Heroes: Volume One by Tim Sale

Heroes: Volume One
Title : Heroes: Volume One
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1401217052
ISBN-10 : 9781401217051
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : 240
Publication : First published November 12, 2007

This stunning hardcover collects the amazing online comics based on the smash-hit, Emmy Award-nominated NBC show HEROES!

This volume -- featuring a cover by comics legend Alex Ross -- also includes an introduction by Masi Oka (Hiro), all 34 chapters of Season One, and Tim Sale's artwork as seen on the show. The comics included have been written and illustrated by some of comics' and television's top writers and artists, including Michael Turner, Phil Jimenez, Marcus To, and more!

Heroes: Volume One Reviews

  • Alejandro

    A cool tie-in comic book!


    Incredible (and not in a good way) how a TV series from 2006, barely a decade before, it feels that something “old”, and a proof of that was when they foolishly tried to get it back on the air in 2015, that amazingly they aired the whole 13 episodes (I wonder who wasted time watching them) since let’s be bluntly honest, Heroes in 2006 was a huge success, and it continues as so, in its second season, but definitely it began to fade at its third season and the things keep to go down on its fourth season, especially due since many of its characters were killed off or never returned (even one of them is still trapped in the future!) and they should changed the series’ title to “Sylar’s Show” since the only thing that kept the series on the air in seasons 3 & 4, it was the villain Sylar (Zachary Quinto).

    Still, Heroes was able to remained as one of the best TV hits in the first decade of the new millenium, but they tried to milk the cow again, when they were an outdated concept already.

    Heroes was something awesome to watch in 2006, when “superheroes” with modern effects was something exclusive for film theaters, so watching a bunch of guys with superpowers, but no costumes, and almost never together, and almost never doing anything remotely heroic (like saving people from a building on fire or stopping bank robbers, you know the basics), STILL was quite cool enough, back then, in 2006,…

    …but trying to “reborn” the Heroes TV series in 2015 when the audience already have: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Daredevil?

    Who wants to watch again people without costumes and without codenames, when there were already several TV series with real superheroes with costumes, codenames and kickin’ butt’ fx?

    And to add to the dumb attempt, almost nobody from the original cast returned, with some of them as just scarce cameos…

    …No Cheerleader? No Peter Petrelli? No Nikki? NO THANKS!

    Still, we can remember with fondness those two really cool Seasons 1 & 2 of Heroes

    …and from those cool seasons are these complement stories in this first book!


    DC Comics understood that if Heroes (when it was cool in 2006) were supposed to be comic book-like heroes in a live-action TV show…

    …they deserve to be in a comic book!

    Actually, their short stories were presented online on webcomics, under the supervisión of Wildstorm (now part of DC Universe) and later DC Comics published in gorgeous hardcover editions, that since at momento Heroes was still popular, I didn’t doubt to buy the two volumes on their first printing hardcover editions.

    And I still enjoy to read them, since they were about Heroes when still you have the cool characters and presenting tales never shown on TV, telling about moments before the series, or in-between episodes!

    Featuring a legion of writers and illustrators where you can find top names like Alex Ross (the cover), Michael Turner and Tim Sale.

    Certainly, if you enjoyed at least the seasons 1 &2 of Heroes, you’ll enjoy this volume!

  • TL

    Nearly forgot I had read this and hadn't reviewed it till Stephanie told me she was watching the show and loving it (I was obsessed with it till certain things happened in season two... vague memories, I know I was pissed though) and it brought to mind when I had read this.

    Memory is hazy, but I remember devouring this very quickly. This was my first time reading a graphic novel but it didn't disappoint :). Big smile on my face the entire time, mom thought I was nuts haha.

    Looking at the sample on amazon to refresh my memory, the artwork is pretty decent and you can hear the voices of Mohinder and the rest inside your head. It was/is a neat tie-in to the show, worth the money for me at the time.

    Re-watching the first season now for nostalgia purposes, still in love with Mohinder and Hiro :-D

    Give it a shot, it may surprise you, happy reading!

