جزیره‌ی شاتر by Dennis Lehane

جزیره‌ی شاتر
Title : جزیره‌ی شاتر
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
ISBN-10 : 9786002294586
Language : Persian
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 435
Publication : First published January 1, 2003
Awards : Barry Award Best Novel (2004), Anthony Award Best Novel (2004), Hammett Prize (2003), Grand Prix des lectrices de Elle roman policier (2004)

جزیره‌ی شاتر داستان یک شخصیت نظامی‌ است که در پی کشف و اعتراض به اسرار نظامی امریکا، به جزیره‌ای دورافتاده تبعید می‌شود. یکی از ویژگی‌های برجسته‌ی این کتاب جدال میان «صدق» و «کذب» است و تفاوت‌هایی با نسخه‌ی اقتباس‌شده‌ی آن دارد.

در بخشی از کتاب می‌خوانیم:
دو سال از مرگ دُلورِس می‌گذشت، بااین‌حال هنوز هم شب‌ها در خواب به سراغ تدی می‌آمد. حضورش در رویاهای تدی چنان قوی بود که گاه صبح که از خواب برمی‌خاست برای چند دقیقه فکر می‌کرد دُلورِس در آشپزخانه است و یا روی ایوان آپارتمان‌شان در باتن‌وود ایستاده و قهوه می‌خورد. این البته حقه‌ی کثیف و سنگ‌دلانه‌ای از سوی ذهنش بود، بااین‌حال تدی خیلی وقت بود که منطق وجودی آن را پذیرفته بود. بیدار شدن از خواب، هر چه باشد، شباهت گریزناپذیری به تولد دوباره دارد. شما بدون هیچ گذشته‌ای از خواب برمی‌خیزید بعد چند خمیازه و بازوبسته کردن چشم‌های‌تان، گذشته‌تان را از نو جمع می‌کنید. تکه‌های خاطرات‌تان را بُر می‌زنید و براساس تقدم و تأخر زمانی مرتب می‌کنید، تا خود را برای رودررویی با زمانِ حال آماده کنید.

جزیره‌ی شاتر Reviews

  • Ahmad Sharabiani

    Shutter Island, Dennis Lehane

    Shutter Island is a novel by American writer Dennis Lehane, published by Harper Collins in April 2003. A film adaptation was released in February 2010.

    In 1954, widower U.S. Marshal Edward "Teddy" Daniels and his new partner, Chuck Aule, go on a ferry boat to Shutter Island, the home of Ashecliffe Hospital for the criminally insane, to investigate the disappearance of a patient, Rachel Solando (who was incarcerated for drowning her three children).

    Despite being kept in a locked cell under constant supervision, she has escaped the hospital and the desolate island.

    In Rachel's room, Teddy and Chuck discover a code that Teddy breaks.

    He tells Chuck that he believes the code points to a 67th patient, when records show only 66.

    Teddy also reveals that he wants to avenge the death of his wife Dolores, who was murdered two years prior by a man called Andrew Laeddis, whom he believes is an inmate in Ashecliffe Hospital.

    The novel is interspersed with graphic descriptions of World War II and Dachau, which Teddy helped to liberate.

    After Hurricane Carol hits the island, Teddy and Chuck investigate Ward C, where Teddy believes government experiments with psychotropic drugs are being conducted.

    While separated from Chuck for a short while in Ward C, Teddy meets a patient called George Noyce, who tells him that everything is an elaborate game designed for him, and that Chuck is not to be trusted. ...

    تاریخ نخستین خوانش: بیست و ششم نوامبر سال 2015میلادی

    عنوان: جزیره ی شاتر؛ نویسنده: دنیس لهین؛ مترجم: کوروش سلیم زاده؛ تهران، نشرچشمه، 1393؛ در 435ص؛ شابک 9786002294586؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21م

