Destin et duperie (Sentence 13, #4) by Shannon Delany

Destin et duperie (Sentence 13, #4)
Title : Destin et duperie (Sentence 13, #4)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : French
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 328
Publication : First published January 31, 2012

Comme la menace de la mafia semble apparemment avoir disparue et que le quartier général de la compagnie est détruit, Pietr Rusakova s’adapte à être un adolescent normal tandis que Jess prend conscience que la normalité n’était peut-être pas ce qu’elle voulait après tout. Mais Jess et Cat connaissent la vérité: la normalité ne peut pas être considérée comme acquise. Leur précieuse cure n’est pas permanente et lorsqu’un nouveau danger assaille leur petite ville, Alexi décide qu’il doit outrepasser ses problèmes avec la mère qui l’a abandonné à être élevé par des loups et conclure un tout nouveau marché afin de sauver sa famille adoptive.

Destin et duperie (Sentence 13, #4) Reviews

  • Claire

    This book was a filler, nothing really happened and I MISSED PIETR!

  • Melissa

    O.M.G ! Shannon writes another amazing book with a HUGE twist actually a few twists and I could not wrap my head around it! I felt like I was dying throughout this whole book because i LOVE Jessie and Pietr. Normal is not right for Pietr and I died a little inside in what happens and it kills me now even thinking about it.

    Jessie stays strong through the whole change and almost everything she has been through. But I think it is too much to take in and she finally breaks, at least that is how I feel. She breaks and I was crying right along with her. She is such a strong character who has lost alot and did not want to lose more and here she is losing something, everything to her because of herself. Throughout this book someone new comes to town and they aren't alone and they have their sights set on someone, and again throughtout this book it is switching between 3 people. I like 2 of them but want to KILL the 3rd person more than anything in the world! Again another book that pulls you in and makes you feel so much is something worth reading, brings you back to why you like to read!!

    Jessie knows something is off with these new comers, the schools food, some students, herself and most of all Pietr the change he went through. He is now no longer interested in her per say, he lost his fire, andf passion and it kills her. Through this journey she feels like she cannot do anything to help anyone it is HER fault they are like this and its eating her away and she finally breaks and then of course there is a ton of other things going on and in the end you are left hanging and this cliff hanger I almost died and I am dreading what is in the next and final book but in a good kind of dreadful way :p!

    Then there is Alexi, strong and silent type who is watching this all through pained eyes. He knows how bad Jessie is hurting and he feels like there is nothing he can do, but there is he confront his birth mother and he goes through so much for this family and Jessie! He is something of a mystery to me too, he feels so much for his family, but you never know what is going on in his personal life, who is the woman he calls to listen to her voice?! He is a truly amazing character, to see all these things through his eyes is awesome and i loooove it :)

    Shannon hats off to you for another amazing book and they keep getting better than the one before!!!

  • Kelly Hager

    When this book opens, all seems perfect for Jess and Pietr. The Russian mob isn't after them anymore, and they've found a cure for the whole "Pietr and his family are werewolves" problem (even though it may only be temporary, still better than nothing). Awesome, right? Except that (a) the cure has made Pietr kind of boring and (b) a new and different pack of werewolves has moved into the town.

    The introduction of Marlaena and her pack was fantastic. Even though she's definitely more villain than heroine, I absolutely loved Marlaena and am excited to learn more about her backstory (hopefully in the next book). There are also a lot of plot threads I'm excited to see resolved in the next book (not the least of which is what exactly is going on at that school they attend).

    While it's tempting to slam Jess for never being satisfied, I think it's important to point out that I'm glad Shannon Delany chose to showcase the fact that sometimes the things we think we want most are not really good for us. (I think a lot of us have the tendency to want the wrong things, you know?) And while she wants more of a future with Pietr than what she'd get if he stayed a werewolf, it's also important to point out that that's what she fell in love with. And if you were to remove a major trait from someone, obviously they'd be someone completely different. (And obviously she didn't think about that until it was too late.)

    This series is incredibly fun and I cannot wait to see where it goes next.

  • Riv

    Can't wait! Gorgeous cover, of course.