  • Brooke

    I always intended on reading this (a collection of all 34 webcomics from the first season of Heroes) right after it was released. Two more seasons of Heroes went by before I randomly picked it up while browsing my library's graphic novel selection, and I'm rather glad I waited.

    It's generally known that seasons 2 and 3 of the show haven't been very well received by fans. I didn't come down quite as hard on them as many fans did, although I no longer looked forward to it with impatient eagerness. It even took me until the middle of June to finally get around to watching the last three episodes of season 3.

    This webcomic collection took me back to when the show and characters were mysterious and a joy to watch. Seeing Eden and DL again was nice, although it just reminded me what a shame it was that we lost THEM and then got subjected to the annoying twins who killed everyone with their stupid eye power. Every webcomic gives another layer to the show; they're not necessary for enjoying the show, but it's cool seeing extra backstory in the comic medium. One character who we met only briefly on the show, Hana Gitelman, gets fleshed out with a full story that really should have made it to the screen.

    The writers did a good job with this, and I'm planning on seeking out the next volume, even though it covers parts of the series that I liked less.

  • Bregje

    It was great getting to see a little more of the characters from the tv show. I would have liked it to focus a little more on the major characters though, because they just interest me more than some of the minor characters that were featured. There was no clear overarching plot in this volume, but it was still very enjoyable. I would not recommend reading it if you have not seen the show.

  • Amy

    I absolutely loved this and it really just made me want to re-watch Heroes!!

  • Su

    O primeiro impacto que tive com este livro foi de desilusão, não propriamente pela qualidade do seu conteúdo, mas porque tinha uma expectativa completamente diferente daquilo que este seria. A culpa foi sem dúvida minha pois este deixa muito claro aquilo a que se propõe. No entanto, não deixou de ser, pelo menos num primeiro momento, um balde de água fria.

    Heroes foi a série que me fez apaixonar por séries! Foi a primeira que me deixou colada ao ecrã completamente em pulgas para saber o que aconteceria na semana seguinte. Considero a primeira temporada genial e apesar da curva decrescente da qualidade a partir daí mantém-se uma das minhas séries favoritas até hoje. Alguns anos depois desta terminar, ofereceram-me esta banda desenhada que, devido à sua capa com os heróis da série na primeira temporada, eu assumi, erradamente, tratar-se de uma adaptação para graphic novel do enredo já desenvolvido na série. Deixei então para ler mais tarde, quando tivesse vontade de revisitar este universo. Sendo anunciada recentemente a nova mini série, Heroes Reborn, que daria continuidade à série original, pensei que tinha chegado finalmente o momento ideal para relembrar a história. Podem então imaginar a minha desilusão ao abrir o livro e aperceber-me que este afinal consiste em pequenos eventos soltos de 5 ou 6 páginas cada um, que se passam fora das telas com diferentes personagem para completar o conteúdo da série, o qual para mim já está um pouco distante, tendo a série terminado há mais de 5 anos e a primeira temporada com que o livro se relaciona há mais de 8!

    No início as histórias estavam mesmo muito independentes e corridas. Eu compreendo que o objectivo era complementar a série semanalmente enquanto esta era exibida na TV, e até considero a ideia muito interessante e original. No entanto, lidos de forma autónoma, a maior parte dos episódios da BD não me cativaram porque estavam muito desconectados e eu já não conseguia associar bem o seu conteúdo com o da TV que vi há tantos anos. Tudo isto, aliado ao facto de eu nunca ter gostado de contos, mais ainda me dificultou apreciar estes acontecimentos tão curtos! Uma das coisas que me agradou na série na altura foi como histórias de pessoas inicialmente sem qualquer relação, se conectam de forma tão formidável, e aqui isso não estava a acontecer. As personagens eram imensas, sempre diferentes a cada nova história, e não contactávamos com elas tempo suficiente para nos apegarmos.

