Title | : | The Wars of Gods and Men (Earth Chronicles, #3) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0380895854 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780380895854 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 377 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1985 |
In the astonishing third volume of Zecharia Sitchin's The Earth Chronicles, the internationally renowned scholar parts the mists of myth and time to return to the violent beginnings of humanity -- employing ancient text, religious documents and archaeological findings to reconstruct epic events that support the existence of extraterrestrial "god" who once set nation against nation, army against army, and man against man.
The Wars of Gods and Men (Earth Chronicles, #3) Reviews
Sitchin’s The War of Gods and Men, the third book in the revolutionary Earth Chronicle series is an intense and heart-pounding read. Sitchin supplies astonishing evidence that the “Gods” those from heaven to earth they came from the twelfth planet Nibiru engaged in an array of relentless vicious conflicts for dominance on our beloved planet earth, conscripting Homo sapiens in their wars. As in the first two books, Sitchin’s ability to decipher ancient records, texts, cuneiform tablets, and a reexamination of the Old Testament yields the use of nuclear weapons. Sitchin reveals that four thousand years ago a violent skirmish between two brothers, sons of the God Enki caused the first nuclear explosion in the Near East, a scar that can still be seen to this day in the Sinai Peninsula from aerial photography. It becomes evident after reading this book that the so-called gods were wreckless; fighting over territorial supremacy, love, jealousy, and sibling rivalry.
I recommend reading this book with an open-mind and let go of any tendencies to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one’s preexisting beliefs or hypotheses (confirmation bias). -
It seems that Earth has always been a battlefield, from today all the way back to the beginning of history humans have been fighting one another, or maybe we learned from others in prehistory? In the third book of his series The Earth Chronicles, Zecharia Sitchin examines ancient texts from cuneiform tables of Sumeria to Egyptian hieroglyphs to the Bible itself to reveal long memory and devastating results of The Wars of Gods and Men.
Sitchin begins the book going over the wars of the ancient world and how the chroniclers of those wars described that the gods intervened in those wars and determined the outcome, following this he went over the wars of the gods for supremacy of Earth from Horus against Set in Egypt, the generational wars of the Greek pantheon, and battles of the Indian gods. Sitchin then set about showing that all these tales of battles reflect events in prehistory of members of the ruling house of the extraterrestrial Anunnaki, fighting for supremacy of “heaven” (Nibiru their homeworld) and Earth, with the rivalry between royal brothers Enlil and Enki extending into their children and grandchildren. Soon these wars began to include the “gods” human followers joining them in battle after the beginnings of civilization in Sumer, Egypt, and the Indus valley. Sitchin details that some of the Anunnaki put their personal interests above their own families resulting in various alliances with cousins against their own siblings, and parents in some cases, which began a chain of events that led Abraham out of Sumer to Canaan and how Sodom and Gomorrah were obliterated by nuclear weapons.
This book began as a more academic read like its predecessor, The Stairway to Heaven, but Sitchin quickly switched gears to more engaging prose as he brought forth his evidence for and the explanations of this theories. Sitchin did not rehash his evidence and arguments from the previous two books, only alluded to his findings so as to allow the flow of the book to progress along the line of thought he had focused on. Yet even though Sitchin did not rehash his arguments, he did contradict some of his findings in The 12th Planet in this book—namely with the identity of “ZU”—but did not state that further research had changed his conclusions which would have made a better book. However, the most intriguing part of the book was Sitchin’s discussion about Abraham, his family history, and his journey to Canaan especially in light of his theory that extraterrestrials were the “gods” of the ancient world (though he does not specifically name which Anunnaki sent Abraham on his journey).
The Wars of Gods and Men is a very intriguing, well written book with a theory and evidence that Sitchin lays out in an engaging matter. Even with the academic beginning and with some unacknowledged reversals in some Sitchin’s findings, this book gives the reader a worthy follow up to The 12th Planet that The Stairway to Heaven was not. -
Book 3 didn't do it for me like #1 of The Earth Chronicles. It was too dry and laborious to get through, filled with more the theories and facts Zitchin lays out in Book 1. Maybe because it's like a dense encyclopaedia of the distant past battles & wars...it was difficult to find a thread to care about without getting bogged down or bored by all the details.
I haven't read Book 2 yet, but I'm hoping it's more enjoyable like Book 1. I like Z. Sitchin and find his theories interesting. I've read some other books of his, which I also liked, so don't let this review dissuade you from reading Sitchin, especially if you haven't read the first book of the Earth Chronicles. -
Zachariah Sitchins books are detailed with actual translations of Ancient Cuniform (clay tablet) writings. They are Sumerian Writings , the language which brought about Aramaic, which in turn brought about Hebrew and Arabic. He is an Archeologist, and ancient script interpreter/translator. He delves into ancient texts, and clay tablet writtings, religious scriptures, artifacts, and drawings & visits museums, and sights of actual historical significance mentioned in various world scriptures, to get an up-close, hands on grasp of what happened. His books are filled with historical facts, with awesome translations, actual pictures of the cuniforms themselves, many of which are pictorial in nature (they appear in his books). Each of the books is a veritable treasure-house of knowledge, of scientific breakthroughs into understanding what has happened in ancient civilizations, regarding gods (alien races), and their meaning present in our scriptures today.