    با اقتباس از این کتاب فیلمی نیز به کارگردانی جناب «مارتین اسکورسیزی» ساخته شده، ماجرای بررسی فرار یک بیمار روانی خطرناک، از سوی دو مارشال ایالات متحده: در سال 1954میلادی است؛ دو مارشال ایالات متحده، «تدی دانیلز»؛ و همکارش «چاک ایول»، برای بررسی فرار یک بیمار روانی خطرناک «سولاندو»، از بیمارستانی در «جزیره شاتر» در نزدیکی «بوستون»؛ با کشتی به آن جزیره مسافرت می‌کنند؛ در هنگام ورود به جزیره، «تد»، با رفتارهای ناخوشایندی از سوی پلیس مستقر در جزیره، روبرو می‌شود؛ «تدی» همسر خود را در یک آتش‌ سوزی عمدی، که توسط یک مجرم روانی بنام «اندرو لدیس»، که او هم در همین جزیره نگهداری می‌شود؛ از دست داده است؛ رفتارهای غیرعادی توسط رئیس بیمارستان روانی، دکتر «جان کاولی»، ادامه می‌یابد؛ در ادامه او احساس می‌کند، که همه ی افراد داخل جزیره، به نحوی در یک بازی که صرفاً برای وی طراحی شده است، بازی می‌کنند؛ رفتارهای غیرعادی، به همراه هوای طوفانی جزیره، باعث می‌شود؛ تا بیماری میگرن «تدی» اوج بگیرد؛ در حین سردردهای مزمن میگرنی، او، تصاویر مربوط به آزادسازی اردوگاه «داخائو»، و کشتار محافظان «آلمانی» آن، به دست وی، و سایر نیروهای «آمریکایی» همرزمش؛ در ذهنش نقش می‌بندد؛ او همچنین تصاویری از همسر خویش مشاهده می‌کند، که به وی می‌گوید: «سولاندو» و همچنین «لادیس»، همچنان در جزیره هستند؛ و از وی می‌خواهد که به جستجو ادامه دهد؛ و ...؛

    تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 02/07/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 04/06/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی

  • Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin

    Ashecliffe Hospital sat on the central plain of the island's northwestern side. Sat begnignly, I might add. It looked nothing like a hospital for the criminally insane and even less like the military barracks it had been before that. Its appearance reminded most of us, in point of fact, of a boarding school.

    Teddy and Chuck are called out to the island to try and find out what happened to one of the inmates. She just escaped. There really isn't a way she could escape but there you have it.

    The whole place is just downright creepy. Teddy is trying his hardest to figure out a code the lady left behind. It was crazy town but it all added up in the end.

    We also get flashbacks of Teddy's wife who was killed in a fire and the supposed killer is at this same prison. Hmmmm, too convenient right? Teddy has dreams of his wife and you just plain feel sorry for him.

    I have watched the movie several times, but this is the first time reading the book. They are both awesome. I mean talk about a twisted story. The end game blew me right out of the water! It's just too crazy to fathom, but I can see how this could happen to people. I could see how some things could push people right over the edge. And it's not a nice edge to go over.

    Awesome book!

    Mel ♥

  • Annemarie

    It's been two months since I've read this book, but I still can't stop thinking about it. In my opinion, it was absolutely perfect. I didn't feel bored for even a single second. The story was fast paced, but not too fast - it had just the right pace.

    I fell in love with the characters pretty much right away. I'm not even exactly sure why, all of them just seemed interesting in their own way. Enough of their backstory was given for me to become attached to them and I would love to have even more material with them. (However, I wouldn't actually want to read a sequel. The book ends in the perfect way and any additional scenes would ruin it)

    Somehow I was able to avoid spoilers. And I'm so glad I did, because this definitely made the story more exciting and suspenseful. So going into more detail in my review would be pointless. Just read the book and be amazed! (As a side note: The movie is absolutely amazing as well and one of the best book-to-movie adaptions I have ever seen.)

  • zuza_zaksiazkowane

    Gdybym najpierw nie widziała filmu, dałabym pewnie pięć gwiazdek

  • Will Byrnes

    I have read Mystic River, and this is no Mystic River. It is an interesting novel with a fun twist that I found unbelievable. Many think more of it than I did. I have not seen the film, so can offer no opinion on whether it is better or worse, faithful to the book or not. IMHO, it is LeHane light. feel free to skip it.

    image, based on the film, drawn from the site Collider

  • Bill

    The night I finished this, my mind was left reeling from it for a couple of hours and the next day I was unable to get it out of my head.