    Mais para o meio, uma das narrativas destacou-se, também porque tinha várias partes, tornando-se, desta forma, mais completa e coesa, e funcionando também um pouco como a cola que interliga levemente os restantes acontecimentos, até aqui aparentemente soltos, de alguns dos outros personagens. Foi a única com princípio, meio e fim e aquela que conseguiu prender a minha atenção no desenrolar dos acontecimentos e finalmente cativar-me na leitura. Foi a história da Hana Gitleman! Não tinha qualquer recordação desta personagem na série, então, qual não foi o meu espanto, quando vou pesquisar e descubro que ela não só existia na série Heroes, como era interpretada pela Stana Katic, a detective Kate Beckett da série Castle, uma das minhas favoritas actualmente! Esta personagem e a sua história salvaram o livro para mim e acabei por apreciar a leitura, embora não tanto como gostaria.

    Em suma, achei a ideia louvável, acredito que com o intuito com que foi desenvolvida, esta obra é muito criativa e estimulante, mas eu desconhecendo este factor, li-a claramente fora do momento ideal. Gostei muito da parte gráfica e fui capaz de apreciar as histórias, infelizmente não tanto como poderia ter usufruído delas se tivesse lido como um complemento aos eventos da série na altura que a acompanhei.

  • Julianna

    Reviewed for
    THC Reviews
    "4.5 stars" I’m a big fan of the Heroes TV show, and actually bought this graphic novel for my husband way back when the show was still airing. I’m not sure if he ever read it, but I didn’t. When we recently started re-watching the series, I figured it was a good time to finally take a look at Heroes: Volume One. It wasn't quite what I was expecting, but as it turns out, that’s not a bad thing. Before picking it up, I thought that the entire book was a graphic novelization of an original story that takes place within the Heroes world. In reality, it’s a collections of thirty-four short web comics that were originally available for free online to fans of the show. Each one is only about five to six pages long, although some of the stories span multiple “episodes.” I’d estimate around half the stories are stand-alones that are little more than vignettes, giving some tidbit of information on a particular character’s background or giving some additional insights into something that happened in one of the Season 1 episodes. Some are more interesting than others, but for fans of the show, they’re all enlightening on some level.

    However, it was the multi-comic story arcs that I found most intriguing. There was a six-part story titled “War Buddies” that gives insights into the connection between Linderman and the Petrelli family that was really good. But my favorite was the four-part story titled “Wireless.” It gives the entire backstory on Hana Gitelman, a character whose mind can connect with any electronic device. She was only seen in two episodes of the show, but she ended up playing a pretty big role not only in her stories, but several others in this book. Even though she was only a minor characters in the series, by the time I finished reading Heroes: Volume One, I felt like I knew her pretty well.

    There were a team of writers and artists who put these stories together and whose skill levels varied. Some I liked better than others. I’ve already mentioned some of the stories I liked the best, but as for the artwork, I’d have to say my favorite artist was Jason Badower. His drawings were phenomenal, in part, because he drew the characters to look exactly like the actors who portrayed them. Eg. I turned a page and was blown away to see a perfect portrait of Stana Katic, who played Hana in the show.

    Overall, this was a great collection for fans of the Heroes TV show. Since the comics are mostly filling in blanks in the shows episodes, I’m not sure how much they would be enjoyed by someone who hasn’t seen the TV series or who isn’t a fan. They’re definitely geared more toward someone who is watching the show and then following along with the graphic novels. But for anyone who loves Heroes, the TV show, Heroes: Volume One is an insightful must-have add-on. Although there were numerous web comics published online at the time the show aired, it appears those are no longer available, and there was only one other volume besides this one that was published in print. I’ll definitely be picking that one up at some point too.

  • El Templo

    "Héroes hace tiempo que ha dejado de ser una mera serie de televisión para pasar a ser todo un fenómeno, como les sucedió a sus predecesoras de cadena “Perdidos” o “House”. Planeta de Agostini saca ahora el comic oficial de la Primera temporada. Una recopilación de 34 historietas cortas (la más larga ocupa 5 hojas) con fragmentos de la serie que tuvieron que ser excluidos en el rodaje. Nikky, Hiro, Claire, Mohinder… regresan en forma de dibujos para completar los pequeños huecos que la trama de la serie pudo dejar entre escena y escena y que permite, a los seguidores, entender con mayor precisión algunos acontecimientos ocurridos en la primera temporada. Sigue leyendo la reseña en

  • Donald Armfield

    My wife and I watched the TV series; dedicated watchers. This is one of those that turn out "The book is always better than movie" although its a graphic novel.

