Fables, Vol. 5: The Mean Seasons (Fables, #5) by Bill Willingham

Fables, Vol. 5: The Mean Seasons (Fables, #5)
Title : Fables, Vol. 5: The Mean Seasons (Fables, #5)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1401204864
ISBN-10 : 9781401204860
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 168
Publication : First published April 1, 2005

Winner of Fourteen Eisner Awards

Written on the wind.
With the Battle of Fabletown won, and the surrounding city of New York none the wiser, the Fables have gained a little time for rebuilding and reflection - in between interrogation of the Adversary's agent and the anticipation of Snow White's impending motherhood.

For Bigby Wolf, the father of her soon-to-be newborns, that means a visit with an old friend - and a reminiscence of another, even deadlier war. For the Mayor of Fabletown, it means a rude awakening to the harsh realities of civis administration - and its conflicting demands. And for Snow herself, it means a long, painful labor - and a series of joyous, heartwrenching surprises.

Collecting: Fables 22, 28-33

Fables, Vol. 5: The Mean Seasons (Fables, #5) Reviews

  • Anne

    Issue #22 introduces you to Cinderella the spy.
    This one is a good story.


    The Mean Seasons jumps to issue #28 and then sins by having page after page of annoying cursive narration. Blech. I stalled out midway through and went to go read something that didn't hurt my eyes. I get that it's a diary from WWII, but after a few pages of it, I was nauseous.
    Plus, Nazi bad guys. I feel like it should be fair to deduct a star every time an author uses Nazis or Confederates/southern rednecks as villains. Enough already.
    Let's try a bit of creativity, shall we?
    Those issues with Bigby were just there to (I guess) Wolverine him into past wars and show that he was fighting on the side of angels or whatever.


    Once Bigby's dull war tale was over, we go back to the present and deal with TONS of new stuff.
    The elections are over and it upends everything.
    Snow gives birth to a literal litter of children.
    Bigby leaves because or reasons.
    Snow meets the children's grandpa and finds out some troubling news about one of her brood.
    Plus, more stuff happens that I have no way to mention without completely spoiling this volume.
    I thought this was going to be a volume of pure suck, but it turned out to be amazing by the end!
    Highly recommended!

  • Baba

    In which an election is fought and won; a family is created; a murderer runs amok and a Fable seeks his princess. More delicious Fables in the '21st century' storytelling by
    Bill Willingham and co. - nothing much else to add, bar; come and join me and get entranced by this very well thought out and created constructed reality. This volume sees very little action after the Adrenalin rush of the Battle of Fabletown, and sets the scene and landscapes for the rest of the series. It also gives the reader a lot more insight into Cinderella's role! 7.5 out of 12.

  •  Danielle The Book Huntress *Pluto is a Planet!*

    This book was a very important volume in the series in relation to the Snow/Bigby storyline. I gave it five stars because the storytelling is really awesome. I was really surprised at the direction Willingham took with their offspring. It totally makes sense. There is some angst associated with the situation because things aren't pointing towards a happy ever after so far for a couple who is starting to become one of my mega ships, especially in comic books. I just love the heck out of both Snow and Bigby, both separately and as a couple. We got to see Bigby's adventures during WWII and his relationship with a soldier he met during that time. I am a huge fan of the supernatural WWII spin and War Stories goes in that direction. I have to say that Bigby reminds me a lot of Wolverine at times. I don't know if that is intentional or not or just a coincidence. All I know is the more I see of Bigby, the more I appreciate his character.

    Outside of their storyline, there were other interesting dynamics in this novel. We see Cinderella's secret life and how important a role she plays to Fabletown. There's definitely more than meets the eye with her.

    I wish I had felt like writing my review sooner, because I know I didn't do this book justice. However, I can definitely say that don't let my short review convince any readers that I don't have good reasons for loving this book. To me, Willingham has continued his streak of excellent storytelling with this book.

    He brings on more of the pain as we see hard choices made in this story and personal sacrifices that have to hurt like heck. Although I had some bittersweet moments, this book experience is of the kind that brings to mind an excellent dessert that lingers on your taste buds long after you finish eating it.

  • Melissa

    Remember that time when Bigby got a weird WWII flashback story and Snow got put out to pasture to raise a litter of cubs? Yeah, that kinda sucked.

  • Celise

    I can't believe I used to dismiss graphic novels/comics as something I could never be remotely interested in. I would have missed out on this amazing world with these amazing characters if I'd kept up like that. Ugh it's just such a cool concept.

    This felt like a really important installment in the series. I didn't like the last volume too much, but this one was back with the emotional punches and of course, lots of Snow and Bigby. I have a feeling a lot of things are about to happen...

  • Calista

    They really change things up in this volume. King Cole is voted out of office and the government changes. The new people really don't know what's going on so everything is changing. Snow has her litter of babies and she is out of a job.

