Remember, Remember: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon by Robert L. Millet

Remember, Remember: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon
Title : Remember, Remember: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1639932062
ISBN-10 : 9781639932061
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 272
Publication : Published October 30, 2023

Appearing some 220 times, the word remember is one of the most-used verbs in the entire Book of Mormon. But what are we to remember, and how are we to apply it to our lives? In light of the deep significance of the book’s teachings and imperatives, Remember, Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon focuses almost exclusively on the doctrine illuminated within the pages of the scripture known as the keystone of our religion. With the hope that readers’ minds and hearts will be shaped by the lessons and testimony uniquely provided in the Book of Mormon, renowned writer and scholar Robert L. Millet discusses the book’s doctrines in detail. Topics covered include lessons from the accounts of the anti-Christs, the transformative power of repentance, and the beautiful truths we learn about and from Jesus Christ. The Book of Mormon is the pathway to opening the windows of revelation, an invitation to come unto to Christ, and a roadmap for how to achieve that consummate privilege. The hope of this book is that by aiding Latter-day Saints in studying and applying the doctrines discussed in the Book of Mormon, they will strengthen their faith, increase their resolve to Christ and His kingdom, and find peace amid times of unrest. As this insightful book illustrates, when we remember and apply the truths taught within it, the Book of Mormon can and will―completely and powerfully―change lives.

Remember, Remember: Life-Changing Truths from the Book of Mormon Reviews

  • Apzmarshl

    The perfect companion to our upcoming year-long study of the Book of Mormon, or any time you study it. Each section, writer, and prophet are addressed with spiritual insight. This book definitely added drops to my oil of conversion.

  • Heather

    Great book highlighting main themes of the Book of Mormon: the good news that Christ came, attributes of God, charity, obedience, the covenant path, the gathering, the merits and mercy of Christ, the fall, false prophets and anti-Christs, remission of sins, change of heart, salvation, testimony, faith, prayer, and grace. Here are some favorite quotes:

    "'Study of the Book of Mormon is most rewarding when one focuses on its primary purpose--to testify of Jesus Christ' (Russell M. Nelson, p. ix)."

    "Jacob... explained what his older brother Nephi instructed him to include in the sacred record: 'And if there were preaching which was sacred, or revelation which was great, or prophesying, that I should engraven the heads of them upon these plates, and touch upon them as much as it were possible, for Christ's sake, and for the sake of our people' (p. ix)."

    "It was to the Book of Mormon that we turn primary to understand the doctrine of Christ (p. 3)."

    "The Spirit of the Lord has borne witness to my soul that the Book of Mormon is not only true but faithful; its precepts are as current as they are consistent, as sanctifying as they are soothing (p. 5)."

    "Nephi's willingness to do whatever God calls upon him to do is a vivid demonstration of his faith... he has a total trust in Him, complete confidence in Him, and a ready reliance upon Him (p. 6)."

    "'My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself' (p. 7)."

    "'A testimony is to be found in the bearing of it... It is one thing to receive a witness from what you have read or what another has said; and that is a necessary beginning. It is quite another to have the Spirit confirm to you in your bosom that what you have testified is true' (Boyd K. Packer, p. 7)."

    "In the case of Nephi... he went forward to retrieve the brass plates because he knew that the Lord would sustain and protect him and his brethren in accomplishing the difficult task. He went and did because he knew (p. 9)."

    "God's loving invitation to each of us is to search diligently for the strait and narrow path, His covenant path, and to stay on it no matter what (p. 11)."

    "Why would they 'feel' their way? Because they are blind to spiritual things, clueless about matters of greatest worth (p. 13)."

    "Their love and unending gratitude, and their devotion to the Church and gospel of Jesus Christ, were such that they held to the rod and, in an act of reverential humility and overwhelming gratitude, they knelt, as it were, at the feet of the Savior and partook of His greatest of all gifts--salvation, or eternal life (p. 13)."

    "As the prophets have recently taught, we cannot simply keep the second great commandment (to love our neighbors as ourselves) while ignoring the first great commandment (to love God with all hearts, souls, and minds and to keep His commandments) (p. 14)."

    "We must never forget that Jesus Christ Himself is the Word of God (p. 14)."

    "'After repenting, and humbling himself sincerely, through faith, God ministered unto him by an holy angel [Moroni], whose countenance was as lightning' (p. 16)."

    "'Wherever we find truth, whether it exists in complete form or only in fragments, we recognize that truth as part of that sacred whole of which the Church of Jesus Christ is the custodian' (B.H. Roberts, p. 21)."

