Title | : | Let the Night Begin (Brotherhood of Blood, #4) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0061245038 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780061245039 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 384 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2008 |
And what I, Reign, hungered for most of all was Olivia Gavin. I have never met a woman more beautiful, more tantalizing, and so I made her my bride. She promised me her heart and soul…in return, I plundered her flesh, and bound her to me for all eternity. Then, terrified of what I’d made her, she fled.
Now she has returned, desperate for my help in saving her beloved nephew. But my assistance comes at a price: She must share my bed once more, for the feel of her soft skin, the heat of her kiss, excite me still. And I know she desires me, even as she resists her own heart.
Yet, as we rediscover the passion that brought us together, an enemy waits to destroy us both…
Let the Night Begin (Brotherhood of Blood, #4) Reviews
I came across Kathryn Smith's novel when I attended the Romance Writers of America's National Conference in Orlando this year - and I'm very glad I did, because now I have another author I can confidently add to my favorite authors list.
Let the Night Begin is the story of vampire Reign who turned his new bride Olivia into a vampire on their wedding night - mind you, without her permission. Hurt, she leaves him. But thirty years later she needs help when her beloved nephew is kidnapped.
First off, I was very happy to discover that while the plot was interesting, it did not get in the way of the love story. This is truly a paranormal romance, not an urban fantasy masquerading as a romance. The sexual tension between Reign and Olivia sizzles right from the moment they reconnect. Conflict is aplenty: starting with the reason why Olivia asks her estranged husband (for they never got divorced) for help in getting her nephew back. There is plenty of pent-up frustration and anger. The author does an excellent job in showing us how the two of them slowly start trusting each other again, and how their love for each other is as strong as ever.
The sex scenes are hot, and I would recommend keeping a glass of ice water close to douse the flames. Ms. Smith's writing style is very approachable, and while the novel takes place in Victorian England and Scotland, she doesn't go too deeply into superfluous descriptions (thank you!). Vampire lovers will enjoy the various biting scenes - many very sensual and enticing. And the author has given her vampires one interesting traits not as often seen amongst vampires: they can fly. -
Let the Night Begin
4.5 Stars
The story of the Brotherhood of Blood continues with Reign and his estranged wife, Olivia Gavin. When Olivia's nephew is abducted, she is forced to put aside her anger for Reign and seek his help as the kidnappers are demanding a ransom that only he can provide. Reign is only too eager to have his wayward bride return, but conditions his assistance on Olivia's willingness to share his bed once more. Can these two former lovers rekindle the passion that brought them together or will they kill each other before their enemies can do it for them?
A significant improvement on the previous installment.
Reign and Olivia have incredible chemistry and their love/hate relationship is intense and satisfying. While the keeping secrets trope usually annoys me no end, Smith manages to avoid all of its pitfalls as Olivia's reasons for withholding information makes sense within the narrative, and Reign is well aware that his beloved is not revealing the entire truth.
The ongoing story arc involving the Order of the Silver Palm takes an interesting turn, and I am eager to see how it all turns out in the last book. -
"Let the Night Begin" is the 4th book in Kathryn Smith's 'Brotherhood of Blood' series. If you've been reading the series, you know that the brotherhood refers to a group of 5 Templar knights who drank from Lilith's chalice and became vampire warriors until jealousy and greed separated them from their order. Now they are hunted by an organization who again envies their powers and hunts the chalice.
This book is Reign's story. I always thought Reign was an incredibly sexy character and was happy to be able to read his story. Surely his woman would be worthy of him. Not a bit. She was a whiny, bitter, self-serving, immature thing and I absolutely despised her for 3/4 of the book. Although she does (finally) come through for Reign, if I were him I would've dropped her like a hot potato and said good riddance. Lucky for her, Reign has more patience than me!
I enjoyed the storyline. I liked finding out a little more about Temple who is currently trapped by the bad guys. This series is intersting in that the events take place around 1900 so it's an historical, but not too historical!? I can hardly wait for the next book which I'm hoping will be Temple's rescue and a woman for him too! -
So far, so stinky.... I grabbed this one from the grocery store because I needed a filler book until I get my orders from the library. I didn't know it was 4th in a series until I added it here. After all of the great vampire books I've read recently by Lara Adrian and Sherrilyln Kenyon, this one comes off as stupid. It is set in 19th century England, and I don't like how the characters talk. Its annoying. Plus they fly. It comes off as stupid that they would just leap off a balcony and start flying around. Maybe I am spoiled. I don't know if I will finish it.
good novel, horrible kid.
