Angel of Chaos (Imp, #6; Imp World, #9) by Debra Dunbar

Angel of Chaos (Imp, #6; Imp World, #9)
Title : Angel of Chaos (Imp, #6; Imp World, #9)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 280
Publication : First published October 13, 2014

Samantha Martin didn’t want the title of Iblis and all the hellish responsibility that comes with it. She sure as heck didn’t want these feathery angel wings permanently affixed to her back– although those have their perks. She especially doesn’t want all the extra projects the Ruling Council keeps dumping on her plate.

Tricked into protecting a pregnant woman, Sam discovers that her hasty vow came with a whole lot of strings attached – strings that make her question her trust in Gregory. In order to keep her promises, she’ll need to rely on old friends as well as a house full of unlikely allies.

As if that weren’t enough chaos for an imp, the angels finally find proof that werewolves are Nephilim – the descendants of fallen angels. An entire race is facing extinction and their only hope for salvation is an angel from Hel.

Angel of Chaos (Imp, #6; Imp World, #9) Reviews

  • Holly

    3.5 stars

    In this book, Sam (an Imp demon) finds herself stuck with the job of 'rehabilitating' all humans with a FICO score less than 580. Those kinds of amusing details are a large part of why I really like this series; it's not afraid to be silly. But it's not overly silly either - Sam also has some nephilim (half human/half angels) and some werewolves she is trying to save from avenging angels all the while still sticking to her Imp tendencies to raise chaos whenever she can. Chaos just sometimes includes corrupting angels with the influence of alcohol and junk food LOL.

  • Marianne

    First, a word of warning. If you, like me, preordered an electronic copy of Angel of Chaos, please remember to delete and update the copy on your kindle or kindle app. The copy has got some formatting and typo issues that have been fixed in the newest edition.

    Now, my review. I apologize in advance for its length. I can't help myself. You should see my kindle copy. It's got highlights EVERYWHERE. Too many favorite paragraphs to count, the first clue that I ♥ a book to death.

    Sam's earthy home has not exactly been free of - shall we say - "occurrences" - but it's still relatively quiet compared to present day Hel or Aaru. Until now.

    All that changes one day, when an unknown angel knocks on her door and demands asylum for the woman who's pregnant with his offspring; Harper, a knife-wielding, very frustrated young woman who's got some serious angel related anger issues.

    But this asylum request is also symptomatic of what is currently threatening to tear heaven apart. You could say Aaru has become the ideal place for students of Freud's libido theories. someone should definitely give the winged guys a copy of dr. Sigmund's complete works regarding sexual repression. Perhaps simply invite him over? I'm sure they know his current residence. Meanwhile, some of Aaru's residents want to resume relations with the demons, others want to start a breeding program, while the third faction wants to legalize human/angel pairings... With the exception of the angels that have been sowing wild -and very illegal - oats, everyone wants the Nephilim gone. And guess who is caught smack in the middle? The Ruling Council, of course, along with our very own imp turned unwilling Iblis.
    God, one can only imagine how dull those meetings must have before Sam infused them with her own, special brand of chaos and general mayhem. Those poor, ancient angels, virtually clueless of anything that's non-academic in nature. They are just so goddamn (godblessed?) clueless of actual life, that it's freaking adorable... not to mention hilarious.

    Whether it was Sam misquoting complicated paragraphs, Gabriel salivating at the thought of raising humans with sub-par FICO ratings to a higher levels of consciousness, the Burrito Scale of Immense Magnitude, or indeed, something akin to angelic wing striptease, boardroom meetings have never ever made me giggle harder;-) In fact, the Ruling Council scenes were among the highlights of the book for me. Sam as the angelic (or is it demonic) equivalent of a social worker? This I have got to see! (Mwahaha) Aaru really IS going to Hel in a handbasket...

    But wait, I'm not done! Time for a show of hands: Who else thinks Gabe is much too fond of the bound and restrained punishment, and consequently would like to see him in the same predicament sometime very soon? (I'm raising both hands, people!)

