Title | : | Bite Marks and Bendy Straws (A series of vignettes, #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | ebook |
Number of Pages | : | 9 |
Publication | : | First published February 2, 2015 |
A series of vignettes (and helpful lists) about Stiles’s mouth and Derek’s newfound obsession with it.
Word Count: 2,316
Bite Marks and Bendy Straws (A series of vignettes, #1) Reviews
The title says it all but in case you need further explanation I will leave you with some visual aids:
You're welcome. -
Squee! Mouth porn!! I love it so much!
A list of things that should be banned from all future pack meetings:1. bendy straws
2. twizzlers
3. pens
4. chupa chups.*
P.S. May I put in a request for eyebrow porn? Pretty please?
*lollipops -
"Why does everything," Derek grinds out between his teeth, "end up in your fucking mouth?"
Because you are one lucky bastard, Derek. -
Oh, God, it was amazing!!!
“You,” Derek growls, stepping forward and closing the space between them. “And this!” He reaches up and grabs the end of the straw, and wrenches it free. Then he’s crowding up against Stiles, and pushing him back against the wall, and Stiles huffs out a surprised breath, but goes with it.
"Why does everything," Derek grinds out between his teeth, "end up in your fucking mouth?" -
Sterek: That moment when you realize you've fetishized someone--yep, GAME OVER.
Fun, and sexy. Derek's lists were a highlight for me. You know aside from the obvious. I might be a slight bit orally fixated myself.
3.5 So cute! This actually goes against my no-ini-mini-shorties policy. But whatever, it's Discontented Winter + Stiles' mouth.
"Whose brilliant idea was it to give Stiles a sundae?"
I lost it around there. Derek is way, way, way patient!!
I could have done with this on Saturday night after
Promise You'll Look After Him. Funny and sweet and it made me all tingly!! I also like Stiles mouth very much!!
Thank you Lisa!! Thank you Rosa!!!
The fucking pressure!
I just can't. I feel the need for nothing but a gif filled review and my Pack has done such a fantastic job I feel so much pressure!!!
You get the point, yeah? -
Cute fun little fic.
Stiles has an oral obsession and Derek observes; observes, lists, composes, does something about it.
The bite indents on his lip *sigh*
Poor wolfy had no chance of resisting ;) -
So first she proved that she can pen five star Stiles like nobody' business by giving us the angst and feels and sexy with Ballon Animals Are Awesome.
Then she proved she could do the fluffy Sterek just as well with an endearing Peter to boot in Stiles Stillinski is a Lying Liar Who Lies.
She then left me tears eyed at four in the morning by playing on every emotion I have had since becoming a parent with Promise Me You'll Look After Him.
I hear there is a current Steter in the works that I will probably be gushing over in the future.
So if you were wondering how Ms. Henry would do with a sweet sexy vignette in Derek's POV - well she does it the way she does everything Sterek: with class, awesomeness and better than anything Jeff Davis could have imagined for Stiles and Derek in a wet dream of his.
Happy Monday to you too, Lisa!
Original Remarks
I am stopping in the middle of my day to read this. I don't know how she is pumping them out this fast, but Yay! -
4.5 stars
A Lisa Henry Sterek, yay yay yay yay yay yay!
Derek is obsessed with Stiles’ mouth. Well, who isn’t? -
Ahh the evolution of what starts out as interest and turns into obsession. You really can't blame Derek. He never had a chance. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did.
This was genius, hilarious, and hot. More please! -
"anything taller than it is wider is a phallic symbol"
Stiles has an oral fixation..
Derek LIKES it!
Sidenote: I wish MY spirit animal was a pterodactyl!! -
Fucking FABULOUS Stereck fanfic!
Derek’s POV and his fascination with Stile’s oral fixation 😍😍😍 Hilarious and Hot! -
That mouth.
That fucking mouth.
Another piece of fanfic brilliance by the lovely Lisa Henry designed to make us all smile and sigh and laugh and want.
Also, I think I need to get a t-shirt made with the phrase "Can my spirit animal be a pterodactyl?" written on it. -
Okay. I read Sterek sometimes. And this one rocks (thanks Lisa)
I empathise Derek. No, really, I do. That. Mouth. (It's not just the lips, it's the tongue. Oh lord that mouth).
Thank you Lisa a million, million times! -
4.5 stars
This is just hilarious and awesome and hot! What more can I say?
I love Derek's lists - especially the last one :) -
Oh my God. That was awesome!
I'm seriously in love with this tiny fic right now. I can't even...
I need more. More! MORE!! -
So, Derek isn't annoyed, he's in want.
Stiles likes chewing and sucking and licking.
Beyond that, I can picture every moment of this wee bitty ditty in my imagination. Wonderfully drawn moments.
Ha!! Such fun. :D -
7 pages.
7 f*cking pages of delicious, sensual tension between a clueless Stiles, and a tortured, about-to-go-nuts Derek.
7 pages in which this author delivers a tease, leaving readers wanting more.
So when's the next one, pretty pls? -
*smirk*. Very cute! And funny!
Minus point for use of plush in association with lip. Plush needs to be eradicated from all word processing programs in perpetuity. I know I read too much romance, when seeing the word plush makes me wretch. -
So apparently Stiles is really a kid by the name of Dylan O’Brian. I had to look him up after this because honestly all this fanfic is really just porn written as a way to fantasize about this kid. Well probably about this kids mouth, because really it’s insanely dirty. It looks like it would taste delicious. BUT I started to worry because like, um, well I’m a bit old for MTV series geared towards teens. How old…I’m almost 40 (37 and a half) and I thought well let me just make sure this kid isn’t actually jail bait, cause then reading this fanfic would be kind of creepy. Huh…23…I don’t know how I feel about 23 (oh wait his birthday is August 26, so in a mere 22 days he’ll be 24) but still. I have a friend who had a baby in the eighth grade so her son is…(hold on while I text to check….) yup apparently he’s 23. Still not sure how I feel about it so I’m just going to continue reading Dylan O’Brian porn until I come to a definite decision on whether or not this is creepy…
Derek's point-of-view of and near-obsession with Stiles' mouth.
Unsurprisingly erotic and tender, all at the same time.
Also funny, sharp and clever. -
Another funny, clever, hot, sexy winner by Lisa. Damn, woman, you write Sterek oh so well!
Hawt, so very hawt!
Another fun, hilarious and very hot episode in Derek and Stiles's lives. This time it is from Derek's point of view, and describes his obsession with Stiles's mouth. The various lists he makes to give himself reasons to do or not to do something are too funny. And I just know next time I see a bendy straw I'll remember this story...
Just a picture to show what this is about...