  • Jennifer

    I want to preface my review by saying I really love Shannon Delany and her 13 to Life series. I even drove two hours to see her at a book signing once. But there is nothing 'sensational' about Destiny and Deception, in fact it marks a definite lull in the saga.

    It was a combination of things, that contributed to my disenchantment. Things were fairly well resolved at the end of Bargains and Betrayals. So where do we go from here? We adjust to life without werewolves... or do we? Into Junction roves a new pack of wolves that are all about being wolves, "The Wolf is the Way". Honestly, I had a hard time becoming interested in them, perhaps because it took a while for them to become relevant to the plot. I actually had trouble keeping the males of the pack straight due to similar names and lack of interest. By the time they became relevant I was already felt rather apathetic towards them and resentful of them.

    The Ruskova's adjustment to normalcy is a little dull. Pietr's fire has all but disappeared and so has his personality. No one besides Jessie seems at all concerned about this. No one seems concerned about the new pack in town or what that means for the Ruskova's. No one seems concerned about retribution from The Company. No one seems to be aware that you just don't walk away from the Russian mob. Instead everyone is consumed by the former side-story of strange additives in the school lunches that seem to be enhancing and jump starting extra sensory abilities in the students of Junction High. I wasn't all that interested in that part of the series when it was a sub-plot, and am still not sold on it now that it has moved into the forefront.

    Also, Ms. Delaney switches points of view between Jessie, Alexi, and Marlena (the new pack's Alpha). This is not a new style for her, she's done it before, and done it well, but with there being so little action, and so little going on, it seemed less effective. Often times the switch of voices wasn't noticeable until I was a few paragraphs in... even though each change of view point is clearly character labeled. For the most part this felt like an entire book full of plot exposition that could have been condensed into a prologue. By the time things started to pick up, it was at the end. In fact, book five looks very exciting. However had this not been part of a beloved series, I honestly don't know if I would have finished it.

    I look forward to a return to action and excitement with Rivals and Retributions, the final novel in the 13 to Life series, which is set to come out in August. Shannon Delany promises that "this series is going to end with a bang (not a whimper)" and I'm holding her to it.


  • Erica

    Destiny and do I even begin to explain this one? The last book, Bargains and Betrayals, was pretty epic, but Destiny and Deception has upped the stakes and made for an absolutely mind blowing read.

    After the thrilling end to Bargains and Betrayals, I was eager to dive into this one. The plot got more exciting with each chapter, and I was so into the storyline. Destiny and Deception introduces quite a few new characters, and I was intrigued by them and what they bring to the story. With the new characters, that also brought a new POV which was interesting to see.

    The characters of this series are so fun. I love Cat and Max and all the crew. Alexi was a character who really grew on me in this one. I am very curious to see how the new characters, like Marlaena, will bring to the concluding book in the series.

    The ending made me literally sick there with my mouth hanging wide open. I was completely dumbstruck - I had NO idea it was coming, and it has set up the insurance that the last book, Rivals and Retribution is going to be absolutely brilliant. I want it to be August right now, because I cannot stand to wait a moment longer to see what is going to happen after the ending of Destiny and Deception.

    This series is so great, and Destiny and Deception by Shannon Delany is sure a must read. I loved this installment in the series, and am counting down the days til the next one is released. It has a ton of action and a really unique looks at werewolves.

  • Christi Alley

    Destiny and Deception
    by Shannon Delany

    Others In Series:
    13 to Life
    ... Secrets and Shadows
    Bargains and Betrayals

    In the fourth installment of Delany's werewolf series we are back with the Rusakova family and their human friends. But not everything is easy, not to mention, what happens when the cure may not be everything they had hoped it would be. Then, there is the fact of personality changes. What happens when you take the alpha out of a person.

    Jessie and the crew are once again in danger, but this time, they aren't quite sure if it's from the mafia, or from some new arrivals. There is one thing for certain. Life is never boring. But what happens when them man you love suddenly changes, completely.

