The Battle of the Labyrinth: The Graphic Novel (Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Graphic Novels, #4) by Robert Venditti

The Battle of the Labyrinth: The Graphic Novel (Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Graphic Novels, #4)
Title : The Battle of the Labyrinth: The Graphic Novel (Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Graphic Novels, #4)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 128
Publication : First published October 2, 2018

Half Boy. Half God. ALL Hero.

Honestly, blowing up another school was the last thing I wanted to do.
As the son of a Greek God, I've had my share of near-death disaster - and now my arch enemy Luke wants to invade our camp via an ancient labyrinth.

If he succeeds, thousands of bloodthirsty monsters will attack. So it's goodbye sunshine, hello darkness as four of us descend into the terrifying underground and beyond...

The Battle of the Labyrinth: The Graphic Novel (Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Graphic Novels, #4) Reviews

  • Tinka


    Somebody sedate me, RIGHT NOW! From all the things you cut out, you chose Percabeth‘s first kiss? HOW? WHY?

    Calming myself now... SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?

    Okay, okay... I am calm... maybe...

    Other things they cut that really should have stayed in include: Literally everything with Calypso (geez, wonder if that’s important for the Heroes of Olympus?), Rachel hitting Kronos with a brush, Percy saving one of Mr. D‘s sons, the romance between Clarisse and Chris (sure, cut her most human moments out), JUNIPER (!), Grover‘s moment of badassery and probably more that I don’t remember because I AM YELLING ABOUT THE KISS!

    Here’s the thing, I get that you have to make cuts by adapting a book into a Graphic Novel, but the decisions about what to cut her puzzle me to no end. It just doesn’t make sense to me, because if I hadn’t known the story at this point and my introduction would be this Graphic Novel, I‘d be lost. They chopped one of the best books Rick Riordan has ever written down to a shell and I know they can do better and that makes it frustrating. Compare that to the graphic novel adaptation of The Lost Hero which almost includes the entire story (and I think the book is longer).

    The artwork is also not that compelling this time around. It’s very messy and some of the characters look downright unpleasant, especially poor Annabeth. Also, Nico looks way too old. Get a grip, he is like 10 here.

    So, why still 3 stars? Because it’s still The Battle of the Labyrinth, one of my favorite Percy Jackson stories and at least it includes some of Percy‘s most badass moments. Plus, the scene with Pan always gets me. And the Grover/Tyson cuteness.

    Despite my... minor outburst of... yelling, I did not dislike the graphic novel. I don’t think I have it in me to dislike anything Percy Jackson related. I‘m just frustrated. Very, very frustrated.

  • Sophia

    This GN was MUCH better than The Sea of Monsters! Besides a few spots, I felt the story had a much nicer flow. Although, it did skip over some major moments! Moments like Percy and Annabeth’s first kiss! And the whole bit of Percy choosing to be a hero and leaving Calypso’s island. I was a little shocked at the very different art style (compared to the last one) but I quickly started to really enjoy the illustrations. The characters were easily distinguishable and the backgrounds were always so beautiful and detailed.

  • Anastasiaadamov

    I've read the books so long ago and I don't remember them being this hectic.
    I don't think the graphic novel format suits them.
    I still enjoyed the story and characters.

  • Alberto Cáceres

    It was really good, but so sad they cut the Calypso plot.

  • GodzRead

    I liked this novel better than all the other PJO related graphic novels thus far. This is largely because the artstyle just appealed more to me in this one.

    Once again I missed a few part, Calypso was barely in it and I MISSED THE KISS.

  • Nina

    This graphic novel was too short.

  • Книжни Криле

    Пърси Джаксън и неговите приятели се опълчват за пореден път пред ордите на злия Кронос! Този път обаче любимите персонажи на Чичо Рик воюват със силите на мрака не по страниците на книгите, а из панелите на комикс! Сценаристът Робърт Вендити, художникът Орфиъс Колар и колористът Антоан Доде превръщат четвъртия роман от поредицата „Пърси Джаксън и боговете на Олимп“ в зрелищна графична история. Опасностите са на всяка крачка, а на Пърси и компания сигурно им се иска митовете на Древна Гърция да си бяха останали именно там – в древността! Вместо това обаче богове, демони и титани продължават да си играят със съдбите на хората. „Битката за Лабиринта“ започва! Но спокойно, в случая няма да имате нужда от нишката на Ариадна. Достатъчно е да последвате линка, за да прочетете ревюто на „Книжни Криле“:

  • Koby Z. (KZ Reads)

    4.7 Stars
    Read on Hoopla

  • angie ♡

    YES. THIS ART IS THE ONE. but they cut out the kiss :/

  • Bryan L

    Tengo que recordarme que son adaptaciones y como tal tampoco pueden meter todo en un libro, pero hubo tantas cosas que se saltaron 🥲
    Lo mejor de todo fue ver que cambiaron el estilo de la animación, el anterior era un dolor de ojos pero este nuevo diseño, con los personajes siendo más ellos mismos fue lo mejor que pudo pasar al mundo de las novelas gráficas.

