Title | : | Soultaker |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 321 |
Publication | : | First published January 27, 2009 |
Soultaker Reviews
This is copy 14 of 52 Hardcover copies printed and are signed and numbered by Bryan Smith.
I've had multiple failed starts on this book after going in with realistic expectations. It's just one horror cliche after another.
Jake McAllister’s mother is worried because his younger brother, Trey, has been acting weird since he started hanging out with his new girlfriend, Myra. Although Jake can't believe that one girl could really make that drastic of a difference in Trey, he returns home to check things out anyway. What Jake doesn't realize upon his arrival is that most of the females in town consider Myra a leader, and that they are starting to overpower the men in town. Jake meets up with a love interest, Kristen, and together they try to save Trey from Myra's clutches, and stop the harvesting of souls that they have discovered is Myra's ultimate goal.
Soultaker has many strong points. Character development is particularly strong. There are several key characters in this book and Smith detailed each of them and their growth throughout the book beautifully. I truly felt that I got to know the characters as the story progressed. A lot of authors tend to focus on one or maybe two characters, but Smith continued a detailed progression of change of at least six people. Fair warning to those who don't like sex, this novel is a bit heavy on sexual content, but Smith writes it well and for this story it's fitting. Highly Recommended.
Contains: Sex, Violence, Profanity
(Review also posted at
MonsterLibrarian.Com) -
Soultaker was my first sampling of Bryan Smith's work. I enjoyed this book even though I wasn't too crazy about the premise of the story, very cheesy. Basically, a very powerful lizard-like demon takes over the body of a young goth chick and wreaks havoc in the small town of Rockville, Tennessee in preparation for the Harvest, where she plans to consume the souls of many teenagers in order to recharge, live another 100 years with man she loves. The hero of the story, if you can call him that, is Jake McAllister whose mother has begged him to return to Rockville to help his younger brother Trey, who has changed dramatically since hooking up with his new girlfriend, Myra Lewis, the big bad demon in disguise. Overall, a good read, reminded me a bit of Invasion of the Body Snatchers, only much more frightening what with all the bloody gore. I look forward to reading more from this author.
A somewhat cynical horror tale that wallows in sex and violence and belly flops into the shallow end of three stars. I don't mind sex and violence. In fact, the author writes some of the most tense sex and violence I've read in a long time. Yet at least one of the characters should be likable while they're wallowing in all that sex and violence. The story involves the appearance of a serpent-goddess named Lamia who plans to devour the souls of the entire teen population of a small backwater town. Why she just doesn't show up at a Justin Beiber concert is beyond me. Maybe Justin Beiber fans already had their souls devoured. It becomes the mission of a few misfits including a washed out alcoholic "supermarket" horror writer (What's your point, Bryan?)to try to save the town. The author knows how to tell a tale and kept my interest but I would have liked the story to elevate beyond the feel of a cheesy TV movie with the predictable and pat "gotcha" ending.
This is the second book by this author that I have read, and I have to admit… that he really doesn’t draw me in. Sure the writing was fine, there is sex, violence and little green scaly critters romping about… but I have the hardest time investing myself emotionally in his books.
So we’re in a small town, and some goth girl turns out to be Lamia, an ancient half snake deity who needs a jump start of souls… so she’s possessed the women of a small town and turned them into psycho witch-like priestess hoes. So we’ve got a pack of male teens and an older brother who are trying to stop it all.
I had a hard time determining whether or not our author is deeply terrified of women… the women in this book are evil, corrupt, vengeful, lustful and extremely dangerous to the men… except of course for the lesbian. There are some really strange psychological ideas you could take from the author.
I did like the idea of his use of one of the more rarely mentioned mythological monsters rather than simply going with the standard vampire/werewolf/alien/zombie fare. I really wish I had been able to get into this book more. As it was, I had a hard time keeping my mind on it and struggled to get to the end. I’m not sure why either… the writing was fine, the concept was fine… perhaps it was the characters, I didn’t really care for any of them… and we never really had the opportunity to know any of the women prior to their possession so we couldn’t really regret their transformation. The men were just SO weak that they were hard to root for, granted we wanted someone to stop what was happening… but it’s hard to root for a bunch of guys who think like pervs.