    So, yeah: Found some new angels to love, found some new angels to loathe. One thing's for certain, they're at their most entertaining when they're not calm and centered. Whether they are having improper relations, go out dancing, get their junk trapped in too small cock cages, or simply sulk down in the basement (did I say sulk, I meant *meditate*, of course) I simply loved them:-)))

    Poor Sam, our greedy little imp goes around claiming people and species as greedily as she Devours. Not always intentionally, of course! But believe me, the result is always entertaining. And I am happy to say that Sam's special brand of girl-power is rubbing off on our human girls, Nyalla and Harper. I couldn't be happier. Angel boys sometimes need their asses kicked too;-) Karma may not be a Christian concept, but hey, it works here!

    The stars of this book - for me - were the angels, and nobody shone brighter than our potato chip munching Revered One. Not only Sam is dipping her toes in the pool of sin, Gregory is warming up to the idea too. Finally, he seems ready and willing to profess his love verbally and... uuumm, in a more... tangible fashion. I heard rumors of a certain expanded love scene while this book was still in the process of being edited, and I gotta say; I'm so glad Debra decided to follow her editor's advice;-) But: Gregory's vocal declaration of love, easily trumps the more physical scene. He really has a way with words. Nobody would suspect he's (I'm guessing here) 6 billion years out of practice. And wouldn't you know it, it would seem he's got that trait in common with his younger brother, Rafi. I knew he was a cheeky badass from the moment he mentioned the breeding petition to Sam. *insert happy smile for Happy* So how the hell did Gabe turn into such a pious, sanctimonious dude? (Well, at least we know he will be eating his own words soon. *heads over to the jewelry box to pick up my very own precious, newly acquired piece of jewelry*)

    But I digress: I don't know about you, but I think our Ancient Revered one made a pretty sweet declaration of love. Isn't this an AAAAAW-moment? "I've been yours from the moment I laid eyes on you, smacking a dead man's hand against a wall, and screaming profanity." Or how about this: "Cockroach, you are an angel of chaos, a demon born of Hel, an imp. I love every bit of you, even when I am ready to strangle you. My future is going to be a wild ride, full of pleasure and pain, but this will be the best ride of my life as long as I'm by your side." See, told you he was romantic, poetic and funny. Now, let your puppet dictator take charge for a while, we all know that will turn out juuuuust fine. *this is where I smile knowingly and admire the ring Gareth gave me*...

    Those who worry that Sam may have lost her impish edge, need not fret. She reconnects with her demon roots with a totally righteous, heavenly sanctioned prank inside the seventh ring of Aaru. So much for her new, squeaky-clean image. Good for you. You go, girl;-P Can I get an Amen?

    Even better, her conversation with her co-conspirator, makes me hope she'll pull some fabulous new pranks in the future. This new "business venture" with Rafi sounds downright promising, lol. Time for some ruffled feathers even outside the angelic elite's inner circle. Contemplative walks in the third circle of Aaru, ugh, no... just no. What they need is a walk on the wild side, courtesy of Sam and her anal probing Low household members;-)

    All of the remaining Gregory siblings were great in this installment. I know we'll be getting the two remaining brothers' stories shortly, but after reading this book I really need to know more about Uri's pilgrimage as well. Ah, Rafael, my progressive cutie-pie and (not so secret) angel crush. How did he end up with the Angel of Order title? Poor guy, he's just begging to be dragged down into the abyss alongside his older brother. It's time to let him have some fun;-) The role of co-conspirator and, it would seem, future business partner in the suits him to a tee. Even poor old Gabe has some surprises in store for us. Holy Train... errr, holy hell, I need his book now. Time to stop observing other angels' love life from a distance you creepy voyeur, and get down and dirrrty. You can't stay a virgin forever, you know!

