Anthology of Black Humor by André Breton

Anthology of Black Humor
Title : Anthology of Black Humor
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0872863212
ISBN-10 : 9780872863217
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 356
Publication : First published January 1, 1940

This is the first publication in English of the anthology that contains Breton's definitive statement on l'humour noir, one of the seminal concepts of Surrealism, and his provocative assessments of the writers he most admired. While some of the authors featured in The Anthology of Black Humor are already well known to American readers--Swift, Kafka, Rimbaud, Poe, Lewis Carroll, and Baudelaire among them (and even then, Breton's selections are often surprising)--many others are sure to come as a revelation.

The entries range from the acerbic aphorisms of Swift, Lichtenberg, and Duchamp to the theatrical slapstick of Christian Dietrich Grabbe, from the wry missives of Rimbaud and Jacques Vache to the manic paranoia of Dali, from the ferocious iconoclasm of Alfred Jarry and Arthur Craven to the offhand hilarity of Apollinaire at his most spontaneous. For each of the forty-five authors included, Breton has provided an enlightening biographical and critical preface, situating both the writer and the work in the context of black humor--a partly macabre, partly ironic, and often absurd turn of spirit that Breton defined as "a superior revolt of the mind."

"Anthologies can aim to be groundbreaking or thought-provoking; few can be said to have introduced a new phrase--or a new concept--into the language. No one had ever used the term "black humour" before this one came along, unless, perhaps, it was from a racial angle."--The Guardian

Andre Breton (1896-1966), the founder and principal theorist of the Surrealist movement, is one of the major literary figures of the past century. His best-known works in English translation include Nadja, Mad Love, The Manifestoes of Surrealism, The Magnetic Fields (with Philippe Soupault), and Earthlight. Mark Polizzotti is the author of Revolution of the Mind: The Life of Andre Breton.

Anthology of Black Humor Reviews

  • João Reis

    Uma fraca antologia. Notam-se as amizades e preferências pessoais de Breton, o que em certa medida é compreensível, mas fica-se com a ideia de que Breton não sabia ao certo o que é isso do «humor negro». Não se compreende, por exemplo, como pôde, num livro editado e reeditado nestas datas, excluir Céline e, no entanto, acrescentar autores e excertos que, enfim... E talvez devesse ter perdido menos espaço com bazófias e alarvidades à la Freud e dedicado esse espaço a excertos mais explícitos e menos truncados. Não leva duas estrelas por respeito a alguns bons escritores incluídos na antologia.

  • J.M. Hushour

    Wildly uninteresting and borderline bad, but not for a lack of trying. I've always found Breton, after his initial refreshing gasps as kind of a mediocre dude. His flailing attempt at compiling the anthology in question is appreciated but it falls flat because it is patchwork and of dubious worth as far as representing its subject. Some inclusions are nice (Poe, de Quincey, Lautreamont) and you'll probably pick up a few new names to chase (Corbiere, for me, when I first read this years ago), but overall the slice-and-dice style of the inclusions and Breton's beautifully written but insipid introductions make the whole thing seem kind of flaccid.

  • Tosh

    Andre Breton the head honcho of the Surrealists on being funny. Now that's funny! This is a great anthology of humor via the eyes of the great lunatic eccentric Breton. Everyone from Swift to fellow Surrealists are here and it's like one large crazy party.

  • Steve

    This is a wonderful collection of vintage black humor, perhaps typified in its editorial bent by the inclusion of the Marquis de Sade. L'humoir noir was one of the foundational legs d'giraffe upon which Surrealism farted and cavorted. With age, the black humor collected here has largely been surpassed, giving this book the feel of a vital museum piece. There are writers here who still hold their own (Peret, Carroll, Jarry, Huysmans and Baudelaire, among others), though it must be confessed that modern readers won't find the mad belly-laughs here. It is more funny-peculiar than funny-haha, and hits the brain like a shot of absinthe. If you have to pick one book with which to bludgeon someone to death, this would be a fine choice.

  • César Carranza

    La antología es bastante buena, no es sólo una compilación de relatos, yo lo veo más como una invitación a la lectura de los escritores que están en ella, la colección de ellos es bastante variada, desde Fourier, hasta Nietzsche, pasando por el Marqués de Sade, Leonora Carrington, y muchos más escritores ilustres. Breton nos lleva por un camino de poemas, cuentos y fragmentos de novelas y ensayos, todos conectados por el nada sencillo arte del humor negro. Muy recomendable.

  • Ian Scuffling

    An anthology wherein the biographic information provided by Breton tends to be more blackly comic than the selections he includes.

  • Juan Carlos

    Not what i expected

  • Steven

    L'humour noir, edited by Andre Breton, was intended to highlight the Surrealist's conception of humor, which he termed "a superior revolt of the mind," and the "mortal enemy of sentimentality." In addition to his introductory essay, Breton wrote a biographical and critical preface for each of the forty-five selections, and it is in these prefaces where Breton examines and expresses his conception of this essential form of humor. For example, from his discussion of Lewis Carroll, Breton gives us this gem: "Accomodation to the absurd readmits adults to the mysterious realm inhabited by children." And of Francis Picabia he wrote: "Picabia was the first to understand that any juxtaposition of words is valid and that its poetic virtue is all the greater the more gratuitous or irritating it seems at first glance." Definitely an anthology that deserves more readers.

