Title | : | DREAM BIG: How Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles and Beto Sicupira Acquired Anheuser-Busch, Burger King and Heinz and Revolutionized Brazilian Capitalism |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 234 |
Publication | : | First published March 28, 2013 |
In just 40 years this Brazilian trio built the biggest empire in the history of Brazilian capitalism and launched themselves onto the world stage in an unprecedented way.
The management method they developed, which has been zealously followed by their employees, is based on meritocracy, simplicity and constant cost cutting.
Their culture is as efficient as it is merciless and leaves no room for mediocre performance. On the other hand, those who bring in exceptional results have the chance to become company partners and make a fortune.
Dream Big presents a detailed behind-the-scenes portrait of the meteoric rise of these three businessmen, from the founding of Banco Garantia in the 1970s to the present day.
DREAM BIG: How Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles and Beto Sicupira Acquired Anheuser-Busch, Burger King and Heinz and Revolutionized Brazilian Capitalism Reviews
A história deste trio é realmente fantástica. Uma evidência disso está no fato de este ser um livro bem interessante mesmo estando terrivelmente mal escrito.
Estou convencido de que minha decepção se deve a um problema de expectativas, que certamente não se aplicará a todos. Eu já era razoavelmente familiarizado com a trajetória dos três. Também já admirava os princípios empresariais seguidos por Jorge Paulo Lemann desde o início do Garantia, que hoje se espalham pelas empresas do trio ao redor do globo. Nesse sentido, fiquei bastante animado e curioso quando soube do lançamento deste livro, que teria colhido depoimentos de vários participantes da história em questão. Eu esperava ganhar mais cor e detalhes acerca desse enredo fascinante agora sob o ângulo dos bastidores, além do que já acompanhamos ao longo dos anos pelos jornais ou revistas de negócios.
Entretanto, em vez de uma história envolvente, o que li foi uma grande reportagem da Exame de 260 páginas sob a casca de um livro.
A autora, que escreve para a referida revista, infelizmente não conseguiu se libertar do modus operandi de sua profissão. A narrativa segue um frustrante estilo jornalístico que é incapaz de cativar o leitor para dentro da história. Ao ler na mesa de minha sala de estar, pegar um livro do Michael Lewis ou do Ruy Castro significa ser engolido pelas páginas e ser transportado para a Wall Street da década de 80 ou para a adolescência de Garrincha. Já ler Sonho Grande na mesa de minha sala implica em ser transportado para... a mesa de minha sala, enquanto leio Sonho Grande.
Outra decepção é perceber que, apesar de a autora ter tido acesso a pessoas de alto nível e muito próximas ao trio (como Carlos Brito, Roberto Thompson e até Warren Buffett), ainda assim parece ter sido incapaz de explorar devidamente as conversas para obter um pouco mais de substância na narrativa. Uma oportunidade perdida de temperar o texto.
Tenho uma observação que talvez clarifique melhor as minhas críticas. Ao meu ver, uma boa biografia é aquela em que, apenas com o conteúdo do texto e um pouco de imaginação, você consegue praticamente construir um filme inteiro sobre o biografado na cabeça. Nas leituras mais imersivas, esse é um processo quase natural. No caso de Sonho Grande, ou você precisa de muita imaginação para tapar as insuficiências do texto com uma boa dose de criatividade, ou você precisa entrevistar novamente todos os participantes da história. Ou seja, refazer o trabalho da biografia!
Feitas as devidas ressalvas, surpreendentemente minha recomendação para você é: LEIA ESTE LIVRO. A trajetória de Jorge Paulo Lemann e seus sócios é interessante e incrível o suficiente para ser leitura obrigatória para qualquer profissional ou empreendedor. Apesar das minhas críticas, sou muito grato à Cristiane Correa por ter tomado uma iniciativa que ajuda a divulgar com mais força essa história exemplar de sucesso. E que talvez provoque um estalo na cabeça de um ou outro leitor que porventura ainda padeça do complexo de vira-lata típico de tantos brasileiros.
Felizmente, essa �� uma história que ainda parece longe de terminar, e tenho certeza de que, no futuro, não faltarão oportunidades para ela ser reescrita em um formato mais prazeroso do que uma grande "Exame Especial" de 260 páginas. -
Resumindo: meritocracia, partnership e redução de custos. Poderia ter parado de ler o livro no prefácio, já teria entendido os pontos mais importantes da obra.
Já não gostei que no início do livro ele exalta Sam Walton. Já li um livro sobre o Walmart e é um lugar que eu não quero nunca trabalhar. A redução de custos chega ao trabalhador e é massacrante.
Uma cultura organizacional que diz que "você não terá tempo para a sua família, mas será rico" é no mínimo ridícula, de acordo com os meus valores como ser humano.
Os episódios relatados ainda de comportamentos explosivos e situações de humilhação de funcionários me faz ter certeza, a cada página, que nunca seria capaz de trabalhar com pessoas assim que se acham maiores que os outros. Além de tudo, esperava mais desse livro do que um relato de compras e fusões de empresas pelo trio.
Para fechar com chave de ouro, uma opinião do excelentíssimo Sérgio Cabral. Ora, faça-me o favor.
