Title | : | The Complete Adventures of Feluda, Vol. 2 (Feluda #17-35) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 014303278X |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780143032786 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 757 |
Publication | : | First published October 14, 2000 |
The Complete Adventures of Feluda, Vol. 2 (Feluda #17-35) Reviews
ফেলুদা, তোপসে আর লালমোহন বাবুদের সাথে এ বছরের জানুয়ারিতে শুরু হওয়া জার্নির সমাপ্তি এখানেই। আর নেই তো কি হয়েছে! ঘুরিয়ে ফিরিয়ে আবার পড়া যাবে, মির্চি বাংলার দারুণ পরিবেশনা আবার শোনা যাবে B-)
যদিও শেষের দিকের কাহিনী ঘুরিয়ে ফিরিয়ে একই লুপে চলে গেছে প্রায়। কিন্তু উপভোগ করতে গিয়ে বিন্দুমাত্র ঝামেলাও হয়নি। ফুল অন এঞ্জয় করেছি। আর সত্যজিৎ রায়ের কি চমৎকার বর্ণনা! মনে হয়েছে আমিই বুঝি তোপসেদের সাথে নেপাল, লন্ডনসহ ভারতের ঐতিহাসিক জায়গাগুলো ঘুরে আসলাম। ঘরে বসে থেকে বিশ্ব ভ্রমণের এই অনুভূতিই আলাদা; এই অনুভূতি শুধু পাঠকরাই পেতে সক্ষম ^_^
লালমোহন নামের এই মানুষটাকে আমি সত্যিই মিস করবো অনেক!
চমৎকার মানুষ তিনি :)
~২১ মে, ২০২১ -
আবার হয়তো আগামী বছর ফেলুদা, তোপসেও লালমোহন বাবুর সাথে দেখা হবে।
এই খন্ডের প্রিয় ফেলুদা হচ্ছে হত্যাপুরী, এবার কান্ড কেদারনাথে, টিনটোরেটোর যীশু। আসলে ফেলুদা সবই প্রিয়, তাইতো প্রতিবছর পড়ি। -
Absolutely spectacular! Satyajit Ray's whodunnit stories are amazing. It wasn't boring in the slightest, and I couldn't seem to put the book down.
The stories were clear and lucid, and the plots were really good.
Aside from 2 stories where I was pretty sure about the culprit, the rest of the stories had me baffled! I can definitely see why Feluda is a legend even now.
I just wish that Satyajit Ray had written more female characters in the book, and especially female criminals.
Gopa Majumdar did a really good job translating the book!
Definitely would recommend to someone looking to read detective fiction :) -
The first volume of FELUDA, penned by one of my favorite directors, was a refreshing and different take from the likes of Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot. In the first volume, we are introduced to the various likeable features and eccentricities of Feluda's style of detection and deduction that keep the readers hooked until the end. I had read the first volume from the point of view of a teenager (which is the original intended target audience of the FELUDA series)and liked it very much. However, this second volume is a disappointment and I successfully guessed the climax in most of the short stories mentioned in this volume. The original stories of FELUDA were authored in Bengali and I read the English translation. However, any original work in a regional language cannot be rendered completely effective in an English or any other language translation; the phenomenon which we love to call "Lost in Translation". I wish I had a versatile grip on my Bengali reading and comprehension skills so that I didn't miss digging in the goldmine of Bengali literature.
প্রথম খন্ডের চেয়ে দ্বিতীয় খন্ডে ফেলুদার জৌলুস কিছুটা কমেছে,কাহিনীগুলোও প্রেডিক্টেবল হয়ে যাচ্ছিলো।তবুও ফেলুদার কাহিনী পড়তে এমনই ভালো লাগে যে পাঁচ তারার কম দেয়ার কথা ভাবতেই পারি না।দ্বিতীয় খন্ডে আমার পছন্দের তিন হলো - যত কান্ড কাঠমুন্ডুতে,দার্জিলিং জমজমাট এবং শকুন্তলার কন্ঠহার!
অনেক সাধনার পরে ফাইনালি শেষ!