    Snow's babies can fly. Bigby is the son of the North wind. How are them apples? People are unhappy with Prince charming. There is plenty of action and mystery and characters doing all kinds of things.

    I feel this series is doing some great work. They are taking these characters to new places and upping the stakes. Bigby is mostly missing from this one and his presence in missed. I wonder where this is going to go, if anywhere. I will go on with Vol. 6.

  • Joy

    The best protest signs ever:

    PC out!
    Someday my PRINCE will GO!!!

    This volume felt like a weird mix-and-match of a few stories that didn't really connect. I loved Bigby and Snow's story so much, but the rest of the stories were just okay.

    Again, wonderful artwork!

    Read this volume simply for Bigby and Snow's floating babies because they were definitely the highlight. 3.75

  • Sud666

    Another excellent outing by Fables. We find out that Snow White and Bigby have had six, or is it seven?, children. The children will be powerful but five do not look human so Snow goes to the Farm, where Bigby can not go. We also get the tale of Bigby during his service in WW2 and it's a well done story. But the majority of it is about the kids and meeting their grandfather, Bigby's father, and learning their new powers.

    As usual Fables is an excellent departure from the usual superhero comic. The twist on famous and old characters is as always superb. The story is developing and the characters are acquiring a new mythos. This is must reading for anyone who enjoys original works that differ from the norm of superheroes and what not. The art is the usual high standards and the covers are gorgeous. I am curious to see where this will go and how Prince Charming fares as the new leader of Fabletown.

  • Kenzie The Dragon Queen

    3.5 stars

    This volume focused more on drama and making drastic changes for the sake of drama more then it focused on characters or plot. Nonetheless, the art is still great and it’s well written as always (when it was revealed there were seven all along I nearly cried). Still, when it comes to fantasy stories I don’t take well to change that’s rooted in “moving on” and abandoning the exciting and dangerous part of the characters lives in favour of something more ordinary.

  • Emma

    Disaster in the Mayors office post election, babies and the North Wind.

  • Ярослава

    Жила-була і переклала!
    Копіюю синопсис для тих, хто не читав попередні томи, із якогось ранішого відгуку: зловісний Ворог захопив усі казкові королівства, тож персонажі казок мусили від нього втекти у наш прозаїчний світ. Так вони опинилися у Нью-Йорку у ХХІ столітті, що ставить перед казковою громадою низку логістичних викликів (як співіснувати в одному просторі всім колишнім дружинам Прекрасного Принца - Білосніжці, Сплячій Красуні, Попелюшці, і т.д.; як приховати від прозаїчних мешканців світу саме існування казок, якщо, скажімо, щоразу, як Красуня свариться з Чудовиськом, у Чудовиська знову відростають ікла; абощо), і ці виклики тільки ускладнюють казкові політичні тьорки - чи треба відвойовувати казкову батьківщину? як часто потрібно проводити вибори мера Казкополя? І таке інше.

    Загалом, от уже п'ятий том улюбленого комікса про казкових персонажів у вигнанні у прозаїчному Нью-Йорку, де все потроху починає йти коту під хвіст: перемогу на виборах із явно нереалістичними обіцянками закінчити війну за рік здобуває кінчений популіст Прекрасний Принц, після чого всі дорослі люди з адміністрації розбігаються (хто в декрет, хто просто подалі від цього цирку), він набирає на ключові посади вчорашніх весільних фотографів продавців і сантехніків - і починається треш різних рівнів катастрофічності. Перекладала і страждала, бо комікси й міське фентезі я люблю для ескапізму, а конкретно такого електорального трешачка й параду некомпетентності мені вистачає в реальності. Хоча, звичайно, збоку за цим спостерігати дуже смішно.
    Утім, провісники того, що вже томи за три-чотири все скотиться на пси ще й за якістю, вже теж з'являються - у більшості відомих мені випадків ~раптова поява містичних нацистів~ (цього разу з вовкулаками і чудовиськом Франкенштейна) не звістує нічого доброго в плані якості, і наскільки я пам'ятаю, ця лінія закінчиться якимось таким трешаком, що на голову не налазить.

  • Kitty G Books

    This volume had some shifts in artwork which I wasn't a huge fan of. I kept getting distracted and pulled out of the story by seeing a new character drawn in such a weird way, but luckily this died down after the first few issues within this and I adjusted.

    I liked getting to see Snow White's storyline within this becuase a lot of her life is about to change and she is one of my favourite characters within Fabletown.

    We also see a war stories issue which I wasn't a huge fan of becuase I don't really care for the World War but I did like to see Bigby's role within the war story.