Eles deixaram publicar isso tudo sobre eles? Acharam que iam fazer uma boa imagem? Pois só confirmei minhas suspeitas de que para trabalhar nesse meio você precisa ser mais robô, procurando por números de eficiência, custos e lucro, do que um ser humano de valores e sentimentos. -
This reads as though it needs (at least) two more sets of edits and significantly more research. Not well organized and no real perspective expressed by the author. It almost reads as a "as told by" in term of the content.
A good business book, and for anyone interested in Brazilian business this is a must read.
I found it particularly interesting how the author blends the worlds of popular american business icons like Sam Walton, Warren Buffet and Jim Collins with Jorge Lemann and his team.
And while it is true, as noted in the book, they borrowed liberally from Wal-Mart and Goldman Sachs management techniques, in the end they deserve a bit more credit for their unique ability to execute strategy in Brazil's especially precarious business climate.
Also, while there a few awkward phrasings in the translation, they are largely insignificant. -
Most business books I have come across to date are largely based on either Americans or Indians. I didn't ever imagine myself reading a business book on Brazilians. The size of the achievements of these three gentlemen definitely was a cause to showcase to the world - starting a brokerage, then an investment bank and a private equity firm as well as along the way running Brazil's largest retailer, the world's largest brewer (personally, the epitome of a Big Dream), a popular fast food chain and the most popular ketchup brand and also helping people along the way by having NGOs focused on Education and Public Administration in a fairly concise account.
It's easy to see how a large number of the modern workplace policies at well known institutions such as meritocracy, relentless cost cutting, larger focus on variable pay compared to fixed salaries have been relentlessly applied to achieve the highest personal and professional targets set by the partners for themselves and the organization at large.
The principles of the three partners that Jim Collins summarized at the beginning of the book is something I'll try to keep in mind and implement in my personal and professional life. -
Finished reading a version in Mongolian by NNC publishing. This book is about three Brazilians who are owners of three iconic American brands – Budweiser, Burger King and Heinz along with partnership with mega-investor Warren Buffett.
The book talks about the rise of three Brazilian entrepreneurs who by their sheer hardwork, bold bets and a little bit of luck have risen to be some of the most powerful people in global business. The book is more a chronological order of how they moved from one business to the other and has lots of information. However, some of the key things they followed are practically universally applicable, but rarely followed are 1) Select young managers, give them big goals and incentivise them purely based on Meritocracy, people who belong to the PSD category (poor, smart and desire to get rich), 2) Keep a close eye of costs, one of the quotes, "Costs are like nails - you continously have to cut it" , 3) Encourage open honest communication - they tore down walls within most of their offices - allowing open communications. The book was written in 2011, and does not cover in detail the Heinz deal with Warren Buffett. The book has not been written well, but had loads of insights into business. Overall - a good book.
I am a fiction fan, period. So, reading about three real (and amazingly succesful) entrepreneurs were not exactly in my plans. However, this particular book was strongly recomended, so I thought I should give it a try. I am glad I did. These men's path to success was so thrilling and inspiring, and so full of unbelievable twists that I couldn't help voraciously reading it until the very last page. So, maybe that was it, their business genius were so filled with unbelievable stunts that kept me hooked like fiction books do.
Livro que te faz admirar as pessoas que formaram esse império de riqueza através da cultura meritocrática, mas que ao mesmo tempo te faz odiá-los pela falta de ética e pelo maquiavelismo, como quando compraram a Antarctica, situação em que mesmo sabendo que isso seria um claríssimo monopólio, conseguiram o que queriam. Ótima leitura para entender sobre empreendedorismo e gestão através de grandes brasileiros e para formar opinião sobre esse trio de empresários.
One of the best books I've ever read. It was beyond my expectations and I learned a lot with this book. Just brilliant.
I really enjoyed this book and didn't know their stories at all. I read this while reading King of Capital (history of Blackstone), and I really liked the juxtaposition of these two perspectives.
A few takeaways:
* They didn’t just get the right people on the bus; they got the right people on the bus for a very long time.
* First, get great people; second, give them big things to do; then, get more great people, and come up with the next big thing to do; then repeat, again and again. This is how they sustained momentum over time. They always resonated with the idea of BHAGs – Big Hairy Audacious Goals – and built a culture to achieve them.
* The three partners believed that the very best people crave meritocracy, and mediocre people fear it.
* FOCUS ON CREATING SOMETHING GREAT, NOT ON “MANAGING MONEY.” The three founders came of age during a tumultuous economic time in Brazil, and I once asked: “What did you learn about how to manage money in such uncertain and inflationary times?” The answer: “When everyone else was spending their time managing their money, we invested our time in building our company. If we built our company, then that would be the very best way in the long run to generate wealth. Managing money, by itself, never creates something great and lasting, but building something great can lead to substantial results.”
* SIMPLICITY HAS GENIUS AND MAGIC IN IT. On almost every dimension, the three founders exemplified simplicity. They have very simple dress; you would not notice them in a crowd. They kept simple offices, never walling themselves off from their people in an executive suite. They used their increasing wealth not for opulence, but to simplify their lives, so they could focus on continuing to build the company. (I learned that the best sign of true wealth is an uncluttered calendar, with time available to focus on the most important priorities.) And their entre strategy is so simple: Get great people, give them big things to do and sustain a meritocratic ownership culture
* Understand how much time you have to make decisions, use that time to make the best decisions possible and maintain a sense of calm. “Sure, it’s human nature to want to make the uncertainty go away,” said one of the founders. “But that desire can lead you to decide quickly, sometimes too quickly. Where I come from, you soon realize that uncertainty will never go away, no matter what decisions we make or actions we take. So, if we have time to let the situation unfold, giving us more clarity before we act, we take that time. Of course, when the time comes, you need to be ready to act decisively.”
