Title | : | Little Dinos Don't Hit |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 20 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2013 |
Little Dinos Don't Hit Reviews
Very few words, very little to interest my toddler. I felt like I was just telling him in my own words not to hit, and the book was a prop I was holding that didn't interest him.
I don't understand this book.
We've got a cute purple triceratops who is prone to hitting.
You know that kid.
The advice given to this terrible tot is that hands are for helping, not for hitting.
Ok, fine. I'm sure toddlers have changed a lot in the past 10 years and this is a message they can get behind, though toddlers in my day would have smacked you one for suggesting something so foolish.
The thing that baffles me, though, is that Little Dino is told, "Don't hit [victim]! Help [victim], instead!"
Now, I don't think the purple triceratops was hitting other triceratops because it was frustrated at not being allowed to help. Typically hitting is borne of frustration, anger, and the inability to express feelings in a socially-acceptable manner.
Typically, when a child is being aggressive, you give the child a different outlet. It's a tool to help rearrange future behaviors. Typically, the distraction/management tool is related to the original feeling of frustration. "Use your words" is a favorite among caregivers because you are telling the little rager to communicate instead of smash. But how is "no hit, just help" going to teach the dinotyke to manage frustration? I'm not sure a toddler can bridge those two thoughts.
"You're really pissed off. Why don't you go help someone?"
Dude, I can't even bridge those two thoughts.
Then again, my emotional intelligence is notoriously low, maybe lower than a standard two-year-old's.
The thing is, there are steps in between. Like this:
"You're really pissed off. Why don't you go to that corner, stomp a bit, let it out safely, then come back when you don't feel like hitting. Oh, good, you're back. Let's all do something fun together. That worked out way better than it would have had you decked your victim. Hooray!"
"I see you want to murder BobbyJo because BobbyJo has pink ice cream and yours is orange. Maybe BobbyJo will share with you if you share with BobbyJo? Ask nicely. Oh, BobbyJo said no? Yeah, that sucks but it sometimes happens. Next time, we'll remember to ask for pink ice cream. Here, I'll eat your orange ice cream. You go out and play."
Of course, this being a board book, and all, those messages may have been a bit long. Still, I don't think the don't hit/do help message wasn't the right one, either.
Then again, it's very possible I am too out of touch with today's toddlers and the book's message will be a little ray of sunshine in their angry triceratops hearts. -
This book builds in the phrases your toddler is likely to have heard a lot before ("Don't hit your brother!") with some cute pictures and better advice like "Help your brother!" The exercise in redirection seemed to stay with my little one.
Cute art!
Love the "hello genius" series of books by Michael Dahl; another great one here.
Cute & simple book for toddlers about not hitting
This is my two year old's favorite book right now. I picked it up for him after a trip to the museum because he was having a hitting problem at the time. Unfortunately this didn't help the hitting problem, but I really shouldn't depend on a children's book to do my job as a parent anyway. He still loves this book though, and it's super cute to see him hand it to me and crawl up in my lap, sit there super attentive through the whole short experience, and then try to read it to me next. More good news, after a couple of months of actual parenting and working with him, the hitting problem stopped! Now he throws things instead. Because he's two and there's always a behavioral problem to work on.
The Little Dino series features adorable dinosaurs in typical toddler situations, with titles like Little Dinos Don’t Bite, Don’t Push, Don’t Yell and of course this one Little Dinos Don’t Hit. This book features bright colors and simple illustrations. Young children and toddlers will find it easy to identify objects that Little Dino comes across, such as a bike and blocks and familial concepts such as brother, sister and grandma. There are very few words but the illustrations and the choice of language help to get the storyline and point across. I would recommend this book to anyone who works with or has toddlers or young children, as hitting does seem to be a common phase and something they can all relate to.
I didn't dislike this book and I don't like like it. Got it as my little boy seems to be hitting when he is frustrated and thought this might help but it's a lot shorter than I expected. My son is 3.5yo and I just felt it should have been a bit longer for the age range. It didn't captivate him at all unfortunately. But it's not a bad book. -
Sometimes little ones need a story to remind them of proper behavior, and here is a board book reminding a little dino not to hit, but rather, to strive to be a helpful dino.