    "'Perhaps the Lord needs [noble men and women] on the outside of His Church to help it along... God is using more than one people for the accomplishment of His great and marvelous work. The Latter-day Saints cannot do it all' (Orson F. Whitney, p. 22)."

    "'We owe an immense debt to the protestors and the reformers who preserved the scriptures and translated them. They knew something had been lost. They kept the flame alive as best they could' (Boyd K. Packer, p. 23)."

    "'When we speak of the gathering, we are simply saying... every one of our Heavenly Father's children, on both sides of the veil, deserves to hear the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ... Anytime you do anything that helps anyone--on either side of the veil--take a step toward making covenants with God and receiving their essential baptismal and temple ordinances, you are helping to gather Israel' (Russell M. Nelson, p. 24)."

    "We can grasp the purpose and thrust of the gathering of Israel only when we understand that people are gathered... to a Person, namely, to the Lord Jesus Christ--to Him, to His doctrine, and to His Church and kingdom (p. 25)."

    "'What was the object of gathering the Jews, or the people of God, in any age of the world?... the main object was to build unto the Lord a house whereby He could reveal unto His people the ordinances of His house and the glories of His kingdom, and teach the people the way of salvation' (Joseph Smith, p. 27)."

    "'God does not have a list of favorites to which we hope our names will some day be added... He does not limit the 'chosen' to a restricted few. Instead, our hearts, our desires, our honoring of sacred gospel covenants and ordinances, our obedience to the commandments, and most importantly, the Savior's redeeming grace and mercy determine whether we are counted as one of God's chosen' (David A. Bednar, p. 28)."

    "The allegory of Zenos says it all--God simply will not let Israel go! To be involved in the gathering of Israel in these latter days is a sacred and sobering responsibility, but it is also a supernal and soul-satisfying opportunity and privilege (p. 28)."

    "One doesn't travel very far in reading and studying the Book of Mormon before becoming aware that the book is drenched in what I call redemptive theology--the importance of the Fall and its very real consequences; the need to exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; the crucial need to take full advantage of the Lord's infinite and eternal Atonement; the necessity of repentance... acquiring a new mind, a new heart, and new eyes; the repeated invitation and charge to be born again and become a new creature; and finally, the peace and comfort that can flow into our souls as we reach out to receive the grace of Jesus Christ (p. 29)."

    "If salvation comes to us through the goodness and grace of the Almighty, then why should we be involved in good works? Because in serving and doing and striving to the best of our ability to obey Him, we are expressing both our love and our gratitude for all that the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost have done and will continue to do for us and with us (p. 32)."

    "'Salvation cannot be bought with the currency of obedience; it is purchased with the blood of the Son of God' (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, p. 32)."

    "The Book of Mormon shines a bright light on what it means for us to be saved by 'the merits and mercy and grace of the Holy Messiah' (p. 34)."

    "'Informed by revelation, we celebrate Eve's act and honor her wisdom and courage in the great episode called the Fall' (p. 39)."

    "What a grand and joyous day it will be when we can meet cordially with our friends from other faiths and discover that when brought together, these sacred volumes will, more than ever before, unite to confound false doctrines and contention, all to the edification and blessing of God's children (p. 44)."

    "As we search the pages of the Book of Mormon, we detected very early on that the doctrine of the Fall and the doctrine of the Savior's Atonement are companions (p. 45)."

    "'The Book of Mormon exposes the enemies of Christ' (Ezra Taft Benson, p. 51)."

    "While the Savior has counseled us not to be unduly weighted down with worry concerning the future, He also desires that we seek first to build up the kingdom of God and establish His righteousness. We cannot afford to pause on spiritual plateaus for very long (p. 58)."

    "We might ask ourselves: Just how grateful am I that God has chosen to speak in the last days through living prophets? How do I show my gratitude for the scriptures of the Restoration? How do I demonstrate my appreciation for apostles and prophets today (p. 60)?"

    "Presumably unable to care for himself, Sherem was 'nourished for the space of many days'... This kind act alone demonstrates Christianity and discipleship in their highest and deepest and deepest forms: a group of Saints who had been the object of a very unchristian intellectual attack provided succor for the man who had formerly wielded the sword of Satan (p. 64)."

    "'Eternal truth, especially as it bears on the meaning, and the purpose and the conduct of life, we must obtain from God' (D. Todd Christofferson, p. 71)."

