Harry Potter: the Creature Vault by Jody Revenson

Harry Potter: the Creature Vault
Title : Harry Potter: the Creature Vault
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0062374230
ISBN-10 : 9780062374233
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 207
Publication : First published January 1, 2014

Dementors and House-elves, merpeople and Chinese Fireball Dragons—these are just a few of the magical creatures and frightening monsters populating J. K. Rowling's wizarding world. Harry Potter: The Creature Vault is a fascinating look at how this menagerie was brought to life for the blockbuster Harry Potter film series. Detailed profiles of each creature include rare concept illustrations, behind-the-scenes photography, and filmmaking secrets from the Warner Bros. archive. A removable poster picturing each of the creatures and an interactive Eeylops Owl Emporium catalog complete this must-have package.

Harry Potter: the Creature Vault Reviews

  • Julie

    More Harry Potter related books to add my to already extensive collection? And they'll also be two other editions with even more magic and goodies in 2015 on characters and spells!?


  • Erik Fazekas

    Prečo túto knihu musí mať každý potterhead?
    Lebo tie ilustrácie, lebo tie fotky, lebo všetok ten obrazový materiál! Akože to je úplný brutus!!!
    (tu je malá ukážka)
    (A povedzme si pravdu, všetky tieto knihy si aj tak kupujeme len kvôli tomu a ešte preto, že sú pekné! A táto je tiež.)

    Či mi to po obsahovej stránke dalo niečo nové? Čo ja viem... ono je to vlastne o tom, že ako vznikali filmové rekvizity, s akými problémami sa museli vysporiadať a tak... Ale hovoril som už o tých obrázkoch??? :)

  • Maťa

    Táto kniha je nádherná už na prvý dotyk pohľad. Slovart odviedol skvelú prácu s obálkou. Navyše je na dotyk tak dokonalá, že si nie som istá, či som viac čítala knihu alebo hladkala obálku. Povedala by som, že tak narovnako.
    Nielen obálka je však neuveriteľne vydarená, takisto aj celkové grafické spracovanie knihy. Nič na tejto knihe nebolo odfláknuté.

    A tie ilustrácie v rôznych technikách, ktorých bola plná kniha. Fakt neviete, kam sa skôr pozerať. Absolútne nádherné od nesmierne talentovaných ľudí. Aj keby neštudujem na umeleckej, tak vidím na prvý pohľad, akú náročnú a precíznu prácu odviedli. A to nehovorím o maskéroch a dizajnérov, ktorí vytvárali makety. Napríklad baziliska v životnej veľkosti. Neraz som žasla nad tým, na aké detaily museli myslieť, aby to vyzeralo čo najrealistickejšie.

    V tejto knihe sa dozviete ako natáčali jednotlivé scény s tým či oným tvorom a netvorom. Čo bola maketa, čo bolo vytvorené počítačom a podobne. Bolo to veľmi zaujímavé čítanie, dozvedela som sa množstvo nových vecí.

    Táto kniha by nemala na poličke chýbať žiadnemu fanúšikovi. Bude klenotom vašej zbierky. Ozdoba, ktorú si treba híčkať a milovať viac ako vaše dieťa. Žartujem. Možno. Nemôžem inak, ako knihu odporúčať.

  • Coco

    ¡Pero que cosita tan mona por Dios!

  • Kitty G Books

    I have to say, I just adore behind-the-scenes books for films, it seems like they are super exciting and give a really cool insight into how things are done creatively and digitally for the magical mayhem films like Harry Potter. This book focuses mostly on the characters from the films and seeing how prosthetics were made for some of them, some were digital, and many were a combination of both digital and crafted pieces.

    What I liked about this book was that it was largely focused on the images of the behind-the-scenes creature-crafting but there is some extra information from designers which tells the reader the logic of their decisions. You also often get little tidbits of information about the animals trained to work in the film and the numerous pieces that had to be crafted many times over because they could only be used once before they had to be destroyed.

    I would definitely recommend this series of books so far. I have read two of them so far and I have really enjoyed both and think that they are a great expansion of the Harry Potter film magic. 4*s overall :D

  • Elena Coorie


    El gran libro de las criaturas de Harry Potter nos da información sobre las diferentes criaturas mágicas, ya sean animagos, animales, seres o plantas que aparecen a lo largo de las películas. Lo que más me ha gustado ha sido la gran cantidad de detalles sobre la construcción de éstas, así como curiosidades del rodaje, el diseño o su construcción.