    I have been a fan of Delany's novels since I read 13 to Life when it first came out. While most would call these wolves 'Shifters' and not actual werewolves it matters not because the truth of the matter is, that the books are amazing. The fourth book is no different, it too is one of those books that grabs you from the second that you open it and makes you turn pages until you reach the end.

    Once more, Delany leaves it at a huge cliffhanger that leaves the reader once more starving for more and angry that there is time to wait until the next installment. Another fantastic werewolf novel with a twist, I am so eager to read more. Thank you Ms. Delany for yet another fantastic novel!

    5 stars.

    Note to author: 'Bring my man back!'

  • Jennavier

    Edit: I removed the star rating after I realized I didn't read the third book in the series. I think that might have had a lot to do with why I was confused by the plot:) However, that doesn't change the alienation I felt from the POV shift or how little the direction appeals to me.
    This was a terrible thing to do to a great series. I got three quarters of the way through the book and realized that I really didn't care how it ended. Delany threw in everything but the kitchen sink to keep her series going. The first three were fun and different but with some of the major plot devices resolved the series needed a new direction. Delany gave it that by expanding one POV (Alexi) and introducing a new one (Marlaena). There's also about four new story threads put in, including a complete shift in the main characters relationship that makes it less appealing and .
    For the POVs Alexi has always been an info-dump character. Marlaena is completely crazy in a tent-religion-revival kind of way. Neither of which were interesting or appealing. For the new plot lines it took the suspension of disbelief and pushed it right out the window. Delany also committed one of my personal pet peeves by making small jokes about how the characters "almost think they're in a fantasy series" or "at least we're not twilight". If you want me to take your world seriously enough to invest my time in your novel, please do the same.

  • LeNore

    Delany is gifted at metaphors and figurative language. There were times reading I paused and thought “WOW,” to be able to make those connections! Snow swirled in eddies. Impressive. For me the pacing was slow. There were numerous times I put the book down and went and found something else to do hoping when I returned I would find it more interesting. For me it never picked up. It was the tension between Jessie and Pietr that kept me reading at all, and even that was eventually squashed. I believe the author intentionally wanted Pietr’s character flat. It was so flat I didn’t care about him.

  • Danny

    3.5 - I really enjoyed it, but it was a bit slower than the others. Plus I missed Pietr... ;(( But.. it ended in an incredible way that made me scream out in frustration.. When is August please???

  • Stephanie

    I cannot wait for the next release in Aug. The ending was sooooo unexpected! Peiter seriously needs to get his shit together!!!! Gggrrrrr! Wish it wasn't such a long wait for book 5!

  • Olivia

    [3.5 stars]
    I was a bit disappointed with this installment in the series, but I still liked it! There's wasn't much going on between Pietr and Jessie in this one :(

  • Heather

    Annoyed with the whole thing.

  • Sheryl

    **spoiler alert**
    So now that Pietr took the cure he's totally different. Like why the hell is Jess still with him?! By the end of the book I was like enough already--breakup with him already!!!!!! I found their whole relationship VERY ANNOYING this time around.
    Alexi finally meets with his biological mother.
    Max didn't really take the cure.
    Sophi is mentoring the 'special' kids at Junction High--the ones whos abilities popped after eating the cafeteria food and Jess found out.
    A new pack shows up--cant figure them out yet, other than the alpha Marlaena is struggling to survive and keep her pack safe. The two males Gabe & Gareth are frustrating. They're after the Rusakova's for something.
    I LOVED the referencs to Twilight and other supernatural stories.

  • Darianna

    Este cuarto libro de la saga "13 To Life" me encanto tambien poque esta muy bueno ahora que la familia Rusakova ya no son lobos sino seres humanos normales.
    Pero ahora Jessie y Piert y los demás Rusakovas todavía tiene que enfrentar juntos nuevos peligros que llegaron con la nueva aparición de nuevos personajes en la historia los cuales entra en escena y ponen en el peligro el mundo de Jessie y Piert.

  • Haya

    Wtf, Pietr?