Sitchin continues his "Earth Chronicles" with the third installment, "The Wars of Gods and Men." A provocative narration, retelling the long considered myths of ancient battles as factual events of our Earth's history. Sifting through ancient Sumerian clay tablets and other sources of antiquity, such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the author tells of a time when not men but gods ruled the planet and fate of humanity. Once again, basing his claims on texts chiseled and written by scribes of days past, Sitchin weaves an incredible tale that will ask the reader to question all they have learned about the origins of our species and the source of our cultures. This text even trudges as far as to supply an explanation for the destruction recorded in the Old Testament of the two infamous cities, Sodom and Gomorrah. I found this book astonishing and wish for others to share in the mystery.
As with all of Sitchin's books, this one did not disappoint. He takes you back to the time when the 'gods' where in the sky for all on planet earth to see. And how man emulated them by engaging in their own wars on behalf of the 'gods' they were loyal to. A very fascinating alternative historical account.
Though this begins with dry academia, it regains some of the thrill you felt when reading The 12th Planet. Well done, good read.
Sodom and Gomorrah, the flight from Egypt, the conquer of Canaan---wars between gods to control Earth and mankind!
I started this book planning to be sceptical but very sure that I'd be blown away... And truth is I wasn't.
For me perhaps the most interesting thing about this book was the overview of Asian mythology and the very interesting parallels with current world religions. The fact that the symbol of the nibiru was the cross, the sacrifice of bulls in ancient Sumeria, the deluge myth were all very interesting.
Also eye-opening were the parallels drawn between different world mythologies.
The stories Mr sitchin tells though can hardly be taken to be anything more than stories. Can every Sumerian myth be taken literally? I swayed from one extreme to the other in the book. The obsession in prehistory with flight and flying ships and multiple descriptions of what sounds like a lay person describing something technological is convincing but then the whole thing with the great pyramid sounds about as forced as forced can be.
Overall the book is well worth a read even if just to broaden your perspectives. -
Ended up liking this book more than I thought I was going to. Though there is a bit of rehash from the previous volumes it isn't enough to completely bore you. This volume he moves his theory into the ancient world and how the annunaki influenced the ancient middle east. The thing that gets me is he stops short of actually naming who he thought Yahweh was, though if I was to take a stab I would say Enlil. Maybe he announces it in a future book I guess I will just have to wait and see. This book really makes you sit back and wonder, with all the evidence he is placing in front of you.
I love Zecharia's passion for his research and sharing it all with us. His book is packed full of meticulously gathered information. He is one of the most respected and foremost experts in his field. I do warn the reader if your not a big fan of the his you may not finish the book. It took me a while to finish and only read it between other books. For me it was a thirst for knowledge so if that's what your looking for then you found your book. But it will not fill your desire for entertainment.
This was the third, and last, of The Earth Chronicles books by Zecharia Sitchin that I read on the recommendation of a friend. This same friend had been kind enough to give me a real history of Sumerian culture as well, so I felt sort of obligated. The more I read about ancient Sumeria, the less even barely plausible did Sitchin appear.
Where is he coming from anyway? It's too elaborate to be joke, isn't it? -
was okay but if you have read the books before he tends to repeat himself abit.
Some interesting information.
Now I know why there's a great desert like area in Africa. I've always wondered why as a child. Great read. On to the next in this series! -
Some interesting thoughts on Abraham.
This book is a good add to my previous search for answers about our history as human beings
În primăvara anului 1947, un ciobănaş care-şi căuta o oaie pierdută pe colinele sterpe de lângă Marea Moartă a descoperit o grotă care conţinea suluri ebraice ascunse în ulcioare de lut. Acestea, împreună cu alte scrieri găsite în zonă în anii următori - denumite generic Manuscrisele de la Marea Moartă - stătuseră neatinse timp de aproape două mii de ani, fiind împachetate şi ascunse cu grijă în anii tulburi când Iudeea sfidase puterea Imperiului Roman.
Oare făceau parte din biblioteca oficială a Ierusalimului, pusă la adăpost înainte ca oraşul şi templul să cadă, în A.D. 70, sau aşa cum presupun majoritatea cercetătorilor aparţineau unei biblioteci a Esenienilor, o sectă de eremiţi cu preocupări mesianice? Opiniile sunt împărţite, căci în bibliotecă se găseau atât texte biblice tradiţionale, cât şi scrieri tratând despre datinile, organizarea şi credinţele sectei.
