Title | : | Kıyamet |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 6054972138 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9786054972135 |
Language | : | Turkish |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 128 |
Publication | : | Published January 1, 2014 |
-Slavoj ?ı?ek-
Kıyamet, dünyanın son günlerinin yaşandığı bir zamanda geçen bir cinayet hikâyesi. Ama bildik polisiye hikâyelerden değil. Adriyatik kıyılarından başlayıp İzmir'e ve İstanbul'a uzanan, Lacan, Freud, Borges ve Sabetay Sevi gibi pek çok meşhur kişinin de işin içinde olduğu benzersiz bir hikâye.
Adriyatik kıyısındaki küçük bir şehirde bir cinayet işlenir. Polis bu cinayeti sıradan cinayet vakalarından biri olarak görüp pek üzerinde durmaz. Bunun üzerine, olayı soruşturmak için bir özel dedektif devreye girer. Derken, bu küçük sahil şehrinde bir yaz günü lapa lapa kar yağmaya başlar. Şehrin sakinleri afallamış halde ne olduğunu anlamaya çalışırken, şehir yavaş yavaş kaosa sürüklenir. Yangınlar çıkar, insanlar öldürülür, ne zamandır kayıp olan kişiler peyda olur. Dünyanın diğer yerleri de farklı bir durumda değildir. Her taraf adeta mahşer yerine dönmüşken, cinayet mahallinde çok eski bir kitap, kıyamet gününü haber veren bir kitap bulunur.
Kıyamet Reviews
Geliyor gelmekte olannn!!!
Benim için hem düşündüren hem de güldüren çok keyifli bir okuma oldu. Dünyamın enleri rafında yerini alacak!
“… söz konusu insanlara uygun düşen hakikati bulmaktır. Hakikat denen şey hep bir kurgu olarak ortaya çıkar,hikaye biçimine bürünür.”
Kahramanımız bize kendi varoluş hakikatinin sorgu sualini anlatırken, hayat ona başka bir hakikat hikayesi hazırlamıştır. Hepimizin bildiği üzere, hayat bu sağı solu belli olmaz ya yine yapacağını yapmış, yıllar sonra haber vermiştir.
Hikayeler kendilerini dinleyecek olanlara ulaşmanın bir yolunu muhakkak bulacaktır. Mesela Andrej Nikolaidis’in ki Kıyamet adı altında bana ulaştı:)
2 gün sonra:
Kıyamet’in olduğu gün kar yağar. Neden yağdığını da çok güzel anlatır. Netflix’te ‘ i lost my corps’ u izleyince buraya eklemek istedim. Aynı nedenle kar yağar. Karın sessizliğine dünyanın ihtiyacı olduğu için. Hele bir dur, bir dur demek için:) -
Ostensibly a detective story revolving around the brutal murder of a family and the arson of a library, it is actually more of an anti-detective story, rife with digression and distracted by what appears to be the end of times manifested in a series of cataclysmic environmental events. Add to this interleaved and possibly delusional emails from a person named 'Emmanuel' to the anti-detective narrator, with whom he is connected (in what way is later revealed). Within these emails unfold tales of interconnected messianic cults, beginning with that of Fra Dolcino, whose story Emmanuel relates from the pages of Marcel Schwob's semi-biographical work
Imaginary Lives. Through these 'history' lessons an alternate explanation of the crimes shapes itself, in contrast to the more banal leads followed up by the narrator, who has a penchant for telling people what they want to hear, seemingly out of a mixture of native empathy and a world-weariness born of years living under government oppression. Rooted in a nested form of storytelling, for such a short novel it is rather convoluted and multi-faceted. A few well-placed barbs of sardonic wit help buoy the spirits as one traverses this often grim labyrinth that somewhat unexpectedly offers a pinch of revelatory reward toward its close.
Note: This is the second book of a trilogy based in the town of Ulcinj. I mistakenly read it first (it was the first translated into English for some reason), but it doesn't seem that the order matters, as I think the setting is the only common denominator. -
📚 بازگشت
✍️ آندری نیکولایدس
📑 نشر چشمه
🌍 ترجمهی خاطره کرد کریمی
🇧🇦 ادبیات شرق اروپا (بوسنی و هرزگوین)
⭐ امتیاز من به کتاب: ۳.۵ از ۵
یکبار هم که شده مهربان نباشید!