  • Kelly

    Like the other books in this series, Destiny and Deception is full of drama, emotion, danger, and supernatural mystery. It’s a great read that had me eager to turn the page. Told from three differing viewpoints, Destiny and Deception shows readers that, though life has changed drastically for the Rusakova clan and their friends, things are far–very far–from normal…

    After the tragic series of events that took their mother and forced them into an alliance with the Russian Mafia, the Rusakova’s, particularly Pietr, fought back in the only way possible…they took the “cure” and stripped the wolves from their bodies. Or did they? Only Jessie and Cat really know that the cure isn’t exactly permanent, but they soon realize it is strong enough to change things completely.

    Almost immediately, Jessie notices changes in her beloved Pietr. He’s somehow less than he was before. He’s lost his spark, his fire, and, seemingly, his interest in her. Jessie is trying to get used to the “normal” Pietr, but what if the Pietr she loved with all her heart was stripped away along with his inner animal? Can she learn to love the boy he’s becoming? Does he even care?

    Alexi Rusakova, adopted brother and guardian to his siblings, is dealing with his own turmoil. Now that his family is no longer under the protection of whatever agency wanted them, they must find a way to support themselves. Yes, his younger siblings can get jobs, but will that be enough? Alexi will have to sacrifice even more–including his own happiness and pride–to ensure that his family stays strong and together. But when a new threat arrives on the scene, even Alexi’s sacrifices may not be enough to save everyone…

    Marlaena is an alpha female who embraces the wolf within her. “The Wolf is the Way,” and anyone who disagrees is, quite frankly, wrong. She and her pack have settled in the town of Junction, and Marlaena is looking for a way to unite with the Rusakovas. She knows their inner wolves are lurking just under the skin. They may just need a little “help” to get out. What is she willing to do to provide that assistance? Well, there’s not much Marlaena won’t do to remain top dog…

    As Jessie tries to hold on to the Pietr she once knew, Alexi struggles to provide for his family, and Marlaena fights for dominance, there is even more going on in the small town of Junction that anyone truly realizes. Can anyone put together the puzzle pieces before something bad happens? Or is it already too late? Find out when you read Destiny and Deception by Shannon Delany!

    Just when I think that things might be looking up for some of my favorite characters, I’m thrown a curve ball. Jessie and the Rusakovas just can’t catch a break! I knew that the “cure” wasn’t the solution everyone thought it would be, but I was not prepared for how it effected Pietr. Neither was Jessie. I’m hoping he regains his spark in the next book because, to be honest, I found him kind of boring in this book. (So did Jessie.)

    The introduction of Marlaena and her pack definitely throws a wrench into the works for Jessie and the Rusakovas. I can say with all honesty that I do not like Marlaena, and the last few pages of this book only cemented that opinion. I’m definitely anxious to see how things play out in the next book. Maybe Jessie and company can finally have things go right for once. Or maybe that’s wishful thinking.

    Speaking of the next book…Rivals and Retributions is set to be released on August 7th of this year, so the wait isn’t too terribly long. I just read the synopsis on Goodreads, and book five looks like it’s going to take us on yet another roller coaster ride. So much for good things happening to these characters…

  • Jessica (a GREAT read)

    I received this book from the publisher, St. Martin's Griffin, for review.

    OMG! OMFG! So I finished Shannon Delany's Destiny and Deception, which I totally loved! As you knew I would! It was freaking epic! So my review is going to be a little weird--since I have yet to really fall into a habit, I'm going to touch on some of the strong features of the book that had me oozing with emotions!

    Picking up where we left off, Pietr and his brother and sister have been cured of their lycanthropy. But for how long? As we know from Cat, the cure isn't permanent. But it takes and things seem to be going smoothly. Yet, it is making Jessie's life miserable. She and Pietr no longer have the same spark in their relationship. Pietr has turned into a totally different boy from what he once was. Was Jessie ever in love with Pietr? Was it just the wolf? She has some serious questions going through her head over the course of the book and it was practically tear jerking for me!

