Star-Lord: Knowhere to Run: A Mighty Marvel Chapter Book by Chris Wyatt

Star-Lord: Knowhere to Run: A Mighty Marvel Chapter Book
Title : Star-Lord: Knowhere to Run: A Mighty Marvel Chapter Book
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1484712692
ISBN-10 : 9781484712696
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 128
Publication : First published December 16, 2014

Star-Lord, aka, Peter Quill, is having an amazing time on Planet Knowhere hanging out with the other Guardians of the Galaxy, until his birthday comes along. Peter is suddenly homesick and longs to be with his family . . . or at least other humans. His friends try to cheer him up but nothing is working. That is until he gets a message from Captain Marvel. She is on a mission searching for a Super Skrull who holds the key to a device that could destroy Earth! The Super Skrull is on Knowhere and she asks Peter to help her find the villain and save Earth. But Captain Marvel informs Peter that since the Skrull is a shape-shifter, they cannot trust anyone, including the Guradians. Can Star-Lord save his family on Earth, without losing the family he has created on Knowhere?

Star-Lord: Knowhere to Run: A Mighty Marvel Chapter Book Reviews

  • AliSs Book

    Elegí este libro por que sinceramente estos dos meses he tenido bloqueo lector y no he podido terminar algún libro, entonces me pareció que tomar algo de lectura ligera y que fuera entretenido seria lo mejor. Entonces me tope con este libro de mis libros pendientes y ha decir verdad me gusto hace mucho que no leía algo de aventura o un comic y me pareció muy divertido con una historia muy sencilla pero me gusto.

  • Nicolas

    This was just right for a book club with my son. It's action-packed and the format and colors make for a very dynamic read. Plus, the characters felt right. Good times.

    I interviewed Steve Engelhart, the creator of Star-Lord over on the All the Books Show. Check it out.

  • Stephen Snyder

    This is a very action-packed sci-fi mystery that will memorize you readers who are looking for a great chapter book to sink their teeth into.

    Bravo Marvel!

    Thank you for the loan Franklin Public Library!

  • Mikey Golczynski

    Not great, but comic fans will eat it up.

  • Kaz

    A great introduction to Star Lord and Knowhere for kids.

  • Brad Parsons

    Fun book to read. The illustrations are amazing! Good book for a 3-5 grade reader

  • V. Arrow

    Another adorable story! It was fun to see Carol team up with Peter; they're an unusual pairing that worked.

  • Emily

    Pretty fun mix of chapter book and graphic novel. I read this with my 8 year old son and we're on to the next in the series.

  • The Brothers

    Asher (8yo) read.

  • Yuiko

    Loved it!!!!!