Title | : | Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing miracles a part of your everyday life (The Kingdom of God Made Simple Book 1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 252 |
Publication | : | First published December 13, 2013 |
Divine Healing Made Simple is a training manual for the supernatural life, providing street-proven instruction for healing the sick in any type of setting. In addition to healing, the book teaches about prophetic ministry, street evangelism and making disciples.
This book takes a bold approach, addressing the difficult questions that many authors have avoided. Through dreams, online discussions and hands-on experience, the author has discovered the answers to some of the most common questions people have about Christian healing, deliverance and raising the dead. Three chapters are devoted to the problems of why some people are not healed and why some people lose their healing.
This is the first book on healing to harness the power of Facebook. By hosting discussion questions on Facebook, the author has collected the wisdom and experiences of hundreds of divine healing technicians. This may be the most comprehensive book on healing ever written.
Miracles are happening every day through the prayers of average men and women on the street and in workplaces. This book celebrates what God is doing today and shows you how miracles, signs and wonders can become a part of your everyday life. You’ll be encouraged and given hope by the testimonies and dreams you’ll read about.
Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn:
Misconceptions and Myths about Healing The Biblical Basis for Healing Dreams and Visions Healing and Relationships Motives for Healing Faith for Healing Power and Authority for Healing God’s Healing Presence The Word of Knowledge Healing and Evangelism The Gift of Healing Street Healing Healing in the Workplace Healing in Health Care Deliverance Raising the Dead Proclaiming the Kingdom Making Disciples Persistence and Healing How to Receive Healing How to Keep Your Healing Why Some People Aren't Healed Prayer and Fasting Recording Healing Testimonies The Future of Healing The "Greater Works" Jesus Said His Disciples Would Do
What Readers Are Saying:
“I read the book and it is the most solid book, other than the bible that I have ever read. This will become my new handbook for all my future discipleship training!" ~ David
"I started reading the book last night and am loving it! I needed a word from God, He led me to the "Persistence Pays Off" chapter and guess what? Today I prayed for a friend and through our persistence and faith she received 100% healing :D Yay Jesus!!!" ~ Flaminia (UK)
"I love the simplicity of this book- the raw honesty. There is no longer an 'us and them' in terms of who can heal and who can't." ~ Dommi (UK)
“A book that will bring you to a simpler place and understanding of the truths behind healing the sick.” ~ Cameron
“The authenticity and pure heart of the author comes shining through in a way I truly appreciate.” ~ Kody
“Praying Medic is not just an example but he is a teacher as well. Solid teaching made simple.
Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing miracles a part of your everyday life (The Kingdom of God Made Simple Book 1) Reviews
This is a good book to read if you're interested in the subject of divine healing. If you feel called to administer healing to people or if you're interested in how it often works or if God is really healing people these days, I'd recommend reading this book. It's a practical, general guide full of suggestions and stories from a medical professional who has prayed for many people for healing and seen many results. This honest and humble author writes from experience, not just theory. He covers all sorts of topics related to the subject from myths about healing, to the Biblical basis for healing, to words of knowledge, street healings, deliverance, raising the dead, to fasting, to when people aren't healed, etc.
I enjoyed the stories and hearing about the many dreams God has used in his life to guide and lead him. I enjoyed hearing how he had to persevere in this ministry before he saw many results. I also enjoyed his insightful warnings against pride, fear, as well as the other pitfalls that come with such a ministry.
I can't give it five stars because I disagreed with a few of his theological conclusions. Nevertheless, he offered some fresh perspective on the subject and is one who speaks from a place of experience and authority. We would do well to consider what this man has written.