    Shutter Island is a departure from the Kenzie/Gennaro series and
    it's one of those novels that will certainly leave you pondering the whole story once you're finished it.
    The less you know about the story, the better. Suffice it to say, this is an excellent read and there are very few novels I have read that made my head buzz for hours after.
    Don't miss this, read it before the movie comes out.

  • Semjon

    I probably belong to the minority who knew neither the book nor the Scorsese film adaptation with Leonardo DiCaprio, because I was envied several times in my status messages for being able to enjoy the story for the first time. What should I write? Obviously you all know the story of U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels, who is supposed to solve a case in a psychiatric clinic on the island off Boston.

    The confusing plot that builds up over the four days on the island, only to be resolved in a gigantic plot twist at the end, is insanely well written and brilliantly constructed. One of the best thrillers I've ever read. Absolute madness, in the truest sense of the word. What you can do with language, how you as a reader have for ideas about the events, how you anticipate things that were never written so and how suddenly your own thought construct begins to waver, but you as a reader hold on to it, want to hold on to it, do not want to admit it, how the plot turns and how you leave the scene at the end completely disturbed again. The Hammer.

    Wahrscheinlich gehöre ich zur Minderheit, die weder das Buch noch die Scorsese-Verfilmung mit Leonardo DiCaprio kannten, denn ich wurde bei meinen Status-Meldungen mehrfach dafür beneidet, dass ich die Geschichte das erste Mal genießen durfte. Was soll ich groß schreiben? Ihr kennt ja offensichtlich alle die Story vom US-Marshal Teddy Daniels, der auf der Insel vor Boston in einer Psychiatrie einen Fall klären soll.

    Was sich über die vier Tage auf der Insel an verwirrender Handlung aufbaut, um dann am Ende in einen gigantischen Plottwist aufgelöst zu werden, ist wahnsinnig gut geschrieben und genial aufgebaut. Einer der besten Thriller, den ich je gelesen habe. Der absolute Wahnsinn, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Was man mit Sprache alles anstellen kann, wie man als Leser für Vorstellungen über die Ereignisse hat, wie man Dinge vorwegnimmt, die so nie geschrieben wurden und wie plötzlich das eigene Gedankenkonstrukt zu wanken beginnt, man als Leser aber daran festhält, sich festhalten möchte, es nicht wahrhaben möchte, wie sich der Plot dreht und wie man am Ende völlig verstört den Ort des Geschehens wieder verlässt. Der Hammer.

  • Mario

    ...he hated how fucked up and obscene the world and everything in it had become.

    Well... fuck.

    I decided to wait for at least one day before writing this review because I needed time to process this book. But even though more than 24 hours passed, I still haven't processed it even a bit.

    Not in a long time did I read a book that grabbed me as Shutter Island did. When I was reading this book, and I had to put it down to do some other stuff, it followed me everywhere. When I wasn't reading it, I surely was thinking about it. Shutter Island crawled under my skin, and it will stay there for a long time. Even now, when I finished it, I'm sure that it will be somewhere in the back of my mind for a long time.

    I'm not going to say anything about the plot, because I think that this book should be read without knowing anything about it. If you are planning to read this book, just read it without researching what it is about, and have it in mind that even if you guess the twist, don't let that take away the enjoyment of reading it. I guessed one part of the twist somewhere in the middle, but what blew my mind was what that twist did to the characters in the story. Not everything is about the twist.

    This was my Lehane's second book (I read Mystic River a while back), and it's definitely my favorite book by him so far. Truly an amazing book, that will stay with me for a long, long time.

  • Gypsy

    این دیگه چی بود!

    اول فیلمش رو دیدم و گفتم کافی نیست. با اینکه محشر بود ولی خیلی ترغیب شدم کتابشو بخونم. برای کتاب هم باید بگم اول ممنون از مقدمه، مقدمه نبود من خیلی چیزا رو نمی‌فهمیدم. شخصیت‌پردازی‌های عالی، پایان‌بندی فوق‌العاده، دیالوگا. همش داشتم فکر می‌کردم این داستان قراره چطور ت��وم شه. به‌نظرم پایان‌بندی براش خیلی سخته. که دیدم چقد هنرمندانه و استادانه تمومش کرد. آخ که چقد عالی بود همه‌چیش.