* SEEK MENTORS AND TEACHERS, AND CONNECT THEM TOGETHER. From early in his career, Jorge Paulo Lemann actively sought people he could learn from, and he would make pilgrimages to visit them: the great Japanese industrialist Matsushita, the visionary retailer Sam Walton, the great financial genius Warren Buffett. Not only that, he found ways to connect great people with other great people; he wasn’t “making connections” in the traditional way, but facilitating interactions among exceptional people and thereby stimulating an exponential level of learning for everyone.
* Those who know Lemann well have no doubt that he only became a top-level billionaire because he enriched dozens of people on the way.
* “Harvard also taught me to focus on a way of obtaining results. To finish within my deadline meant I had to create a system involving great focus... I always try and reduce everything to what is essential and this has also helped us a lot in forming our businesses. Most of our companies – and people – have five goals... Doing something simply is always better than doing it in a complicated way.”
* He wanted to continue working in the financial market but had no capital and no intention of paying for everything himself. There was only one solution in his mind: find good people who were ready to work on a new business and capitalist partners to finance it.
* At the age of 31, Lemann was unemployed once again. But this time, he had US$ 200,000 in his pocket, a lot of money in those days, and he had in his head the business model he had been dreaming about – in which the wealth generated would be split with the best employees. His thinking had nothing to do with being a nice guy and everything to do with his purely pragmatic style of multiplying earnings and then dividing them. He would often repeat in the future, always in a loud voice and extending the vowels, as he does: “Good people, working together, make the firm great.”
* The solution to finding a target could not have been more prosaic. Gentil put an ad in a newspaper: “Brokerage for sale sought.” The acquisition was concluded in August of that year when the group, banked by Gentil, bought a brokerage called Garantia from speculators for US$ 800,000.
* There was a particular kind of professional for whom Lemann was always on the hunt, and whom he baptized with the abbreviation PSD: Poor, Smart, Deep Desire to Get Rich.
* “From the bank’s earnings, 25% was distributed as profit sharing, 15% as dividends and 60% was capitalized,” said Baptista. “It was a doctrine that could not be changed.”
* His first intention was to get to know the people there first hand, select those who had talent and get rid of the others. This was a strategy that was repeated in almost all the acquisitions made by the three partners.
* Shortly before assuming command of Lojas Americanas, and when he was still on the executive board, Sicupira sent 10 letters to some of the world’s biggest retailers. He introduced himself and asked if he could learn how each company operated at firsthand. His aim was to learn from the leaders and then adopt the best ideas. Why waste time reinventing the wheel if he could copy from the most advanced companies in the world? Two never replied while another two politely declined. Five companies, including Kmart and Bloomingdale’s, replied and invited him to visit their head offices. The CEO of one of the companies Sicupira contacted went further and phoned him directly. He said he would be happy to receive him and show him the operations of his company, a chain he had founded in Arkansas in 1962. His name was Sam Walton and the company he ran was called Walmart.
* A powerful company and a simple lifestyle were exactly what they also wanted.
* Maintaining a long-lasting partnership like this has been one of their great keys to success. How did they manage it? Their roles were clearly established right from the start.
* “You can’t compete with your own partner. You can’t get upset about who gets credit for a deal. The idea that one has to win doesn’t work in any relationship – in business or a marriage. Not one of this group of Brazilians seeks credit for himself. On the contrary. Jorge Paulo says the success of AB InBev, for example, comes from [Carlos] Brito and his team. This is not common here. Some time ago, the former executive Michael Eisner wrote a book on successful companies [Working Together – Why Great Partnerships Succeed] and had trouble finding 10 cases that really worked [one of the examples was precisely that of Buffett and Munger]... Many people want recognition above all. These people think ‘what’s the point of being on top if there’s no-one below?’ Jorge Paulo and his partners are the opposite of them.”
* “How many (Carlos) Britos and João Castro Neves (the Ambev CEO) would exist in the company if relatives could join?” Telles once said about this policy. “We see 70,000 trainee applications every year. Are my genes really so strong that I will create a child who is one in 70,000? I not only don’t believe in genetic miracles but I think this approach would lead to the disappearance of our culture.”
* “Tropical country, hot climate, good brand, young population and poor management... OK, that gives us everything we need to transform it into something great,” he said. Lemann ended his argument by saying that he had carried out an informal “market survey,” which revealed encouraging information. “I was looking at Latin America and who was the richest guy in Venezuela? A brewer (the Mendoza family that owns Polar). The richest guy in Colombia? A brewer (the Santo Domingo group, the owner of Bavaria). The richest in Argentina? A brewer (the Bembergs, owners of Quilmes). These guys can’t all be geniuses...It’s the business that must be good.”
* course at Harvard called OPM (Owner/President Management Program) aimed at entrepreneurs who needed to learn more about management. (Sicupira had finished this course years earlier.) It was at Harvard that Telles, who had concentrated only on daily financial transactions until then, started to transform himself into a businessman with a long-term view.