  • Lea

    Пожалуй, самая неприглядная книга, прочитанная мной за последние годы... То есть, совершенно не приглянулась. Думаю, потому что мое представление о чувстве юмора в целом и о черном юморе в частности существенно расходится с пониманием юмора Андре Бретоном. Для начала, мне не совсем понятно, почему Антология в подавляющем большинстве включает опусы психически неуравновешенных, склонных к суициду, хронических алкоголиков и просто выраженных маргиналов, можно подумать, что именно у этой категории и есть самое выраженное чувство юмора. Мне понравилось определение черного юмора как попытки Сверх-Я человека взять вверх над Я, но на деле, в моем представлении, книга никак это не иллюстрирует. И в результате, то, что Бретон продвигает как юмор, в моем представлении гнусность невообразимая, после рассказа Никудышный Стекольщик я книгу Бодлера в руки не возьму.

  • Jesús de la Garza

    Me sería imposible no darle las cinco estrellas a esta antología. Jamás me había carcajeado mientras leía como ocurrió con Alphonse Allais. También disfruté mucho la poesía de Picabia, la obra de Grabbe, los textos de Swift y los de De Quincey. Sin mencionar a los surrealistas que como siempre me han encantado.

  • Sarah Karasek

    I treated this book like a lit class, and I think that's probably the best way to read it. Breton's introductions/bios to these writers are sometimes so infused with his own voice and sense of humor that supplementary internet articles served better for background information. There's also a good deal of Freudian psychology and philosophy (including Hegel), so anyone unfamiliar would benefit from reading up on those topics. All in all, a wonderful range of writing in this anthology, definitely worth reading for anyone interested in the genre.

  • Alvaro Muñoz Hernandez

    La selecció dels textos és una meravella! L’única cosa que sobra és el propi André Breton explicant les coses. Els textos que s’hi recullen ja són prou bons perquè el lector entenga de què va la cosa. Breton sembla aquella persona que no calla durant la pel·li i que et diu: “i ara quan la nena entre per aquella porta, veuràs!”

  • Domenico Francesco

    Un'antologia divertentissima e ancora oggi essenziale per capire cos'è davvero il black humour in un'epoca in cui il concetto viene non solo travisato ma anche strumentalizzato facendo passare per tale cose che nulla hanno a che fare con esso.

  • Pablo Carballo


  • Iván

    Este es un libro fascinante como objeto de estudio. La gente que reúne es extensa y abarca muchas eras y disciplinas diferentes.
    Aún así, no me gustó. La razón sincera es que simplemente esto no es lo mío. Con todas las explicaciones del mundo, el surrealismo no deja de parecerme poco más que un montón de sin-sentidos. Entender que esa es la idea no hace que lo disfrute. No pude admirar a los autores por las mismas razones que Breton y no pude admirar nada de muchos textos. Creo que no soy bueno con las compilaciones y menos con las que no tienen los textos completos.
    Aún así disfruté mucho de varias cosas. Leí varios autores que tenía rato sin leer. El fragmento de "Una Modesta Propuesta" me tenía carcajeándome y ya es tiempo de que lea ese texto completo. Los condes De Sadé y Lautreamont siempre son geniales. Lo más conocidos fueron la verdad los que más me impresionaron o los que más recordé, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Kafka...El texto de Poe es la cosa más BIZARRA que he leído en mi vida ("El Ángel del Alcohol", si recuerdo bien). Fácilmente valió la cuota de entrada sólo por lo incómodo y extraño que era. También me encantó el texto de Arthur Cravan en el que trata de seducir a André Gide (¿o sólo quería ser su amigo? De todas formas, fue genial). El cuento de Leonora Carrington también era muy bueno. Otros más que honestamente no recuerdo del todo me gustaron bastante, pero la mayoría no los distingo y creo que me quedaba muchas veces más impresionado con su bizarra vida que con sus textos (Xavier Forneret y Jarry en especial). El ensayo al inicio de Breton también es muy bueno y representa una forma fascinante de ver al humor. En general puedo decir que este tema no es lo mío, pero creo que haber aprendido bastante leyendo esta compilación, aunque no tengo idea de qué.

  • Mira

    Christian Grabbe is a crack up. Pity he was of questionable ethics, but if you don't read too deep into it, the language is way ahead of his time.

  • Barbara

    Just love it!

  • George

    an essential anthology to understand the dark humor of the Surrealist movement.

  • Annel Yáñez

    Lichtenberg, his hypochondria and hump are welcome to drink tea.

  • Dina

    If you like black humor is just wonderful. Perfecto para quienes gustan del humor negro.

  • Esteban Galarza

    Excelente compilación de autores canónicos mechados con rarezas que solo se encuentran en la antología. Las presentaciones de Bretón a cada autor son imperdibles