Unul dintre cele mai lungi şi mai complete manuscrise, şi poate cel mai dramatic, descrie un război viitor, un fel de Război Final. Intitulat de savanţi „Războiul Fiilor Luminii contra Fiilor întunericului", manuscrisul imaginează răspândirea beligerantei lupte locale care aveau să-i implice iniţial pe vecinii Iudeei, crescând în ferocitate şi anvergură până când cuprindeau întreaga lume antică: „Prima ciocnire a Fiilor Luminii cu Fiii întunericului, altfel spus cu armata lui Belial, va fi un atac asupra trupelor lui Edom, Moab, ale ammoniţilor şi din regiunea filistinilor; apoi, asupra celor ale kittienilor din Asiria; şi asupra celor ce-au încălcat înţelegerea care le dădea ajutor (...)." Iar după aceste bătălii, „vor înainta asupra kittienilor din Egipt", şi „la tirnpul cuvenit (...) împotriva regilor de la miazănoapte".
În acest Război al Oamenilor, profeţea manuscrisul, Dumnezeul lui Israel avea să preia un rol activ:
În ziua când kittienii vor fi căzut, va avea loc mare război şi măcel, în prezenţa Dumnezeului lui Israel.
Căci aceea este ziua pe care El a hotărât-o din vechime pentru lupta finală împotriva Fiilor întunericului. -
Як бути Захарією Сітчиним, майстер-клас:
Берете казку про колобка. Та й пишете: дід з бабою насправді інопланетяни, колобок - їхній бунтівний зореліт, а звірі - створені генною інженерією стародавні біороботи. І тоді сенс казки виходить зовсім про і-і-інше (повчально трясе піднятим угору пальцем).
З одного боку ця книга, як і всі твори Сітчина, еталон псевднауки. Де є найменша можливість притягнути інопланетян, він їх притягне. Хто будував піраміди? - Інопланетяни. Чому зник Шумер? - Винні інопланетяни. Звідки перекази про всесвітній потоп? - Від інопланетян звичайно ж. Щоправда, все це чомусь у Єгипті та Межиріччі, а в інших частинах світу стародавні цивілізації мабуть обходилися якось самі.
З іншого боку політ фантазії дуже цілісний і вигаданий Захарією Сітчиним світ навіть певною мірою привабливий. Внутрішній суперечностей дуже мало, що сприяє ілюзії правдивості. І завдяки Сітчину ми отримали такі фільми, як "Зоряна брама", тож ця вигадка, хай і дурнувата, непогано розважає. Ба більше - спонукає фантазувати самотужки. -
Neppure lo stesso Sitchin crede davvero a quello che scrive, ne sono convinto. O almeno, lo spero per lui.
Va bene che sei uno "studioso alternativo", ma non puoi tradure pro domo tua testi di 5000 anni fa distorcendone le parole e il significato solo per supportare una personale teoria balzana, né puoi gettare lì delle tue conclusioni e/o supposizioni come fossero delle verità assolute ed oggettive senza supportare i tuoi discorsi con dati reali (e no, la foto di un graffito sumero sconclusionato NON è una prova sufficiente!), aspettandoti anche che la gente ti creda!
Ora capisco dove prendono il loro materiale trasmissioni come Voyager e Mistero...bah! Roba da quattro soldi.
Non sono riuscito a terminarlo, per ora, ma non escludo di riprenderlo giusto per farmi due risate. Almeno, visto che si è trattato di un prestito, non mi è costato neppure un centesimo... -
Working my way through the Earth Chronicles and I think the books are getting worse. I'm not down on the ancient-alien thing; it's an interesting theory. I liked The 12th Planet and, although any actual point in Stairway to Heaven was pretty hazy to me, I did at least enjoy the mythology aspect. But this book was repetitive, dry, tangential, and to be honest, I think there's a lot (like, a LOT) of confirmation bias here. The writing style leaves a lot to be desired. I bought the next book (Lost Realms) so I'll read that too, but not sure if I will go further. I know I'm already grateful the next one is a lot shorter.
This book has a hell lot of twists and turns ! Never knew that, the Prophet Abraham was some kind of a general and had his own army with soldiers - bowmen, swordsmen - all who fought like there's no tomorrow !
I was under the impression that, Abraham was a lone Jew who tried to reach the Promised Land with his people and died before reaching there. But, who knows what's right and what's not !
Anyways, a nice book with detailed explanation, a good one time read though. -
Books involves ancient Sumerian text and many other ancient text of the wars of the Gods which supposedly are from Nibriu. My personal belief is that these are fallen angels and their offspring and their wars in the heavens and here on earth. Very interesting. This book brings us up to the time of the old Mesopotamia Empire.
I read this after the first two books in this series. I originally was wondering what else could be discussed on this topic after the first two books, however, there are so many more events and deeper understandings that came forward in this book. Glad I read it!
A great read