    One character (not in show) Wireless. She has the power of reading wireless waves; text messages, emails and computer connect online.

    The comics are quick to the point. It doesn't drag out with long periods of unneeded information. Side characters are brought in that were not really touched on in show. Overall if you seen show this a MUST READ! planning on watching show read as well, may help you understand what's going on better.

  • Jennifer

    I absolutely loved the show and when I finished it, I wasn't ready to let go so I figured I needed to read the comics. This one didn't really do much for me. There were sections that I enjoyed because it gave a nice back story to the characters (namely Petrelli & Linderman) but to me it didn't seem to differ enough from the show as I was expecting it to. It seemed to be more of a recap of what we already knew with a bit of extra thrown in. That big said, Volume 2 is much better, in my opinion and differs quite substantially from the show.

  • Rob

    Alone this book would make very little sense, but if you have watched all of the Heroes series on tv this is a very good addition to the storylines that got confusing throughout the series, This Graphic novel helps to fill in many of the blanks giving a better idea as to what was happening. For me personally I would give it a much higher rating, but for someone who has not seen the series, I did not think it was fair. My rating stands, This was a good read. Together books and series I would rate all five stars.

  • George

    Great artwork and nice supporting story to the television series make this worth the read. The backstory revolving around Wireless is the most interesting to me, and as a big fan of the series, I thoroughly enjoyed this. It's basically a compilation of the first comics to appear on the Heroes website, intended to supplement the episodes, so if you've read those, there's nothing new here.

  • Laura

    I finished Heroes early January last year and I loved it so much. I had binge watched the whole thing. It wasn't until a couple of days ago that I found this, and totally freaked. I wasn't sure I would like it since I've never read a graphic novel before, but I'm so glad I did. The art was beautiful and there were scenes from the show and I just loved it so much.

  • Sarah

    I think I need to start this show because this plot is awesome!

  • Claudia - BookButterflies

    Meine erste Graphic Novel und ich fand sie super - tolle (sehr erwachsene) Zeichnungen! Allerdings nur für Heroes-Fans bzw. Leute, die die Serie damals geschaut haben. Oder noch schauen wollen (Netflix hat sie). Ich habe die Serie damals geliebt, weshalb ich die Comic-Sammlung jetzt auch toll fand. Als die Serie damals lief wurden online jede Woche kleine Comics a 5-8 Seiten veröffentlich, u die Story noch detaillierter zu zeigen, Handlungen zu ergänzen oder auch neue Charaktere zu zeigen, die in der Serie keinen Platz gefunden haben. Diese alle noch einmal als "Sammelband" herauszubringen ist eine super Idee! Ich weiß nicht ob ich mir Vol. 2 noch zulege, weil es schon eher ein Sammelobjekt ist.... Leider gibt es das auch nur bei Amazon.com... und der Zoll schlägt ordentlich zu Buche - Autschi ^^

  • Malcolm Cox

    This volume is chock full of brilliant little stories that either slot in between specific scenes from the show or provide a little backstory or continuation for a character or scenario. Each story is incredibly short, but nicely tells their tail. The afterword does say that these stories were written so that those who have not watched the show could still enjoy them, but I would say it is a definite advantage to have seen it. Most of the characters from season one do get a focus, though the Petrelli family do take a back seat. The highlight story arc for me featured Wireless, a character who was on screen for about 1 second. Her story was told over several chapters and it's a real shame she didn't get to feature more in the show. A really enjoyable companion to the world of Heroes. The art is pretty good too, with each story featuring one of Isaac's paintings.

  • Rachel Sperber

    I had no idea this additional Heroes content was available, so when I saw this book on the shelves at a thrift store, I had to pick it up to commemorate one of my favorite TV shows. Heroes used to be the show I’d sit down to watch every week and shush my family when they were being too loud. I loved the premise and the interesting characters. This bonus content, going into existing characters so beloved in the show and then delving into new characters, was a great experience. I’m happy to have some Heroes fandom on my shelf and this artwork is stunning. There’s some really quality storytelling happening in this graphic novel. If you were a fan of the show while it was on air, this is a fun flashback.