I often say that kids between 13 and 16 should have their dumb heads knocked on a wall twice a day (mine too, when I was that age, I don't know how my parents kept from killing me, they must be saints, or love me very much) but this one beats them all. Christ. Obnoxious and so self centered he's disgusting. "I wanna be a vampire, you're cruel because you wont make me a vampire" gnegnegne. If this had been a movie I would have thrown pop-corns at the screen every time he opened his mouth. -
I'm not the best at writing reviews. I will say this though...this is such a great mixture of paranormal and historical romance! Read the first book and came across this one before I could find the 2nd & 3rd. It doesn't give away anything from the previous books. But definitely kept me interested and wanting to read the the rest to find out Saint, Bishop and Most of all Temples stories.
I liked that KS put together a paranormal romance with something so well known from history "The Holy Grail", and then throwing Lilith into the mix made it all the more interesting... so yeah, I enjoyed this one as well as the first. So if you love vampires + some historical fiction + passionate romance....this is one series I recommend. -
4 ½-5 stars – Vampire/Historical Romance
This is a great fourth installment in the fantastic Brotherhood of the Blood historical romance series with a unique take on vampire mythology, centering on six soldiers who became vampires by drinking from an ancient chalice infused with the essence of Lilith. Let the Night Begin focuses on the vampire Reign’s reunion with his estranged wife Olivia. The relationship between Reign and Olivia is passionate and well developed. This is another great, romantic read in the Brotherhood of the Blood series. -
This is a very good story of love lost and love recovered, and Reign is a hero to die for (oh, wait - she did). This is a strong 4.5* read and would have been a 5* if not for the use of the 'f' word for making love. I have accepted the use of that word to show strong anger, frustration, etc., and in some cases it's very appropriate (in battle, e.g.), but being 'f'-ed is just not loving and romantic to me. I just wish authors would resist this push to be so graphic.
reread 8/2016
Tal y como dice la sinopsis, Reign y Olivia se enamoraron perdidamente uno del otro pero, en su noche de bodas, él la mordió y la convirtió en vampiro sin su consentimiento. Olivia estaba tan asustada que huyó de su marido, no sin antes intentar matarlo clavándole una daga en el costado.
Ahora, 30 años después de lo sucedido, a Olivia no le queda más remedio que recurrir a Reign para que lo ayude a rescatar a su sobrino, que ha sido secuestrado. Hará lo que sea con tal de recuperarlo, sin importarle el precio que tenga que pagar.
La verdad es que Olivia es una mujer llena de rencor y odio; se ha pasado las últimas tres décadas detestando profundamente a Reign, aunque tampoco ha dejado de amarlo, aunque preferiría cortarse la lengua antes que reconocerlo.
Aunque entiendo el por qué de su enfado con su marido, lo cierto es que ha llevado todo ese odio hacia un extremo enfermizo y peligroso; llega a culpar a Reign por absolutamente todo: si han secuestrado a su sobrino, es por culpa de su marido (aunque nunca se han conocido), si llueve, es por culpa de Reign, si hace sol, también él es el responsable... Es hasta ridículo.
Es una mujer que ha tenido que aprender a ser vampiro por su cuenta y riesgo por haber abandonado a su marido sin mirar atrás y sin permitirle explicarse, asique en este aspecto no me ha dado pena ni he conseguido empatizar con ella.
Por otro lado, Reign es un hombre sensible, romántico y que amaba profundamente a Olivia. A pesar de que durante los últimos 30 años Reign no ha sido célibe, nunca ha dejado de amar y de esperar a su adorada esposa. Sabe que se equivocó al convertirla en vampiro sin su consentimiento y, aunque tenía sus motivos para hacerlo, se ha arrepentido durante todos estos años de su noche de bodas.
Cuando Olivia reaparece en su vida contándole el secuestro de su sobrino, sabe que le oculta algo y que no puede fiarse de ella, pero no puede evitar querer ayudarla y le pide algo a cambio: que vuelvan a compartir cama.