    There are some really interesting developments in the book, a new pack of wolves has moved into Junction. Marlaena, we learn a lot about her as the book is told through her p.o.v. as well as Jessie and Alexi. And let me tell you, I do not like Marlaena! Sure, she started as an interest character with a troubling past that she has overcome. But once she saw Pietr...oh man...I do not like her! She is the alpha female in her pack, even with two other wolfs vying for her affections--one openly, the other not so--and having some feelings (a variety of them) towards both, she still looks to Pietr! Even though he is cured.

    Another part of the novel that was truly moving for me was Max and Amy. We all know now that poor Amy had a creep of a boyfriend--whose now gone--and Max has suddenly turned a new leaf. He isn't the playboy we all knew and loved. Now he's sweet, caring, considerate. Never fear, for he does still maintain his snarky attitude...anything to get a smile out of Amy. The way he cares for her and treats her as she heals from her ordeal is just so moving! Max is definitely my fave secondary character!

    There were definitely some laughs for me throughout the book! As my teasers showed, there were little remarks that kinda of joked at the book itself. Making fun of Twilight and there was also a Scooby-Doo reference! Do I need more reason to totally LOVE this series!! It has everything I could ever hope for all wrapped into a neat little book--soon to be 5!

    The pacing was good, I'll admit things were kinda sedate for awhile, the Rusakovas are no longer werewolves, so there's no present danger. Yet it is definitely brewing. The mafia is still there and there's still the threat happening at school with the cafeteria food--so glad I brought my lunch nearly everyday at high school! And Wanda, oh yeah, she's there too still and there are still some startling revelations to be had about that woman!

    The mysteries and secrets are still there. Being touched, yet not solved. Like the whole thing with Derek and what may have happened to Jessie and the girls before he died. It wasn't fully explored but touched about 3 times or so. Expecting that to come into play again next time!

    And the ending! Oh the ending! FREAKING-KILLED-ME!! Wanted to scream bloody murder! Yes, there is another dreadful cliffhanger! Shannon really knows how to keep her readers hooked! So there's going to be a disastrously looooooooooooooong wait til August when Rivals and Retribution releases, concluding the series. My heart breaks, yet at the same time I do hope for happy endings all around!

    Overall rating...seriously? You need to check? ;) 5/5 stars!

  • Sandra (Waiting For Wentworth)

    I really like the 13 to Life series, and I was eagerly awaiting the 4th book, Destiny and Deception. Sadly, I am extremely disappointed that it did not live up to my expectations. (I wrote my review a day ago, then spent today reflecting on why I felt so let down after reading this book. And that's just it - it was such a let down. After all the life or death, love and hate, and emotional ups and downs of the first 3 books, this one just didn't have the emotional impact that I had come to expect.)

    Like the 3rd book, we get narration from Jessie and Alexi's POV. But a 3rd narrator is added when a NEW bad person arrives in Junction. I really didn't care for this part of the story. It was obvious that adding this this third POV is meant to set up for a showdown with the Rusakovas in the final book, but I really didn't like it.

    I love Alexi even more than before. I was thrilled that we learned so much about him in the 3rd book. In Destiny and Deception we continue to learn about Alexi and how strong his family ties are. I liked that Jessie stayed strong and constant. Pietr was just a shell of his former self and I did not enjoy him, which makes me very sad. I loved Pietr and Jessie's relationship in the first 3 books, and I had looked forward to reading more about them and seeing their relationship progress. Unfortunately, a cured Pietr is a boring Pietr. Jessie even remarked that taking the wolf out of the man also took the man out of the man, and I couldn't agree more. It was hard reading about Jessie's disappointment in their relationship, and I really felt for her. Pietr was just so boring! And he showed zero interest in Jessie or their relationship. Give me back the dashing and daring, cute and charming Pietr that I loved so much.

    The pacing of Destiny and Deception was very, very slow. It was missing the action that the 3 previous books had. (I felt those 3 had more than enough action to keep me reading to see what would happen next.) The mafia presence is non-existent in this book. The company is still messing around a little behind the scenes, but it is not clearly understood what kind of threat they pose. The lack of any present danger is noticeable throughout the book.

    While reading, I was aware that I thought what was missing most was the Rusakova family dynamics. The family just didn't seem 'together' like before. Was this due to them being cured and not in tune with each other anymore? I am thinking that this could have been a plot device just to show them torn apart now, and how strong they are to come together in the final book. We'll have to wait and see.