    La información está dividida en Criaturas del bosque, marinas, trabajadores, aéreos, intrusos, compañeros, oscuros y plantas. Cada una de éstas a su vez, contiene varias referencias y ejemplos, todo esto acompañados por una magníficas imagenes, tanto de la película, como bocetos de los diseñadores que te muestran cómo diseñaron las criaturas en un principio y cómo iban evolucionando según los gustos de guionistas y Rowling.

    Sin duda un libro muy necesario para los fans de la saga de libros y las películas. Recomiendo leerlo tras haberla terminado, pues contiene spoilers de todos los libros, especialmente de su desenlace.

  • Becky

    I always find these books to be a particularly pleasing addition to the Harry Potter universe. Though the facts aren't particularly always new to me, the concept art and sketches are what makes these books perfect to me - I love seeing the transition between the initial sketch to the final product and finding out how it was made and constructed to do what it does in the film.

    Definitely would recommend for any HP fan!

  • Shainlock

    This is one of the neatest Harry Potter things to collect ! It shows you each creature and the specifics. I am always creeped out by Aragog the gigantic spider but he is So Cool! His concept sketches and how they decided to make him! He is actually one of my favorite HP creatures. TBC

  • leynes

    J.K. Rowling has consistently spread misinformation about trans people and trans activism. I do not stand for any of her ignorant and hurtful statements and stand in solidarity with all trans people. Trans women are women. End of the discussion! I will no longer support her financially by picking up her books or give her my platform by talking about them on my channel. I would encourage other people to stop supporting her financially and/or giving her a platform as well.

    Here are some ways in which you can support trans people: 1)
    More protection for Black Trans Women UK, 2)
    Donate to These Orgs to Support Black Trans People and 3)
    Homeless Black Trans women fund.


    I personally really like these big hardbacks that give you some extra info on certain aspects of the filmmaking journey of Harry Potter. This is a truly beautiful collection of photographs and concept art (the drawing of the merpeople gets me every time - SOOOO STUNNING!). Nonetheless, I still ended up unhauling this book because a lot of the photographs and concept arts are also a part of other movie companion books that I own.

  • Radwa

    A perfect treat for any potterhead.

    This book doesn't offer that much new or exclusive information, but all the artwork, behind the scenes making, and the brilliant artwork and concepts (again!) make this book a must-have for any Harry Potter lover.

    The book deals with how the movies made the creatures and beasts and plants in the Harry Potter books, and brought them to live, the computer and CGI process and the making of the models.

    The early concepts are beautiful and it was amazing to see how some of these creatures could've turned out. Every single page is a beautiful portrait. This book is an eye-candy, and it's perfect at doing that job.

    Hell, it even inspired me to do an entire month of book snapshots on instagram, called: A month of the Creature Vault. It's THAT beautiful!

  • Liz Weasleyhead

    I highly recommend this book to all the crazy potterheads out there :)
    there are so many awesome drafts, concept arts and additional background information in this beautiful book :) it's really worth the money :)

  • Ivy

    5 stars

    Nice to see a book about the creatures from Harry Potter. All the creatures are very cool. My favorite creature would have to be the Animagi. Hope they will be able to have werewolf rights. The plants are also cool as well.

  • Patricia Bejarano

    Imprescindible para los amantes del mundo de Harry Potter. Lo que he disfrutado con este libro no tiene nombre. Aún estoy maravillada con todas las ilustraciones que contiene. Increíble.

  • Roos

    Een leuk inkijkje in de wereld van Harry Potter, er wordt gekeken naar hoe de beesten en planten werden gecreëerd voor de films. Ook komen er leuke nieuwe details naar voren!

  • Rocío Prieto

    ¡Un libro maravilloso para Potterheads! Te brinda información interesante sobre cómo se crearon las criaturas en la película. Las imágenes son hermosas y simplemente geniales. Si eres fanático de Harry Potter, te encantará este libro.

  • Sara

    Just another amazing Harry Potter related book... Finally get to finish The Vaults collection and they just warm my heart. I feel like at this point I have the knowledge do all of the 8 movies by myself :)

  • Vlasta

    Dostala jsem to od spolužačky a zamilovala jsem se. Nedoufala jsem, že něco tak drahého můžu dostat - a hle, mám to a jsem šťastná. Kniha je moc hezky ilustrována, obsahuje spoustu informací ze zákulisí a pro fanoušky Pottera je opravdu přínosným ucelením magických prvků ze série o Harrym Potterovi - ovšem nutno počítat s tím, že se jedná pouze o filmové zpracování. Dozvíte se zde, jaké triky filmaři používali a určitě každého překvapí, že jen máloco bylo vytvořeno čistě počítačově. Kniha obsahuje kromě fotek fantastické ilustrace od filmových výtvarníků. Navíc jsou všude na stránkách rozházené úryvky z filmů a určitě nejsem jediný čtenář, který si při tom mumlal, jak přesně to kdo ve filmu říkal. :D
    Našla jsem však v knize pár faktických chyb - jako třeba že Ďáblovo osidlo se objevilo pouze v prvním dílu. Nesmysl, nepamatujete si na tu filmovou scénu z bitvy o Bradavice, jak obry osidlo svazuje a poutá k zemi? :)

