Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal by Pyotr Kropotkin

Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal
Title : Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 60
Publication : First published January 1, 1898

An Anarchist classic, here presented as an e-book for the first time. Edited for minor grammatical errors that were present in the original translation, and divided into 12 chapters, which are:
In the Whole of Natural Sciences
The Rise of Anarchist Philosophy
The Failure of Capitalism: Continuous Under Production
The Inevitable Workers Revolution
The history of working-class solutions for socialism
Working class Consciousness
Why State Socialism Fails in the minds of Workers
Why the State must be abolished
Can anarchistic society survive?
On Utopias
Constructive Anarchism
On the stages to reach Communism

An indispensible addition to the libraries of students, instructors, and anyone interested in government, history, and anarchist philosophy penned by a Russian revolutionary.
Among the best of the radical thinkers and writers, this book is a must-read! A complete copy - select it for your library today.

Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal Reviews

  • Έρση Λάβαρη

    Ετούτη η διάλεξη μου δίνει περισσότερο την εντύπωση μιας εισαγωγής στις σταθερές του αναρχοκομμουνισμού, και λιγότερο μιας συγκροτημένης, εις βάθος ανάλυσης της φιλοσοφίας της αναρχίας. Ορμώμενος από την τελείως απογοητευτική προσωπική του εμπειρία σχετικά με την ρωσική διοίκηση και γραφειοκρατία, που τις καυτηριάζει ως διεφθαρμένες και αναποτελεσματικές μέσα απ’ την ενδελεχή του εμπλοκή και παρατήρηση, και όχι δίχως κάμποσα μικρά λογικά άλματα, ο Κροπότκιν εξηγεί πολύ εισαγωγικά πώς ο αναρχοκομμουνισμός είναι ένας έμφυτος, ενστικτώδης προσανατολισμός που καταπιέζεται από το Κράτος, πώς τα δυτικά πολιτεύματα βιάζουν αυτή την εσώτερη τάση, και πώς οι πολίτες οφείλουν να δράσουν για να διεκδικήσουν την κοινωνικοπολιτική ελευθερία που εκ φύσεως δικαιούνται. Κρατάω περισσότερο τα εξής:

    «[…] η ποικιλία και η σύγκρουση είναι ζωή, και η ομοιομορφία είναι θάνατος».

    «Δεν χρειάζεται να φοβόμαστε τους κινδύνους και τις καταχρήσεις της ελευθερίας. Μόνο εκείνοι που δεν κάνουν τίποτα, δεν κάνουν λάθη. Όσο για ‘κείνους που δεν ξέρουν άλλο απ’ το να υπακούνε, πέφτουν στα ίδια και σε περισσότερα λάθη απ’ όσους αναζητάνε τον δικό τους δρόμο, προσπαθώντας να δράσουν προς την κατεύθυνση που τους υποδείχνει η ευφυΐα τους και η κοινωνική τους μόρφωση».

    Κι ο τρόπος που κλείνει ο Κροπότκιν, που λίγο με εντυπωσίασε και λίγο με προβλημάτισε, τόσο ως μη τεκμηριωμένο λογικό άλμα όσο και ως απλή σκέψη:

    «Αν θέλετε, όπως εμείς, να γίνεται σεβαστή όλη η ελευθερία του ατόμου, και, συνακόλουθα, η ζωή του, δεν μπορείτε παρά να καταλήξετε αναγκαστικά στην αποκήρυξη της διακυβέρνησης ανθρώπου από άνθρωπο […]» (sic).

  • Aliki (semi hiatus)

    I am not sure if i should or can rate political books!! But anw this was very interesting. There is generally much propaganda against anarchism so reading about its true philosophy and ideology fascinates me!! The ideas here are very interesting and the arguments made! I would like to read more of Kropotkin's work!!

  • Marts (Thinker)

    From a lecture presented by Kropotkin on the philosophy of anarchism highlighting varying governance situations and overviews coupled with existing states of affairs...
    In closing he states: "If you wish, like us, that the entire liberty of the individual and, consequently, his life be respected, you are necessarily brought to repudiate the government of man by man, whatever shape it assumes; you are forced to accept the principles of Anarchy that you have spurned so long. You must then search with us the forms of society that can best realize that ideal and put an end to all the violence that rouses your indignation."
    The document can be read online here:

  • Mz

  • Sezgi Akcay

    Çok genel ve basit bir anlatımı var bu kitabın. Anarşizmin düşünce tarihine bir giriş niteliğinde, ayrıca 1800'lü yıllarda işçi birliklerinin örgütlenmeleri ve hareketin içinde yer alan ünlü düşünürlere de değiniyor. Kaynakçası da araştırılmaya/okunmaya değer görünüyor.

  • Nektaria

    Not giving star ratings to books of political theory - however, glad I finally got around to this as an introduction to anarcho-communism.

  • Kostas Gailas

    Kropotkin is not going in depth on the subject, but he is mostly providing an introduction to anarcho-communism.

  • Jairo

    Easy to understand introduction to the philosophy of anarchism.

  • Freddie Trevaskis Hoskin

    A nice little rousing book with an engaging style of presenting the basics. However the optimism is a bit crushing, retroactively seeing how the things Kropotkin thought impossible having all happened is depressing.

  • Richard Thompson

    Kropotkin is certainly right in pointing out that the modern state has been more often a force for repression than a force for good. He is also right in pointing out human society has a great ability to self organize in productive groups and to develop great webs of connectedness that make life run well in many ways without state intervention. But then he makes a leap to the conclusion the we have to abolish the state and that human society will be able to run just fine without any government. I don't think so. Government may be often evil and repressive and much of what government does is done poorly, but I think that is only an argument for limiting government, not for abolishing it. I guess you need to have a sort of nineteenth century faith in iron laws of history and historical inevitability to real buy into the anarchist pitch. I am a bit more of a cynic. I am not so sure where we are going and think that we just have to muddle through, and I am afraid that we need at least a limited government to do that.

  • Alexander Stamelos

    Γραμμένο το 1898 οπότε το να το διαβάζεις εν έτη 2020 μόνο σαν ανάλαφρο ουτοπιστικό διήγημα μπορείς να το πάρεις ! Ο Κομμουνισμός κατέρευσε σε όλα τα πλάτη και μήκη του πλανήτη και η αναρχία είναι το αγαπημένο άθλημα των παιδιών των βορείων προαστίων !