    Destiny and Deception sort of plodded along until the last few pages. Then things took a turn and the pace picked up and something totally unexpected happened and then.... the end. Another cliffhanger! And it's a biggie this time.

    The writing in Destiny and Deception is great and flows well, even when bouncing back and forth between POVs. I love the main characters - Jessie, her friend Amy, and the Rusakovas. I really like this series and I am looking forward to reading the conclusion. And I am really hoping that Pietr gets back to being himself and resurrects the relationship that he had with Jessie.

  • VaultOfBooks

    By Shannon Delany. #4 in the 13 to Life Series. Grade: C
    Destiny and Deception is the fourth book in the 13 to Life series. It took me ages to read this book and I mostly skimmed through it. The reason I picked this book was to know if the story was going anywhere but I should have known better.
    With the threat of the mafia seemingly gone and the company’s headquarters in Junction destroyed, Pietr Rusakova is adjusting to being a normal teen and Jess is realizing normalcy may not be what she wanted after all. But both Jess and Cat know the truth–that normal can’t be taken for granted. Their precious cure isn’t permanent–and when a new danger stalks into their small town, Alexi decides he must overcome his issues with the mother who abandoned him to be raised by wolves and make a brand new deal to save his adopted family.

    Destiny and Deception quickly follows the events of Bargains and Betrayals. Jessie and the Rusakovas are continuing to fight for the cure, and they believe they’ve found it. With the threat of the mafia gone and their disappearance from Junction confirmed, Pietr, Jessie, and the Ruskovas finally begin to feel like they can achieve a life of normalcy. However, Jessie begins to discover that maybe a normal life wasn’t what she was seeking after all.
    I should have remembered that I loathed the first three books. Seriously. Should. Have.
    This is how it went:
    #Book 1 – Awful Romance
    #Book 2 – Horrible Story line
    #Book 3 – Hmm, maybe not so bad – no you were right. Just kill me first.
    The characters were maddening. Jessie is a whiny guilt-ridden girl who was really frustrating. In the beginning of the story when Peitr is transforming, she is so delighted that she is finally going to get her happily ever after although she knows that Peitr is not going to stay human for long. But oh no! She still loves him and has just realized that a part of that love for him was because he was a werewolf. In short, earlier when he was a werewolf, she wanted normal but no! not anymore. Now this Pietr is not the Pietr she fell in love with. Drat. Isn’t life horrible?
    The only acceptable thing about this series was the character of Peitr, and Ms. Delany changed his character completely. Turned him into a nerd? Seriously? Peitr had no personality in this book. Paper cut out. Worse than that: a faded drawing on a wet sketch pad.
    Then the author goes ahead and introduces some new wolf pack and their own love triangle is going on because that is what the book needs. More unnecessary action and drama. Not. You know what the cherry on top is? She narrated the novel from Marlena’s POV. It could have been better if it was from Cat’s.
    I felt that the author din’t know what to do with the story line so at the last page she leaves a cliff-hanger and I am not really bothered about the next book. Only die-hard fans of the Twilight genre will like it. Which unfortunately, still leaves a large percentage of the population.

    Originally reviewed at

  • Lexie

    I want to start this with a quote, which will only be a spoiler if you hadn't read the end of Book 3. "I expected victory...I never expected a single hard-won victory could still feel so much like defeat." (pg 280) That quote sums up this book spectacularly well in my opinion. Everything the Rusakovas have wanted is theirs at the beginning of this book. They rescued their mother, found a cure to their werewolf issues and have each other.

    So how does everything go wrong so quickly? When does something that should feel so right start to feel so wrong?

    I've been hooked on Delany's "13 to Life" series from the very first book. There have been ups and downs, but by in large I've found myself drawn into Jess and Pietr's world and eager to watch their story unravel.

    For the majority of the book this wasn't the Pietr and Jess I knew however. With the cure comes a change in all their personalities, but Pietr is...a shadow of his former self. Uninterested in anything (not even making out with Jess), quiet and studious you'd never guess this was the passionate, impulsive Pietr Rusakova from the first three books.