* It was an old Garantia saying put into practice once again: why start from scratch when you can learn from the best in the world? It had worked for Garantia itself, which copied the best practices of Goldman Sachs. It had worked with Lojas Americanas that had been strongly influenced by Walmart. It would also work with Brahma.
* He used the old “Garantia culture” formula and copied the best of what he had seen abroad.
* Telles and his partners never had any experience with GE, as they did with Goldman Sachs and Walmart, but the company’s annual reports were a Bible for the Brazilians who, once again, copied the best from them.
* 20-70-10 rule. It laid down that employees in a meritocratic environment should be split into three ranges: the 20% top performers should be rewarded, the 70% average performers retained and the 10% underperformers shown the door. By adapting the GE rule to its own situation, Brahma renovated its workforce. “When I joined the company, the average age of the staff was around 48,” Rodrigues said. “When I left [in 2003] it had fallen to 32.”
* Although he did not know Lemann personally, Brito knew he was a great believer in education and had helped finance Garantia staff’s studies abroad. Would he help someone who was not even from the bank? Brito boldly asked an acquaintance who worked for a brokerage in Rio for Lemann’s contact, and the banker agreed to see him for an hour.
* Brito fulfilled all the promises he made to Lemann. He sent a letter every month in which he recounted what he was doing and his performance in works and tests. He usually attached copies of academic articles or material that might interest the banker. “He never wrote to me but always called after he received the letters,” Brito said.
* Telles had porphyria, a kind of progressive poisoning of the blood and a rare disease, difficult to diagnose. It turned out the colitis crisis that had led to the emergency operation years before – the combined effect of his diet and a fall in his glucose level had led the liver to go out of control, contaminating the blood – was caused by the porphyria, but once the problem was identified, Telles only needed to take a drug, which brought a quick recovery.
* The brewery always paid salaries that were slightly lower than the market rate, but the variable remuneration, which could reach 18 extra salaries a year, easily offset this. The system was adjusted a number of times over the years, but the basic principles remained. The bonuses were generally used by the employees to acquire shares in the company, but this was encouraged by the fact that there was always some “obstacle” for redeeming the shares in the short term. The current practice is for those who use the whole bonus to buy shares in the company to gain an extra 10% over what they have bought. The catch is that this premium can only be redeemed after five years, and those who leave before the period have to give up the extra shares they received. -
Рио де жанейрогоос гаралтай, Харвардын Бизнесийн сургуулийн төгсөгч, Газрын теннисийн аварга, Далайн гүнд загасчлах хоббитой Жорже Пауло Леманын "бизнесийн гурвал" хэрхэн дэлхийн хамгийн том шар айрагны компани болох АБ Инбев-г бий болгож, Америкийн Бургер кинг болон Хайнз брэндийг худалдан авсан тухай сонирхолтой ном.
Номын зохиолч Кристиане Корреа нь бизнес, менежментийн чиглэлээр дагнан бичдэг сэтгүүлч бөгөөд "бизнесийн гурвал"-ын амжилтын түүхийг арваад жил даган сурвалжилж, 100 гаруй хүнээс ярилцлага авснаар ийнхүү анхны номоо бичжээ.
"Бизнесийн гурвал" гэдэгт Леман Теллес, Сикупира нар байх бөгөөд тэдний нөхөрлөл, бизнес хэдэн суурь зарчмууд дээр суурилдаг ажээ. Тэр гурав ялагч байхын тулд чадвартай хүмүүстэй байх, мерит зарчмыг хадгалах, шилдгүүдтэй өгөөжөө хуваах хэрэгтэй гэдэгт итгэдэг. Тэд бүгд энгийн байхыг илүүд үздэг ба босоо удирдлагын тогтолцоог хүлцдэггүй. Тиймээс ч худалдаж авсан компани дээрээ захирлуудын өрөөнүүдийн ханыг нурааж, дундаа хэрэглэх том ширээ гаргах, захирлуудын унааны зогсоолыг байхгүй болгож түрүүлж ирсэн нь хамгийн сайн байршилд машинаа тавих зэргээр тусгай зүйл, тусгай хангамж гэж үгүй болгох энгийн зүйлсийг хамгийн түрүүнд хийдэг. Тэд дэлхийн хамгийн баян бизнесменүүдийн жагсаалтад орохоос илүүтэйгээр урт хугацаанд оршин тогтнох компани босгоход анхаардаг. Мөн ямар ч үед "ийм зүйл болно гэж би чамд хэлсэн биздээ" гэх зэргээр нэгнийгээ шүүмжилж цаг алдалгүйгээр гэнэтийн нөхцөл байдалтай тэмцэж, тайван ажиглаж чаддаг ажээ. Тэдний хэнтэй нь ч ярилцсан эдгээр зарчмыг л ярьдаг бөгөөд номонд энэ талаар өгүүлсэн.
Леман-ын өнөөг хүртэл амьдрал, бизнестээ хэрэгжүүлж, дагаж мөрдөж буй зарчмууд
- Өөрийгөө бодитоор үнэлж, шилдгүүдийн тоонд яавч багтахгүй гэдэг хатуу үнэнийг ойлго. Энэ нь үргэлж амжилттай явах хүсэл, мөрөөдөлд том цохилт болно.
