Title | : | Unofficial Series ListLee ChildIn Order: Jack Reacher novels, short stories, and all others |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 8 |
Publication | : | First published January 26, 2015 |
This is a quick-reference title list for your kindle to help you easily find which book is next in Lee Child's Jack Reacher series. It also lists the short stories featuring Jack Reacher, where they fit in the series, and where to find them, as well as other short stories written by Lee Child.
This information is available on the author's website, leechild.com. If, like me, you'd like to have the list on your kindle where you can pop it open just like your other kindle books instead of logging on to your laptop or PC, you will find this list handy. Hopefully you have the Kindle Unlimited subscription and can download it for free. If not, you'll have to decide if the convenience is worth a buck.
This is a title list only. In reading order. No portions of the books mentioned have been reproduced here. No copyright infringement is intended.
Just to avoid any misunderstandings about copyright, according to the United States Copyright Office, “Copyright law does not protect names, titles, or short phrases or expressions.” (copyright.gov, circular 34).
I hope you find this made-for-kindle list as helpful as I do in deciding which of Mr. Child's books to purchase and enjoy next.
This information is available on the author's website, leechild.com. If, like me, you'd like to have the list on your kindle where you can pop it open just like your other kindle books instead of logging on to your laptop or PC, you will find this list handy. Hopefully you have the Kindle Unlimited subscription and can download it for free. If not, you'll have to decide if the convenience is worth a buck.
This is a title list only. In reading order. No portions of the books mentioned have been reproduced here. No copyright infringement is intended.
Just to avoid any misunderstandings about copyright, according to the United States Copyright Office, “Copyright law does not protect names, titles, or short phrases or expressions.” (copyright.gov, circular 34).
I hope you find this made-for-kindle list as helpful as I do in deciding which of Mr. Child's books to purchase and enjoy next.
Unofficial Series ListLee ChildIn Order: Jack Reacher novels, short stories, and all others Reviews
Reader checklist
Loved the order and synopses on all the “ Jack Reacher” books by Lee Child’s. Excellent instructors for checking items read on your kindle. -
Love This Update
This give me a quick Review of all the Jack Teacher books. Well put together and I must say this read did exactly what it said it would.