The Love Plot: How to Plot and Outline Your Romance Novel (The Plot Chronicles Book 2) by Katherine King

The Love Plot: How to Plot and Outline Your Romance Novel (The Plot Chronicles Book 2)
Title : The Love Plot: How to Plot and Outline Your Romance Novel (The Plot Chronicles Book 2)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 106
Publication : First published January 25, 2015


Romance novels are a labor of love. But writing your book doesn't have to be laborious. Don't reinvent the wheel-- or the plot outline. The elements you need to get plotting and get writing are at your fingertips. Learn how to structure your book with the pivotal and connective scenes listed in the worksheets that get to the heart of the matter: the buildable plot.
Whether you're writing category romance or romance in general, The Love Plot can get you from the blank screen to the last page. Which is just what you need. No fuss, no frills, no filler. And that's just write.
So grab your pen and create something your readers will love!

The Love Plot: How to Plot and Outline Your Romance Novel (The Plot Chronicles Book 2) Reviews

  • Tracy

    Helpful as someone who hasn't written romance before, but has done a lot of general fiction writing (and is familiar with story structure and beats). The content was brief but the first two chapters were quite useful. The chapter on dialogue needed more content to be something I could implement.

    70% of this book is two "worksheets" / detailed beat sheets, one for category romance in 16 chapters, the second for general romance in 40 scenes (what I picked). Unfortunately they are no longer available to download for free from her website (appears they're for sale on etsy) so I typed them up by hand. I combined her detailed beats with Jami Gold's Romance Beat Sheet excel and Scrivener templates to help me plan for writing a sci fi romance.

    If you haven't written anything before, you might want to start with something a little meatier.

  • Emma Sea

    no rating from me as I have read this identical information in other books

  • Vania Rheault

    I skimmed this book, because after I read the first few pages, I realized I didn't need it. I'm not saying this book isn't useful--for a writer who would like to try to write a romance who has not done so and does not have a basic knowledge of them, this book is full of good tips.

    But I've been reading romance since I was in my teens and I have the basic formula down pat. :)

    Certainly, though, this book is a great guide for a writer who would like to attempt to write one. There are lots of good ideas on plot, character development, conflict, sub plots, etc, that are needed to move a romance along.

    Perhaps if Ms. King would have included something in her title for beginners, maybe, or first time romance authors, I would have passed this by.

  • Steven Atwood

    Thank you so much

    I'm a science-fiction fantasy writer, looking to expand into the romance genre. That being said, I have read a few romance novels but not many. My biggest concern was the genre rules for the focus of a romance plot. This book outlines in detail not only the beats but also the emphasis of the plot. If you're thinking about writing a romance novels, you definitely need to read this.

  • Lana Voynich

    Very helpful book. For the first time, I think I finally understand the structure/outlining process as it applies to romance books. I wish the author offered the option of downloading the worksheets as PDFs. :(

  • KiKi

    Great reference guide

    This was such a great reference tool. Loved the outlines and the worksheets. Going to use this. Very helpful resources.

  • Carrie

    Very helpful and easily understood.

  • Zara West

    Short, sweet, and funny. This book gives a basic template for writing a romance novel.

  • Stella

    This is the workbook version. A really good exercise on writing even if you dont want or plan to write a romance novel.

  • Cynthia

    Best Romance Plot Education Source

    Informative and well presented, this is the most helpful resource for writers of romance seeking help plotting the beats of the novel.