Handbook of Informatics for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals (2-downloads) by Toni Hebda

Handbook of Informatics for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals (2-downloads)
Title : Handbook of Informatics for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals (2-downloads)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 0132936143
ISBN-10 : 9780132936149
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 624
Publication : First published June 26, 2013

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include anymedia, website access codes, or print supplements that may comepackaged with the bound book. HANDBOOK OF INFORMATICS FOR NURSES &HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS, 5/e is a complete and up-to-dateoverview of the key issues related to adoption and use of healthinformation technology and nursing informatics, with detailedpractical information to support students and professionals in thefield. Intended to address all the concepts, skills, and tasksprofessionals need to achieve the nation’s healthcareinformation technology goals, it contains three major sections:General Computer Information, Health Care Information Systems, andSpecialty Applications. Major themes of privacy, confidentiality,and information security are woven throughout; project managementis introduced in the context of strategic planning, and addressedin many other chapters. This edition contains extensive newcoverage throughout, along with eight new chapters addressingissues such as Personal Health Records (PHRs), Health InformationExchanges (HIEs), usability, and consumer education.