    RED es lo mejor de estos libros, siempre es un placer leerla!

  • Drew's ambitious reading

    Finished this when I had down time at my second job!(:

  • Kendall Jonnson

    Definitely the best one by far with an interesting art style and a fully cohesive storyline! I’m incredibly happy that it was done so well too because this was always my favorite book in the series.

  • Brooke

    I really liked this art style so much more! Im glad they changed it because this is more how I picture the characters. As for the story they obviously cut out details and a lot of them, but I found I didn’t mind as much because I think they did it in a better way then the first three.

  • corinne

    Gorgeous (and consistent!) illustrations with a fast-paced storyline that kept me invested.

  • Olivia Brangaccio

    felt like it skipped stuff sometimes, i don’t really like the art, also i don’t really like percy jackson so what can i do, the storylines are so simple, but still enjoyed reading it

  • jenaiya ross

    meeting your goodreads goals with pjo graphic novels >>>>>

  • Elizabeth Ann

    There was a lot more going on with the plot in this normal and I really enjoyed it. I also liked the change of the graphic designer because the art felt different and I absolutely loved it. It was very nice to see the different changed. It took me awhile to get used to it at first, but it was a nice addition to go along with the plot line.

  • Devann

    actual rating: 2.5

    On the one hand, this is a quick enjoyable read and I definitely like the art here more than in previous volumes. On the other hand, I felt like literally nothing happened? It's been probably a decade since I've read the books so I'm not sure if this book in particular was just really slow or if they cut out a bunch of stuff and that's what made it seem that way here. It's still a nice refresher since I'm trying to wait until after the last Apollo book comes out before I reread the entire Greek Gods portion of Riordan's work, but it definitely feels like it's missing something.

  • Jaymie

    3.5 stars. I enjoy having a visual to go with the great books by Rick Riordan! And I know that there are a lot of reasons for pieces to get cut out in the transition to a graphic novel. But this one felt particularly choppy and disconnected. Kids who haven't read the novels might be fine with this as their only experience of the story. And kids who really get into the visuals of the monsters and other characters they already enjoy from the books might be fine with this, too. Kids who love the novels might be frustrated with the disjointed feel of this compared to the story they know so well.

  • Bia Bentes

    *3.5 stars.
    This graphic novel was too short, it almost lost the originality of the story, it cut off a lot of good parts of the book and made the whole experience a bit disconnected. I was quite disappointed because the Battle of the Labyrinth is my favorite book in the series and wasn't well represented on this.

  • Laly Arce Chumpitassi

    Quinta vez que leo el cuarto libro de la saga de Percy Jackson y lo sigo amando como si fuera la primera vez

  • Vanessa Rincon

    There are waaay to many details missing, but it's nice to read, anyway! :D

  • Jamie

    I understand things have to be cut to be short enough for a graphic novel, but this one took out a just a bit too much.

  • May

    I liked this adaption of the Battle of the Labyrinth! The illustrations are different than the previous books and I like this one better because each character looks unique. With the Titan's Curse, I had a hard time distinguishing between certain characters. The pace was kind of fast but they included most events that happened. I just wish they didn't cut out some stuff like the interaction between Percy & Calypso and when Rachel hit Kronos in the eye with a hairbrush!

  • Ren

    [the longest yeaaaaah boiiii]

    Definitely the best out of the series so far, but I also might be biased because it's one of my favourites out of the series overall. The new art helps so much to make things feel more vivid, and the story hits all the best points. By far the one I'm gonna end up going back to out of these most often.

  • Katha

    With this book I could at least differanciate the faces. I think a lot of things were cut very short especially battle scenes and what I thought was the worst is how short they cut the scene with Calypso. Percy didn't even talk to her.

    Nice to see it as a graphic novel but I wouldn't have minded if it was longer.

  • Steff Fox

    Honestly surprised that this was the same illustrator, cause the artwork seemed so different. It definitely feels like the illustrator realizes he’d made the characters look way too old in the previous one and worked to fix it in this one.

  • Димитър Цолов

    В четвъртото томче художникът Атила Футаки "отстъпи четките" на колегата си Орфиъс Колар, а артът на последния се оказа доста читав. Адаптираният сценарий на Робърт Вендити е вече до болка познатия ни тюрлюгювеч от гръцки митове и легенди, поставени в американски сетинг. Бива!

  • Emily Peddle

    Best book of the graphic PJO series. Great rendition of the story! PLUS cute little Easter egg:Selena and Charles together in a few scenes (PRECIOUS).

  • Steph

    Did the artwork improve in this book?

    It's still not how I picture them all, but I do love being back in the world of Percy Jackson.