    Vřele doporučuji!!! :)

  • Erin

    Nice book about how the creatures from the Harry Potter movies were brought to life and it had a lot of interesting points. The reason it got 4 stars was just because a lot of the time, the creation process got repetitive and just got more and more boring to read as the book went on. Still enjoyed it, though.

  • Estefanía

    Es un libro obligatorio a todos aquellos amantes de los libros y peliculas de Harry Potter! Te enseñan todo el trabajo que han tenido las peliculas, como han pasado cada una de las criaturas de papel a las pelis, en todas ellas! Lo bien echo que esta y el poco merito que se le ha dado!! lo cual me parece injusto! Es un libro maravilloso que no podéis dejar de leer si os gusta esa magnifica saga!

  • Christie K.Rowling

    Me encantan éstos libros 🤩

  • Avinash

    This is definitely a collector's edition for HP fans. I got it as a birthday gift from a fellow potterhead. Initially I thought that it will have the details about the creatures in the book (something like additional information on pottermore) but it turned out to be something else. It has the details about only the creatures shown in the movies. The book gives you the glimpse of how they were designed, their different concept arts from various illustrators along with the film stills and pictures from sets. It also explains how they build the animatronics, maquettes, sculptures / life-size models and where they actually used a live dummy controlled by crew members.

    Every creature has a fact file as well with their basic details, total appearances in series and the name of actual creature artists who played the role. Obviously It's for specific type of readers who loves reading these additional information, for others it might get boring after few chapters. For them it might be more of a graphical attraction rather than a good read. I really like some of those illustrations. There are total 9 chapters, out of which 7 explain the 22 different creatures divided as below -

    Forest Dwellers Centaur, Unicorn, Acromantula, Hippogriff, Thestral
    Lake Dwellers Merperson, Grindylow
    Sky Dwellers Dragon, Cornish Pixie
    Trespassers Troll, Giant, Gnome
    Shape-Shifters Animagus, Boggart, Werewolf
    The Working World Post Owl, House-Elf, Goblin, Fluffy
    Dark Forces Basilisk, Dementor, Inferius

    Then we have a chapter by the name of Companions, which has information about 11 different Companions - Hedwig, Errol, Pigwidgeon, Scabbers, Crookshanks, Mrs. Norris, Fang, Trevor, Arnold, Fawkes, Nagini. Similarly there is a chapter dedicated to 6 different greenhouse plants/creatures. They are Devil's Snare, Mandrake, Whomping Willow, Mimbulus Mimbletonia, Venomous Tentacula, Dirigible Plum.

    The additional goodies include a poster of selected 16 creatures and an Eeylops Owl Emporium's brochure attached in the Post Owl Chapter. To sum up it's more of a collector's item than for general reading pleasure.

  • Jessica (a GREAT read)

    So I managed another 1-day read with Jody Revenson’s Harry Potter: The Creature Vault. I got this one a few years ago as well thinking I’d be getting a detailed encyclopedia on all the creatures from the series. But alas, that is not what this book is about.
    Sadly, this book was more of a cinematography book where you get to learn how the filmmakers created the creatures from the books for the film versions.

    I mean in some sense it was interesting learning how much was computerized and what was done in other ways such as live animals or a person maybe hiding in the helms. Not that that happened much.

    I guess I was thinking this book would be more on the fantasy level where it’s essentially one of Harry’s textbooks or something like that. I thought it would be interesting to actually learn a little more to the creatures in this world. What I got was the complete opposite.

    So if you’re into the behind-the-scenes of movie-making you might find this one more enjoyable than I did. If you are like me and wanting more knowledge about hippogriffs and dementors, you might want to pass on this.

    Overall Rating 1.5/5 stars

  • Iris

    Harry Potter the Creature Vault
    Author: Jody Revenson

    Have you always wondered like me how the members of the Harry Potter film crew created/designed all the creatures featured in the Harry Potter films? All background information is explained in this book.

    Good to mention is that this book is not an creature encyclopedia. It focus entirely on the cinematography part. The book itself is beautifully designed and includes a lot of illustrations, pictures and creature sketches that were designed for the films.

    All the creatures are mentioned from the houselfs till Nagini, but also all the magical plants and animals.

