Living in the Eleventh Hour: Preparing for the Glorious Return of the Savior by Robert L. Millet

Living in the Eleventh Hour: Preparing for the Glorious Return of the Savior
Title : Living in the Eleventh Hour: Preparing for the Glorious Return of the Savior
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 146
Publication : First published January 1, 2014

Just as the scriptures teach us that the Second Coming of the Lord will be "at midnight" (Matthew 25:6), so the signs of the times teach us that "midnight" is close at hand. In Living in the Eleventh Hour, author Robert L. Millet points our minds and hearts toward the future-to the glorious day that lies ahead. This encouraging work not only assists us a Latter-day Saints to recognize and better understand the signs of the times but also reminds us of our individual responsibilities as we prepare ourselves and the world for the much-anticipated return of Jesus Christ. Filled with uplifting quotations from Church leaders, insightful scriptural texts, and engaging personal experiences, this timely book inspires us to live today as if He were coming tomorrow. Brother Millet's faith-building message is clear: Steadfastly doing the small things that allow us to live each day with faith, rather than fear, builds our trust that the Savior's return to earth to rule and reign will be a glorious and welcome event. About the Author Robert L. Millet, an Abraham O. Smoot Professor and former dean of Religious Education at Brigham Young University, is a professor of ancient scripture and a lifelong scholar of the last days. After receiving bachelor's and master's degrees from BYU in psychology, he earned a PhD from Florida State University in religious studies. He has served in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a seminary teacher, bishop, stake president, and member of the Materials Evaluation Committee. He and his wife, Shauna, are the parents of six children.

Living in the Eleventh Hour: Preparing for the Glorious Return of the Savior Reviews

  • Lacey

    I typically don't enjoy reading books about the second coming because they make me anxious and nervous. However, I love that Brother Millet encourages us to be happy in the last days, and that even though we know terrible things are going to happen, really great things are going to happen as well.

  • Jenny

    Neil L. Andersen said faith is not just a feeling but a conscious choice. Webster's 1828 dictionary says we call a man holy when his heart is conformed in some degree to the image of God and his life is regulated by divine precepts. So a holy person is one who lives a life patterned after the Savior's

    *What should our highest priority be? The church or our family? The reality is...our highest priority should be God and when He is, the Holy Ghost will help us know what should come second at any given time.

    *He writes of acquiring the oil for our lamps. This oil brings light into our lives by conveying information, perspective, change, healing. This oil is "mighty medicine" for the wounds we bear as we battle for the souls of individuals we love.

    *We become what we think about. If we treasure up the words of the prophets and the scriptures, memorize verses, listen to conference talks, get these words into our minds and hearts, that is what we will become.

    *A BYU professor of philosophy said that man's fundamental need is not to ask a question but to answer one. God asks us the same question he asked Adam, "Where art thou?" He knows the answer but helps us to figure out the answer by asking the question. And really there are just 2 answers...with Him or without Him...and just two ways to go...toward Him or away from Him.

    *Isaiah 52...put on my strength O Zion...this refers to those God calls in the last days who hold the power of the priesthood. To put on strength is to put on authority.

    * The Lord pleads with us to go out of Babylon, rise above the foolishness of the world, cast off sin, put on the power of the priesthood that comes with obedience.

    We can and will be prepared if we continue to learn, study, draw closer to God.

  • Tosca Wijns-Van Eeden

    When we study the scriptures and people speak about the signs of times and right before the Lord Jesus returns to the earth it is a time of wo, lots of awful things will happen and basically not a time to look forward to.
    What we don't always read and remember is that it is also a time of rejoicing for the followers of Christ who have been looking forward to His coming.
    This book helps put those happy things in perspective and focus on the positive signs of the times.

  • Christopher Angulo

    This was a great book. As usual, Millet provides wonderful insights and keen observations. The book comforted me and inspired me to be better and reach further. The focus is not so much on the global, catastrophic events of the last days, but on the self and personal actions you may take to be ready and feel confident.

  • Heather

    Millet helps one look at living in the Eleventh Hour as a good thing, rather than a time that can bring on anxiety and depression because of all the "terrible" things we have heard regarding living in the last days. Yes, there will be wickedness, wars and rumors of wars, storms, etc., but there will also be goodness, joy, knowledge that the world has never had before, prophets and apostles, etc.