Moral of the story: men – Keep it in your pants -
Loved the pull no punches ending. -
I'm a big horror fan and also a big fan of Mr Smiths work in general but recently I've ventured off to explore various other genres in a bid to not get too jaded about the horror genre and its many variations. I found myself reading a few titles from the bizzaro world, dabbled in a bit of true crime and after I'd got a few titles onto my 'read' list, I thought to myself; fuck this, let's get back to one of the old favourites. Enter Mr Smith and Soultaker. It's a book I've been wanting to read for a while having read all the 'classics' (Depraved 1,2 , Killing Kind 1,2 , The Freakshow etc). I got a few chapters in I almost didn't notice a smug/knowing grin start to bisect my skull! I just fucking love his writing style! This novel was very well put together, jumping from one group of characters and situations to another with all the fluidity of a molasses lava lamp!! I'll not say anything about the plot as the blurb sums it up pretty well. What I will say though is how Bryan Smith repeatedly delivers straight up horror in a style I personally fucking love! Sex? Check! Gore? Check! Protagonists you're rooting for throughout? Check! This book is highly recommend along with just about anything else this guy has penned! A truly goresome ride Mr Smith! Thank you very much!! Fan boy out!!!!
It's been a while since I read a horror book like Soultaker. It has a sense of old fashioned horror that kept me guessing till the end.
I loved the ending, by the way :-) -
A cheerful book that left me feeling all aglow.
If the author had killed the first 120 pages of this book it would get a 3 star rating. After getting through those hundred+ pages of nonstop porn and you get to the actual story telling. It's not a bad read. Very under your skin creepy.
The ending fizzled in my opinion. -
This book had all the elements of an erotic horror and the writing was fine. I just wasn't scared or horrified at all...in fact I was bored, which you should never be when reading books in this genre.
Another interesting read from Bryan Smith. This time Lamia, a blood-thirsty reptilian demon with the ability to suck the life force from her victims, returns to Rockville, Tennessee to wreak havoc on the inhabitants. Not for the prudish or faint of heart. Highly recommended.
Както можеше да се очаква от Смит брутален сплатър с много секс и насилие. ТУк авторът е заложил на преплитането на няколко класически клишета в жанра, но са гарнирани с големи дози ирония и самоирония. Има доста герои, но на всички е обърнато подходящо внимание и търпят развитие. Не ми хареса колкото The Killing Kind, малко повече пълп ми дойде (не че онова не беше).
Тръгва малко мудно, но от втората третина нещата ст��ват много грозно, много бързо. Насилие, канибализъм, демони, разчленяване, жертвоприношения... абе всичко.
Един писател на ужаси се връща в градчето в което е израстнал, само за да се сблъска с демоните на миналото си, пряко и преносно.
Няколко хлапета откриват, че светът им е заплашен от древно зло, което се появява веднъж на сто години и само те могат да го спрат.
Младо момиче отрива, че съгражданите й са поклонници на демоничен култ, а самата тя не е точно човек.
Както казах клишета. Много добре смесени по между си, изкривени и водещи до кървав, изненадващ и покъртителен финал.
Книгата е написана майсторски. На моменти треперех с героите, незнаещ кой е привърженик на култа и кой не. Изненадах се поне на 3-4 места и настръхнах на 10 пъти повече. А и има едни от най-добре описаните, леко тревожещи секс сцени. -
I really enjoyed the sex and violence of this book, especially the insanely ultraviolent ending. This is a book right up my alley in that regards. I just have one complaint. The ending was rushed, and a lot of important things happened "off screen." All right, that's two things. But the second one? I get why that happened, but it's a spoiler, so I won't discuss it. The first? I've noticed that a lot with Leisure books. I think it's because the authors really did give it the proper pacing, but the editors or publishers wanted to hack it up a bit for page count limits. That's just my suspicion. I don't know if that's true or not.
One thing I greatly appreciated was that, while I'm reading this, I realized how much of a cliche Jake is. I've been reading horror for almost all of my 43 years, and Jake is not special. But there's a moment when Jake realizes he's a cliche, and I couldn't help but laugh because such self awareness is sorely lacking in every other example of the cliche.