    Overall the story is still strong even if the art isn't as good. low 3*s

  • Aldo Haegemans

    It felt like this volume is setting every character up for the future. With interesting story arcs. Charming and his Staff are failling so far at their job. Snow is figuring out How to be a single mom....this is fun

  • Ferdy

    2.5 stars - Spoilers

    Didn't enjoy this one as much as the last volume. I liked the Charming, Mr North, Cinderella, and Rose parts, the rest not so much.

    Cinderella turned out to be quite an interesting character, with all her secret spy work. Bigby on the other hand went from being one of the best characters to one of the worst, his war hero past was so boring and cliché. And his hissy fit about Snow and the kids moving to the Farm was ridiculous. Did he really expect Snow to move to the wilderness with six newborn babies?! The Farm was the safest place and the best environment for them, at least there they would grow up in a stable, welcoming community and be loved. Bigby was stupid to think them growing up in isolation in the middle of nowhere was best. I'm guessing he won't stick around Fabletown or keep in contact with his kids, the loser will probably piss off somewhere so he can sulk.

    The part I hated most about this instalment was Snow going from a no-nonsense, efficient government agent and being the backbone of Fabletown and instead turning into a weepy, weak, fuddy-duddy mother of six weird looking babies she never consented to have. Talk about destroying a character. I hope Snow somehow gets back to her old government position, she's so boring as a mum.

  • James DeSantis

    After two very strong volumes we fall down a level.

    So this volume kind of closes a big chapter. The kids and Snow White leave fabletown to go to the farm. Then we also get into a two part backstory of Bigby. Last but not least we see the fallout of the new mayor, more on the farm, more about snonwhites kids, and then of course ends in a cliffhanger that we have to hope for the best.

    Good: Enjoyed the start and the end a lot. Anything with the farm, the kids, snow white, and Mr. Wolf are all great. Also Red is just so fun to read, I love her.

    Bad: Didn't care at all for the background story of Bigby, kind of boring, and the stuff with Prince Charming as Mayor is a snooze-fest.

    Overall just a decent volume with too much filler. I'm hoping the series picks up again.

  • Pat the Book Goblin

    Pretty good volume!

  • Gavin

    Volume 5 picks up in the aftermath of the invasion of Fabletown. This collection ushers in a great deal of changes, but first we discover a secret agent that Bigby has working, and how ruthless the big bad mofo will be to protect everyone else.
    We then get a fun mini interlude, featuring Mr. Wolf during WWII as a spy, fighting the Nazis and a certain famous monster...who went to pieces.

    The election results usher in changes, as Snow gives birth to about 6 babies, only to discover a major obstacle between her and Bigby being able to raise their family together.

    We also have a number of main characters leave town, which shakes up the status quo...

    We end with a few revelations, the most major being the introduction of a certain character's father, and grandfather of others....

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • Pennie Larina

    хороший том, про Зеленского особенно.
    Следующий обещают в начале нового года.

  • Tanabrus

    Dopo la battaglia di Favolandia, torniamo alla gestione del quotidiano.
    Cioè le elezioni, che come succede quasi sempre vanno nel modo peggiore possibile e vedono il populismo dell'avido Principe Azzurro avere la meglio sulla pragmaticità del governo di Re Cole che ha tenuto tutto in piedi fino a ora.

    Niente Cole, quindi.
    E niente Bianca, che lascia il posto a Bella anche a causa del parto (una splendida cucciolata, che ha preso dalla madre, dal padre e pure dal nonno) e vista la natura dei figli deve trasferirsi alla Fattoria.
    E niente Luca Wolf, che lascia il posto alla Bestia. Ed è abbastanza irritato con Favoladia e le sue leggi, visto che lo obbligano a stare lontano da Bianca e dai figli. Quasi tutti, cioè.

    Vediamo qualche lato finora ignorato del lavoro di Luca, il suo rapporto con Cenerina, il modo in cui finanzia le sue missioni, i suoi interrogatori, alcuni lati del suo passato "terrestre".
    E abbiamo la certezza che dei nuovi al potere, Bestia sia il migliore a livello umano, ma come i suoi soci non sia in grado di fare assolutamente niente.

    Come in tanti cominciano a realizzare, con queste elezioni Favolandia sembra davvero destinata alla scomparsa... tornerà rapidamente in scena l'Avversario? Chi sono i tre "Turisti" richiamati dal Principe? E quanto ci metterà Luca prima di tornare a reclamare quanto è suo?

    Ottimo numero, più introspettivo, più lento, che si focalizza su Luca e al contempo dà un colpo d'occhio generale della situazione in tutta Favolandia.

  • lisa 🍂 (semi-hiatus)

    This series itself is so intriguing and full of drama and mystery. I love it. 💕

    The story follows the happenings of Snow’s birth and the election for Fablestown’s new mayor.

    The plot was really interesting and had a more serious undertone due primarily the situation with Snow and Bigby’s babies.