    I was uplifted by this book. Living today as though Christ will come tomorrow is the lesson I received.

  • Apzmarshl

    I put off reading this book for quite a while. I didn't want to read something that made me anxious or worried all of the time. But Brother Millet did a wonderful job speaking on preparing yourself, but not necessarily describing specific horrifying events. I found this book much more hopeful rather than terrifying.

  • Brittany Seal

    “President Thomas S. Monson has reminded us that “the world is in need of your help. There are feet to steady, hands to grasp, minds to encourage, hearts to inspire, and souls to save. The blessings of eternity await you. Yours is the privilege to be not spectators but participants.”

    This book was a magnificent teacher in the knowledge of why we are living in our day. It is not by any coincidence that the souls on the earth today. We were all chosen for this specific time. To have our faith and testimony tested, to be a light for others, to grow and prepare to meet God. I love the principles taught in this book that correlate with Gods love and purpose for His children.

  • Linda

    Some really impressive ideas on preparing for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I like how Brother Millet teaches us, rather than trying to prepare for a specific time or date, let us live as though each day the savior could come tomorrow. We don’t know the day or time, but we do know he will come, let us live to be ready.

  • Brian

    Another good book from Robert Millet. Not a 5-star book, but maybe not his fault: I judged the book by its title thinking it was going to about the last days. It is, but this is more about advice and personal experiences pertaining to living in the last days than a description of the last days themselves.

  • Amanda

    This book was absolutely beautiful. No gloom and doom, no lists of “the signs of the times”, just practical scriptural advice on how to live each day to prepare for the return of the Savior. Good insights and incredibly uplifting. I highly recommend reading it.

  • Rob

    Some helpful stuff, but mostly page after page of sanctimony.

  • Becky

    Good thoughts about living in the last days. I liked his view point and ideas.

  • Daryl

    Excellent book.

  • Patsy

    I like Brother Millet's faith, not fear, approach to the Last Days. After all, it is part of God's glorious plan for our happiness.

  • Melanie

    This book is a good reminder of what we all need to be doing daily to prepare for the Second Coming. Since nobody knows when it will be, we need to be prepared at all times. There are lots of scriptures, quotes and personal stories included.

    He spoke on filling our lamps with oil. When he was a Bishop, a couple came to him asking for help in getting more spirituality in their home. They hadn't been active for many years and their home life was falling apart. He gave several suggestions and they had a "reason" not to do each thing he suggested (reading scriptures, family prayer, Family Home Evening, even attending church). He asked again what they wanted and they said they needed to get God's Spirit in their home. At that point, he understood the parable of the ten virgins more fully. As much as he wanted to help them, there are some things that just can't be shared. They wanted the blessings that come with doing all those things but weren't willing to actually do them to obtain the blessings themselves.

    He also spoke about what it means to treasure up the word. I like this quote: "...Because we are largely a product of what occupies our minds and because our feelings and actions are so inextricably linked to our thoughts, we must see to it that what we think about is worthy of a son or daughter of God striving for exaltation in the celestial kingdom. ..." (p. 42) It's not possible for us to be thinking about the scriptures every minute of the day, but we can each find time to read or listen to something uplifting each day. He also spoke on the importance of memorizing scriptures and how remembering them in our tough times can give us strength.

    There are some other great insights and discussions and towards the end, he has a chapter on knowing the signs of the times. He doesn't go into them in any detail but shares principles he has gleaned over the years relative to reading the signs of the times. He ends by listing some of the personal responsibilities we share as we do our part to prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Son of God.

    I enjoyed reading this book and I felt like I was able to check off some things that I'm doing well and also determine the areas where I need to make improvements. This is a book that reminds us that there is a lot to look forward to in the coming days and years and we need to be full of faith rather than fear.

    Mel's Shelves

  • Shanda

    Living in the Eleventh Hour is a fairly quick read. There are several quotes and scriptures cited that I found inspiring in living a more Christ-centered life, which is relevant no matter the dispensation or how near the time of the Second Coming. The author also speaks on establishing Zion wherever we are currently living, beginning inside our own homes. Also, working to share the gospel and save the souls of our spiritual brothers and sisters should be of great importance to us, and accomplishing this work to the best of our ability is the only way we can affect the events of the last days.

