‌کنن واقعا زجر آوره
    داستان کلا طوریه هیچکسی بجز ایشیدا حاضر کار اشتباهش رو قبول کنه
    همکلاسی‌های راهنمایی ایشیدا به سه دسته تقسیم میشن:
    ۱- دختر مظلوم که واسه ناشنوا بودنش از همه معذرت میخواد
    ۲- بچه‌هایی که نیشیمیا رو اذیت نمیکردن
    ۳- اسکلانی که نیشیما رو اذیت میکردن و به هیچ عنوان از کارشون پشیمون نیستن

    این امتیازی که به جلد آخر مانگا دادم، امتیازم به کل مانگا هستش
    ولی جدی جدی، هیچ وقت آدم ناشنوا رو اذیت نکنین. سمعکش رو پرت نکنین توی آب (یه عالمه هزینه سمعک هستش)‌. توی دفتراش بهش فحش ننویسین. کتک نزنینش.

    خلاصه کلام که آدم باشید!

  • Alexandria

    Va bene. È finito. Mi è piaciuto? Assolutamente sì. Mi è piaciuto il fatto che tutti i personaggi alla fine abbiano compreso quello che avevano vissuto, che abbiano seguito ognuno il proprio percorso fino a trovare una loro dimensione, senza però tradire se stessi. Ishida finalmente si scusa con Shouko, Shouko smette di pensare al suicidio. "Voglio che mi aiuti a vivere", le dice Ishida. Quindi le foto macabre di Yuzuru non servono davvero più. Tra tutti i personaggi, quella di cui voglio parlare è Ueno. Non lo so se mai avrà speranze con Ishida, perché è tonto e non ha capito la terza cosa che voleva rivelargli, ma gli ha detto quello che doveva, del fatto che anche lei lo ha bullizzato, ma che niente potrà mai farle piacere Shouko. Ed è giusto così. Il finale in cui ognuno prende la sua strada mi è piaciuto molto, perché è realistico e apre alla speranza, anche quella che un giorno si ritroveranno tutti. Shouko e Ishida soprattutto. Ma anche Ueno, spero. Ganbatte, Nao-chan!