    The characters keep developing, especially for Snow and Bigby as they have become parents. It was nice but sad seeing Snow trying to cope and deal with her new babies; while at the same time trying to keep her reputation and loyalty with Fabletown.

    I felt really sorry for Bigby as all he wants is to be a family with Snow and Babies and is denied that because he isn’t allowed on The Farm, where the non-human looking fables live, as the babies don’t look human and can’t stay in Fablestown.

    I hope they can become a family and that he is allowed to see his own children. I think Bigby would be a good father if give the opportunity.

    I’m intrigued about what is going to happen and I hope their is some happiness for Snow and Bigby.

  • Bookishrealm

    So happy to have re-read this! There's so much going on and I'm enjoying all the characters. If you haven't read this series I definitely recommend starting it.

  • Brent

    Big fun, and great to rely on a public library to fill the gaps in Fables sequences.
    Highly recommended.

  • Inna

    1.Популізм перемагає не тільки на українських виборах.
    2.Куди знову поділи Сірка?
    3.Оце так поворот наприкінці. 😮

  • İlkay

    Çok İyi Final
    Bundan önceki ciltlerine göre biraz daha durgun ve hikaye olarak da standart bir şekilde ilerleyen cilt; ilk olarak "Bigby" karakterinin yan hikayesi ile üst seviyeye taşınırken ardından öyle bir ters köşe yaparak cilde son verdi ki aklımda olan 3-4(ki 3 bence haksız bir şekilde düşük puan olurdu) yıldız aralığı direkt olarak 5 yıldıza yükseldi. Seri zaten çok başarılı bir şekilde ilerliyor ama belki de ilk kez bir sonraki cildi okumak için bu kadar sabırsız durumdayım :) Son olarak artık yazmama gerek yok ama çizimler de yine nefis.

  • Logan

    Very good! So I got this recently off an online comic shop which gave me a good price for this, and like always whenever I finish one of these volumes, I always kick myself for not buying these books more frequently! So the main story for this book takes place after the last volume where Prince Charming is running for Mayor in Fable Town while Bigby and Snow are expecting their new borns! The book firsts starts us off with the first three issues being short stories.

    The first story is fun with Cinderella and Bigby hunting down Ichabod Crane, after his previous crimes. The story was short and fun, I always thought the idea of Cinderella being a special agent for Bigby was a cool concept.

    The second story is two issues long, where Bigby goes and meets one of his old veteran buddies from World War 2. This was a fun story, as its always fun to see flashbacks of the Fables in history; and if seeing Bigby fight Nazi's, doesn't appeal to you, then you need to rethink your life! The only thing I didn't really like for both the first and second story (Same artist) was the artwork, it looked muddy and I didn't really like the character models, especially Bigby.

    The main story of this volume is of courses, whats happening in Fable Town. On face value, this could be considered a filler volume, but Willingham writes it so well that it's still highly entertaining to read! Some of the issues were really well written: like the issue where Snow goes into Labor, while at the same time elections are currently happening in Fable Town. I really enjoyed the contrasts Willigham has where each page compliments the next!

    But overall I really enjoyed this volume and it of course in this series fashion, it ended on a cliff hanger, which makes me want the next volume so badly! I started reading this series after completing Tell Tales, Wolf Among Us game, and I'm impressed how the game transitions so well into the comic book series!

  • Mel

    This installment of Fables reminded me that I get overly attached to literary characters and am uncomfortable with major changes to their storylines when I like them. Beauty and the Beast are my favorites but I have grown accustomed to Snow and Bigby's place in Fabletown so I wasn't as happy with the story as one might think. As fantastic as the writing is I found my inner self fighting the changes the whole time I was reading them. This is why you should never trust Prince Charming, I'll take the Big Bad Wolf any day. I still loved it and am hoping to find out who the Adversary is soon.


  • Devann

    I don't care about Snow White's fucking puppies

    lmao honestly can I just have that be my entire review?

    Anyway I feel like I gave this series an incredibly fair chance but it's about time for Jack of Fables to start and I remember getting fairly far in that before so I think I'm just gonna hop over to that title for awhile and see if I still like it better. Consider the main series on hold until I get really really bored.

  • Maria

    The plot itself wasn’t half bad, really, but GOD. Everyone here looks outright hideous. And those babies.....Give me the creeps.

  • Kayla (onthefritz)

    A weird kind of transitional volume. Setting up for some things, but overall just average.

  • Sotiria

    With each new volume of Fables I read, I am getting more and more enthralled with Bill Willingham's storytelling! He is a master and each part of the story showcases that!
    "The mean seasons" have taken so many turns that I did not anticipate and I loved everything about it!
    I always appreciate any time that Bigby is in the spotlight because HE IS AN ABSOLUTELY AMAZING character and I can't get enough of him!
    Cinderella is the MVP of this volume though and I am so pleased with the way her character is being developed! Can't wait for her next appearance!!