    We might well ask ourselves, “Our Lord and Savior is coming. What do I need to do today to prepare myself for tomorrow? What efforts can I make now to ensure that when he does come he will see my face with pleasure?” -page 52

    While the message of Living in the Eleventh Hour is inspiring and a good reminder to prepare now and keep our focus on Christ, it touches only lightly on events and details leading up to and surrounding the Second Coming. Those who do a fair amount of gospel-related reading will probably not find much new or eye-opening here. It is an uplifting read, but anyone looking for a more piercing or detailed message related to the Second Coming might find themselves disappointed. Not every book discussing the Second Coming needs to pierce the soul or be detail-specific, however, and readers who appreciate an encouraging read they can finish in a Sunday will enjoy Living in the Eleventh Hour.

    Review originally posted on LDS Women's Book Review -
    FTC FYI: free hardcover review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

  • Crystal (Books Are Sanity!!!)

    This is my first time reading a book by Robert L. Millet and I was hooked from the beginning. Gospel books are not always easy for me to read, but Millet speaks in a straight forward fashion, uses scriptures and direct quotes from prophets to make it easy for the reader to understand the point he is making. He shared personal stories from teaching religion classes at BYU and he tied everything into each point seamlessly. I enjoyed the short chapters that focused on one specific aspect of living in the last days. I came away with a sense of calmness not fear. Millet gives us knowledge backed through scriptures and prophets to help us understand what we will are and will face as the time approaches for His return. I honestly was amazed at how quickly I read through the book! I found certain quotes or stories so great that I would re-read them and then share them with my husband. One of my favorite's is taken from chapter 9, "We stand in holy places when we stand firm against vice and immorality and stand humbly but assuredly with God and with "clouds of witnesses" (Hebrews 12:1) made up of Saints on both sides of the veil (2 Kings 6:16, compare 1 John 4:4). This is truly a great read that will help and inspire you and I highly recommend it!
    I received a copy of this book for free and this is my honest review.

  • Michelle Llewellyn

    I must be one of the few who can't wait for the second coming and the millennium. So many women on this earth won't have any opportunity to enjoy all the blessings of the priesthood including dating, courtship, temple marriage, and raising up a righteous posterity unto the Lord until that glorious day. What to do until then? Pick marigolds? Pray a cure for AIDS will be found? Volunteer to be bridesmaids at LGBT weddings? Not judge our single, nonmember or less active friends who choose alternative lifestyles (cohabitation) while we sit ever-obedient and passively by in our single-bedroom homes waiting and waiting and waiting...
    Sadly, none of these topics are addressed by the author. His failure to at least mention the lowering of the mission age was a disappointment. None of the traditional Christian "signs of the times" are listed. The author choosing instead to focus on general gospel "feel good" topics are why I could only give this book two stars. A fast read. The narrative flows well but we might as well be living in the tenth hour for all the modern day challenges (rampant pre-marital sex, addictions and terrorist activities) Brother Millet so carefully avoids.

  • Heather

    I love Robert L Millet's teachings and writing. Living in the Eleventh Hour takes very small chunks of doctrine in each chapter which makes for a quick, light read. It's certainly not a deep doctrinal look at the signs and time of the second coming of Christ, not does it reveal "big new truths." However, I enjoyed it for exactly what it was. His counsel is straight forward and simple. I found that for me, this book was the perfect fit. It offers a hopeful perspective without the doom and gloom or long lists of signs of the second coming. Brother Millet re- emphasizes what we can do on a daily basis to have the Spirit with us and to keep our lamps filled with oil before the bridegroom cometh. I especially liked his story of how many of us, in fear of judging others fall into the "tolerance trap" and begin to tolerate the behaviors of others that are sinful without speaking up. The formula for preparation is built on the basic primary answers we all know and I am glad he kept it that way.