    "'God is the source of all truth' (Russell M. Nelson, p. 71)."

    "'What evidence have ye that there is no God?... I say unto you that ye have none... But behold, I have all things as a testimony that these things are true' (p. 73)."

    "'He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief... Surely he has borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows' (p. 75)."

    "'We are redeemed because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ' (p. 76)."

    "Obtaining a remission of sins is a precious gift. It feels good to be clean. It feels comforting to be right with God. It is so nice to have a clear conscious. The problem, of course, is, how do we stay that way (p. 83)?"

    "'Remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come' (p. 83)."

    "While it is not possible for us to live completely flawless lives in mortality, we can live in such a way as to be worthy and acceptable before God, sufficiently clean before Him, and to enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost, to attend the temple, and to participate fully in all of the programs of the Church (p. 85)."

    "'Have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye received this mighty change in your hearts?' (p. 86)"

    "The way you and I can remain secure in the faith and have an unshakable testimony and conversion is through regular, ongoing, spiritual experiences--encounters with the Holy Spirit of God--and remembering them always (p. 88)."

    "We could add example after example of people in the Book of Mormon who were changed by Christ (p. 90)."

    "The gospel of Jesus Christ is all about change (p. 91)."

    "From the days of Adam until the time of Moses--some 2,600 years--the only priesthood that existed on earth was the Melchizedek, or Higher, Priesthood, which administers the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ... In the days of Moses, however, the children of Israel failed to live up to their spiritual privileges and fulfill their covenantal obligations... Therefore, Jehovah 'took Moses out of their midst, and the Holy Priesthood also; and the lesser [or Aaronic] priesthood continued' (p. 92)."

    "'Those who lived the law of Moses had revelation, were led by prophets, held the priesthood, and did the things that started them in the direction of the celestial kingdom' (p. 94)."

    "The mission of Christ was His alone in the sense that what He needed to accomplish in our behalf was something that could only be carried out by one who was more than man, who was God. His mission comprised His sufferings in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross of Calvary. It was climaxed by His glorious rise from the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea... The ministry of Christ included how He served His brothers and sisters on earth--how He taught His gospel with power and persuasion; reached out to others and lifted and strengthened those who were weak and helpless; and ministered to those who were lonely, shunned, or otherwise on the outskirts of society (p. 97)."

    "Jesus Christ is know as Father because of his role as the Creator... Christ is Father because of our spiritual rebirth... Our Lord acted and spoke on behalf of the Almighty Elohim and is therefore known as Father by divine investiture of authority, meaning that our Heavenly Father basically put His name upon the Son and authorized Him to speak for and on behalf of the Father (p. 99)."

    "The will of the Son is swallowed up in the will of the Father. That is, the flesh becomes subject to the spirit, the mortal is subject to the immortal (p. 100)."

    "We cannot progress in the kingdom without a witness of this work, without a testimony. We need a testimony of God as our Father, of Jesus as our Lord and Savior, of the restoration of the fullness of His gospel, of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon and latter-day revelation (p. 17)."

    "'Do not exhort each other; that is not a testimony. Do not tell others how to live. Just tell how you feel inside. That is the testimony. The moment you begin preaching to others, your testimony ended. Just tell them how you feel' (Spencer W. Kimball, p. 109)."

    "Elements of truth... should be found throughout the world in varying cultures and among diverse religious groups (p. 113)."

    "Gaining a broader perspective on God's tender regard for all His children has changed my life... I have been blessed to see and experience the love of God for all of His children (p. 116)."

    "We can manifest our faith in the Savior during difficult, trying times when we feel helpless or incapable and then sense the need to lay our burdens at the feet of our Lord (p. 118)."

    "We begin the road to faith by hoping that the Only Begotten Son of the Father was indeed sent to earth on a grand mission of mercy and grace... 'What is it that ye shall hope for?... have hope through the atonement of Christ and the power of his resurrection, to be raised unto life eternal' (p. 119)."

    "We need to concentrate on what has been called 'the holy present,' for now is sacred; we never really live in the future... 'Please listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit telling you right now, this very moment, that you should accept the atoning gift of the Lord Jesus Christ and enjoy the fellowship of His labor. Don't delay' (Jeffrey R. Holland, p. 124)."

    "Those who reject the testimony of scripture and living prophets are not more prone to accept the testimony of angels (p. 128)."