- Ажил дээр ажилтнуудын тархи компанийн ажил дээр л төвлөрөх ёстой. Ажлын бүх цаг, хичээл зүтгэл компанид л зориулагдах ёстой. Өөрийн хөрөнгөө удирдаж компанийн цагийг үрэх нь хувь хүнд ашигтай байж болох ч энэ нь алсаа харсан сэтгэлгээгүйн шинж.
- Дэлхийн шилдгүүдээс сурч болохоор байтал шинээр хийх ямар ч хэрэггүй.
- Тунхагласан зорилго биелсэн зорилготой адил
- Мөнгө эргээд олдох ч нэр хүндээ алдана гэдэг сүйрэл. Мөнгө олох нь зорилго гэхээс илүү зорилго нь биелж байгаагийн үр дүн байдаг.
- Үзэгчдэд өөрийгөө харуулах гэж тоглосон хэн ч ялж байгаагүй /теннисийн талбайгаас олж авсан/
- Том мөрөөдлийн төлөө ажиллахад, жижиг мөрөөдлийн төлөө ажиллахтай ижил хэмжээний ажил ордог
Леман Харвардаас хүнийг танихын чухлыг ойлгож, ажлын үр дүн гаргаж авахын тулд зөвхөн гол зүйлд анхаарах төвлөрүүлэхийг сурсан гэжээ. Ядуу, ухаалаг, баяжихын мөрөөдөлтэй хүмүүсийг олж, ажлуулах чухал. Учир нь Компанийн ашиг сонирхлыг хувийн ашиг сонирхлоос дээгүүрт тавьж, дотоод өрсөлдөөнийг дэмжихийн тулд ажилчид асар их хүсэл, тэмүүлэлтэй байх шаардлагатай. Тиймээс ажлын дон бол хэвийн үзэгдэл. Ажилтнууд ажил олгогчдоо бүхнээ зориулж, өдөрт голдуу 12-14 цаг ажиллаж, амралтын өдөр ч ажиллаж байх ёстой.
Тэд мөнгөнд санаа зовдог хүн амжилтад хүрдэггүй гэж үздэг ажээ. Тиймээс чадварлаг ажилтнаа мөнгөнд санаа зовохгүй хэмжээнд урамшуулж, ажиллуулдаг байна. Нийтийн жишгээс доогуур цалин олгодог ч жилд 2 удаа үндсэн цалинг 4-5 дахин нугалсантай тэнцэхүйц урамшууллыг олгодог. Цалингаа хэд дахин үржүүлсэн урамшуулал авахын зэрэгцээ компанийн жилийн ашгаас 0.1-0.3 хувь хүртэх, хувьцаа эзэмших урамшууллын систем нь зөвхөн гүйцэтгэлээс хамаардаг. Бонусаа тэр чигт нь хувьцаа худалдан авахад зарцуулбал 10 хувьтай нь тэнцэх хэмжээний хувьцааг компаниас нэмж олгодог. Харин энэ нэмэлт хувьцааг 5 жилийн хугацаанд борлуулах боломжгүй юм. 5 жил болохоос өмнө ажилтан ажлаасаа гарвал нэмэлт хувьцаа нь хүчингүй болно. Чи бонусаа хувьцаа авахад зарцуулах ёстой гэж хаана ч бичээгүй ч хувьцаа авахыг чамаас хүлээж байгаа гэдгийг бүгд мэддэг байсан гэж нэгэн хуучин партнер хэлж байжээ.
Гүйцэтгэлд суурилсан мерит зарчим нь "үр дүнд хүр эсвэл эндээс яв" гэх бодлогыг хэрэгжүүлэхэд хүргэнэ. Жилдээ нийт ажилчдын 10 орчим хувийг халдаг. Хамгийн муу ажилласан хүмүүсээ халж байж л шинэ, авьяаслаг залуучууд орж ирэх зай гаргах боломж гарна гэж үздэг. Ингэж, у��амшуулал хүртэх хэрэгтэй хамгийн сайн ажилтнуудаа авч үлддэг. Леман: Инвескогийн дампуурал 1-рт орлогоо зардал шигээ сайн судлах, 2-рт компани чадалтай, өндөр цалин хүртэхүйц чадварлаг хүмүүсээс бүрдэх чухал гэх 2 сургамжийг үлдээсэн гэж тэмдэглэжээ.
