The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the Experience by Wangari Maathai

The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the Experience
Title : The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the Experience
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 159056040X
ISBN-10 : 9781590560402
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 160
Publication : First published January 1, 1988

Wangari Muta Maathai was born in Nyeri, Kenya in 1940. In 1960, she won a Kennedy scholarship to study in America and earned a master's degree in biology from the University of Pittsburgh and became the first woman in East Africa to earn a PhD Returning to Kenya in 1966, Wangari Maathai was shocked at the degradation of the forests and the farmland caused by deforestation. Heavy rains had washed away much of the topsoil, silt was clogging the rivers, and fertilizers were depriving the soil of nutrients. Wangari decided to solve the problem by planting trees. Under the auspices of the National Council of Women of Kenya, of which she was chairwoman from 1981 to 1987, she introduced the idea of planting trees through citizen foresters in 1976, and called this new organization the Green Belt Movement (GBM). She continued to develop GBM into broad-based, grassroots organization whose focus was women's groups planting of trees in order to conserve the environment and improve their quality of life. Through the Green Belt Movement, Wangari Maathai has assisted women in planting more than 20 million trees on their farms and on schools and church compounds in Kenya and all over East Africa. In Africa, as in many parts of the world, women are responsible for meals and collecting firewood. Increasing deforestation has not only meant increasing desertification, but it has also meant that women have had to travel further and further afield in order to collect the firewood. This in turn has led to women spending less time around the home, tending to crops, and looking after their children. By staying closer to home, earning income from sustainably harvesting the fruit and timber from trees, women not only can be more productive, they can provide stability in the home. They can also create time for education opportunities—whether for themselves or their children. This virtuous circle of empowerment through conservation is serving as a model throughout the world, where women both individually and collectively are entrusted with money and material to invest it in ways that make a difference to their daily lives. Wangari Maathai's Green Belt Movement is a great example of how one person can turn around the lives of thousands, if not millions of others, by empowering others to change their situation. Wangari's road to success was by no means easy. During the 1970s and 1980s, she came under increasing scrutiny from the government of Daniel arap Moi. She was frequently the target of vilification from the government, as well as subject to outright attacks and imprisonment. She refused to compromise her belief that the people were best trusted to look after their natural resources, as opposed to the corrupt cronies of the government, who were given whole swathes of public land, which they then despoiled. In December 2002, Wangari Maathai was elected by an overwhelming margin to Parliament, where she is the Assistant Secretary for Environnment, Wildlife, and Natural Resources in the democratically elected Kibaki government. Even though she is now being protected by the very same soldiers who once arrested her, her voice on behalf of the environment is still strong and determined. In October 2004, she capped a lifetime of incredible achievements when she was awarded the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize. In The Green Belt Movement, founder Wangari Maathai tells its story: why it started, how it operates, and where it is going. She includes the philosophy behind it, its challenges and objectives, and the specific steps involved in starting a similar grassroots environmental and social justice organization. The Green Belt Movement is the inspiring story of people working at the grassroots level to improve their environment and their country. Their story offers ideas about a new and hopeful future for Africa and the rest of the world.

The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the Experience Reviews

  • Benz

    Jumlah bintang yang sikit, mungkin kerana bahasa Indonesia yang dipilihnya agak ketat, hingga kurang menyeronokkan pembacaan.

    Tetapi buku seperti ini adalah buku yang penting dibaca dan dihasilkan, untuk membangkitkan lagi kaum perempuan daripada lena dalam wabak konsumerisme untuk tampil ke hadapan. Tidak boleh sekadar menyalahkan patriarki dan kapitalisme tanpa bertindak apa-apa.

    Kita (sangat) kekurangan tokoh perempuan, dan Wangari Maathai seorang perempuan kulit hitam telah menunjukkan jalan, dengan menanam pokok pun kita boleh menyumbang sesuatu kepada umat manusia!

  • Amy Layton

    This was absolutely incredible.  I knew about Wangari Maathai previously (mostly from children's literature/picture book biographies, to be honest), but I knew very little about the aims and goals of the Green Belt movement and what it's truly done to transofmr lives and the environment.

    Wangari Maathai describes the ways in which this movement has changed the environment, and thusly, communities' lives.  By reintroducing native fauna to the landscape, the Green Belt movement creates more opportunities for there to be natural watersheds, wood, and food in the area, therefore reducing the need to travel for miles, to spend money for other necessary resources.  

    Not only does she explain the benefits and resources, but how this movement began, and how it's currently sustained and growing.  It's inspiring and ultimately an incredible how-to guide on the ways in which to create a better, more resourceful community that's self-reliant in ways otherwise not possible.  