যদিও আমি নিরব শ্রোতা।
যত পরিশ্রম করেছে আমার সিস। চা বানানো থেকে শুরু করে ফেলুদা সমগ্র ১ ও ২ পড়ে শোনানো সবই করেছে সে।
আমি নির্বিকারচিত্তে চা গিলিয়াছি আর মনোমুগ্ধ হয়ে তাহাকে শুনিয়াছি 😎
By the way, Satyajit Ray is still alive as ফেলুদা -
Rating is a little lower than for d first volume. The stories started getting a little tired and this was particularly so in the second half of this volume. But nonetheless a good breezy read if u r a fan.
Thoroughly enjoyed reading the adventures of Feluda alias Pradosh Mitter and his fellow musketeers.
A book filled with short stories that's easy to read & will keep your mind racing to catch the culprit before Feluda does.
Satyajit Ray's writing is fun & effortless.
3.5 stars rounded up to 4! -
'5 Super Special Stars' go with it without saying...
Pradosh Mitra, Topesh Mitra and Lalmohan Ganguly aka Jataayu -- are my so-so-much favorite characters from Bengali writings.. I love their all successful adventures, witty convos, nice-described places and persons.. I was so into it,you know.. :D
#TeamFeluda -
শেষের দিকে এসে গল্পগুলো একটু বেশি প্রডিক্টেবল হয়ে গেছে বলে মনে হয় প্রথম খণ্ডের তুলনায়। তাও ভক্ত হিসেবে যতবার পড়ি আলাদা একটা অনুভূতি হয়। একমাত্র সত্যজিৎ ই পারেন ভেতো বাঙালীর মধ্যে থেকে এমন চমৎকার প্রদোষ মিত্রকে তুলে ধরতে। তাই জটায়ুর ভাষায় বলতে হয় এতো কেলেংকারিয়াস গল্প পড়ে তৃপ্তি হবে অ্যাবসুলুটলি!
প্রতিটা গল্প অসাধারণ যদিও খারাপ লাগছে এজন্য যে ফেলুদা’র আর কোন নতুন গল্প পড়তে পারবো না। যখন মন খারাপ থাকবে তখন আবার শুরু থেকে একটা একটা গল্প পড়বো আমার সুখ দুঃখের সঙ্গী হবে ফেলুদা, তোপসে, লালমোহন বাবু ওরফে জটায়ু।
বাংলা সাহিত্যে যেসকল গোয়েন্দা চরিত্র বর্তমান - তাদের মধ্যে জনপ্রিয়তার নিরিখে ফেলুদার স্থান যে সর্বোচ্চে - তা আর বলার অপেক্ষা রাখেনা।
I have read a lot of books from a lot of writers from all over the world but no one comes any closer to the way Satyajit Ray writes. Yes, call me a biased Indian, I am one but my love for the man and his art just keeps growing by the day and by every book that I come across by him and even "on him" too. There are books, there are writers and then there is "The Legend called Ray". Hats off to him and the way he wrote. Every-time I come across a book by him I get totally excited but by the time it comes to an end it starts making me sad to have finished the fantastic book and will have to wait till the next one come in my kitty. But the journey is simply amazing, never fails to keep a permanent smile plastered on my face and at times his anecdotes, jokes and comments on his own team by him make me laugh out loud totally. He is almost as good as PG Wodehouse, If I may say that in making me laugh while reading a book, no other author other than these two have that magic on me so far. And this one was special as it actually made my dream come true of seeing FeluDa go to Holmes land and pay a tribute. Just imagine how amazing it is when you see one of your fictional character visit his own fictional character's birth place and pay a tribute. The scene as written by Ray in the story "FeluDa in London" brought tears of joy to my eyes and made me totally breathless as he steps At 220 Baker Street and says "Guru, you showed us the way. If I am an Investigator today, it is only because of you. Now I can say coming to London was truly worthwhile". Very few writers, books and stories have that impact on a reader what this one did to me.