Леман, Сикупира, Теллас 3 цагаа сайн үйлсийн ажилд зарцуулах болсон ба тэдний 1991 онд үүсгэн байгуулсан Штудар сан нь дотоодод болон гадаадад мастерын эсвэл докторын зэрэгт сурахыг хүссэн 529 Бразил оюутанд тэтгэлэг олгожээ. Бүх оюутнууд тэр гурвын аль нэгэнтэй нь ярилцлагад орсон байдаг. Леман сан дээрээ ажиллах битүү хуваарьтай байдаг ба түүний гадаадын дээд сургуулиудтай үүсгэсэн холбоо сүлбээний ачаар Штудар хамгийн сайн гэсэн дээд сургуулиудаас зочид урин авчирч оюутнуудтай яриа өрнүүлж чаддаг байна. Теллас, Сикудира нар Штудар сангийн ажилд оролцохоо гадна өөрсдийн гэсэн санаачлагуудтай ажээ. Теллас ядуу гэр бүлээс гаралтай оюутнуудад шилдэг хувийн сургуулиудад суралцахад тэтгэлэг олгодог Исмарт төрийн бус байгууллагыг үүсгэн байгуулсан бөгөөд сангийнхаа ТУЗ-ийн гишүүнээр ажиллаж тэтгэлэг олгох сүүлийн шатны ярилцлагад өөрөө оролцдог байна. Өнөөдрийн байдлаар тус сан нь 1000 гаруй оюутнуудад тэтгэлэг олгоод байгаа ажээ. Харин сикупира 2 санд цагаа зарцуулдаг байна. Эхнийх нь Сикупирагийн ачаар 2000 онд Бразилд салбараа нээн ажиллах болсон бизнес эрхлэгч нарыг дэмждэг АНУ-ын Эндэвор сан юм. Байгуулагдсанаасаа хойш Эндэворын Бразил дахь үйл ажиллагаа хүчирхэгжиж шинээр үүсгэн байгуулагдах бизнесүүдийн тоог олноор нэмсэн байна. 56 гаруй бизнес эрхлэгч нарт санхүүгийн туслалцаа болон сургалт, нэтворкинг, зөвлөх зэргээ дэмжлэг үзүүлэхээс гадна Эндэвор сан нь сонирхсон хүмүүст танхимаар болон интернетээр хичээл зааж улс даяар зохион байгуулдаг арга хэмжээнүүдээрээ дамжуулан сургалт олгодог байна. Эндэворын өөрийн үзэж буйгаар тус сан Бразилд 20,000 гаруй ажлын байр шинээр бий болгожээ.
Жим Коллинс "Бизнесийн гурвал"-ын он цагийн шалгуурыг давсан агуу компанийг бий болгохоор баримталдаг бизнесийн 10 зарчмыг дараах байдлаар тодорхойлжээ.
1. Зөв хүмүүсийг олж, тэдэнд хөрөнгө оруулалт хийж, алдах боломж олгож, байнга сорьж хамт хөгжих
2. Үргэлж том мөрөөдөлтэй байж, түүний эрчийг хадгалах илүү олон чадварлаг, зөв хүмүүсээр баг бүрдүүлэх
3. Байр суурь бус гүйцэтгэл, нас бус амжилт, албан тушаал бус хувь нэмрийг илүүд үздэг Мерит зарчим бүхий өмчлөлийн соёлыг бий болгох
4. Бизнесийн сайн соёл нь стратегийн нэг бус соёл нь өөрөө стратеги тул түүнийг хадгалах
5. Хөрөнгөө удирдахад цагаа зарцуулах бус агуу их зүйл бүтээхэд анхаарлаа хандуулж, эрмэлзэх
6. Энгийн байдлаас гоц ухаан, ид шид ундардаг гэдэгт итгэж, асуудлыг илүү төвөгтэй болгохоос зайлсхийж энгийн байх
7. Ажилдаа улайрдаг хүмүүсийг ажилд авах: Урт хугацааны турш хүчин чармайлт гаргах өвчтэй амьтад нэгнээ олчихвол зогсоохын аргагүй
8. Хямрал нүүрлэсэн үед хурд бус сахилга бат, тайван байдал чухал ба цаг нь болоход шийдэмгий байх ёстой
9. Хүчтэй, сахилга баттай ТУЗ нь стратегийн чухал нөөц бөгөөд Гүйцэтгэх удирдлагыг солих үед л амь ордог ТУЗ байж болохгүй
10. Чамайг сургах, чамд үлгэр дуурайл болох хүмүүстэй холбогдож, тэднийг ч хооронд нь холбо тэр нь суралцах, урам зориг авах эх сурвалж болно
Америкийн урдаа барьдаг 3 брэнд Будвайзер, Бургер кинг, Хайнзын эзэн болж, мега хөрөнгө оруулагч Уоррен Баффеттай хамтрагчид болсон байгаа нь чухал биш. Тэд өөрсдийн суурь зарчмууд /мерит зарчим, зардал хэмнэлт, байнгын сайжруулалт/-аа удирдлага болгон шинэ боломжуудыг эрэлхийлсээр байна. -
No começo, achei a escrita fácil e de um puxa saquismo imberbe. Aos poucos, algumas más facetas da cultura agressiva do trio foram se mostrando, mas nunca em tom de crítica. Sempre desconfiei que Jorge Paulo Lemann era um cara muito bacana, mas não sei se caio de amores pela cultura que criaram com seu capitalismo pragmático pré-Vale do Silício. A estrutura de bônus de soma zero pode criar problemas, como acontece atualmente no Uber. A forma como automaticamente dispensam quem não gosta de sua cultura como preguiçosos também cheira à típica ignorância seletiva dos negócios.