    Review cross-listed

  •  The Black Geek

    The Green Belt Movement is a rare book because it documents the experience of an African female scientist's journey into the politics of an environmental movement that has had many positive impacts on both the landscape of an East African nation as well as elevating the role of women as key leaders and activists directly shaping the ecology of their communities.

    It is truly an inspiring account of a human being who used her unique skill set to both move forward the conversation about environmental policy and the practical implementation of a tree planting program by those outside of academia and government appointed positions.

    Before Dr. Maathai died, she expanded her environmental and tree planting efforts into the Congo River Basin and Haiti. It is my hope that future books will be written about her environmental work and advocacy within a Pan-Africanist context .

  • Larissa

    My hero. I did an intense research project on her. She received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 I believe. An amazing lady who began her movement by teaching the women and children in Africa, self worth and skill through sustainable living and environmental conservation. Pick up this book to see what wonderful things are still happening in our world, despite what is covered on the news.

  • miaaa

    Basically this is a progress report of a programme, and it is awesome!

    What I like most though, was her personal note on why she was bothered to fight for the Green Belt Movement:

    "Privilese untuk bisa mengenyam pendidikan tinggi, khususnya di luar Afrika, memperluas wawasan saya dan berkontribusi pada pemahaman yang lebih dalam mengenai keterkaitan antara lingkungan, perempuan, dan pembangunan. Pendidika ini jugalah yang membantu saya memahami nilai yang terkandung dari kerja demi kemaslahatan bersama yang lebih besar.

    Saya sendiri juga penerima manfaat dari kepedulian bersama pihak-pihak lajn, dan ketika berhasil, juga ingin meningkatkan kualitas hidup mereka yang telah saya tinggalkan, negara saya khususnya, dan Afrika umumnya. Pengalaman di luar negeri ini memperdalam spiritualitas saya, bukan agama saya, dan mendorong saya mencari Tuhan di dalam diri saya dan orang lain, bukannya di surga. Saya siap membagi nilai-nilai tersebut dengan orang lain."

  • May Ling

    While not high literature, this work is important for the simplicity of what it is trying to communicate and inspire in others in the way of environmental humanitarian action. It is a great way to learn about an amazing woman and the problems of Kenya. Maathai very much deserves the Nobel Price for 2004 for her work on the GBM. As a woman in an African nation capable of accomplishing such a fantastic situation for empowering woman as well as improving general circumstance.

    It is interesting to see that her formula is taking root in other countries (Haiti). I love the story she tells about using the theme of replanting in conjunction with Christian rebirth. With a country that is 85% Christian this has to be one of the most effective tools I have heard of to inspire feats of giving!!

  • Monty

    This is an exceptionally good book for folks looking for a broader prospective from environmental movements. Wangari Maathai shows the interconnectedness of environmental issues, women's roles and poverty in ways that often go unappreciated in many environmental groups. I highly recommend it.

  • Lauren

    amazing woman, good for social movement studies, but preferred Unbowed

  • gam s (Haveyouread.bkk)


    I need to read this (along with 10-15 more different books) for my grad school final project. Easy to follow and well-structured. This is the account of the GBM's Phase I of the implementation (1977-1999), so nothing fancy like dismantling the tyranny government and such (that came later).

    The first phase was all about planting trees to rejuvenate the ecosystem, harvest water, and combat the recurring food security issues in East Africa. The connectedness between man and nature. How destruction could disproportionately impact us based on ethnicity, race, gender, and class, you name it. I've learned so much!

    I love the charisma, the confidence, and the intimidating-yet-inspiring nature of Dr. Maathai. A great role model for both young and old girls alike out there who ever dream of making a change!

  • Kozue

    [I read the book in Japanese. ]

    モッタイナイという言葉が本のタイトル訳(“The Green Belt Movement”)に使われている割には、最後に少し触れるのみだったのはがっかりだったが、マータイさんが長年の活動の中で何を軸にし活動してきたかが分かる本となっている。



  • Brendalyn Blanco

    Very inspiring!! A must read!

  • Sarah

    Interesting read

    I got this book for an assignment initially but the insight into Maathai’s work is so good and so interesting to read. So much going on here

  • Carmen

    "One person_One tree."

  • Giada

    very interesting and approachable, even though it reads like an analytical thesis sometimes, for some reason i expected it to be more about the history of the movement

  • Ruthmiserico Ohoiwutun

    Intinya buku ini saya sudah punya cukup lama, saya baru bisa baca Maret lalu.

    Buku ini sangat baik untuk para pekerja dan Aktivis lingkungan. Saya merasa kisah tokoh utama sangat menarik, berangkat dari sebuh janjie politik suaminya dia lalu menjadi Perempuan berpengaruh karena tekadnya.