فقط یکبار خوشقلبیهایتان را کنار بگذارید و بجای بیرحمانه بخشیدن، دلسوزانه مجازات کنید!«ولی سقف آرزوهایمان هرچهقدر هم کوتاه باشد، دست آخر از آن هم کمتر گیرمان میآید.»
آخرالزمان شده: وسط تابستون، هوا مثل هوای کریسمس شده؛ یه برف عجیبغریب و بیسابقه. توی ژاپن از آسمون قورباغه میباره و توی آمریکا هم دومین زلزله، نجاتیافتههای اولین زلزله رودوباره زیر آوار کشونده!
توی همچین شرایطی، ما با یک قتل طرفیم: قاتلین بدونِ هیچ نشونهای از درگیری، واردِ خونهی مقتولین شدند؛ شاید حتی کلید داشتند. از گاوصندوق دزدی کردند و بعد از شکستنِ عمدی گلدون، با ساکنین خونه درگیر شدند! اول مادرِ خانواده رو کشتند، بعد سراغ پدر خانواده رفتند و در نهایت، فرزندِ خانواده رو جلوی تلویزیون گذاشتند، براش کارتون پخش کردند و احتمالا وقتی صدای خندهی بچهی کوچیک بلند شده، اون رو هم کشتند!
پروندهی عجیبیه مگه نه؟!
پلیس که اعتقاد داره این وقایع فقط یک "حادثه" بوده؛ ولی حالا پرونده رو بهدستِ یک کارآگاه خصوصی میسپارند که بهجای این که باهوش باشه، بینهایت شیاده!دومین اثر از سهگانهی نیکولایدس که دوباره با ذهن خلاق و آشفتهای که داره، داستان خلق کرده!
داستانی جنایی و معمایی و تاریخی و فلسفی و حتی اسطورهای! [وقتی بهتون میگم این نویسنده ذهن آشفتهای دارید باور نمیکنید؟!]
نیکولایدس ذهن آشفته و شلختهای داره!
بازهم شاهد یک خط داستانیِ معمولی نیستیم! نویسنده از این شاخه به اون شاخه میپره، بارها پیش میاد که وسط تعریف کردنِ یه واقعه، تعریف کردنِ یه ماجرای دیگه رو شروع کنه و بعدش هم دوباره سراغ یه اتفاق دیگه میره!
نیکولایدس همهچی رو به چالش میکشه. از دین گرفته تا هرچیزی که فکرش رو بکنید، حتی راه رفتنِ غرورآمیزِ بانوان باردار هم از دست نویسنده در امان نیست و به سخره گرفته میشه!
سهگانهی نیکولایدس از سه نوولا تشکیل شده: "کتاب پسر"، "بازگشت" و سومین نوولا که در دست ترجمه هستش و هنوز منتشر نشده.
⭐ امتیاز من به کتاب: ۳.۵ از ۵
⭐️ امتیاز کتاب در گودریدز: ۳.۵۴ از ۵ -
Apparently I have a tendency to pick up books with obscure, 14th Century, culty, church history in them. I don't go out of my way to find it. And this time I was a bit blindsided by it. But here we are. Be warned people, I am a magnet for boring, unnecessary, possibly made up theology. Yay.
There is not much else to say about this book without giving it away (although I am not sure you can). It's so short, yet it took me a month to read it.
