Title | : | The Fox Wars: The Mesquakie Challenge to New France (Volume 211) (The Civilization of the American Indian Series) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0806125519 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780806125510 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 302 |
Publication | : | First published October 1, 1993 |
Awards | : | Alf Andrew Heggoy Book Prize (1994) |
This is the saga of the Fox (or Mesquakie) Indians' struggle to maintain their identity in the face of colonial New France during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.
The Foxes occupied central Wisconsin, where for a long time they had warred with the Sioux and, more recently, had opposed the extension of the French firearm-and-fur trade with their western enemies. Caught between the Sioux anvil and the French hammer, the Foxes enlisted other tribes' support and maintained their independence until the late 1720s. Then the French treacherously offered them peace before launching a campaign of annihilation against them. The Foxes resisted valiantly, but finally were overwhelmed and took sanctuary among the Sac Indians, with whom they are closely associated to this day.
The Foxes occupied central Wisconsin, where for a long time they had warred with the Sioux and, more recently, had opposed the extension of the French firearm-and-fur trade with their western enemies. Caught between the Sioux anvil and the French hammer, the Foxes enlisted other tribes' support and maintained their independence until the late 1720s. Then the French treacherously offered them peace before launching a campaign of annihilation against them. The Foxes resisted valiantly, but finally were overwhelmed and took sanctuary among the Sac Indians, with whom they are closely associated to this day.
The Fox Wars: The Mesquakie Challenge to New France (Volume 211) (The Civilization of the American Indian Series) Reviews
How a people were destroyed in the winning of the west.