Mas é inegável que o trio é fantástico em execução (talvez melhor em execução do que todos os atuais heróis do Vale do Silício combinados). Admiro a forma como pregam o frugalismo, sem distinções idiotas para diretores, o fim das paredes entre as salas dos empregados, o fim das vagas marcadas de estacionamento. (QUER ESTACIONAR EM UM BOM LUGAR? ENTÃO CHEGUE CEDO.) Os investimentos deles continuarão a crescer, só acho que seu método de gestão, ou pelo menos sua cultura, se tornarão ultrapassados no futuro. Como li em uma reportagem da Exame um dia: o capitalismo do trio surgiu em Wall Street, deu a volta ao mundo e voltou aos EUA. Mas quando voltou, já não fazia mais "sucesso". Acredito que o modelo do futuro é o do Vale do Silício (o que não é completamente bom, vide os escândalos de assédio sexual e discriminação), mas pelo menos estes conseguem incorporar o espírito de frugalidade e igualdade sem comprometer qualidade do produto com uma obsessão por cortar custos (como aconteceu com a Budweiser). -
É um livro meio vazio, basicamente explica a história de investidores que investem com base em controlling interest, mas explica zero sobre como escolhem as suas empresas, é muito pouco sobre como alteram as empresas que compram. Enfia a Meritocracia e mais umas Buzzwords no meio de um monte de small talk e pronto é isso....
Os únicos livros que tinha sobre conglomerados eram do Buffett e não tem nada a ver, nesses explicam as métricas que se procurava melhorar, como se mede a performance. Mas este é um livro para latinos e vem ao estilo: há uns deuses que conseguem pegar em palavras como meritocracia e performance e fazer biliões, sinta-se honrado por ouvir opiniões sobre a história em estilo de novela porque não vamos dar informação útil nenhuma mesmo. -
I've always been a fan of the 3G guys Beto Marcel and Jorge Paulo. I really love their ego-free, discrete, meritocratic, target-centered, frugal management style. Even though an important part of the book was known to me, it still provided me several great insights.
The book starts like a Breaking bad season, showing first the end (in this case the acquisition of Anheuser-Busch), and showing how the past got us there. The story is mainly about Jorge Paulo's saga, since his education at Harvard, the foundation of Banco Garantia, the acquisition of Lojas Americanas, Brahma...
* Dreaming big is as hard as dreaming small.
* Focus. Reduce everything to the essential
* He soon abandoned tennis. He didn't want to pursue a career on something he could not be one of the top 10 in the world
* Monitor costs as well as income
* It is essential to have good, well paid people everywhere in a business. "The goalkeeper has to earn well too"
* Have a good relationship network
* PSD - poor, smart , desire to get rich
* Small salaries, high bonuses, incentivize to buy part of the business - that forces people to be discrete and focus on the business. "skin on the game". The owner takes decisions and risks.
* Copy what works ( Garantia <- Goldman Sachs, Americanas <- Wal Mart)
* Execution mindset. "Missão dada , Missão cumprida". "Faca no dente e brilho no olho"
* Spend much time on recruiting
* "Cost is like nails , you have to cut it, always" - Zero base budget
* Management cannot be inherited. Chances are few that the best person to rule the company is your son.
* Sometimes, trust your gut feeling. Bad businesses on paper are the best ones (Brahma, Berkshire)
* In a company badly managed, everything done produces quick results
* PSDs are essential to oxygenate the company
* Targets well defined and bonuses attached to it act as a powerful incentive system
* Try to make people focus on the company, everything else is secondary. Manager their wealth.
* Constantly monitor the culture and incentive system of the company
* Who is on top must not stop the growth of the ones on the bottom
* Institutionalize what you do, otherwise it is like you've never done it at the first place.
Buffett on Jorge Paulo: "he always said things that made sense. He didn't pretend to know things, and he never spoke for the sake of speaking" . Buffett is a great admirer of the trio, specially because they have the same life and working style.
My main critic to the model proposed in the book (which JP dreams of making the default model for XXI century companies) is that it assumes an important growth and it works much better in the first stages of a company, otherwise you cannot remunerate your employees as aggressively as intended. -
Não me leve a mal pelas três estrelas. O livro é bom, vem escrito, interessante. Mas quando penso sobre a filosofia desses homens, fico um pouco assombrada.
Pra quem já tem noção da história deles o livro não surpreende muito. A trajetória, a resiliência e inteligência desses caras é admirável!!! -
Great story. Poorly told.
A história dos empresários é muito interessante, mas o livro peca pelo estilo jornalístico de escrita e pela não participação do trio em sua elaboração. Depoimentos de Lemann, Telles e Sicupira enriqueceriam a narrativa e trariam para a realidade a filosofia de meritocracia, sociedade e corte de custos exaustivamente mencionada.
An inspiring display of compounding business knowledge and the ability to work with partners for a lifetime make this an intriguing read.
I read this book quite some time ago in Portuguese. Lehman became the richest man in Brazil adapting the goldman sachs model on the Brazilian market. He then went to so much bigger deals globally through 3G capital. Very inspiring, i’d recommend it.
... Мерит зарчмаар бизнесээ удирдсан нь хөгжлийнх нь гол түлхүүр байлаа. Аль ч худалдаж авсан бизнестээ энэ соёлоо нэвтрүүлж чадсан байна. Мерит тогтолцоог хэрхэн Монголын хөрсөнд буулгах вэ?
... Хувьцаа эзэмшиж л байгаа бол компаний үйл ажиллагаанд оролцож аль нэг салбар ахалж, хариуцлага үүрэх учиртай гэсэн хатуу зарчим нь ногдол ашгаараа тансаглаж өөрөө өөрийгөө үгүй хийхгүй байх оновчтой арга.