  • Katie (Hiding in the Pages)

    A lot of these types of books create a panicky feeling inside of me. I feel like the end is so scary, even if it's something to look forward to. I loved the way this book was written in a way that made me feel at peace with things. This truly is a time to anticipate, rather than dread. I loved what the author said in the preface--"My intention is not to frighten but to fortify; not to startle but to solidify; not to be sensational but to be sound." He did an excellent job of doing just what he claimed he'd do.

    I enjoyed the way scripture and General Authority quotes were woven into the commentary, as well as modern thoughts and applications to our own lives today. I was able to find relations between the person stories given and my own life and I was filled with hope as I read this book. There was a lot of good information in here, especially in the Glossary. My mind was opened to a few new ideas that I hadn't considered before and I'm enjoying pondering on those.

    I recommend this book for those looking for an uplifting and encouraging source about the Last Days.

  • Shauna

    "We are left to ponder and wonder about many things."

    Wondering about the Second Coming of Christ falls into this category...

    "Perhaps we are left to ponder to keep us alert and attentive to the commandments should the Lord come in our day."

    As many know this will be a both GREAT and TERRIBLE day.

    Many of us worry...

    Many of us fear...

    Robert L. Millet has given us the WONDERFUL book to help put our minds at ease and to teach us what to look for and how to prepare.

    Filled with quotes, scriptures, and personal experiences...

    "Steadfastly doing the small things that allow us to live each day with faith, rather than fear, builds our trust that the Savior's return to earth to rule and reign will be a glorious and welcome event."

    We truly are 'Living in the Eleventh Hour!'

  • Heidi

    One of the things that I have always loved about Robert Millet's books is how readable they are, how well he explains complex doctrines for the lay reader. In this book, he takes on a complex and rarely understood topic: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I found it interesting that he starts the book by discussing his own attitude toward the topic, how as a child he was terrified of The Second Coming, but as he's grown and experienced life, he's learned to look forward to it. I also really appreciate how he uses scriptures to make his points about preparing for a day in the near future that only God Himself knows for sure. I love how he focuses on the greatest need is for us to be SPIRITUALLY prepared, to repent and access the blessings of the Atonement in our lives. A truly inspiring look at a challenging and sometimes scary topic that relates to all of us. Highly recommended.

  • Rae

    Millet, retired professor in the BYU religion department, shares his views on how best to live our lives while waiting for Jesus Christ to return in all His glory. The key is to attempt to live as though this event has already occurred. Then, no matter when He comes (or whether we are still alive), we are as ready as we can hope to be.

    I thoroughly enjoyed this recent title by Bob Millet. He always has new insights for me -- even when he is talking about subjects that are not new. I also admire his ability to love those of other faiths (civility) without forcing his own beliefs on them (conviction). He is an optimistic individual and I always feel uplifted by his writing.

    A happy read.

  • Sherrill

    This is a wonderfully uplifting book by a really great author, Robert Millet. It gives me hope that when the end comes I will be ready and possibly preserved when my time on earth ends. It should make everyone feel they can withstand what is to come. It gives us simple advice, live as if Jesus were returning tomorrow. Lift up the hands that hang down, spread missionary work, prepare and be aware of the signs of the times, but not to the exclusion of other ways of preparation. We should not worry or fear. If you are not preserved at his coming then possibly you will be caught up when you reach the other side. It is a book of calm assurance and not a panic mode like I see around me in members of the church

  • Ryan Stoddard

    I had a hard time getting into this one at first, but for me it got a lot better in the second half. I felt a lot of it was kind of a rehash of another of his books, Coming to Know Christ, which I love. It deals a lot with how to live a Christlike life, which is important in any dispensation, not just the last days. However, the second half is what made the book for me. It deals with the last day prophecies in the most perfect way that leaves you with a better understanding of what is to come but in an atmosphere of hope. It also has a short glossary at the end, which has some further study material that I found enlightening. I would recommend this book.

  • Benjamin Taylor


    this book was more focused on how I can prepare spiritually to live in
    perilous times; how I can be guided by the gospel of Jesus Christ as I do my part to help build Zion.
    It was uplifting which I appreciated. Typically when we think about the Second coming of Christ, we tend to focus on the terrible events and not the great. This book doesn't necessarily talk about a timeline of events, but it is a great reminder of where to turn to understand more about the coming days.