치즈 인 더 트랩 시즌 1-1 세트 전3권 by Soon Kki

치즈 인 더 트랩 시즌 1-1 세트 전3권
Title : 치즈 인 더 트랩 시즌 1-1 세트 전3권
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 8901143496
ISBN-10 : 9788901143491
Language : Korean
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 780
Publication : Published March 2, 2012

네이버 웹툰에 연재 중인 순끼의 웹툰 초회한정판 『치즈인더트랩 시즌1-1 세트』. 이 작품은 등록금과 학점에 대한 걱정으로 허덕이는 평범한 여대생 ‘홍설’이 엄친아 선배 ‘유정’과 얽히고 설키는 이야기를 그려내고 있다. 3학년이 된 홍설은 작년과 달리 갑자기 자신에게 살갑게 대하는 선배 유정에 대한 경계심을 느낀다. 홍설이 기억하는 유정은 동기들이 말하는 것처럼 결코 사람좋은 선배가 아니었기 때문이다. 홍설은 자신이 2학년 때 당했던 갖은 고초가 혹시 유정과 연루된 것은 아닌지 고민하기 시작하는데….

치즈 인 더 트랩 시즌 1-1 세트 전3권 Reviews

  • Phoenix2

    Simply: a can't-put-done series

  • Jess

    God I love this series. The character and plot progression is done so well. Every detail is done with subtle precision and even on my second read-through I’m catching things I missed the first time around. Forever obsessed with this story

  • gloria kang

    I'm beginning to see a lot of change in Korean society these days through its most popular mediums.
    Cheese in the Trap is so popular on the (korean) web and I thought it would be very typical, but perhaps my expectations of "typical" has become outdated (after such a long break from any Korean media, no surprise if it has). Cheese in the Trap has surprising depth to its stories and characters that I've not seen before. All the dilemmas and conflicts have a relatable humanity to them, especially because conventional decisions that a person would have made in situations is dissected and proven flawed. The author's presentation of twisted Korean societal norms also seems to strike the right chord in its readers every time.

    While it is still very shallow at times and seems to relent to overused tropes (I mean why do the main characters always have to be good looking and rich if they're to have a fatal flaw - there are ugly people with ugly problems you know...) this is something I hate about most fictional stories but remain understanding of. After all, if there isn't an element of "escape" and vanity, could it have drawn as many readers?

    I suppose that was my only area of frustration, but those are frustrations I have about society and smart consumerism - so a general thing, not something entirely specific to Cheese in the Trap. Otherwise though, the characters are all a breath of fresh air, the story can be heavy and funny in the right moments, the author is extremely clever with words and the drawings are expressive. I thought it would be an indulgent, easy, light read, but I stand corrected and pleasantly surprised :)

  • Bo K

    I'm beginning to see a lot of change in Korean society these days through its most popular mediums.
    Cheese in the Trap is so popular on the (korean) web and I thought it would be very typical, but perhaps my expectations of "typical" has become outdated (after such a long break from any Korean media, no surprise if it has). Cheese in the Trap has surprising depth to its stories and characters that I've not seen before. All the dilemmas and conflicts have a relatable humanity to them, especially because conventional decisions that a person would have made in situations is dissected and proven flawed. The author's presentation of twisted Korean societal norms also seems to strike the right chord in its readers every time.

    While it is still very shallow at times and seems to relent to overused tropes (I mean why do the main characters always have to be good looking and rich if they're to have a fatal flaw - there are ugly people with ugly problems you know...) this is something I hate about most fictional stories but remain understanding of. After all, if there isn't an element of "escape" and vanity, could it have drawn as many readers?

    I suppose that was my only area of frustration, but those are frustrations I have about society and smart consumerism - so a general thing, not something entirely specific to Cheese in the Trap. Otherwise though, the characters are all a breath of fresh air, the story can be heavy and funny in the right moments, the author is extremely clever with words and the drawings are expressive. I thought it would be an indulgent, easy, light read, but I stand corrected and pleasantly surprised :)