    "We have every reason to believe that Corianton's repentance was genuine and his spiritual rehabilitation complete and that he qualified to return to the ministry and to full fellowship within the household of faith (p. 136)."

    "One of the most repeated words in scripture, both ancient and modern, is the divine charge for the Saints of God to remember (p. 142)."

    "'Don't lose your confidence. Don't forget how you once felt. Don't distrust the experience you had' (p. 144)."

    "'The Church is a gathering place for imperfect individuals who love God and are willing to follow the Lord Jesus Christ' (Kevin W. Pearson, p. 146)."

    "My prayer for each one of us is that we will always, always remember the source of our blessings, what it cost Jesus Christ and the Father to win our souls with love, and what we can do to more frequently express our love and undying gratitude for what our Savior and Redeemer did and continues to do for us (p. 147)."

    "'Nephi arose and went forth, and bowed himself before the Lord and did kiss his feet.' Such a moment says a great deal about Nephi's love and adoration for the Savior (p. 149)."

    "'The eternal principle of agency requires that we respect many choices with which we do not agree. Conflict and contention now often breach 'the boundaries of common decency' (Quentin L. Cook, p. 153)."

    "The restored gospel of Jesus Christ does not need supplementation from the rank-and-file members of the Church (p. 154)."

    "God does not expect us to work ourselves into spiritual, emotional, or physical oblivion, nor does He desire that the members of the true Church be truer than true (p. 155)."

    "The Christian way is narrow, requiring the disciple to discard those things that simply will not make it through celestial customs (p. 160)."

    "Jesus teaches us all to pray by praying (p. 161)."

    "We need to keep an eye single to the glory of God (p. 159)."

    "'Please, dear Father, bless us with faith. Bless us with love. Bless us with charity in our hearts' (Gordon B. Hinckley, p. 163)."

    "'Did not our hearts burn within us as we heard him pray unto the Father for us?' (p. 164)"

    "The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of the Atonement of Jesus Christ (p. 168)."

    "The gospel is the process by which we appropriate and take full advantage of the Savior's Atonement (p. 169)."

    "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the restoration of the first-century Christian Church and is now the custodian of the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ (p. 171)."

    "Who would not like to be in the Savior's presence as soon--and as long--as possible (p. 173)?"

    "'When Jesus comes to rule and reign as King of Nations... all flesh may see his glory together (p. 179)."

    "'They taught and did minister one to another; and they had all things common among them, every man dealing justly, one with another' (p. 180)."

    "Repentance is a daily task and a daily responsibility. It is a sweet privilege that is made available to us through our Heavenly Father's plan of salvation (p. 185)."

    "'Come to the knowledge of your fathers, and repent of all your sins... and believe in Jesus Christ, that he is the Son of God, and that he was slain by the Jews, and by the power of the Father he has risen again' (p. 185)."

    "I long for the day when we may be allowed to see the whole of the story of the Jaredite nation and to learn more about the brother of Jared and the depth of his faith (p. 191)."

    "We do not pay with money, but rather with faith (p. 193)."

    "First we do, and then we come to know (p. 194)."

    "Challenges, difficulties, or trials are, of themselves, neither good nor bad for us. The key issue is what we choose to do with those painful events in our lives (p. 195)."

    "Entering into the rest of God will affect how we interact with our neighbors... how we yearn to assist... and strengthen them (p. 199)."

    "Charity, or the pure love of Christ, sanctifies our souls (p. 202)."

    "'Remember how merciful the Lord hath been unto the children of men' (p. 211)."

    "'By the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things' (p. 212)."

    "'Come unto Christ'... means to look to Him; recognize who He is and what He had done; turn to Him... lean on Him (p. 214)."

    "We are 'made perfect' by and through Jesus Christ (p. 217)."

    "The Son of God does not merely point the way; He is the Way (p. 217)!"

    "The Book of Mormon 'was written for our day' (p. 219)."

    "'As you prayerfully study the Book of Mormon every day, you will make better decisions--every day' (Russell M. Nelson, p. 226)."

  • Angela

    Very good insights. Some thoughts that stood out to me…If we could ask Jesus for one thing for our life as the 3 nephites did, what would it be?
    We as Latter Day Saints don’t believe that all that has happened is because of God. Disease, war, etc. can just happen.
    When we follow Satan, we give him power. When we follow Christ, he gives us power. ❤️

  • Jason Burt

    Interesting insights into the Book of Mormon.

  • Teri

    Excellent Book! Highly Recommend for anyone age 15+ !!