This is the second book of the FeluDa series which he started writing in 1965 and wrote a story each till 1992 (34 in total). Later all these stories got printed in form of two books called "The Complete Adventures of Feluda" Part 1 and 2. He was a huge fan of Sir Doyle and had read all Sherlock Holmes stories before leaving school :). The best part about the success of his stories and his characters was that they were all normal human beings like you and me and no superman. But look at the impact it had on his fans especially children for whom he initially wrote and later realized that even parents too weren't untouched with the stories. I totally loved the way almost all the stories are told in a simple way, no way they made me feel that it was actually Ray who has written them and no Topshe his teenage cousin (to start) was writing them. FeluDa the detective is such a nice warm character that one just couldn't help but fall in love with him. Loved his lopsided smile, the way he will get up in the morning before everyone and finished off with his yoga, shave and dress up, almost in all the stories is simply unbelievable. His acute power of observation and a razor sharp brain on top of that the plethora of knowledge that he had on all the subjects under the sun from history to hypnotism is simply outstanding. Imagine he was not only good in sports, he could actually write with both hands, he could even write in Greek too as its mentioned all over the stories about his "Blue Diaries" that he kept his secrets written so no one could read them.
What I love almost equally well the way I loved FeluDa was his side kicks. Topshe (his Watson) and Jatayu (Lalmohan Ganguli) the ever so comical cheap thrillers writer, always at his service with his green Ambassador. Hilarious I tell you. Just thinking of his name makes me grin from ear to ear, what a man, what a character, he was actually as good as Jeeves (PGW Character) at the service of his master FeluDa :), if you ask me. This part gives him some much deserved footage where FeluDa actually let him fill in his shoes a couple of times to a hilarious outcome. But Ray's love and affection to his other characters was simply superb. Not only these two there is another third character, the Google of then era for FeluDa, Uncle Sidhu, who knows anything and everything about everything but to know more about his character you've got to read the book. The knowledge that Uncle Sidhu possessed is simply out of this world, just one word and he will open up the details without batting an eyelid. Terrific it is. I just fail to understand one thing though that I had so much fun reading the "Translation", I just cant imagine how much fun the original will be only if I knew "Bangla" to really enjoy it. Still I fell I haven't missed much (hope so) and have no idea as what to look forward to now since I am done with this.
One question I have especially from the people from that part of India who have read the FeluDa stories. Is this character "Jatayu" Lalmohan Ganguli actually based on some real life Author? If yes, I would seriously loved to read one of his translated works too. Do let me know if you know anything about that. I will be on the lookout for Ray's other works now, any recommendations will be very highly appreciated. -
Can't imagine my childhood without this one. Enough said
সমগ্র ১ এর গল্পগুলা বেশিই দারুণ 🙂
Love the personality of Feluda!
And Satyajit Ray is magic! The way he tells stories is modern, classy and beautiful!!
A great read. -
Summary –
Feluda, the razor sharp and witty young detective investigates some very curious cases along with his cousin Tapesh and friend Jatayu through the length and breadth of India.
Review –
A recent article about the release of a new Feluda movie brought back happy memories of this childhood series. We know Satyajit Ray as the Oscar winning filmmaker but not many Indians, especially non-Bengalis know that he was also an author par excellence. Fortunately I became familiar with the “Author” Ray through his translated short stories in “Kishor” magazine much before I had watched any of his films. So when one day my local librarian showed me a new book titled “The Golden Fortress” by Satyajit Ray, I immediately lapped it up and since then became a huge fan of Feluda, Topshe and Jatayu.