    There are a few references to events that take place in the Imp World books, but nothing major. Angel of Chaos introduces a couple of new and interesting characters as well. My favorite is Nils. Such a shame his attempts were foiled. I think he would have made a wonderful... Well, you'll see. He's certainly protective of his Mistress. As for his relationship with his second mistress: Could be reeeeally interesting if she straightens out his-blame-it on-the-penis attitude. A certain Goodreads friend will be happy to hear that poor old Wyatt is MIA for most of the book. (Won't you, Meigan?)

    Unfortunately I've just been informed of the new shopping embargo on magical rings, courtesy of an anonymous person currently residing in Libertytown, Maryland. It would seem I will have a hard time recharging my mindreading ring. It's really distressing:-( Please, Debra, don't ever develop writer's block. You owe Dar and Gabe a satisfying sex life, ASAP. (My plea is purely selfless, of course.)

    Time to wrap it up before I run out of virtual space: Angel of Chaos made me want to praise the Lord for enabling us with the intelligence we need to create books, and praise my favorite authors for writing them. My song of choice would be the Hallelujah Chorus. But if there's one song that deserves a large choir, it's Handel's masterpiece. Only problem is, how could a human choir ever measure up to the Fifth Choir? True, they may not have the best voices of the Ten, but I hear it's the place to be. . So where can I send my petition to join, huh, Debra? I'll even brave Ahriman's fiery gates if they'll let me audition. (Or simply want to "rehabilitate" me. I'm even ready to lower my FICO rating!)

    Okay, I think I've just published my longest review ever.
    0:-) <-- PS, isn't the angel smiley cute?

  • Keith

    tl;dr: This book should come with the following disclaimer: "Read No Man's Land First."

    I'm a big fan of Debra Dunbar and her books, which is why this review has been hard for me to write. Not because the book is bad - it isn't - but because of the facepalm "I can't believe you did that" moment I had starting about half way through. Or, as I put on this books status, "Bad Author!"

    I would like to clarify here that this is not a "the book sucks" review, but a "this is why I didn't give the book 4 stars" rant.

    Some background. Angel of Chaos is the 6th book in the Imp series, staring Sam the trouble making Demon. There is also a prequel novella, Imp, and 3 spin off novel so far, No Mans Land, Stolen Souls, and Demons of Desire, with more planned.

    Many authors post additional stories set in their primary universe, either in anthologies, for $.99 at Amazon Kindle, or even for free of their web site. Some do a good job of incorporating references to them in later books in the series. Jim Butcher's Dresden files has a fairly light touch, if you have read the shorts (
    Side Jobs: Stories From the Dresden Files) you will see them referenced in the main novels. Reading the shorts provide depth and understanding of the "shout outs" but are not necessary to undertand ro enjoy the novel. Other authors don't do so well. One author who I can not recall the name of (Kevin Hearne?) dropped so many references to a spin off x.5 novella that I went and read the novella so I had some idea what was so important about it - and discovered it was not important, the author just liked referencing it in the main series.

    On to Angel of Chaos:

    There is a reference to Demons of Desire in this book, if you have not read it you may miss it, or at least miss it's relevance, but it will not impact your enjoyment of the book. There are a few references to Stolen Souls as well, mostly involving property damage, but nothing annoying.

    And then there are the characters and plot from No Mans Land, who come careening into this book like an out of control car, crash into the main plot, and implant themselves so solidly in the story you would need a Jaws of Life to pry them apart. No exposition, no warning, there they are, mangled together. I kinda figured they'd be showing up, but not like this. As the story continues, elements of this spin off book becomes so imbedded in book 6 of this series that it ends up looking like someone smashed two different books together, leaving you with the literary equivalent of a Modern Art exhibit of two mangled intermingled car corpses.

    If I had not already read No Mans Land I would be completely lost. As it is I feel like I am reading a slow motion train wreck. It's not even that the plot is bad - it isn't - it's that the explanation of what is going on is so thin that I feel I missed a chapter somewhere along the line. You know, the chapter that would reconcile all of this. I know it could exist, I can see it showing up in later chapters, but I don't like filling in the blanks like this - I worry that I am making excuses for the author and/or indulging in wishful thinking.