  • Wael Koubeissy

    I wanted to give this book 4 well deserved stars for the beautiful graphics and the great work but one thing changed my mind, the book is called heroes and it's about heroes with super powers, but guess who these heroes are? An Israeli girl who is, according to the book, the daughter of another "hero" who was a pilot and killed Arabs and Palestinians in the six days war, and Hanna, the recent "hero" wants to revenge her mother and grand mother who were killed by... yea you guessed it right, another terrorist Palestinian. Another heroes from the book are American soldiers who fight communist bad people in Vietnam and exterminate a whole village of farmers. This book is full of shit and reflects the stupid point of view of oppressors who destroy and occupy other people's lands and then play the victim. the one point is for the beautiful graphics, other than that, get the fuck over yourselves, heroes my ass!

  • Tiffany Zhao

    My god! I picked this up thinking it'd be a graphic novel adaptation of the TV series but it's a compilation of 34 completely new stories! These web comics were launched every week together with the show to give the episode more background & as a little treat for fanboys (and girls).

    I don't like to be tethered to a TV at certain hours. I'd much rather wait for the season to be over & rent the DVD, so it's great that I still get the chance to read these comics.

    A MUST-read for Heroes fans! I think some of them should have been expanded into the episodes - Eg, Issac's first revelation that he's painting the future, how Linderman and Petrelli (Senior) first met during the war.

  • Redfox5

    This is a beautifully illustrated graphic novel in full colour. I actually thought this was a retelling of season one but in graphic novel form, however this was made to be a companion to the series, read between the episodes.

    Unfortunately it's been so long since I watched Heroes and I hardly remember anything about it. I did like some of the stories but some I just couldn't get into as I just couldn't remember how they fit into the story.

    I would recommend this if you were a big fan of Heroes or if you are currently watching it.

  • Danielle Routh

    Heroes was one of the few shows that actually permeated my homeschool bubble, even if I didn't watch it. I knew it was a hit and that the writers' strike ruined it somehow. I didn't realize these comics were ancillary to the show itself instead of standing alone, so I was pretty lost for the most part. They're interesting and engrossing, but it's just hard to keep everyone straight without having watched the show.

  • Graham Barrett

    (Read in 2008, review from 2023)

    Remember when "Heroes" was a thing? I do, I liked the 1st season well enough (although it never reached the heights of Lost), was ambivalent about Season 2, and didn't bother finishing Season 3.

    This volume collects a series of webcomics that were released before/after each episode of the first season. Some were decent, some explained away things that happened off screen and some were completely pointless. Can't really recommend this to anyone.

  • Rosalynn Maahs Daigle

    I really enjoyed the side stories given to us here. Watching the show was a great pastime cor me when I was younger and I never read the comics that went along with them before. I found this book at some type of book sale and it's been on my shelf for 5 year or so. Thought now would be the best time to read it. :)

  • Daniela Lopes ☕

    It is incredible to relive one of the series that most marked my adolescence. What is the consequence? I went back to researching the series on the Internet, and started watching some episodes again.
    What a good feeling!
    However, as book, I wanted more - it's a good complement, but as an individual book, I wanted more, much more, to understand each plot, each story and personality trait.

  • Haley Shinzu

    Everyone has a past, right? In this graphic novel you get to learn about a lot of different characters. The installments are at a good length which held my attention through the entire volume. I enjoyed being able to read each installment and learn more about each character. I would recommend this for people who have seen the show Heroes or like superheroes in general.

  • Joseph Dinas

    This is a very fun series of plot lines that eventually tie together, similar to the show in that way. The art is very good and modern looking. I was interested in the path most of the characters were going on. I feel there were a few characters that also were not in the show as well. Filled with many gripping and exciting stories!

  • Dimitra

    Wow! Nostalgia... I have to continue watching the series after this!
    I loooved it! Great artwork, small stories that connect to each other, awesome plot.
    Even though I am not a DC fan, this was amazing and fun to read!