  • Francesc

    Muy buen libro. Lástima que en su parte final decaiga y sea tan previsible. No me ha dejado un buen sabor de boca.
    A pesar de esto, me ha gustado la localización y consigue meterte de lleno en la historia.

  • رغد فريحات


    جزيرة منعزلة

    إعصار قوي

    غرفة مقفلة

    رموز سرية

    ومستشفى للأمراض العقلية

    في عام 1954 ، يتم ارسال المارشال الأمريكي تيدي دانيلز وشريكه الجديد ، تشيك أولي ، إلى جزيرة شاتر والتي يقع فيها مستشفى أشكليف للجنون الجنائي
    جاء الثنائي في البداية للتحقيق في الإختفاء لينتهي بهما الأمر إلى اكتشاف أشياء مختلفة جدًا.


    حبكة ليست بسيطة . إنها قصة مربكة ومعقدة تبدأ بالرغبة في العثور على الشخص المفقود ولكنك تدرك أن كل شيء ليس كما يبدو

    كلما زاد الوقت الذي يقضيه تيدي وتشيك في الجزيرة

    كلما اكتشفوا المزيد من الألغاز

    و كلما بدأوا في التساؤل عما إذا كان سيسمح لهما بالرحيل في النهاية.


    لم يعجبني الكتاب كثير��ا , و لكن لم يكن سيئ جدًا ، ولكنه ممل بشكل فظيع في أجزاء كبيرة

    . لم يحدث شيء لجزء كبير من هذا الكتاب !!

    كانت النهاية مثيرة للاهتمام وغير متوقعة , وكيف اجتمع كل شيء معًا.
    لذا النهاية بالنسبة لي كانت الجزء الجيد الوحيد في رأيي.

    المزعج اني وجدت نفسي محاطة بشعور الإجبار لإنهائه و كان لدي بعض المشاكل مع الرواية .

    بدأ الكتاب بطيئًا نوعًا ما ولم أكن متأكدة من أنني سأدخل في الجو. كان تقديم شخصية تيدي تأخذ منحنى ممل.
    الفصل الأول و الثاني كانا غارقين في تفاصيل مملة ومضجرة. ربما عرض خلفية الكتاب والرواية مهمة، إلا أنها كانت مملة حقًا.

    عانيت حقًا اثناء قراءة اول 120 صفحة بصراحة ... وحتى في الأجزاء التالية ، وجدت أجزاءًا فيها نتوءات في السرد ...

    الترجمة ؟ يالله ما ابشعها , صفحات الكتاب أصلا كبيرة جدًا ومحشوة والمترجمة لم تكلف نفسه عناء التبسيط وتم ترجمة كلمات كثيرة بشكل غبي
    اقلها المترجمة لم تستطع ترجمة اسم (رايتشل ) بشكل صحيح فترجمتها لإسم (راشايال) الترجمة حرفيًا كانت سيئة بالنسبة لي واستغرب كيف لدار نشر كبيرة مثل العربية للعلوم ناشرون ان لاتتحقق بكفاءة ترجمة كتاب مشهور مثل هذا

    صراحة الكتاب بالنسبة لي over rated

    كنت أحسب أن الكتب دائمًا أفضل من الفيلم. ولكن هنا حدث العكس , الفيلم كان رائع وممتع وأداء ليونارديو ديكابريو المبدع أضاف متعة للفيلم والرواية كانت مملة مثيرة للنعاس والضجر

    كلما اقترب تيدي و تشيك من الحقيقة ، أصبح الأمر بعيد المنال ، وكلما بدأوا في الاعتقاد بأنهم قد لا يغادرون جزيرة شاتر. لأن شخصًا ما يحاول دفعهم إلى الجنون. ولكن قد تكون كل الحقائق هنا مجرد أوهام !! ويكونوا هم اصلا مجانيين

  • Paul

    Another in your face, gritty, and extremely well written book by Dennis Lehane. He does such a great job with character development and keeping things smoothly developing from its origins. Very well done.