    Jess is also at odds with the strong, independent girl from the past three books. Whether it’s because she's dealing with the changes in Pietr, and how emotionally distant he becomes, or the sudden menace at her school making her friends ill, Jess is very often lost at sea and struggling to remain afloat. She remarks to herself at one point that Cat has been the one to stand by and bolster Amy, something that Jess regrets and laments because she wanted to be the one to bring Amy out of the funk she was in. This almost lovesick and fuzzy Jess is a bit grating at times. She made me wish to shake her so she'd get her sense back and fight harder.

    DESTINY AND DECEPTION however is a good reflection of this change. The threats in this book are of a more personal nature, impacting everyone in an individual way and as a group. Their classmates falling ill and mysteriously undergoing their own changes, a return of a person from Alexi's past--the stakes are much higher and as the ending shows, nothing should be taken for granted.

    Word of warning, Book 5 RIVALS AND RETRIBUTION, comes out in August--don't read the synopsis. The end of this book is all but ruined by the synopsis of Book 5 and even though what occurs at the end of book 4 is a stop gap measure at best, I really would have liked if the tension wasn't suddenly gone by a few badly chosen words.

    Review originally posted at Night Owl Reviews

  • Stephanie Cowart

    Things are really different now for Jessie and Pietr. Now that he and his siblings have taken the cure, he is different - more subdued and seemingly less interested in Jess. They're all still devastated by their mother's death but at least Dmitri is out of the picture. They try to return to a normal life - go to school, get jobs to pay the bills - but normal is not in the cards for them.

    There are still strange things going on a Junction High and Jessie is determined to get to the bottom of it. Her friends Sophie and Amy and even Sarah are helping too. 

    A new wolf pack comes to town led by the rebellious Marlaena. They sniff out the Russakuvas pretty quickly but how can that be if they're all cured? There's plenty of mystery and what's worse is that Marlaena is showing a pretty heavy interest in Pietr.

    Alexi is realizing the new danger that his adopted family is in and is making plans to save them. 

    The best part of this book is the introduction of new characters. Marlaena, the alpha of her pack, Gabriel, who's vying for alpha male, and Gareth who seems to be interested in being more than just a friend to Marlaena, are some of the new werewolves introduced. The book has several parts from Marlaena's point of view and the insight into her attitude about being a wolf is fascinating. She was probably my favorite part of the book!

    I also loved all the details about Alexi and hearing more from his point of view. We get insight into his relationship with Nadezdha, his past romance in Russia. Also he finally meets his real mother whom we were introduced to in book 3.

    Jessie is struggling in her relationship with Pietr because of how drastically being just human has changed him. I thought that her struggle was really superbly written. Of course she still loves him but she is realizing now more than ever that part of that love was based in him being a werewolf. That was part of him and even though she always wished he could be normal and have more time (werewolves are only given around 13 years to live after the first change) she discovers that Pietr is a very different person now than from when she first fell in love with him.

    This one ends on a cliffhanger but don't be too upset! Book 5 comes out in August 2012!
    If you haven't started the series, now is the perfect time. You've got plenty of time to read all four books and be ready for book 5 in August.

  • Pam

    Originally posted on
    At Home Between the Pages

    I didn’t know what to expect from this book. I thought: How can you have a werewolf story without any werewolves? I found out soon enough when I was a few chapters in and saw: Marlaena. A new narrator? A new werewolf narrator?? It was so interesting! I didn’t know anything about Marlaena or her pack, and for the first while, her story wasn’t even connected to that of Jessie and the Rusakovas. It was like reading a completely different story within the one I picked up to read. And when they did connect, old problems came rushing back for the Rusakovas.

    Life for Jessie is tough now. I know, it was tough before, but this is a different type of tough now. Pietr has become this entirely different person and Jessie’s realizing that the wolf was such a big part of Pietr and she’s lost some of the things she loved most about him when he took the cure. She’s learning one of those life lessons: don’t try to change anyone, especially if you love them. And she’s learning it the hard way.

