Title | : | The Galloping Pony (Magical Adventures \u0026 Pony Tales #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Kindle , Hardcover , Paperback , Audiobook & More |
Number of Pages | : | - |
Warmheart loves to gallop and dreams of one day becoming a racehorse. But when the stable yard next door builds a gallop to train real racehorses, Warmheart realises he will never be as fast or as lean as the lightening-speed thoroughbreds.
His legs are too stocky, his mane too shaggy and hoof beats just too heavy to keep up.
But Warmheart’s farm is crumbling and the only way to ensure its survival is for the farmhand cob to win the annual Pennydale race. Can Warmheart defy the odds and not only make his dream come true but ensure the survival of his farm friends?
A heartwarming tale about the power of belief that fans of Black Beauty will love...
About Magical Adventures & Pony Tales
Magical Adventures & Pony Tales is a collection of six enchanting pony inspired children’s short stories, drawing readers into magical lands with unforgettable characters and ponies. Fantastic friendships, battles between good and bad and magical mysteries all come together in this unforgettable world.
The Galloping Pony (Magical Adventures \u0026 Pony Tales #2) Reviews
The Galloping Pony
by Angharad Thompson Rees Is A Sweet Children’s Book About Horses ..And Believing In One’s Ability & Never Giving Up…A True Delight To Read. Read and See. Much Enjoyed and Highly Recommended. I Voluntarily Reviewed An Advanced Copy Of This Book. -
A short and sweet read about a dog and a pony. The dog tells the pony that he can run and that one day the pony will beat the dog in a race. Can you do whatever you want to do, if you practice and believe you can?
Movement and heart, a fight to save the farm and reach your dreams. A wonderfully beautiful book with a great message. Fight for what you want and you may get it.
This is a Great story
Every child should read this story . It is a come from behind lowley pony that wins in the end. -
This was a quick adorable read about a pony who has big dreams and how dreams are important no matter what ur told
30 pages but such a cute kids book -
The Galloping Pony is another short story aimed at children. It has a delightful moral to it. Second in the Magical Adventures and Pony Tales series, this book focuses on young Warmheart, a cob pony who loves to run. As he grows up, he enjoys nothing more than pitting himself against the farm’s work dog, Bob. Although Bob always wins, Warmheart feels that he is getting closer and closer to winning.
http://equus-blog.com/galloping-pony-... -
A sweet short story.
This is a short and entertaining story for young children.
Unfortunately as an adult reader I kept seeing inconsistencies which stopped me giving better marks. You'd really want to treat it as a complete fantasy although it doesn't happen in a fantasy world but on a British farm.
A skewbald pony is born and grows to be a smart little cob, Warmheart. He prides himself on being the fastest animal on the farm, except for the collie dog. But a racehorse trainer arrives next door and the cob realises that he actually isn't that fast, and gets discouraged. Can he prove himself when it really matters?
Since all kids will have seen Babe, they know a farm has to have animals that have a use. The horses don't have any use that we're shown. Nobody rides Warmheart or makes him pull anything. Following from that, no jockey takes him through a race at the end. Kids know what racing looks like because they have seen it on TV. The colourful jockeys will stick in their minds and they will spot that Warmheart has no jockey. And they probably know that farmers do not generally rent farms.
I like the themes of working hard towards a goal, getting helped by friends and giving respect to someone who is a bit different or not advantaged. If you have a small child who likes ponies and outdoors, this will be a fun read.
I downloaded a free copy. This is an unbiased review.