OK, there's another problem. The subjects I want to talk about here are all spoilers. That's a me problem, not a Bryan Smith problem. Patrick Bateman once said, "I guess I'm a pretty sick guy." And I'm a pretty sick guy. If you're like me, you need to read this book. -
Another book that sat on my shelf for several years just waiting for me. It held a pretty fast pace when I did find time to read it, but it’s probably my least favorite Bryan Smith book I’ve read to date, and I see now why I always find a handful of copies at every Half Price Books I visit. I just hope this year isn’t the year of “meh” books for me. Interesting concept, messy, with just the right amount of gore and violence, but I will not be revisiting this one, and it will be in the outgoing bag for my next book purge.
I only got about 40 pages in. Perhaps I am just coming from reading much better stuff, but this seems cluttered up with tropes. Stereotypical sex everywhere, all the time. Maybe it gets better, but I have other things to read.
Not my cuppa.
I read this book almost 6 years ago and although it’s very gory, I remembered liking it for the most part. The beginning was difficult to get through but, I persevered.
However, in my recent attempt to read it a second time after finally remembering the name of the book and author, I had to set it aside before the end of the first chapter. -
“This, baby, is the night you surrender your worthless fucking soul to me.”
Trey Marshall could only stare in horrors as his newest girlfriend, Myra Lewis, seemingly put on the bet performance of his life. Playing the role of a troubled teenager so elegantly, it was no true mystery as how he never saw the true nature of her existence coming until Things were far too late. With a fresh host body under her belt, Myra would truly shed her skin and Trey wouldn’t be able to withstand the reality of her ever again. A demon beneath the flesh, Lamia used female vessels and sexuality to bend them to her will as she continued to survive and thrive for centuries in the small town of Rockville Tennessee. With blackened, soulless eyeshadow she used her seductive charms to tempt men to their knees for her, where they would pledge their soul to her services, no matter how twisted and cruel they were. Stripped of their dignity, their clothing, their prides, the men were simply an armed muscle, Leaving the woman the truth dieties of power. Forcing the struggling of alcoholism behind him, Jake McAllister pushes his own hesitations into the foreground as his younger brother Trey becomes further troubled and less of the smart, athletic, noble boy who was shaping the family name in brighter lights. Returning home after years spent away from the cruel remarks of mother Jolene and the sharper hands of his own father and stepfathers, Jake was willing to try and save his brother from The horrors he left home.
Jake drew her hand into both of his. “I think I’m going to drink myself to death.”
As he trudged his footsteps back to his hometown, the allure of intoxication was wearing down his resolve as he tossed a year of sobriety behind him as the drinks slid easily down his throat. Falling down the slippery slope once more, fellow bartender Stu Walker took pity on Jake and welcomed him to sleep at his house, free of charge, an offer he never expected. Even more unexpected was waking up beside Kristen Walker, Stu’s niece. As the two began falling for one another as their stories entwines, horrific things are taking form in the small town. The woman are seemingly possessed by a cruel, demonic hand and the men are simply sheep at their beck and call. As mothers and sisters turn a sexual prowess towards sons and the others, several could refuse the tug of allure. For close friends of Trey, Kelsey Hargrove and Will Makeson, they watched their families turn and tilt as their murders were being planted before their eyes. Fearing the same controls that plagued Trey and his family, they fled the scene where they would quickly run into Jordan Harper. She was haunted with memories that didn’t add up correctly and a powerful lust for Bridget Flanagan, a popular girl so far removed from her league. Seeing a shift in her personality, the seduction she longed for was finally shown yet the storm was building. -
Vielleicht vermittelt die Beschreibung des Buches schon in etwa, dass der Leser hier ein wirklich besonderes Buch in den Händen hält.
Es ist brutal, es ist blutig, es ist verstörend. Aber vor allem hinterlässt es ein Gefühlschaos aus Abscheu, Anziehung, Verwirrung und Begeisterung.