  • Carol

    I honestly thought my opinion of this book would be greatly influenced by my having seen the film, but it wasn't. I was completely blown away reading this one. This was probably one of the best psychological thrillers I've ever read. I loved how I got confused and then thought I figured it out, but then was totally confused all over again, until right near the end, at which point everything came to light.

  • Hossein

    هرگز فکر نمیکردم که این کتاب رو در دوره آموزشی خدمت سربازی بخونم.
    حدود صد صفحه این کتاب رو ساعت دو و نیم بعد شب در حال گشت زنی در وسط بیابونای بیرجند خوندم زمانی که هوا نزدیک به 10 درجه بود و انواع جک و جونورهای موذی هم در رفت و آمد بودند.
    خوندن این کتاب پشت سیم خاردار حال عجیب تری داره .
    توصیفات نویسنده و شخصیت پردازیش فوق العاده است. همچنین پیچش داستانی انتهای کتاب واقعا غیرمنتظره بود.
    اگر هنوز نخوندینش حتما توصیه میشه و حتما حتما حتما اگه میخواید برید سراغ نسخه سینماییش اول بخونیدش.

  • Maria Clara

    Magistral! Una historia muy pero muy adictiva. Negra. Amarga. Creíble en su locura. Excelente.... Sin duda seguiré a este autor de muy cerca.

  • Ginger

    Amazing! This is one of the best psychological thrillers that I’ve read.

    Super excited to read more by Dennis Lehane.

  • Lou

    An isolated island, a raging hurricane, a locked room, secret codes, a mental hospital, and rumors of mysterious medical experiments frame the story. Written in a very different style compared to Lehane's previous novels Mystic river and Gone baby gone. The plot is not the simplest of plots, i was scratching my head intrigued because the story flips through past present and surreal. It is a disorienting, complex story grounded in the reality of the times...cold war USA in 1954. From pondering over the story carefully i find myself laughing now at how Lehane whipped and twisted the story until you are dumb founded just when you think you solved it you realize the opposite. You sense the feeling of being cheated in the story because when you start you set out wanting to finding the missing person but realize all is not what it seems, well i have to take my hat of to Lehane's creativity.






  • Dem

    What a terrific supense novel by Denis Lehane. Even though I had seen the movie many years ago I had always wanted to read the book and was so glad I did as I had forgotten the plot anyhow and the book proved to be so well written and intriguing that it had me on the edge of my seat.

    The novel is set of the Massachusette's coast in an army facility turned hopital for the criminally insane. This book is full of twists and turns and really packs a punch. I loved the fact theat the author at the very begining of the story plunges the reader right in and you really get caught up in the drama of shutter Island right from the onset.

    I dont want to give too much away about this truly absorbing book but I did loose myself in the characters and the happenings on the Shutter Island. Its a novel thats is well paced and thought out and certainly well worth a read.

  • Sarah

    Did Bird Box or Dark Matter mess with your brain ? Ha ! This one is the best. Total mind melt. I had no idea it was a movie. I can't wait. I loved this book and I love Dennis Lehane as a new author I have found. How do they think about that stuff? Are they crazy? I couldn't sleep at night. It's that good and eerie. Shudder !!

    I highly recommend for eerie suspense with lots of twists and turns

  • Paul Weiss

    A thinking man's page turner!

    Fear, obsession, paranoia...Dennis Lehane's "Shutter Island" is the stuff nightmares are made of. It is noir psychological suspense at its finest. An isolated island, a raging hurricane, a locked room, secret codes, a mental hospital, rumors of mysterious medical experiments frame the story.

    It is a scary, deceptive, disorienting, complex story grounded in the reality of the times...cold war USA in 1954 ("I like Ike").

    Mr. Lehane weaves many threads throughout the unpredictable plot. The set up is thorough and the characters are fully developed. The twists and turns play havoc with your mind.

    The unexpected is the norm...a couple of times I was able to figure something out a page and a half before it was revealed, but that was rare. The ending is unguessable.

    Immediately upon finishing, I reread the prolog and final chapter...and will read this book again. I have not been so dumbfounded by an ending since William Diehl's PRIMAL FEAR.

    SHUTTER ISLAND is etched in my memory.

