Title | : | MIAs World: An Extraordinary Gift, an Unforgettable Journey. MIA Dolan with Rosalyn Chissick |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Format Type | : | Kindle , Hardcover , Paperback , Audiobook & More |
Number of Pages | : | - |
Publication | : | First published February 7, 2005 |
MIAs World: An Extraordinary Gift, an Unforgettable Journey. MIA Dolan with Rosalyn Chissick Reviews
I really enjoyed Mia's first book, The Gift (also titled I Know Why Were Here). In that book she told about her life and how she discovered she was psychic. I thought this book would be similar to the first one. I was hoping to go on some psychic adventure with her, maybe visit some haunted places and read about some of her interesting clients. Instead what this book ended up being is a step by step guide how to open up your psychic senses.
At the beginging she meets with a journalist and Mia ends up offering to teach her how to become psychic within a six month period of time. From there every chapter is titled with the lesson they will be working on. Through out the whole book it jumps back and forth between Mia and her pupil as they share their story.
I'm not interested in becoming psychic so this book was very boring to me! -
Great book for people who want to open their 6th sense or see auras. Not a book for me as I expected to read about ghosts too.
This is the second book I have read by this author and I enjoyed them both.
I have just finished this book and it's about teaching you to tune in to your inner gifts and trying to talk your spirit guide and help bring out the inner gift in you i found this book very inserting to read and i want to learn more about this woman and what she teachers you but when you read this book you have to have a open mind and believe in what you can do that's what she teachers the woman in the named Roz she takes so much in and in the end she because a healer in what she does and she learns to read people and see their auras as well this book is an extraordinary story and a unforgettable journey in to 2 peoples lives in what they can do really enjoyed it
I loved this book and will be trying the exercises. Will do a review on my blog/website at
http://karensworld-writer.co.uk -
An interesting book but I bought it because I thought it would be about her dealings with the paranormal world and her dealings with ghosts.