    Fortunately they disentangle themselves before the end of the book, but this did make the body of the novel painful to read.

    Did I enjoy this book? Yes, I did, but not as much as the others in the series, mostly due to the poorly implemented crossover. If you have enjoyed the rest of the books, you should read this one. But this book really needs a professional editor to explain to the author what she did wrong, and how to fix it - or at least keep it from happening again.

  • Jeanny

    Amazing read. This series continues to make me smile, lol, & completely charm me. The "anal probing" scene made me lol so hard I had people on the train look @ me funny. I love the characters, world, & writting. Great job Debra Dunbar.

  • RedL.

    Too in love with this...can't stop going back to certain sections over and over and over...totally addicted to Sam and Gregory, Hel and Aaru and all in between...a real review should come when I am back to earth (I hope)...

  • Meigan

    Becoming both the Iblis and an Angel of Chaos has been one of the better things to happen to Sam. With new titles comes a host of new responsibilities in both Aaru and Hel, leaving little time for Sam to act as her true nature deems -- wreaking simple havoc on humans. Certainly she makes plenty of comments of various mischievous acts she plans to do, bubble bath in fountains, etc., but it seems those are merely suggestions at this point in time. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it seems our beloved imp has grown and matured. I do miss Sam's impish ways, but I am really growing fond of her new, responsible self. She still unleashes some impish attitude where it's needed most, in Aaru, so she still has a little bit of imp left.

    Not only has Sam's Hel household continued to grow, but the same is happening to her earthly home as well. Harboring a human female impregnated with an Angel's child brings quite a host of problems to her doorstep. Her new roommate has attracted quite a lot of attention from up above. Nephilim are a no-no in the eyes of Aaru; any baby who is the product of an angel/human mating is to be killed. Needless to say, Sam finds herself in many a fight with the haloed ones, gathering two new additional roommates in the process. Now with Nyalla, Harper the pregnant woman, a fallen angel and a temporarily banished one all taking up residence, Sam's house is bulging at the seams. Luckily it doesn't affect date night with Gregory all that much ;)

    In addition to now becoming an Angel of Chaos, something Aaru hasn't had for millions of years, having said title now makes her accountable for undertaking various tasks assigned from other Angels at their notorious conference meetings. Sam's newest responsibilities are Angels of the fallen variety, and humans with subpar FICO scores. Yes, you've heard right. Shitty credit scores now entitle you to counseling from the Angel of Chaos. Leave it to Gabriel to salivate over how increased credit scores can equal a more centered human, according to Sam. See? She still has a little imp in her.

    That's not to say things are swell in Aaru. Quite the opposite, actually. Aaru is at a crossroads that's leading to disruption among the Angels. Breeding contracts between Angels and Demons have been suggested several times between the Angels, but that's not to say it's legal. It isn't legal, and some Angels have come under fire for going behind the Ruling Council and making breeding contracts on their own. Add to that the nephilim "problem", and Aaru's situation is becoming quite hellish. Things are certainly in a state of unrest upstairs and Gregory's newfound love of chocolate, vodka, and potential physical mating with Sam is adding fuel to the already hot fire. Our Revered one is finally coming around to the many, many good things there are in the physical world. Potato chips, hot wings, vodka, sugar and milk with a splash of coffee, the list is certainly growing. Hopefully in due time, Gabriel can also learn to enjoy some earthly delights. Maybe Sam and her rowdy bunch can throw one of Gareth's many contraptions at Gabe and force feed him some of Gregory's new favorites. Baby steps, as I don't see Gabriel getting it on any time soon. Imbibing and eating will have to be enough for now.