    Saya juga jadi tahu kalau istilah Oma Man One Three itu lahirnya dari gerakan ini. Ini adalah gerakan Ecofeminis pertama yang saya baca sejauh ini.

    Mantap lah... Ada langkah praktis dan tips untuk kembangkan pola advokasi kelompok masyarakat untuk menanam pohon juga...

  • Lee

    Sebenarnya agak memalukan betapa lamanya saya menyelesaikan buku ini. Hampir setahun dari waktu saya beli.

    Tapi untuk kualitas otak seperti saya ini, bisa dimengerti sebenarnya.

    Bukan, bukan tentang susahnya. Buku ini tidak ada susahnya sama sekali. Tapi membosankan amat sangat.

    Membacanya seperti membaca sebuah proposal proyek buat LSM. Informasi yang ada di sini mungkin gampang saja bisa saya dapatkan di internet dalam waktu kurang dari 3 menit.

    Harap maklum, saya terlalu gampang bosan. Dan kemampuan saya untuk fokus mungkin lebih rendah daripada kucing.

    Buku ini sebenarnya cukup inspiratif, tapi..
    ck. Mungkin saya lebih mending menunggu orang lain untuk menulis biopik atau membuat film dokumenter tentang topik ini.

    Jangan salah, buat saya sosok Wangari Maathai dan Gerakan Sabuk Hijaunya itu amat sangat menakjubkan. Sebagai seorang perempuan, seorang ibu, seorang rakyat, dan seorang manusia.

    Kritik apapun yang saya tulis di sini hanya tentang bukunya, bukan tentang Wangari Maathai ataupun tentang organisasinya.

  • Tyler

    Wangari Maathai's personal account of how she came to be the "Tree Mother" of Africa is the most interesting part of this book. The story is inspiring and fascinating. Her success has been amazing.

    The rest of the book deals with more mundane things, like how GBM does its work and the processes it uses in the field. Those sections would only be interesting if you were thinking about replicating GBM, which might not be a bad idea.

  • Lillibet Moore

    While the book itself is not incredible, the movement itself is, and therefore I enjoyed reading more about it, through the words of its founder and Nobel Prize Winner, Wangari Maathai, and I would recommend it to those interested in reforestation projects, social/community environmentalism and women's empowerment social movements.

  • Izetta Autumn

    A fantastic (and short) view into how to sustain a social movement that has literally changed the lives of thousands in Kenya - and impacts us globally because of the efforts to save the environment.

  • Keisha

    Truly moving. I refer to this book often. It's simply written- yet poised- confident and straight forward.

  • Casey

    Maathai is a strong woman who isn't afraid to work towards making the world a better place. Planting trees saves lives.

  • Dana

    This is a really cool, important project. However, this book is written more like a blueprint for other people who are looking to do something similar, and so it doesn't read all that well.

  • Clivemichael

    Touches on the how to but is not a manual

  • Daniel

    Does not effectively describe the problem, solution, or adequately differentiate factors that contributed to the organization’s success.

  • sekar banjaran aji

    Seorang teman campaigner dari Australia yang saya temui di forum #tumblr kala sedang mengadvokasi kasus pencurian design yang sistematis dilakukan #hm pada tahun 2015 pernah menceritakan soal #GerakanSabukHijau (GSH) . Kala itu dia menuliskan kalimat yang cukup mencambuk, "bicara tentang perlindungan ruang hidup tanpa mengikutsertakan korporasi adalah nonsense. Gerakan lingkungan yang mapan sekelas GSH diawali dari korporasi sementara perusak ruang hidup yang paling rakus juga korporasi."
    Sejak itu saya tertarik dengan GSH secara gerakan atau #WangariMaathai secara personal. Ketika penerbit favorit saya @marjinkiri menerjemahkan buku ini maka tanpa pikir panjang saya membelinya.
    Buku ini ditulis langsung oleh Wangari dengan sudut yang menarik. Seorang perempuan, professional, pemimpin gerakan dan Ibu. Cerita GSH yang mewarnai masa pergerakan demokrasi Kenya tentu saja sangat menarik. Tentu saja pasca membaca saya terus membandingkan GSH dengan gerakan hijau di Indonesia seperti @partaihijauindonesia
    Buku ini cukup menurut saya, tidak begitu banyak bunga-bunga dan sangat teknis. Tepat untuk buku saku bagi kamu yang baru mulai jadi aktivis lingkungan. Pertanyaan kuncinya mungkin bukan bagaimana menolak korporasi tapi bagaimana mengubah cara kerja korporasi jadi peka lingkungan.