The Tooth Fairy (Peppa Pig) by Neville Astley

The Tooth Fairy (Peppa Pig)
Title : The Tooth Fairy (Peppa Pig)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 24
Publication : First published January 1, 2011

A brand new 8x8 storybook featuring Peppa -- a lovable, slighty bossy little piggy!

Peppa Pig has lost her first tooth! If she tucks it under her pillow, will the Tooth Fairy come for a special visit?

The Tooth Fairy (Peppa Pig) Reviews

  • Matt

    While Peppa loves to play dentist, she is startled when she loses one of her baby teeth. After learning about the Tooth Fairy, Peppa vows to stay awake to encounter this magical being. However, she and brother George are not as successful as they would have hoped. Neo is eager to meet this Tooth Fairy soon, once he loses his first tooth.

  • Osiadły.

    Miałem okazję przeczytać to dzisiaj siostrze.
    Zacznijmy od odprawy graficznej. To zdecydowanie najlepsza część tej książki. Rysunki są ładne, staranne, z charakterystycznym stylem. Spodobają się każdemu koneserowi świnki peppy takiemu jak ja.
    W historii był bardzo emocjonujący punkt kulminacyjny, aż zacząłem się trząść w trakcie. Zakończony nagłym zwrotem akcji, wywołuje duże wrażenie na czytelniku.
    Nie do końca zrozumiełem jednak przesłanie lektury. Myślę że po prostu jestem za głupi by je zrozumieć. Neville Astley jest pewnie jak Olga Tokarczuk, nie pisze książek dla idiotów.
    Podsumowując 3/5, dałbym wyżej ale nie chcę żeby goodreads sugerował mi świnkę peppę

  • Vicki

    A nice book that spells out tooth loss, dental care, and the tooth fairy-very cute.

  • Slytano

    This is the story of a pig who lost her tooth and tried to stay up late so she could meet the tooth fairy. It was really exciting and I stayed up all night reading it. I am a fan of realism and pictures were not realistic at all, so this was a disappointment.

  • Brenda

    Cute story about losing the first tooth.

  • TheBabyGarnet

    Helps kids when their first tooth comes out. At the end of the book there is tips for them. So helpful

  • Kristen Dutkiewicz

    Even though Peppa loves playing dentist, she didn’t realize she would lost her baby teeth! When her first one surprisingly falls out, she anxiously waits for the tooth fairy to come at night, but can she stay awake?

    It’s a “cute” story, but could have done more to explain to children their teeth don’t usually just randomly fall out.

  • Robin

    Cute "littles" book on loose teeth. I was in the book store and a little girl told me she had a loose tooth and I should read this book. Her grandma winked at me, but I went over and found a copy and read it.

  • Kathryn

    This Peppa Pig story helped my son prepare for his dental surgery by getting him pumped up for a tooth fairy visit. Peppa loses her tooth naturally, which was a great way to teach my son that eventually he will lose more teeth naturally and that it’s nothing to be afraid of.


    I loved it so much!

    My 7 year old felt it was a special read. She loved having her favorite reads in kindle. It makes her want to read even more now.

  • Kristen Guerrero

    My Name is layla

  • Casey Koester

    I can just hear this - read in a British accent. ;)

  • Maria Spithaki

    Adorable piglet !!!

  • itsybitsylibrary

    It’s cute, my son loves this one, he can’t wait for his own tooth to fall out

  • Brian

    Peppa Pig is a great cartoon, but the books aren't quite up to the same standard. Much of the humor is missing from the books. Also, if you're accent-ly challenged, the books just aren't quite as interesting.

  • Suzy

    My daughter adores peppa pig, she watches the tv programme and loves the books.

  • Richard

    Nice and colourful, but pretty basic. You're going to be finished in under 2 minutes.

  • Emily Lanpher

    Cute book that would be ideal for "Peppa lovers" and / or a child loosing their first tooth!