I will say this, this book is not a whodunnit, no matter what the blurbs imply. It's not a crime noir novel, as the first chapter suggests. And it's not really a doomsday novel. I'm still not sure what the point at all was... -
Duplafenekű bűnügyi regény. Úgy indul, mintha skandináv krimi volna (egy család lemészárlásával), aztán egyszer csak ember voltunk találja ott magát a metafizikai értelemben vett boncasztalon. A cselekmény két szálon fut: az egyikben a fenn említett gyilkosság nyomába ered (ered?) elbeszélőnk, a megkeseredett privát kopó, a másikban pedig Emmanuel leveleit olvashatjuk, aki Bécsből próbálja instruálni nyomozónkat. Mindkettőben bőven akad olyan elem, amiből még a zöldfülűek is láthatják, hogy itt biza a különböző zsánerek posztmodern fúziójának vagyunk boldog tanúi – az első szál például konkrétan a világvége előestéjén bonyolódik, a helyszín pedig Ulcinj, a montenegrói kisváros, ahol a helyiek meglehetősen rezignáltan fogadják az apokalipszist. (Na ja, apokalipszisek terén ezek a délszlávok már rendelkeznek némi rutinnal.) A második szál e-mailjei pedig, mint az hamar kiderül, nem annyira a fenti gyilkosság megoldásához kínálnak segítséget, sokkal inkább egy hermetikus-misztikus magyarázatot szándékoznak tákolni arra, ami valójában megmagyarázhatatlan. Mindkét szálra igaz, hogy igen jól vannak megcsinálva, és belefekszenek az emberbe – Nikolaidis ugyanis fegyelmezett író, aki jól tudja: ha a sztori jó és az atmoszféra működőképes, akkor már nincs szükség túlzásokra, bokáig vérben és egyéb testnedvben tapicskolásra ahhoz, hogy megfogja vele az olvasóját. Mert az olvasó nem hülye: érzi, amit éreztetnek vele, akkor is, ha nem samukalapáccsal próbálják a fejébe verni. Azt, hogy itt minden széthullik, a válaszok pedig vagy elvesznek, vagy elviselhetetlenül banálisak. És semmiben sem bízhatunk – még a világvégében sem.
In this wonderful, short and at times more-than-slightly perplexing novel a brutal murder near Ulcinj (Montenegro) is unravelled through stories told by the private detective investigating the crime – a misanthropic Philip Marlow-esque character who cynically tells his clients answers that will make them feel better, even if it isn’t true – and a Viennese patient at a psychiatric hospital somewhere in the Austrian/Slovenian Alps. In one version, we have a hard boiled tale of envy, anger and resentment; in the other, a circuitous tale of medieval millenarian cults straddling the Holy Roman and Ottoman Empires with the recovery of the third testament – The Book of the Coming. Oh, and it snows, in June, then the sea level rises and it seems that the apocalypse nears, as the millenarian cult’s 13th century prediction of the end of the world comes closer.
Nikolaidis, in spinning this tale both mundane and fantastical, does not shy away from the big, linking the murder to Thomas Müntzer, heretical Franciscans, the Yugoslav war of the 1990s and the effects of global warming. All the while, he leaves just enough of a gap between the parallel narratives explaining the murder to allow each (or both) to be plausible, given that for all their eccentric perorations, each has a tone of verisimilitude, although realism would be stretching it a bit far. The blurb, written in part by Slavoj Žižek, invokes Dashiell Hammet, Umberto Eco and Orhan Parmuk; high praise (even for Žižek at his most hyperbolic) but not misplaced.
Bought on spec (I’d never read anything by a Montenegrin writer) and well worth it. It is from a small publishing house specialising in south-east European writers; on the basis of this, I’ll be looking for more.
What's more it comes with a listing for a soundtrack, featuring REM, the Sex Pistols, Bat For Lashes anf The Jesus and Mary Chain, amongst others; it may be something for a Spotify play list. -
Bu kitap hakkındaki düşüncelerimi yıldızlarla ifade edemem çünkü söylemeliyim ki gerçekten de bu kitaba benzer bir kitap okumamıştım daha önce.
Benim için farklı, yeni bir deneyimdi. Beğenip beğenmediğim hakkında bile bir fikrim yok şu an. İkinci bir okumaya ihtiyacım var. -
نیکولایدیس با ترکیب چند ژانرِ آخرالزمانی و جنایی و پلیسی در یک روایت غیرخطی تونسته یک قصهی جذاب خلق کنه. خشونت داستان رو بسیار دوست دارم. رابطهی عِلی و معلولی و شیوهی ارائهی اطلاعات جذاب از کار دراومده. جز کتابهاییه که هم شروع جذاب و درگیرکنندهای داره هم پایان جذاب و درستی.
تنها نکته برای من شاید این بود که یکم طولانی بود و گاهی اوقات حوصله سربر میشد و انقدر یک ماجرا کشدار میشد که قصه اصلی رو گم یا فراموش میکردم.
البته نیکولایدیس یک سه گانه داره که جلد اولش کتاب پسر هست که قبلا منتشر شده و این جلد دوم هست من نمیدونستم اول اینو خوندم شما این اشتباهو نکنین. -
Although this is a novella in length, it is certainly not a quick read. Indeed, it is poetic, lyrical, thought provoking and is something to be savoured slowly and not rushed. This is the first book by Andrej Nikolaidis which has been translated into English. Nikolaidis himself comes from a mixed Montenegrin-Greek family and is an ardent supporter of Montenegrin independence.