Bryan Smith bietet in seinem zweiten im Festa Verlag erschienenen Roman fast nur Neues, was ich als jahrelanger Thriller- und Horrorleser noch nie zuvor geboten bekommen habe. Szenerien und Storyabläufe, die absolut nicht vorher zu sehen sind und mich immer wieder aufs Neue geschockt haben. Personen, die auf den ersten Blick nett und sympathisch wirken, werden ein paar Kapitel später zu sadistischen Perversen. Jeder in diesem Buch hat ein Geheimnis, welches der Leser nach und nach entdecken muss, ob er will, oder nicht. Und gleich zu Beginn schockte der Autor mich mit sadistischen Szenen jenseits unserer heutigen Moralvorstellungen, die ich in dieser Form keinesfalls erwartete. Ich saß nur da, und dachte: WAS GEHT JETZT HIER AB? Es war geil, aber keinesfalls für jedermann Lesegeschmack, da bin ich absolut sicher.
Ja, ihr merkt, das Buch IST anders. Es ist sehr, sehr speziell. Ich bin mir sicher, dass SEELENFRESSER entweder geliebt oder gehasst wird. Entweder man steht auf diesen SHIT oder man legt es angewidert beiseite. Ich für meinen Teil STEHE auf diesen SHIT!
Daher kann ich auch eigentlich nur eines sagen: Ihr müsst dieses Buch selbst erleben und ausprobieren! Denn jedes Wort und jede Beschreibung, was genau anders ist oder was nun genau Jake und Co. passieren, würde nur die Spannung und das Gefühlsempfindung ruinieren, welches ich beim Lesen empfand.
Es sei gesagt: Wer VERKOMMEN mochte, muss nicht zwangsläufig auch SEELENFRESSER mögen. Das Buch ist einfach völlig anders. Ich selbst empfand VERKOMMEN nicht so brutal, wie einige andere Leser es taten. Jedoch ist SEELENFRESSER viel brutaler. Demnach kann hier jeder selber entscheiden, ob er sich traut.
Wer MELLICK III und LAYMON liebt und kennt, dem muss ich dieses Buch allerdings zwingend ans Leserherz legen: Es ist sehr ähnlich abgedreht und verrückt. Ich könnte wetten, dass Smith sich ein Beispiel an die beiden verrückten Autoren nahm, während er an SEELENFRESSER schrieb. Parallelen zur Härter und besonders zur Abgedrehtheit sind nicht zu leugnen, wie ich finde. Das spricht nur für ihn, denn ich bin Fan aller drei Autoren.
Wer sich nicht sicher ist, ob SEELENFRESSER etwas für ihn ist: Schnappt euch in der Buchhandlung das Buch und lest die ersten beiden Kapitel. Danach wisst ihr, was euch erwartet. Mich haben die beiden süchtig nach dem Rest des Buches gemacht und ich war schockiert und angetan zugleich.
Diese Rezension trotzt nur so vor Begeisterung, warum aber gebe ich dann nicht volle Punktzahl?
Schwer zu sagen, dass muss ich zugeben. Ich empfand die Story besonders zum Ende hin zu überladen. Es passierte für meinen Geschmack zu viel und die Ereignisse überschlugen sich nur so. Das brachte zwar viel Action und Spannung rein, jedoch machte es mir das Finale zu lebhaft und überdrehte die sowieso schon verrückte Geschichte nochmals ein Stück weit mehr. Toll wäre hier gewesen, wenn Smith einen Gang runtergeschaltet hätte. Das Ende ist zwar genau nach meinem Geschmack – tja, mehr verrate ich da nicht – aber der Weg dorthin war mir zu ereignisreich.
… SEELENFRESSER habe ich an knapp zwei Tagen verschlungen. Da fragt man sich doch, ob Lamia da nicht ihre Hände im Spiel hatte … Oh Gott, hoffentlich nic- -
This review originally appeared in FANGORIA
SOULTAKER (Book Review)
Ghastly Reviews - Books
Written by Vince Darcangelo
Tuesday, February 10, 2009 11:46 AM
In order for a horror novel to work, the author must strike a balance between realistic and fantastic elements. Bryan Smith skews heavily toward the latter in his new release, SOULTAKER, which has moments of great imagination but too often emphasizes shock over substance.
Jake McAllister, a mildly successful horror author and recovering alcoholic, returns to his hometown of Rockville to keep his younger brother, Trey, from going down the wrong path. More specifically, to protect him from his new girlfriend, Myra, who is the head of a demonic cult that is taking over the town by seducing its men and recruiting its women.