    A description about Aragrog:
    "And from the middle of the misty, domed web, a spider the size of a small elephant emerged very slowly. There was grey in the black of his body and legs, and each of the eyes on his ugly, pincered head was milky white"

    My favorite quotes:
    "Not many first year students could take on a fully grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points will be awarded to each of you for sheer dumb luck!"

    "Dobby never meant to kill anyone! Dobby only meant to maim... or seriously injure"

    "Now, as our Mandrakes are still only seedlings, their cries won't kill you yet, but they could knock you out for several hours"

    I think that this book is one of the better Harry Potter descriptions books. This is a must have for the fans of the series.

  • Mehsi

    I have been drooling over this book since I found out about it. Sadly, it was quite expensive (way out of my budget at least), and so I just kept on drooling, hoping that one day I would be able to hold it in my hands and read it.

    That day came on Christmas. I couldn't believe my eyes when I unwrapped this one, finally it is mine! Thanks to my sweet boyfriend who knew I would want this one for Christmas, it seems it had cost him some effort (and also money) to get this one, but he knew I would be delighted with it.
    And I was! Still am! :P

    The book lists all the creatures (and plants) from the Harry Potter movies. With concept art, with sketches, with how it all began to look if they were made from metal and other materials. It was all very informative, and I also liked that they described the process on how the creature/plant was made, and how they came to the design. What they did to get the movements just right, and much much more. It made me respect, and when I rewatch the movies again love, the creatures and plants even more.

    It was also fun to read that sometimes parts of a creature were CGI, but other parts were really made. For instance the troll in the bathroom, parts of it were really there, but other parts weren't.

    We also learn about pets, and about animals used in the movies. How they were trained, and how it all worked. With the owls they had to do various things, like make sure the bigger owls and the smaller owls were separate or else it would be a bloodfest.
    We also learn of their names, in some cases there was a whole list of names.

    The book also has a bit of information on when the creature was used, a quote describing the creature, and some other tidbits that were definitely interesting to read about.

    Of course the book requires you to either seen the movies already or read the books. By no means should you read this book without watching or reading either of those it contains several spoilers to the franchise.

    What more? AH, yes! There are 2 extras in the book, I won't spoil anything, but I loved that they were added. I didn't expect them to be there, but I found them while reading and enjoyed them immensely. Loved that they were added.

    All in all, a very colourful, interesting, chockful of information book about the Harry Potter movies/franchise. Definitely a recommendation. If you are able to find this book, and love HP? Read this!

    Review first posted at

  • Melissa

    I really enjoyed this book and I'm glad I got a Barnes and Noble gift card and was able to purchase it. :D One of my favorite birthday presents this year. :D

    As a filmmaker I like learning about the process of filmmaking and how certain movies come to life. It's interesting to learn especially since I've been working on films for several years now. I actually learned some new things like how the creature design people created certain creatures (called maquettes) first and then they were cyberscanned so that the VF people could add/enhance them. Never knew they did that. I always assumed either creatures were animatronics or they were created right off the computer I thought it was fascinating. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire just happened to be shown on TV when I was reading this so I was able to appreciate even more all the hard work that was put into these movies. I actually put the book down so I could watch the movie and took even more notice of the creatures shown.

    I would definitely recommend this book to filmmakers and fans of Harry Potter. I think it's a great and enjoyable read.

  • Glire


    Me entere apenas esta mañana que una amiga me lo ha prestado y es GENIAL.

    ¿Harry Potter un cuento para niños?...




    ...No lo creo.

    miren nada mas que hermoso es todo. Necesito esta belleza en mi biblioteca. Ahora.

  • Anna Nesterovich

    For me this book looks like yet another misunderstanding of the intended audience. It's big-sized, published on high quality paper, with an elaborate cover. And contains behind-the-scenes information. The illustrations are good and information is interesting, but who was it all made for? People interested in movie production details probably don't care about the pompous looks of the book. And kids that buy into this "as if from the magic world" cover need a magical book, not a collection of facts. The book was probably intended for both categories, but doesn't property serve either.

  • Nisla De Gracia

    Para mi este es el mejor libro extra de las películas de Harry Potter. Tiene muy buen contenido y es hermosos ver como es que hicieron todas las criaturas y el trasfondo de ellas.
    Mi opinión no es objetiva ya que mi cosa favorita de Harry Potter, ya sea película o libros, son las criaturas, pero les dejo mi opinión 👺✋🏼

  • Stefanie

    This was such a great behind the scenes book. I loved all the artwork about what the Creature Shop went through to create all these creatures, and how much fun they had doing it. This fits perfectly on my shelf with all my other Harry Potter related books!