Here's a few of the quotes I highlighted -
"The best a cessationist can do is to argue against healing by inference; that is by inferring into a passage a meaning that is not obvious to the reader." (Pg 23)
"...healing isn't just a means to verify a message. It's a tangible demonstration of God's power, love, mercy and compassion, a means of warfare against the kingdom of darkness, a means of making people spiritually, physically and emotionally whole and a way to bring people into a personal relationship with God." (Pg 26)
"If the will of God was for us to be sick, then no one disregarded the will of God more than Jesus. Every time He healed someone, He may have cheated them of a lesson they needed to develop their character." (Pg. 42)
"When you begin to heal the sick, and you do it in a setting where healing is not widely accepted, don't be surprised if church leaders oppose you." (page 48)
"To have success in healing, you must deal with the issue of what people think of you. If you have fear of what others think of you, it may prevent you from reaching your full potential." (Pg 48)
"To operate successfully in healing it's imperative to establish a strong, active relationship with the Holy Spirit. All that we do must be led and powered by the Spirit of God." (Pg. 101)
"Don't beg or plead with God to heal anyone. The most common mistake people make is begging God to heal. The second is quitting too soon. Persistence brings breakthrough. You'll have to get used to a little embarrassment. You may look a bit foolish repeatedly commanding a broken leg to be healed when there is no outward sign that it's helping. Yet the vast majority of healings I've seen came because I stood there looking like an idiot, repeatedly commanding an injury to be healed until it finally was healed." (Pg 105)
I thought this book was perfect for ANYONE interested in healing and what the bible has to say about it. It's written in a way that is easy to understand. You don't have to be a theologian or know Greek or Hebrew. It brings the simple truth of God's word about healing in a very personal and approachable manner. I love the author's transparency in regards to his own personal journey. Good book a must read.
If you haven't read this book, why not? It is truly inspirational... The author is an incredible man who is humble yet dares to push boundaries, for Christ's glory. Once you've read this, you'll wonder why you didn't pray more and will be inspired to make the most of every opportunity!
As a training manual this book isn't very good. But I read it to find out more about how the gift of healing works in everyday practice. On that front, this book delivers. I often felt like I wanted to know more though. More examples, more details, more dreams. I guess I'm looking more for the authors autobiography so I can compare his experiences to my own.
In spite of the problems I had with this book, it should be a good read for anyone interested in the gift of healing. -
A fantastic and a practical book on living and learning how to heal, and various aspects of it. You will get more than you bargained for, and this will hopefully teach you some of the more practical things God has for us regarding healing and His supernatural resources, as well as who you are in Christ as a believer and your identity that provides this power.
Makes the Power and Authority God gave us for Healing comprehenable !!
This book took me a bit longer to read through than the others because some of the material needs, in my opinion, to be prayed about while asking for discernment and understanding!! -
Couldn't Finish Reading, Don't Waste Your Money
Disappointed by poorly written con job by a man pushing hopium and taking advantage of scared people in uncertain times.
I've experienced real physical healing from God and it wasn't at all like the author claims it's done. -
A comprehensive review of all issues associated with healing.
Must read for everyone who feels they would like to do more but don’t have a clue where to start.
just A Blessing
This for anyone who wants more: more of the truth, more of the joy of the Lord, more of the power of the Holy Spirit, more of Jesus. This is for everyone. -
Very thorough and encouraging treatment of the subject of healing
This was a great combination of writing and scripture to help me heal from mental and physical challenges. The author contends that anyone who believes has the power to heal. Now, I agree.
Praying Medic is one of my absolute favorite authors. I even met him and his wife once...and had dinner with them after reading this extraordinary book. I came at a time when I was just being introduced to the supernatural reality, and my life has never been the same since.
“Divine Healing Made Simple” certainly lives up to its title. The author, Praying Medic, offers practical approaches to praying for almost anyone to be healed. He tackles the tough questions that others sometimes avoid, such as why a person isn’t healed, how to know for certain healing is God’s will and much more. He provides plenty of supporting scriptures in addition to dozens of his own experiences as an encouragement to the reader.
No matter the topic, a non-fiction book will probably do well in its niche if the author is credible and reputable and if the material is timely, well-organized, packaged attractively and properly edited. On that basis, I would rate this book 5 out of 5 stars. (Review posted on Amazon as well). -
Just what I was looking for.
I would recommend this book. I read it so fast now I must go back and re-read. it's exciting, to see someone that is doing a New testament kind of ministry in modern setting. -
Much to say. Not easy to understand. I believe much will be made known as God sees fit to reveal. Spiritual growth is primary. Reflection is good. Can use much of this info. Thanks -
This was an interesting book about a man's journey as he developed the skill of healing prayer. Healing prayer is a topic of fascination for me, and I enjoyed the fact that this man shared his highs and his lows as he worked to master it. It felt very accessible.
It is refreshing to read this and other books by Praying Medic. He comes at the topic very practically and without a lot of religious or theological language. He shares from his own wide experiences plus including helpful stuff from a wide range people who also share insights and experience.