If Russ Meyer were to pen a modern-day horror novel, it would probably be a lot like SOULTAKER. Rockville is apparently overrun with hot, sadistic, sex-obsessed females, and this includes the women that aren’t part of Myra’s cult. Nearly every chapter includes one over-the-top sex scene, to the point that it feels more like watching Cinemax than FEARnet.
There is also a lack of a strong protagonist. Jake McAllister is certainly SOULTAKER’s most compelling character, and rightly billed as the lead, but he shares the stage with a troupe of characters so large that he becomes part of an ensemble cast. The book would benefit from streamlining its shifts in perspective and focusing more on Jake’s story.
That said, there is a lot to enjoy in SOULTAKER. Smith is adept at bringing together the forces of good and evil for a final battle in the high school. Though the shifting storylines can disengage the reader early on, Smith ties them together brilliantly at the climax.
He gives us some excellent scenes along the way, such as when the adulterous principal gets his comeuppance from his fed-up wife—complete with a startling twist and a gruesomely enjoyable beheading. Then there’s a sadistic torture sequence that will make you shudder next time you face down a beer bong.
And the ending is fantastic, a combination of gore and revelation that puts the finishing touch on SOULTAKER and has me eager to read the sequel.
What came before, however, was too concerned with shock and less concerned with character. I would have loved more Jack McAllister and fewer sex scenes. But once you get past the hyperbolic horrors, this is a classic tale of a small-town haunting.
3.5 working up to 4 stars. It was very violent at the beginning and the scenes were graphic but it evened off for a good portion of the rest of the book. It then only jumped into the graphic scenes every once in a while. I liked the main character Jake and Kristen, although I kept wondering about her most of the book, whether she was good or bad. I liked the ending as I thought it was a possibility but still a good twist.
Bryan Smith is an author that I've been looking forward to reading for a while. I've been hearing a lot about him: about what a great writer he is, about how violent and sexy his stories are, about how he's beginning to get the recognition that he deserves. I'm happy to report that all of that is true. Or at least it is true from the one book of his that I've read.
SOULTAKER focuses on Jake McAllister as he comes back to the hometown that he escaped from so that he can help his younger brother Trey. Jake's abusive, drunk mother saw Trey's personality change due to his new girlfriend and thought that Jake could help. The problem is that Trey's girlfriend Myra is a centuries old demon who is looking for some fun and games before charging up by consuming a lot of souls.
The premise might send a bit cliché and it kind of is. In fact, as the climax approaches in the book, Jake recognizes and points out the same exact thing. Since he is a horror writer, yes, another cliché, he thinks the announcement of demons is a prank. The book could very easily have fallen into that pattern and simply been yet-one-more-horror-novel out there. Instead thanks to three dimensional characters with complex and interweaving story lines and a level of paranoia that infects the readers, the book and the author stand out as being quality material. For most of the book, I doubted the sincerity of one of the main characters, Kristen, and kept waiting for her to reveal her true side. I won't spoil the suspense and will keep her actions to myself but suffice to say that I believed in her as a character with complex issues. Smith is similar to Edward Lee in that the novel is filled with extensive sex and violence. It all fit within the story but if you are semi-squeamish, then you'll want to avoid this book. Otherwise, find it and read it. Now! -
The evil Lamia subverts many of the inhabitants of a small town by offering pleasures, perversions, power, and promises of eternity, but there is a price, and she is the Queen of lies. Several oppose her, including her own daughter, but can they stop an immortal being? Well written, with good characters, this was a fun read if you like gore and sex. However, I find it frustrating that almost all the characters cannot resist the intentions of evil. Would the same thing occur if an agent of good came to town. Perhaps people really are such patsies, and perhaps for the story line it is better as it was written, but I find myself annoyed that there aren't more characters who resist. Maybe this is just a weak willed sort of town.
I thought this was going to be a fast read. It ended up taking longer than I expected. There were a lot of stories being told simultaneously which all tied nicely together at the end. Definitely worth picking up and reading.
As the back cover tells, the story is about Jake, who returns home many years after escaping an abusive childhood to try and save his younger brother from a similar fate. Jake falls back into old alcohol abuse habits and starts a fast downward spiral when he meets his room-mates sister. Meanwhile, it seems the entire town is going crazy. Torture, Mutilation, Murder, Sex.