    One of the many things I was happy to find in this installment was a complete lack of Wyatt. I would love to high-five Debra Dunbar for finally (finally!) getting him out of the way to make more room for Gregory. Wyatt just cannot and will never stack up to Gregory and not just because Gregory is the Ancient One. More because Wyatt is an immature weirdo who doesn't have much to offer an Angel of Chaos/Ha-Satan/Iblis/Imp in the long run. And especially because he snubbed his nose at her impish ways whereas our Revered One actually chuckled at a few of Sam's antics in the past. A mere human doesn't find it funny, but a very old, very powerful Angel does. Now that's love. I was also very happy get a little more of Candy (and her surprising revelations about the origins of werewolves.) Candy is certainly one of my very favorites and I'm hoping Debra will maybe...hopefully...consider giving her her own story in the Imp World spinoffs. I would be a happy camper :) And another favorite -- Gregory's unique culinary skills are still around. For those fans who remember his "delicious" sandwich skills, he also makes a memorable bowl of cereal :D

    Bottom line -- an excellent installment in the Imp series. I sincerely thought this book would pale in comparison its predecessor, my all-time-favorite-hands-down-the-best-Imp book, Imp Forsaken, and I'm glad to see Debra proved me wrong. I love the direction she's taking with the series and can't wait to see how things progress in the seventh installment (which can't come soon enough...).

  • Cori Moore

    Love it, love it, love it. Are there stronger words for adoration? Sam has always been a delightful character to journey with, and this latest Imp book doesn't disappoint. I have actually laughed aloud while reading these books. I hope they never end. Like my undying love for the Magic series by Ilona Andrews, I've yet to read another in the series that didn't keep me just as enthralled as the first book.

    Also, just a note. The character arcs that this author has slowly and carefully crafted are remarkable. I enjoy realistic characters even more than a great plot (but obviously love the two together), and I feel as though these characters are real people that the author is just stalking.


  • Andi

    This was a bit of a disappointment after the last installment. There were more "angel politics" than I would have preferred, and there wasn't much action until after the midway point. Wyatt was mostly absent during this one, while Gregory was ever-present.

    I did really like getting to know Nils and Nyalla, however. I'll definitely read the next one, but I just hope it's a bit more exciting.

  • Selene Tepesh

    3.5 Stars
    This book was okay. Kinda boring. Not my favorite of the series.
    But it was fine.
    A few things I didn’t like:
    - The “assassination” of the character Wyatt. Poor Wyatt. He was non existent in book 5 until the very ending where he was only in a phone conversation with Sam. He told her how much he missed her and loved her. And he couldn’t wait till she got back. And he told her he wanted to kiss every inch of her body etc etc.
    Fast forward to this book #6 and he was completely changed. The author basically assassinated his likable character so we could easily move on from him ?!
    All of a sudden Sam is back and he only kisses her on the forehead and pats her back?! All while constantly telling her to do charity work ( seriously WTF!!) and then he goes off to be this corporate computer guy and he’s then no longer in the book. It’s just so bizarre. He starts off as her young hot neighbor who only comes by to chill and do yard work. Then next book he’s her big time boyfriend/ lover. Who doesn’t care at all that she’s a demon doing all kinds of sordid and crazy shit. He’s her ride or die. He loves it and helps her. All while fucking each other in every way and every place.
    Then in the next book out of the blue he starts to pull back and distance himself from her slowly. Becoming the moral police. All of a sudden he doesn’t trust her and can’t stand behind what she does ( talk about a 180).
    And then the last two books he’s basically non existent and a stranger. Yet she still calls him boyfriend (again WTF)?!?!
    It’s so bizarre how the author did this. It’s so confusing and not at all believing. Yes I get that she wants Sam to be with Gregory. But come on!!! She didn’t have to do Wyatt like this.
    I’m really curious where his character is gonna go from here.