This novella begins with the massacre of a family. Our narrator is a private detective, but this is no simple mystery. Rather, what begins as the story of a gruesome mass murder, deepens into something different. As well as the murders, we read that the library in the small town of Ulcinj has been burnt down. Then it starts to snow in June... The chapters are interspersed with emails from the detective’s son, Emmanuel. We read that he is confined for his own good, but have no further information at first. As his story unfolds, he is constantly delving off into various different subjects – there are musings on theology, history and family. It is like walking a path by the most circuitous route, with many detours.
I was very impressed with this novella. It is sometimes dark, even disturbing in parts, and will make you question what you are reading. If reading groups are looking for something short in length, but with many themes to discuss, then I would not hesitate to recommend this.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review. -
Baya baya bir kaç saatte okudum, tavsiyedir.
2 kitabının ikisidə qəşəng idi.Fərqli ölkə,fərqli dad ,amma eyni düşüncə
The Coming by Andrej Nikolaidis is a rather unique story about a detective, murder, books, history, and emails. Nikolaidis was born and raised in Bosnia/Herzegovina and moved to Ulcinj, the town the story is set in. He is also an outspoken supporter of Montenegrin Independence, human rights, and an anti-war activist.
The Coming begins as a detective novel but quickly spirals out of control into, well the end of the world. The narrator, also the detective, is an interesting character. His rented office has old movie posters on the wall to give his clients the right impression. Posters of The Maltese Falcon and Chinatown decorate the walls. His email address is also [email protected]. He explains his real work is all impressions. A cheating wife is a bitch; if she is not cheating, the husband is a swine for suspecting her. His work is summed up as:
My point is that a detective’s work isn’t so much about finding out the truth as inventing a story which people will accept as the truth. It’s not about discovering truth but discovering what truth is for those people.
The detective is called in to help find justice for a family that was brutally murdered. He spends quite a bit of time in traffic. Snow in June and changes in sea levels and email from his son, Emmanuel, are all relayed to the reader. We meet a butcher who works double shifts, seven days a week to support family. We are introduced to the history of the cabalist Zevi, the self proclaimed messiah of the Jewish people and radical Franciscan Fra Dolcino. Zeveti is said to have written three books. The last of these books was to remain hidden until Zevi’s return to earth; its title: The Coming. Here is a story that takes you on a ride in several different directions and just when you think you are permanently and hopeless lost, things converge and leave you a bit breathless after a mental roller coaster ride.
The Coming is a short book that takes time to read. It is much bigger than the number of pages would seem to make it. Once again Open Road Media finds a gem of a book that others have missed and releases it to the public. Open Road Media is the local bookshop of the twenty-first century. Surfing through their online collection is reminiscent of finding that “just right book” at the corner bookstore. The Coming shows that same original, non-cookie cutter fiction that makes reading an adventure. -
"This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper." (T.S. Eliot, The Hollow Men)
Misschien moeten we dit tweede deel van de Olcinium trilogie lezen om ons bewust te worden van het totaal miserabele gedrag van de mensen om er dan ook iets aan te kunnen doen. En misschien kunnen we zo loskomen van die eindeloze jammerklacht waar wij in vast blijven zitten en waarmee we ons einde en dat van de wereld bewerkstelligen.
Het is dus geen detectiveverhaal, maar wel een verzameling van Apocalypsverhalen waarbij eens te meer de mens er nogal bekaaid uit voortkomt.
Ik zou zeggen: Op naar het derde deel van de trilogie! -
Oldukça akıcı bir kitap, kendini kolaylıkla okutuyor. Yazarın adını ilk defa duyduğum için temkinli yaklaşmıştım, ancak kitabı severek okudum ve bir iki günde de bitirdim. Burada kitap hakkında daha fazla yorum bulabilirsiniz:
http://okumagozluguolanminiktavsan.bl... -
".Količinu primitivizma kod čovjeka, kažem, tačno možemo izmjeriti smetnjom koju on predstavlja za druge ljude. Jer primitivan čovjek ne umije postojati u tišini i diskreciji: on uvijek proizvodi buku, ružnoću i smrad."