    Paul Weiss

  • مجیدی‌ام

    هیچوقت فیلم، نمی تونه جای کتاب رو بگیره. با خوندن این کتاب، هرچه بیشتر به این نتیجه میرسه آدم

  • Mariah Roze

    I read this book for my hometown book club. Surprisingly, I have never heard of Shutter Island, but now after reading this book I will have to check out the movie too.

    I was hoping for this book to be much better than it was. Even after reading it I feel it could have been but there were soooo many twists and turns I couldn't keep up. I love when books catch you by surprise or completely change. However, this book was not executed well and had too many twists and turns that the author didn't execute them well.

    The main character, U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels, and his partner, Chuck Aule, take a boat to Shutter Island. This is the Hospital for the Criminally Insane and they were requested to come to investigate the escape and find one of a patient.

  • Erin

    Thriller A Thon: Revisit an author or book.

    Jar of Death Pick # 11(7th finished)

    I tried to read this book years ago but after about 50 pages I lost interest. I broke my rule in this case because I watched the movie first. I have seen every Leonardo DiCaprio movie so I just decided to see the movie and then eventually get around to the book.

    Flash Forward 10 years I finally read the book!

    First can we all agree that Shutter Island is a great name for a spooky book.

    Shutter Island takes place on Shutter Island which houses the Ashecliff Hospital for the Criminally Insane, in 1954. A U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels comes to the island to investigate the disappearance of a patient. While there he quickly comes to believe that all is not as it seems.

    Since I had already watched the movie I knew the big twist but that didn't dampen my enjoyment of the book(I guessed it when I saw the movie). Shutter Island is the kind of book that could easily have started with "It was a dark and stormy night". The atmosphere of the book was super eerie and it helped that yesterday which is when I read the bulk of this book it was dark and rainy outside.

    I had fun reading this book and I can't wait to rewatch the movie.

  • Kon R.

    Shutter Island is a gold mine when it comes to locations. It's isolated, vast, mysterious, and creepy as all hell. Teddy and Chuck instantly have great chemistry together, which makes them easy to love. They take you on a wild ride as they attempt to crack the various mysteries. Their witnesses are disgruntled employees and an island full of mental patients. The odds are definitely stacked against them, which makes the reader root for them the entire time to make sense of the senseless.

    The twists and turns don't stop until the final page. The author does a great job of hiding clues in plain sight that you will only pick up on on the second time around. It's a lot of fun revisiting for that reason. In my case, I watched the movie first then read the book. Experience it in both formats. It doesn't matter which you do first.

  • Jason Koivu

    Good lord, I was not expecting that! Heck of a good read, in my book!

    Dennis Lehane's Shutter Island started off well for me and my tastes. Federal Marshals going into an insane asylum/prison on an inescapable island in Massachusetts during post-WWII to find a missing crazy woman, who apparently escaped. Love the setting, the characters, everything!

    From here on out this review contains all kinds of spoilers, so you just stop right here, Miss I-Haven't-Read-This-But-Plan-To.


    The set-up story roped me in. It took me far too long to figure out what was going on. I caught the signs Lehane shoved my why, but I willfully ignored them. Yes, looking back on them, I ignored them like a step-child.

    Though the anagrams, the numbers, and then the very obvious prophetic dreams all stuck in the back of my head and told me that thins weren't as they seemed, I ignored them all in favor of trying to figure out Rachel Solando's impossible escape.

    In my defense, I didn't know a thing about the book before reading it. I know people loved it, so I intentionally avoided spoilers. Glad I did!

    It felt inventive to me. Maybe others weren't so fooled, but I was and I'm okay with that. I was taken in and frankly, I love it! I'm glad a book can still dupe me like that. Probably if I read more psychological thrillers I wouldn't be so impressed. But I am. 5 Stars!