    - All the freakin chaos! I’m over it. The books have become big time political. Gone are the days of funny mischievous and naughty demon Sam. Gone are the days of her being hilarious and awkward as a human. Now all she does is put out fires and take on 5000 issues and complaints and the like. It’s boring. I kinda miss the old demon Sam.
    Yes we do get her and Gregory (kinda. Still no hot sex scenes) which is nice. And I get that she as a character has to evolve. But she’s so extremely far from what she was and what we loved about her. It’s all boring politics now. And not just one thing, nooo, so many things. Hell is in chaos, elves are in chaos, Earth is in chaos, heaven is in chaos. It’s all a bit much. There’s no more fun and silly shit. It’s all putting out fires. It’s stressful to read. I don’t do well with so much chaos. So I hope the next books are a bit more fun and silly and sexy and not so stressful to read.

    - The fact that the archangels and even God can’t control and organize heaven. Like seriously?!?! It just doesn’t seem right or believable. So it annoys me in the story. Like I totally get and believe that hell and earth are hot messes. But heaven?!?! Not buying it. All these so called rogue and mutinous angels just doesn’t fly for me. It’s just annoying to read.

  • Jillian

    The Angel of Chaos is book 6 in the Imp series. I really enjoyed this book. I especially liked seeing Gregory and Sam working together for most of the book and watching the Iblis lay claim to all of her friends and loved ones, as well as others who will fall under her authority.
    This is a really fun series.

  • Coyora Dokusho


    I said something like: it was funny, interesting and had compelling characters.

    I bragged about how I stopped near the end, SLEPT, went to work and didn't obsess over the book all day = progress with addiction.

  • Zenda

    I think these last two novels have been my favorite of the series. More Gregory. More Rafael, A stabby Harper. The new Niels. Less judges Wyatt. So much to love.

  • Payal

    Sam grew into her role as Angel of Chaos more and more. She is getting more responsibility and getting more comfortable with empathy. There was a lot of craziness and fighting as usual. Relationship between Sam & Gregory grew a lot more. She became more empathetic and less crazy, he became more enamored and less strict with his rules. A lot more angels in this book; good and bad.

    The only part I disliked was the lack of Wyatt! He just was dropped off and missing through the entire book. I wish it was done differently but it is a minor complaint.

  • Amyiw

    I'm enjoying this even more on re-read. Very fun. This is mostly Nephilim politics and reproduction plans of angels.

    1st read Dec 7, 2016
    This was back to the great banter and fun of the first 3 books, at least for me. The last one dragged for me. The unrest in heaven is taking its toll and Sam is now a protector of human, abandoned by an angel. She is back into the middle of angel politics. Angels have one of three thoughts, breed with demons under bad agreements and possible control, breed with humans (not acceptable) or go on with the status quo and die out without the sin the other choices bring. Sam thinks them all hypocrites and aren't they. We don't get as much as the Elven and Demon politics of Hel. I suspect we will get more of that in the next half-breed book which is next in the over all series.

    There is a novella addition at the end of the book which really was great.

    This was a really good part of the series and if I would not regret finishing off the series, I would go to the next ones immediately.

  • Danielle (Danniegurl)

    I enjoyed this book but not as good as the previous installments. It was just missing something, like....more action. The moments and actions were easily rectified which bothered me so I didn't feel that it was as good because of this. Some of the culprits were obvious, and it was just almost a filler book. It's not to say it wasn't good though. I still enjoy Sam's antics, but she's definitely feeling more empathy, and guilt but still tries to cling to being a demon as well. I think she's both, demon and angel, and people, the Angels and Demons, don't give her enough credit or respect. She's taking on all this responsibility but not knowing what to do with it all. I think it's going to come crashing down soon. I am glad this isn't the last of the series though, and look forward to the other installments. I will probably hold off on the next one until a few of the others are out since I like to binge read.

  • Levie

    I didn't love this one quite as much as the ones prior. I'm pretty bummed that Wyatt isn't as present anymore mainly because his interactions with Gregory are so great.

    I also felt like we had Sam's choice's acting as a plot device rather than something that is within her character. Because for all of the dumb shit Sam does, she isn't stupid. And that is what I love most about her!

    But overall, this was highly entertaining and I will definitely read on.