    This book is like sitting down with the most awesome college professor and listening him discuss the Book of Mormon and Bible with you, while explaining some passages and bringing back to your memory the highlights of these scriptures and what they teach us - the eternal doctrine and principles that are so pertinent to our salvation. It is not cherry picking doctrine as much as it is pulling out the golden nuggets of doctrinal wisdom from the scriptures and then explaining them to us.

    I love the book and will be reading it again! This one is very worth of being purchases "analog version" to have in your personal home library. Just fantastic and a FEAST to embrace.

  • Karen Hiatt brace

    I listened to this book. I listened to it while I was driving or doing work around the house. I used this book to help me when I gave a talk last month. I frequently listened to several parts of it more than once. There were several quotes that I wrote down to use for future reference. I really think I should read it because there are many things that I would like to study more about. I am grateful for the added understanding that I gained from listening to this book. This book is a great resource to assist in studying The Book of Mormon. I enjoyed Robert Millet’s insights on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and on other Christian religions.

  • Lisa Brown

    The thorough look at the amazing truths about Jesus Christ that can be learned through a comprehensive study of the Book of Mormon. It explores the idea that the word remember is one of the most-used verbs in the entire Book of Mormon (appearing some 220 times), what are we to remember, and how are we to apply it to our lives. A renowned scholar and teacher, Robert Millet takes the reader on a journey through the pages of the Book of Mormon and the truths that can be found there.

    Very, very good, and a wonderful resource to add to my study of The Book of Mormon. I really enjoyed learning more about a book I love so much.

  • Adam

    A great way to start my year of reading. This is a little more reference material than read-through book. He just systematically goes through from start to finish different truths being taught in the Book of Mormon. Many of them are straightforward highlights, some of them lend toward personal insights and application. I enjoyed the perspective from Robert Millet, since I'm fairly comfortable with the truths. All in all a wonderful way to prepare for this year of studying the Book of Mormon. This book has many great quotes to back up the truths that are highlighted.

  • Mary

    I've yet to read a book by Robert Millet that is anything less than fantastic. There are so many good, solid truths in here. Things that I knew, mostly, but stated so succinctly and straightforwardly. His writing has such a sense of clarity and rock solid faith and understanding. We are blessed that he writes so many books, and I will read them all as long as he continues to write them!

  • Haley

    In terms of listening to the book, I would have enjoyed more personal stories that related to the chapter topics. I mostly listened while driving, and I wished I could have my scriptures open next to me to take some notes. It would have been much more effective that way. This is one I'd like to dive into again with a hard copy as I know I'd get much more out of it!

  • Amber

    I listened to the audio version of this book and in all honesty, my mind wandered from time to time. However, this book is a treasure. It would probably be best to read as a companion study with scripture. I found myself stopping the book on occasion and looking up scriptures or quotes. I shared them with friends/family. Great insights!

  • McKlayne Marshall

    This book makes me deeply appreciate and value the Book of Mormon. It is so easy to take for granted something you have had your whole life. There author did a beautiful job of showcasing the power of this book and how important it is for all who desire to know Christ.

  • Brandon

    I love the approach of this book. It contains little vignettes and discourses from across the Book of Mormon, arranged chronologically. Millet's insights, gained over a lifetime of scholarship and study, are refreshing and faith-promoting.

  • Timothy

    Robert Millet is just one of those scholars that I can read endlessly. He may repeat stories here and there, but that is part of his charm. In this book, Dr. Millet goes into depth on the Book of Mormon. A worthwhile and very important read.

  • Marilyn

    This book carries an amazing spirit of hope.

  • Michele

    The appendix is worth the book. I enjoyed reading the book.

  • Wendy

    A beautiful testimony of the Book of Mormon.

  • David Barney

    This was a wonderful read. The chapters were not particularly long. Yet, the information in each chapter was so good. Good Stuff.

  • Adam

    I was expecting a book only on remembering, however this covered a variety of topics from the Book of Mormon. While the discussion was too broad at times and I didn't find every topic interesting, there were a lot of great stories and quotes that made this worth the read. The author's testimony at the end was very powerful, I think this is a good supplementary read for the Book of Mormon, especially since we are studying it this year in Come Follow Me.

  • Kari Sweeten

    I’m always amazed with the knowledge that Robert Millet shares using his years of study in religion. I admire his relationships with other religious leaders and I’m grateful he so freely shares what he studies (because I’ll never have the time to dedicate as much time as he has in his life to the doctrine). This book is fantastic!