In 1961 Ray revived children’s magazine “Sandesh” started by his grandfather. He started writing Feluda stories in 1965 and between 1965and 1992 wrote 35 stories featuring Pradosh C. Mitra, nicknamed “Felu”, a young, athletic and brilliant detective. Feluda (‘da” in Bengali means elder brother) is accompanied in his adventures by his 14 year old cousin Tapesh. Tapesh or “Topshe” as he is fondly called is the young Watson to this modern day Indian Sherlock Holmes and chronicles the mysteries for us. Like all the children who have read these stories, Topshe is in awe of Feluda’s deduction skills and knowledge and Feluda is his idol though Feluda teases him a lot. Feluda is very choosy in his cases and accepts only the ones that intrigue him most. Their cases take them all over India from Sikkim to Rajasthan and Darjeeling to Maharashtra and also to Nepal and England. Many of the stories are set in Feluda’s hometown Calcutta. Ray introduced Lalmohan Ganguli a.k.a. Jatayu, writer of bestselling thrillers whose hero – Prakhar Rudra is nothing short of a superman. In Ray’s own words Jatayu offers “dollops of humour” in the otherwise sombre stories. Jatayu is a fumbling caricature with his misspelt English and love for rhyme-less poetry, who almost always makes wrong deduction, a male version of Ariadne Oliver from Agatha Christie’s Poirot stories. In fact we can see the influence of Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot throughout the series. As Feluda himself says “we have nothing new to do, we just follow the paths of the past masters Holmes and Poirot”.
Ray had to walk on a tightrope as the stories were meant for children. He had to keep the violence to the minimum even in case of murder mysteries and the fair sex is conspicuously absent in almost all the stories. Despite this constraint Feluda became instant hit among children and grown-ups alike due to stimulating plots and twists in climax. All the stories are riveting though some of them are clearly a class apart. My particular favourites are The Emperor’s Ring, Trouble in Gangtok, The Golden Fortress and Tintoretto’s Jesus.
Reading the stories takes us back in time and it’s a pleasing ride worth taking especially in the city of Calcutta due to Ray’s minute attention to details. Reading about the by lanes of Calcutta is reminiscent of Sjowall and Wahloo’s Stockholm during the same period.
Read it to your children or read it for yourself; I am sure you will definitely enjoy it. -
Inspired writing. The stories are just Unforgettable. Best Ever ❤️
Feluda stories are good; I will read all of them sometime soon.
About this volume: shame be on Penguin! They have dishonored Satyajit Ray by providing the two volumes with abysmal pages (vol. 1 and 2)! The page quality is really poor; you will feel outraged.
Where did I buy it?: I bought it online from HomeShop18 with almost 50 % discount (also using a discount code). They source from reputed dealers. So it is an original copy from Penguin and not a spurious copy from the flea/gray market. -
Again, the second volume of this omnibus shows an obvious evolution of Felu Mitter as a detective, Ray as a writer and the whole series as more than an Enid Blyton-ish adventure series. The mysteries, though still predictable, are a little more elaborate, the plots are slightly improved and we strill have the foreign travel, the constant danger and the decent excitement. Nice, but no Holmes.
Feluda, The Bengali Sherlock, is undoubtedly the 2nd best Bengali detective character, 1st is Byomkesh Bakshi :)
Satyajit Ray is no doubt a brilliant story writer, And all his stories Feluda, Sonku, and short stories are a brilliant piece of work.
It is pointless to give review on his works, as all bengali readers are familiar with Satyajit Ray's work. -
Predictable, repetitive and simplistic for a grown-up mystery fan. But I enjoyed reading the stories anyway since they transported me to my childhood; a time and place when life was simple, and finding the person- 'whodunnit'- before the fictional detective was more enjoyable than being amazed at having the author outwit me.
ফেলু মিত্তিরের সাথে পরিচয় হয়েছে আর তাকে মনে রাখেনি এমন ঘটনা চাঁদ সূর্য না ওঠার মতই অস্বাভাবিক, আগের খণ্ডের মত এটাও অসাধারণ,তোপসে ,জটায়ু, মগনলাল মেঘরাজ প্রতে্যকেই স্বমহিমায় উজ্জ্বল হয়ে থাকবে আজীবন
উহুঁ .......রিভিউ টিভিউ পারবো না, পারবার দরকারও নেই।
শুধু আমার পছন্দের এক, দুই আর তিন কোনগুলো জানাই,
১) ডাঃ মুনসীর ডায়রি
২) হত্যাপুরী
৩) এবার কান্ড কেদারনাথে
ব্যাস! বাকিটা আপনাদের কাজ......আমি শুধু পড়তে বলেই খালাস !!