Reign cree que de esta forma puede reconquistar y recuperar a su esposa pero se niega a cargar con todas las culpas del sufrimiento de Olivia porque él no es el único responsable (algo con lo que estoy totalmente de acuerdo).
La verdad es que la historia de amor - odio (por parte de Olivia) es apasionante y, aunque la protagonista no me haya llegado a convencer, la parte romántica de Reign me ha tocado el corazón. Es un personaje absolutamente maravilloso que se merece ser feliz. -
The beginning caught my interest and I thought it would be enough to hold it. But it got bad—fast. Olivia received an anonymous message informing her that her nephew had been kidnapped and they wanted her to trade Reign, which she was all too willing to do. She flew after the young messenger and dragged him off his horse and then held him up and shook him, demanding to know who wrote the message and not believing him when he said he didn’t know. She asked if his boss was as useless as him. Unnecessary cruelty: no. She lost a lot of points with that behavior towards this innocent kid. Ever heard don’t shoot the messenger, you dumb broad?
This 40 year old bag asked if he was in need of a diversion and he smiled flirtatiously at her. She said he was saucy and he said he preferred incorrigible. They were flirting about their age difference.
Then he remembered how he had been the happiest in his life at a certain place and nothing had come close to it. He needed to be diverted at this time of year in the worst way. He should have done to visit this woman and the girls. “He could have drunk, maybe fed and gotten a little slap and tickle. There was that strong, buxom brunette he’d had his eye on the other night.”
That’s when I stopped reading. You’re married and you’re cheating on your wife. Fuck you and fuck this shit. I’m not going to support authors who glorify this sexist bullshit. Idc if Olivia left him; you don’t cheat on your wife: period. And who the hell says slap and tickle? Wtf is that? Ew. And how did no one mention this shit in their review? Are all women so jaded and sexist that they’ve just come to accept that men visit whorehouses and have sex with other women WHEN THEY’RE FUCKING MARRIED?!
Screw this whole damn book that sounded too modern for the time period anyway. I didn’t like the writing or the story or the characters. I’m so pissed I bought this and have another DNF. Bye trash. Back to the bookstore with your ass. -
Me gusto, pero no tanto como el de Saint.
Acá al fin aparece Reign y su esposa Olivia, ella como Marika no me gustó mucho al inicio pero luego cambia, entiendo su enojo, pero también fue muy exagerado, creo que ella pudo hacer las cosas de forma distinta y tratar de ponerse en los pies de él. Reign fue bueno y siento que no tuve un click con el, y no sé la razón, sin embargo es sexy, inteligente y realmente bueno, espero por ella por tres décadas y cuando llega a él, la acepta.
La temática de un matrimonio reparado es bastante buena, el mensaje de que el amor supera todo.
Se sabe más de la orden, y aparece Saint al final con Ivy, eso fue magnifico.
No me gusto que Reign convirtiera a James, este era un niño malcriado.
Me gustó lo de Olivia atacando y mordiendo jovencitos parecidos a su marido, esa conversación de Reign con Clarke fue muy graciosa, con las desapariciones de los muchachos.
Información de la orden, incluso el padre de Reign pertenecía a la misma, se acerca el encuentro de todos, escenas maravillosas, descripciones geniales, y romance abundante. -
Olivia never forgave her husband for his actions nearly 30 years ago, the night of the wedding when
he changed her into a vampire against her will and without her permission. Now, he is her
only chance at getting her nephew back alive after the boy is kidnapped while on a trip to
Scotland. They want him in exchange for the boy she considers her son and while she might
resent Reign and hold a great deal of anger towards him, the fact that she might be sending
him to his death still fills her with remorse.
Reign has lived the last 30 years knowing he lost the love of his life because of a stupid
and selfish action. Though he loves her as deeply as her did then, he holds little hope that
she could ever forgive him. Yet that doesn't stop him from agreeing to help her find her nephew.
She repeatedly throws the past in his face, despite his obvious remorse and frequent apologies and
he grows frustrated with her refusal to see past his transgressions.
As their search progresses and it comes to light that her nephew may not entirely be a victim in
his own kidnapping, Olivia realizes that she can't risk her husbands life. But will her
ever forgive her for her betrayal?
This book had some highs and some lows. The highs were Olivia and Reigns natural chemistry and
easy dynamic to their relationship despite the tension. The lows was the repetitive of it all.