... Баг бүрдүүлэх - загасчлах хобби нэгтэй байсан нь ихээхэн өгөөжтэй байсан болов уу гэж бодлоо. Загасчлахаар явах зуур brainstorm хийх, асуудлаа албан бусаар зөвшилцөх сайхан цагийг нөхцөлдүүлдэг байж.
... Бизнесээ удирдах мэдлэг ур чадвараа тогтмол сайжруулж, Harvard-ын захирлуудын ангид бүгдээрээ сурч, шилдгүүдээр менторлуулсан нь амжилтын бас нэг түлхүүр байлаа. Ментортой болох хэрэгтэй. -
A história do trio é interessante, mas tive alguns calafrios durante a leitura. A forte (e muitas vezes nebulosa) proximidade com políticos, os incontáveis episódios de assédio moral, o total descaso com as pessoas - tudo em nome da "meritocracia" e da redução de custos implacável - não é um modelo de sucesso pra mim.
Ler sobre sociedades com Eike Batista, depoimentos como o do hoje presidiário Sérgio Cabral falando sobre Beto ser um conselheiro de seu governo nas área de gestão e ver o estado do Rio de Janeiro hoje quebrado, no mínimo, te faz pensar sobre episódios não revelados na jornada dos maiores capitalistas do Brasil.
A autora peca ao não ir a fundo em questões polêmicas que, quem sabe, poderiam ter sido esclarecidas se o trabalho de investigação jornalística fosse mais apurado. Mas como isso não ocorreu, eu terminei a leitura com muitos pontos de interrogação sobre o quanto esse estrondoso sucesso é, de fato, resultado da tão aclamada meritocracia que eles pregam.
Ter dinheiro, ser de uma família poderosa e ter boas conexões é mais do que meio caminho andado para o "sucesso". Não estou desmerecendo a história do trio, mas acho que precisamos conhecer melhor "nossos heróis" antes de estendermos o tapete vermelho.
Me peguei pensando diversas vezes sobre as milhares de pessoas que tiveram suas vidas prejudicadas em nome dos pilares da gestão do trio. Ok, esse é o capitalismo, mas os valores precisam vir antes.
No mais, a leitura é vaga em muitos momentos. Por não ser uma biografia autorizada, poderia ter sido mais crítica e não tão chapa branca. Ainda assim, recomendo a leitura. Apesar dos pesares, há muitos conceitos de gestão que podem ser absorvidos. O prefácio do Jim Collins é excelente!
No fim, a pergunta que ficou é: vale tudo para construir um império? Pra mim, definitivamente não. -
I am going to write this comment in portuguese, as it's a pt_BR written book (at least the version I read) with the Brazilian audience as a target, I think.
Este é um livro interessante que mostra a trajetória (principalmente) do Jorge Paulo Lemann e seu sócios. Se você tem em torno de 30+ anos em 2015, acredito que deve ser de seu conhecimento grandes acontecimentos no mundo dos negócios, antes impensáveis. Uma cervejaria brasileira se tornando a maior de mundo, batendo EUA, Alemanha e etc. O crescimento do e-commerce submarino e lojas americanas. Burger King, entre outros. Se você está curioso por saber como foram essas negociações, e o que motivou e fez que isso se tornasse realidade leia.
Mesmo que não se interesse por negócios, mas estiver com vontade de parar de se sentir um sapo no fundo do poço, que não sabe como é o mundo lá fora, acho que esse livro abre bem os olhos. Se você se orgulha de ser brasileiro, é motivador. -
I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. Having heard about Lemann, GP Investimentos, Brito, etc. over the years. And even having had the opportunity to listen to Brito as a guest speaker I still there is a lot to learn about how Lemann and his partners developed a new way of managing business in what could be called hyper-capitalism. Even more incredible that this ideas and hacks came from as difficult a place to do business as Brazil.
The book might be a little bit light on the how-to but its very interesting in shedding light on the why's that motivated these amazing businessmen into doing things differently.
This feels like a great starter book on 3G and I look forward in learning more about them. -
“Sonho Grande” é um livro que, para mim, teve grande valor. Ainda que eu não seja da área de administração de empresas ou algo parecido, como brasileira entendo perfeitamente a necessidade da leitura de um livro como esse. Isso porque não se deve passar batido o nome das três grandes personalidades retratadas: Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles e Beto Sucupira. Não apenas por serem estes alguns dos homens mais ricos do país, mas pela visibilidade que o trabalho genial destes empresários dá ao Brasil. Apesar de falar de cultura de gestão, operações financeiras e utilizar outros termos técnicos, a leitura é simples e acessível.
The book tells the story of the legendary PE firm in Brazil and gives you a sense of how the Brazilian banking system and economy was like in the 90s. I think the author gave too many details on too many people involved in the business development process. You need to skip a lot to maximize efficiency.
Vale a leitura para conhecer (mesmo que superficialmente) a história desse trio que mudou a cara do capitalismo brasileiro e tem alcançado projeção global, implementando um estilo de gestão diferenciado para alcançar resultados nas empresas que controlam.
A great story about the Brazilian Entrepreneurs behind AB InBev, Burguer King and Heinz.
Simple but important lessons about Human Resources management, vision and accomplishments.
Worth reading for entrepreneurs and any person in a management position.