Apokalyptisk krimi-noir fra Montenegro. Ganske god læsning, selv om den korte roman med sine relativt lange strejftog i den europæiske millenarismes historie vil lidt mere, end den magter at indløse.
Læs hele anmeldelsen på K’s bognoter:
http://bognoter.dk/2017/11/29/andrej-... -
This book was all over the place! It started with a man trying to solve the mystery of an entire family being murdered. We find out that the man investigating,just tells the families what they want to hear, not what actually happen. He does find out who did it, but then just lets the man get away with it.
We throw in a library being burned to the ground, because of one book that was being burned...a cover up from the town a few hundred years ago.
A cow being butchered in the street, and a son the man just found out he had. The son we find out is the product of a different case, where the man ends up telling the woman a different tale on how her father was actually murdered. And throughout the book, the son is sending emails about the history of a book.
I was confused, but kept reading, waiting to see where it lead me....but I was not satisfied with the end. I still don't know the point of the story, I either missed it, or is want there.... -
Fikri çok sevdim: Kıyamet koparken bir dedektifin işlenen cinayetleri soruşturması. Ama yazar bu güzelim fırsatı hunharca tepiyor ve sıkıcı bir polisiyeye, ne kıyameti ne de cinayeti doğru dürüst işleyebilmiş bir romana imzasını atıyor. Ne kıyamet zamanındaki kaosunun hakkını veriyor, ne de polisiye tarafındaki gizemin ve cinayet nedenlerinin. Öte yandan fazlasıyla didaktik. Her bölümde bizleri geçmişe götürüp geçmişteki tarihi kişilikler ve olaylarla ilgili bilgilendiriyor, ki konudan kopuksa bu tür bilgilendirmelerden hoşlanmıyorum. Ahmet Ümit'in son romanlarında da bu tür bir didaktizm mevcut. Bir de kıyamet zamanına sadece 20 sayfa ayrılmış, bu da fikirden heyecanlanan benim için bir hayal kırıklığı oldu.
Earlier this month I reviewed the independently published “The Son” by Andrej Nikolaidis, a bleak novel from Montenegro where a son watches his father’s olive grove burn and then travels the city of Ulcinj coming across a range of bizarre characters who have shaped him as a man. A thoroughly enjoyable work and one I learned was part of a “trilogy”, I had to jump on-line and buy his earlier work “The Coming”.
Our story opens with the gruesome murder of a family, two children and both parents have been killed with an axe. Our first narrator is a private detective:
For my full review go to
http://messybooker.blogspot.com -
It’s a quirk of the human brain to look for patterns, even where none actually exist. We can find causes and justifications for just about everything. This happens because of that. That happened because of something someone said, etc., etc. Andrej Nikolaidis plays with that idea in his novella, The Coming...
Read the rest of my review at
A Bookish Type. I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley for review consideration. -
Kıyamet, Hristiyanlıkla ilgili çok sayıda gönderme içerdiğinden Türk okur için anlaşılması zor bir kitap. Oldukça kısa olmasına rağmen, dikkatli bir okuma gerektiriyor.
Yazarın Bosna doğumlu olduğu, kitapta sözü edilen Uljinj'in Karadağ (Montenegro) bölgesinde yeraldığını bilir, Eski Yugoslavya'nın iç savaş öykülerini hatırlarsanız kitapta bulacaklarınız farklı olacaktır -
If you have never read a book Montenegro before, then I think you are in for a nice surprise. For one of Europe's smallest countries, they have produced more than their fair share of great writers - with Nikolaidis among them, and Ognjen Spahic another. Both published in English by Istros Books.
Bu kitabın reklamı sadece Türkiye'de iyi yapıldı sanırım. Çünkü kitap hakkında yapılan yabancı kaynaklı yorumlar, kitabın pek bir şeye benzemediği yönünde. Ben de katılıyorum. Kısa olmasaydı bitiremezdim.
tuhaf bir hikaye.
adına da çok aldanmamak lazım. kıyamet sadece fonda geçiyor. ama onun dışında gerçekten de gülün adı'nı andıran bir dedektiflik hikayesi, bir yandan da balkanların ruhunu çıplak bırakan bir gözlem.
anlatı her ne kadar düz ilerlese de gelenekselcileri pek tatmin etmeyebilir. -
engaged w/ it here:
http://www.5cense.com/14/382.htm -
makalelerindeki tadi kitabinda da bulabilirsiniz
7. bölüm muazzam!