Eventually, all the conversations were copies of a conversation held previously and I realized
there wasn't much more to the characters beyond the passive aggressive ( and also aggressive)
arguments between Olivia and Reign in relation to the whole turning her on their wedding night
thing. I liked the book but I just wish it was something more to it because I did get bored
towards the end. -
After the snoring fest that is the third book, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I love the pace of the story, the chemistry between the characters, their character growth as well as their back story. I find everything was amazing and exciting...that is, until just at the very end.
The heroine, Olivia, has a nephew. A spoil and selfish young nephew who wishes to become a vampire like his aunt, who raises him like a son. Olivia refuse because to her, being a vampire is like a curse. Let's just say her transformation from human to a nocturnal creature wasn't consensual. So her nephew, James, being a stupid brat that he is, was tricked by the Order. To make long story short, that ungrateful bastard got his wish at the end. And that seriously pisses me off.
One, he got his aunt and Reign into a huge mess because they thought he was held against his will by the Order. Little do they know that James was all for the kidnapping ploy to lure his aunt to the Order's lair. Two, when Olivia finally figured it out, she backed out of the ransom; refusing to exchange her nephew with Reign. So what was James's reaction? He got angry with her. At that point, I was hoping that Reign would pulled James's tongue out out from his throat.
But no, they still have to save the boy and due to fighting accident, James's was injured and had to be change to save his life. If it were up to me, I'd leave that ungrateful prick to die chocking his own blood. -
Great story about Reign a vampire who married Olivia. On their wedding night he turned Olivia into a vampire and was quite brutal. She left him and disappeared for over 30 years. During that time her sister had a child. Her sister died in an accident and Olivia raised the child as her own. He gets kidnapped and the ransom note demands she trade Reign for the child. So after not seeing him for over 30 years she finds him and goes to him for help. She doesn't tell him that he is the ransom for the boy. After being away from each other for the 30 years there is a lot of conflict between the two and also a lot of guilt from both of them. Olivia is a strong woman who has taken care of herself and done a good job at it. Reign has never given up hope the Olivia will someday come back to him. The writing style was good and the story was interesting. It wasn't the typical paranormal romance. There was some sexual content but not too graphic. I found it to be a good read and look forward to reading more by this author.
Another great story. Reign and Olivia finally get back together after 30 years of separation. Reign had turned Olivia into a vampire on their wedding night without Olivia's permision and when she realized what happened to her she was pist and even tried to kill Reign and then left. However, here it is 30 years later and once again the order is trying to capture the ones who have the blood grail and they try to use Olivia to get to Reign by taking her nephew. Olivia has no choice but to turn to Reign because that is the ransom for in exchange for her nephews release she had to turn Reign over to them.
However, after 30 years, Olivia realizes how much she really loves Reign and they fall deeper in love with each other and Reign helps her rescue her nephew in the end and they are finally a happily married couple.
Saint & Ivy meet up with Reign and Olivia to go to France to help rescue Temple from the Order. Can't wait to read the next book to find out what happens to Temple and how the reunion will turn out when the brotherhood of the blood meet together. -
This book was awesome. I love Reign equally and in some ways more than Saint or Bishop. I loved the dynamic with he and Olivia. And I really cared what would happen to them. Would they be able to forgive each other? How would Olivia get passed her fear and anger and resentment where Reign is concerned? Her plight with her nephew. I felt really sorry for him by the way. And the plot getting closer to the answers that have eluded me since the very first book in this series is enough to keep me on edge as it is.
Trust me if you have been following this series then you know what I mean or you are intrigued to find out. Another great story. Another great chapter in this series. It keeps getting better. My only hope is when I finally read the next and final book concerning Temple, I truly hope it does not disappoint on any angle where the answers are to come. And Temple the head of the Brotherhood, I sincerly hope is all that we have been led to believe he is and more. I highly recommend this read and this series. -
The fourth book in the Brotherhood of Blood does not disappoint. I love how Kathryn Smith has somewhat defied the typical romance formula by giving the protagonists a long history (the hero, Reign, has been estranged from his wife, Olivia, for thirty years, which probably isn't very long in vampire years, but I digress--thirty years is a long time to be nursing a grudge!), so we are spared the usual getting-to-know-you/lust-after-you riff-raff, and dig right into the hot chemistry, and there is plenty of it here. The subplot involving the heroine's kidnapped nephew is loosely bound and somewhat bordering on ridiculous but the sizzling dynamic between Reign and Olivia will surely compensate for any flaws within this book. Hoping that there will be more where this came from!