For parents looking for message-heavy "don't hit" board books to share with their very young toddlers, this book might work. -
My son has been asking for dinosaur books lately, so I got him this one for us to read. He has a problem with hitting sometimes, so I was hoping this book would help show him that it’s not okay to hit. Verdict is still out on how well it worked.
This is a short, simple book, but both of my kids liked it, and it teaches a great message! -
Little kids especially really do seem to have energy to burn. This book is about finding good ways to direct that energy and not hitting other people instead. Hugs and helping are always better than hitting.
Fun way to address the "no hitting" rule.
Good read for early readers and independent young readers who want that confidence in what they read. My beginners like to read these types of books. -
Good book and relevant for my child
My kids gave each other a big hug at the end! A nice book promoting positive behaviour for my 2 year old. -
Really fun book!
Really good book for kids when they go through the hitting and throwing stage :) my son understood straight away not to hit and that it wasn’t okay. He loved it -
Kole likes this one.
Very simple
I like the premise
Okay read
This review was originally written for
The Baby Bookworm. Visit us for new picture books reviews daily!
Hello, friends! Our book today is Little Dinos Don’t Hit, written by Michael Dahl and illustrated by Adam Record, one of a four-part series of board books to help little ones control their tempers.
Little dinos have lots of energy! But sometimes, that energy can be angry or upset. And when it is, it’s important to remember not to use that energy to hit others. Instead, try to channel it into helping. Little sister is crying because she knocked down her block tower? Don’t hit, help instead – rebuild the tower together! Little brother upset about his broken bicycle? Don’t hit, help! You two can figure out how to fix it, and then you can go for a ride! The most important thing to remember is that little dinos should not use their energy to hit – not when they can be such excellent helpers.
Sweet and, well, helpful. The author-illustrator pair’s Little Dinos series aims to help younger readers with explosive emotional reactions (other titles deal with yelling, biting, and pushing), which is something that all little bookworms and their caregivers have to deal with at some point. The barebones text and brightly colored illustrations of this story get the message across well: hands are much better put to use helping than hitting. I wish there had been a little more suggestion or instruction on how to calm gut reactions that might cause kids to lash out, such as taking a deep breath or counting to five, but the simplicity of the book works to its advantage in other ways, notably that it is easy enough for early readers to pick up and memorize. The characters are extremely cute, and JJ loved them. This would be a great way to introduce a little anger management for the youngest bookworms, and we recommend it. Baby Bookworm approved!
Be sure to check out
The Baby Bookworm for more reviews! -
The Little Dinos series is a huge hit with my preschool storytime. I get toddlers 1-3 years old and the older toddlers are often frustrated by the behavior of the younger toddlers.
The bold illustrations, brevity, and repetitive nature of this series captures the attention of the whole group, while the message is simple enough for even the young toddlers to understand. Well before his second birthday, my nephew not only asked for these books by name but also responded to behavior correction when I would remind him, "Do little dinos hit?"
I strongly recommend these books as both a fun read and a gentle way to teach young children appropriate social behavior! -
Me and my 29 month daughter took it out from the library on Friday night.
We tend to read 4 or 5 books a night before bed before we brush our teeth and go to bed or after we brush our teeth and she's in bed for the night.
I want to say I also picked up another book by him called Little Dinos Don't Yell at the same time.
I didn't enjoy this book as much as the other one.
I thought they should have show the Dino actually hitting the other Dinos.
I don't think she got the point of this book to be honest because of that. -
I thought this was a cute simple book. This book trades hitting for helping. It doesn't actually show Little Dino hitting, just an angry face and someone crying or looking sad. I liked the helping pages. I thought the don't hit grandma part could've been subbed for a friend maybe. My toddlers hit other toddlers more than their grandma, I don't think grandma was ever hit actually. Very simple 2-5 word sentences. 1 sentence with a picture on each page, only a few pages long. My preschooler loved reading it to my toddler. Very cute simple colorful pictures. We enjoyed it.