  • Denise Boyer

    Fun to read

    What I like most about this series is that it's fun to read , with lots of action and situations for Sam . But what I have enjoyed most so far, is that she has managed to do this without killing any main characters and leaving me depressed. I read for fun and escape and this series has live up to my needs

  • Emily

    I LOVED this series!!!! an absolute treasure kindle unlimited found for me. Debra Dunbar deserves a much wider audience for such a comically mischevious badass heroine and an amazing plot. I was so pleased and surprised the plot moved along nicely amongst books; each book building upon the previous events.

    10/10 highly recommend.

  • Suz

    I enjoyed this one best of all so far. We're starting to see a lot of character development for the MC and big changes for all the worlds she touches.

  • Rosie Amber

    Angel Of Chaos is book six on the urban fantasy Imp series of books.

    To get the very best experience from this series I highly recommend reading them in order.

    Samantha Martin (Sam) is a demon; an angel of chaos. Tricked into allowing a pregnant woman into her household, Sam finds herself fighting off angels who want the woman's baby. Half-human, half-angel the babe will be a nephilim. A mixed breed which some angels wish to remove and others wish to protect.

    Caught in the middle of warring angels, Sam must find a solution, all while maintaining her new role of Iblis over Hel and all the duties that this brings with it.

    Another very good addition to this series, once again I had tears of laughter rolling down my face on several occasions. I particularly enjoyed the scene when Sam was recruiting demons for her big show-down with the angels.

  • Cathy Davidson (Walter)

    I enjoyed the entire book

    The characters and writing make you want to keep reading even past you bedtime. Cannot wait to start the next one.

  • Abi

    Reread May 22nd, 2020
    Honest to God, this is my favorite in the series so far.

    I love all of the characters, for one thing. Sam and Gregory are super cute together, and besides them, Nyalla is a badass. Our new characters, Harper and Nils, are also a fun time. I have to say, from the moment she was introduced, Harper has always been a personal favorite of mine. Maybe it's the knives, or the take no shit attitude? Anyway, she's amazing.

    As for the plot? This book has Sam laying claims to different groups of supernaturals left and right, including one that's been an issue since book one, which is lovely, plus giving a nice show of power, and playing an incredibly funny prank on someone very annoying on the Ruling Council.

    All in all, I felt that this was an incredibly enjoyable book, full of laughter, love, and more than a little bit of bloodshed. Per usual, I loved it! It introduces great new characters, which continuing development on some of the old ones. 5 stars!

  • Jodie

    In terms of which book I loved the most in this series I have to say this was my least favourite plot wise but my absolute favourite Gregory wise. Although I'm not Team!Wyatt I was a bit disappointed that the Wyatt arc didn't get a proper conclusion and finale. I'm hoping this isn't the end to the series because it feels so open and up in the air.

    I love Nyalla and Harper, Candy and Michelle. I love that we finally get some insight into the other Angels and I adore adore adore that we got so much Gregory time. They've come such a long way since the first book where Gregory was trying to kill her. Sam is hilarious...I love her and her impish ways and I think it'll take me a long while to get over this book because I'm so in love with the series xoxo

  • Rachael

    Angel of Chaos(Imp Series Book 6)

    Great read from cover to cover. The series is very imaginative and amazing. I laughed a lot with the antics of Cockroach(the imp and Angel of Chaos). I empathize with Michael( the highest and eldest) Angel. What a fascinating thing to pair these two up.

  • Dan

    The previous books have all been individual story-arcs. With this book, the author seems to throw up her hands and say: "Well, I'll tell you what happens to each of the characters next, but I'm out of novel-length plots."

  • Jasmine

    Really enjoying this series!! It's constantly finding new ways to entertain me, and the plot is still keeping me on my toes. This one had a different pacing than the others, but I really like the direction I think this series is heading.

  • Book Luver

    4 stars

    A solid read but didn't do much for me plot wise. The romance between Gregory and Sam was the highlight for me. I'm curious though to see where Sam and Wyatt's relationship goes since it seems Greogry > Wyatt for Sam now.