The fourth installment in Kate's Brotherhood of Blood Series. It is an historical paranormal series with vampiric mythology based on the Templar Knights and a Blood Grail. Let The Night Begin is the story of the vampire Reign and his love Violet. What made this story special and unique is that Reign and Violet are husband and wife and have been apart since their wedding night 30 years prior. At the beginning of this story, they are brought together again and while the work together to find Violet's abducted nephew, they also work out some huge problems in their relationship to find love again. The conflict was a bit predictable, but the characters and their relationship was rewarding enough to give this book a B grade.
The idea for the story is interesting. Taking the married couple that is still in love but had something come between them. I have to say that this idea could have so grratly blossomed and I am a little dissapointed by the author's take on it. She has a great writing style that she just won't take advantage of. Another thing that I know she does often, at least in this series, is make the woman the weak one and while I appreciate the fact that in their relationship Olivia was the strong one, her attitude towards the kidnapping of her nephew and all the other less than opportune events suggests that she is to say the least emmotionally unstable and thus WEAK, which I'm guessing is not what the author wanted to convey through her.
Well, I was happy to read again a book from this great author. But I was a litte bit disappointed about the story. The love story between Olivia and Reign is similiar to the other ones and the fire between them which you have seen in the beginning vanished very fast. For me it was a little bit to much dramatic and romantic between both. The criticism of Olivia regarding Reigns behavior in the past is annoying after a while because it's always the same what she's saying to him. The background story isn't that good in this book, too and so I have some minus points for the book. All in all it was ok but not something I must read again or can recommend. I hope the next one will be better again.
This was another solid story in the Brotherhood of Blood series. However, this was the first time that I REALLY disliked one of the characters. But I could NOT warm up to Olivia, no matter how much I wanted to. I just found her to be a self-centered bitch, more concerned with how badly Reign treated her, and her bratty nephew. I really liked Reign, but could not understand how he was pining for this woman. I thought that he deserved better than the likes of her. The romance was still hot, though, and the story entertaining.
Let the Night Begin takes us further into the saga of the brotherhood, and deviates from the first three in formula. Here Reign doesn't find his mate and undergo a sudden upheaval in his life, he found her years ago. The dynamic between the two is strong and fun. The sex scenes are still steamy. And, we find that the story lines in the previous 2 books are happening simultaneously to this one. It also seems like Smith will wrap it up in book 5 rather than drag out the story to fill more books. It is an enjoyable series.
Reign and Olivia fall in love, he confesses to being a vampire, she's OK with that, they get married and on the wedding night he decides to change her without ever even biting her before. Olivia gets pissed and leaves him.
30 yrs later Olivia has to go to Reign for help, they still are very much in love but the trust has been broken.
A great story lots of good sex and suspense, can't wait to read the final book in this series, it hasn't dissappionted me. -
I like Reign and Olivia. I liked the fact the Liv was blood thirsty, not to the point of killing but liked a good fight. She was a very strong character, something I definitely appreciated!
Best Quote from the book:
"...any trust could be compromised by a threat to something the other person held more dear." ---Reign -
Reign was great! I was so frustrated that Olivia just wouldn't admit to him that she loved him. Ugh! I took forever but it was great when it finally happened. She spent so much time thinking about how much he had ruined her life and blaming him that she didn't focus on how she was really feeling. It was frustrating but a great book. I loved it. But I mostly loved Reign!
Can I just say how annoying the women in this book are!?!? There was one great scene in this book that saved entire book for me. Other than that part and the great male characters I wasn't too impressed. This series could be sooooo much better. I will read on though because now Temple is captured and it's a cliffhanger need to know. So on to the next!
I enjoyed reading this book even though it is a pretty predictable paranormal romance. Good characters and an easy read, and it had a few nicely erotic parts for just the right amount of steam. A nice way to spend a quiet day.
Me ha gustado muchísimo. Creo que es mejor que los dos anteriores. Me ha encantado la relación amor-odio de los protagonistas. Eso de los que 'se pelean se desean' les queda bien. Tengo muchas ganas de leer el de Temple.