  • Emma

    Well. I've only recently started reading a bit more in the thriller genre than I have in decades and I think it's safe to say I'm out of practise! This book was SO SO good, I can't tell you. About half way through I felt I had had enough *thrilling* for the day and put the book down. Tried to read something else...my mind kept coming back to it...picked it up again....got spooked....walk away Emma, walk away...it's getting late, it's dark, it's raining hard...the lunatics are taking over the asylum....mwahhaha...
    That Dennis Lehane is a clever bloke. He manipulated me! And it also it WAS dark and rainy while I was reading it. My levels of fear, stress, panic and paranoia matched the lead characters.
    Needless to say I finished this in a day(and well into the night) and was so overexcited by the whole thing I could barely sleep.
    Also needless to say, and to my shame and embarrassment, I didnt pick up a single clue! Not a one. Dennis got me good!
    This was my first book by this author. On reading others' reviews, I find to my astonishment, that this is not considered his best work, although it does have 5 star ratings from practically everyone. It was a great place for me to start however because I love historical fiction and this hooked me in even more. New-to-me author, long list of published books by him, happy days...*rubs hands in anticipation*. Next!

  • Charlotte May

    I kind of ruined this for myself having already seen the film. Despite this, the book was suspenseful and exciting - I really believed the unreliable narrator and thought it was incredible how the story unraveled and then twisted at the end. Each character was mysterious with both protagonistic and antagonistic qualities - I was never sure who was on the right or wrong side if there even were sides and who to trust - much like the main character felt I imagine. I got right into the heart of the story and even I wanted to escape that island by the end!
    I was still left with some questions after I finished, but I guess that comes with the territory of a great mystery/thriller.

  • Sue

    SHUTTER ISLAND a creepy psychological mystery thriller by Denis Lehane, will have your skin crawling long after you finish it. This book is full of twists and turns and really packs a punch.

    The year is 1954. U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels and his new -partner, Chuck Aule, have come to Shutter Island, home of Ashecliffe Hospital for the Criminally Insane, to investigate the disappearance of a patient. Multiple-murderess Rachel Solando is loose somewhere on this barren island, despite having been kept in a locked cell under constant surveillance. As a killer hurricane bears relentlessly down on them, a strange case takes on even darker, more sinister shades--with hints of radical experimentation, horrifying surgeries, and lethal countermoves made in the cause of a covert shadow war. No one is going to escape Shutter Island unscathed, because nothing at Ashecliffe Hospital is remotely what it seems.

    I'm not even sure what to say about this book without giving anything away. As Daniels uncovers secrets, you become more confused about what is actually happening at the hospital.

    The ending will blow you away! I didn’t see it coming. Well done!

    Now that I have read the book, I plan to watch the movie.

  • Bren fall in love with the sea.

    “Which would be worse, to live as a monster or to die as a good man?”
    ― Dennis Lehane, Shutter Island

    Shutter Island is one of the best films I have ever had the pleasure of seeing and I saw the film way before I ever read the book.

    This is one of those cases where the book and the film are equal to each other. They are both so fantastic.

    The movie really follows the book greatly. This is not one of those things where one is totally different then the other so if you are reading this and you, like myself, started with the movie..you may want to give the book a go.

    Not only does it have the same creepy and eerie atmosphere but the prose is intense and the end actually pulls things together better then the film did.

    This is a story I NEVER get tired of. Five stars easily.

  • Richard

    Dennis Lehane took a big leap in his work with this first novel following his stunner of a masterpiece, Mystic River, tackling a period piece for the first time, with a story that somehow both narrowed and widened his scope. It's about two U.S. Marshalls stuck on a job at an island-based criminal asylum, tracking down an escaped convict during a dangerous hurricane.

    I haven't read this in a while but I remember it being such a great example of a popular best-seller that fully deserved the attention it got! It's a first-rate psychological thriller and mystery, and I felt like Lehane did everything right. With its 1950's setting, to the Gothic feel of the location, the incredibly potent ambiance created by setting the story during a storm, it's shocking twists, it's brooding protagonist, and it's locked-room (locked-island?) mystery vibe, it's like the book is tailor-made to be awesome. It's also definitely one of the most atmospheric books I've read. It has such a moody, creepy tone, I can still remember the feeling it gave me while reading it late at night before bed. I remember being engrossed and transported. And although not as emotionally gripping as
    Mystic River
    , it's a tighter narrative and another amazing notch on Lehane's bibliography. He's one of my favorite authors, and along with Stephen King, probably has the most books on my favorites list!