Title | : | Unofficial Series ListDavid BaldacciIn Order: King \u0026 Maxwell, Camel Club, John Puller, Will Robie, all others |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 9 |
Publication | : | First published December 29, 2014 |
This information is available for free on most author's websites, so why the made-for-kindle reading list? It is simply a problem-solving tool so we don't have to have a printed list from the author's website lying around or navigate the small web browser on our kindles to find which book is next in the series. The book # is usually cut off from the titles when browsing the store from the kindle.
This is a title list only. In reading order. No portions of the books mentioned have been reproduced here. No copyright infringement is intended.
Just to avoid any misunderstandings about copyright, according to the United States Copyright Office, “Copyright law does not protect names, titles, or short phrases or expressions.” (copyright.gov, circular 34).
I hope you find this made-for-kindle list as helpful as I do in deciding which of Mr. Baldacci's books to purchase and enjoy next.
Unofficial Series ListDavid BaldacciIn Order: King \u0026 Maxwell, Camel Club, John Puller, Will Robie, all others Reviews
WARNING: DON'T WASTE your dollar...ANY library has this information (and much MORE)
This is a bare-bones list of Baldacci's books, grouped (as advertised) into the different series, and in order, but this information is available FOR FREE (not even worth wasting one of your "borrows" if you have Kindle Prime, as I do)...online, at the author's page, at any public library, and many other places!
I imagine it took about 15 minutes to transfer this information into a list (one can't call this a book, and it's a crime that Amazon would charge ANYONE even a penny for this).
There are too many worthwhile things one can do with even one dollar (or 99¢)...I can't let myself NOT post a WARNING about this waste of time and money
Another crime: not even a one sentence description of any plots of any of the series OR the books in them!!! This doesn't even guide you to what you might be interested in reading. This has no place among a BOOK-lending service like Prime. Consider yourself warned. -
incredible author
I cant get enough of his books. I have never been a mystery fan but now don't care to read other genres