    Although it didn’t seem like there was anything big happening in this book, especially compared to the last one, it still kept me really interested and wanting to read more. Part of that was because of the addition of Marlaena. Part of it was because I knew what Jessie and Cat knew, and I was basically waiting for the s--- to hit the fan; for something to happen to force the change in Pietr and Max, for danger. Danger came, s--- hit the fan, but not the way I was expecting it to.

    I think the best part of this book was the page between the last page and the acknowledgements. I became quite familiar with this page. I stared at this page for a good long time because I couldn’t actually believe there was no writing on it. That the way things were written on the previous page was actually the way it was going to end. It was hard accepting that.

    This fourth book is great. It’s not my favourite, but I definitely enjoyed it as much as the others. It sets things up well for a grand finale. And, oh goodness, I can’t wait for that finale! This is one of the best werewolf stories I’ve ever read and I think everyone should read these books!

  • Khalia Hades

    I didn't know what to expect from this book. I thought: How can you have a werewolf story without any werewolves? I found out soon enough when I was a few chapters in and saw: Marlaena. A new narrator? A new werewolf narrator?? It was so interesting! I didn't know anything about Marlaena or her pack, and for the first while, her story wasn't even connected to that of Jessie and the Rusakovas. It was like reading a completely different story within the one I picked up to read. And when they did connect, old problems came rushing back for the Rusakovas.

    Life for Jessie is tough now. I know, it was tough before, but this is a different type of tough now. Pietr has become this entirely different person and Jessie's realizing that the wolf was such a big part of Pietr and she's lost some of the things she loved most about him when he took the cure. She's learning one of those life lessons: don't try to change anyone, especially if you love them. And she's learning it the hard way.

    Although it didn't seem like there was anything big happening in this book, especially compared to the last one, it still kept me really interested and wanting to read more. Part of that was because of the addition of Marlaena. Part of it was because I knew what Jessie and Cat knew, and I was basically waiting for the s--- to hit the fan; for something to happen to force the change in Pietr and Max, for danger. Danger came, s--- hit the fan, but not the way I was expecting it to.

    I think the best part of this book was the page between the last page and the acknowledgements. I became quite familiar with this page. I stared at this page for a good long time because I couldn't actually believe there was no writing on it. That the way things were written on the previous page was actually the way it was going to end. It was hard accepting that.

    This fourth book is great. It's not my favourite, but I definitely enjoyed it as much as the others. It sets things up well for a grand finale. And, oh goodness, I can't wait for that finale! This is one of the best werewolf stories I've ever read and I think everyone should read these books!

  • Carie

    I’d probably go with 1.5 for this one. It was excruciating to get through for me!! I started reading it 6 months ago and ended up putting it down because I thought I would pull my hair out. The addition of the other werewolf pack drove me nuts and seemed completely unnecessary, since there were already too many chaotic plot threads and characters in this series anyway. Also, MOST importantly, I could see where the romance was going and it INFURIATED me!! The romance was the very reason I’ve continued this series for as long as I have and I could not believe how it was handled--mainly, the huge issue for me was that there was no real focus on Jess and Pietr’s issues, no hope of resolution or work towards anything! This series focus has increasingly dispersed (for lack of a better word) with each new installment. Jess and Pietr have almost become a side-note in the ever-increasing storylines and points of view. So, what I enjoyed about the story and what kept me reading it has become completely destroyed and lost in the pile of rubble this series has become!!

    So, I literally laid the book down for 6 months and forgot about it. I finally ended up skimming the rest of it because I got book #5 in the mail. (Why on earth did I preorder this?! What was I thinking?! Must not have been…) So, complete masochist that I am, I feel compelled to finish off this train wreck of a series and see if there is anything at all salvageable here… I’m already feeling like I’d be justified in asking for my money back from the author for the time I’ve wasted on these books so far, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed that there is some hope for a satisfying ending (heck, I’d even take ‘okay’ or ‘tolerable’ at this point!!). Please, Ms. Delany, don’t make me regret retaining a sliver of faith here!! I’m BEGGING you!!