Title | : | Pemberley Mistletoe |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 253 |
Publication | : | Published December 1, 2015 |
Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy had enjoyed a fortnight of being totally irresponsible with regards to anything other than matters of the heart, but the honeymoon is over, and Christmas is sneaking up on them. With the assistant of Mrs. Reynolds, Elizabeth decorates the manor and plans for an intimate holiday party of six, but little does she know how upside down those plans will turn when the party ends up with an additional thirteen uninvited guests.
Will Elizabeth Darcy be able to blend the Darcy and Bennet traditions into a holiday that both she and Fitzwilliam can enjoy, and can she do it while so many women are in attendance waiting for her to mess up?
Pemberley Mistletoe Reviews
This was a delightful book! If you haven't read Pride and Prejudice, don't worry, you will still love this Christmas book.
The Darcys have only been married a few weeks when their invited and uninvited family Christmas guests began to arrive. And there will be now 17 in all, then unfortunately more arrive to cause more chaos.
How will the Darcy, Fitzwilliam and Bennets survive together for two weeks?
Enjoyed the story -
Kindle freebie 21/3/14
Originally posted on My Kids led Me Back to Pride & Prejudice
This is Ayr Bray's six and most recent JAFF book and my first introduction to her work. At 158 pages this was a short read for me, yet it was just right, after all, how long can you stretch Christmas, well forever if I had my way!
This book immediately ticked all the boxes, written in regency prose, Darcy and Elizabeth happily married and all encompassed in the festive holiday of Christmas!
It is Darcy & Elizabeth's first Christmas and they are choosing their first Christmas tree together, within the grounds of Pemberley. This of course is followed by a little snow fight initiated by Elizabeth! Obviously preparations must be made and witnessing Elizabeth's interactions with Mrs Reynolds is always a delight and of course Mrs Reynolds is the kind and helpful person we all expect her to be. Darcy shows what I call his stiff side and adheres to propriety, even sneaking out of Elizabeth's room in the morning less he be spotted by the maid. Yet he breaks with propriety at the most unexpected times, when his happiness cannot be contained and he wants to show Elizabeth his affection (don't you just love him!).
"The two were nearing the end of their conversation and dividing the tasks when Fitzwilliam was noticed leaning against the doorway, watching his wife. That man will never tire of watching his wife, thought Mrs. Reynolds". -Ayr Bray
The first of the guests to arrive are the Bingleys and Jane and Charles seem really happy together, close upon their heels are the uninvited Bennets. The only guests that remain to arrive are the Colonel and Georgiana or at least that is what the Darcy's believe. With a few more unexpected guests due to arrive, their first Christmas will finally be complete, we all know Christmas is not Christmas unless there is a little family drama, Christmas would most certainly be dull without it (wow did I just use Christmas four times in that last sentence?).
Mrs Bennet is more outrageous and embarrassing as ever, kitty sounds just like Lydia, oh dear and Mr Bennet as usual does not see fit to check them or his wife!
The Matlocks make a surprise appearance and I am pretty sure it is just to get a chance at observing Elizabeth in her new role as mistress of Pemberley. Lord Fitzwilliam, his wife and their delightful children accompany them and they are such a lovely family. Things start to take a turn for the worst when Mrs Bennet begins to offend people. However she is not the only one as Anne turns up after escaping Rosings only to be followed by Lady Catherine, let the fun times commence. I must say I take my hat off to Lady Catherine, first she travels all the way to Hertfordshire to confront Elizabeth and now Pemberley to confront Anne. She certainly is a formidable lady, to travel the length and breadth of England to make her sentiments known!
"yes, Lizzy, make sure you put on your red dress. It is quite festive and looks so well with your hair. I am sure your Mr. Darcy will approve.” “Mamma,” Elizabeth scolded as she held the door open, ready to leave, “I need not wear a specific gown to catch my husband’s approval. He and I are already married. Besides, he approves of all my gowns.” “Do not be so sure, Lizzy. You have only been married a few short weeks, and Mr. Darcy does not yet have an heir. You had best retain his notice, or he is apt to send you packing and find himself a better wife.” “Mother!” - Ayr Bray
Anne has a secret admirer and luckily for him she feels the same way. I love stories that expand on Anne because we do not really know much about her and she is a character I feel dearly for. We all love Darcy, hell half the ton does, why he's a handsome and most sort after bachelor, So how must Anne have felt when he did not want to marry her? If it was me I would never be able to live down the shame and rejection considering lady Catherine's sentiments were probably known throughout the land. But did Anne want Darcy? Who wouldn't, yet if they had a good relationship as cousins maybe they had no desire and had agreed previously they would not marry. Either way P&P never lets us know, which is why I would like Anne to have a happy ending, she must have some compensation.
The drama that unfolds is quite entertaining and at times it reads like a comedy, I often found myself laughing and cringing on Elizabeth's behalf. Lord Matlock puts Lady Catherine in her place, the Colonel makes a hasty departure, the Bingley's have an announcement and a family secret that if not uncovered, seeks to destroy Anne's one chance at happiness.
“No, it is not a surprise, but no matter how expected she is, it does not change the fact that in five minutes I will wish she had not come.” “Five minutes!” Fitzwilliam chuckled. “You are gracious. I wish her gone already.” Taking a deep calming breath, Fitzwilliam indicated that the butler should open the door . His Timing was impeccable, for a raving Lady Catherine De Bourgh came storming in. -Ayr Bray
I regret to say that this is the second book this month that has made me dislike my favourite couple, first it was Mr Darcy in Rocks in the Stream and now it's Elizabeth in Pemberley Mistletoe! What I like most about JAFF novels is that although the story is different the characters are usually there in the essentials. I do not mind traits being exaggerated like Darcy's haughtiness or Mr Collins ridiculousness or Mr Wickham's scandalous behaviour. The ability to predict how a character may act is essential to the story's believability. Mrs Bennet was over the top and Elizabeth was forced to bring her mother to order. How Elizabeth addressed this did not sit well with me, not only was it unlike her but I do not believe that she would act thus, if not for herself but out of sheer respect for her elders. Not only did she give her mother more than one set down, they were not done in private. It was unbearable to see her father grovel and Elizabeth was quite happy to ask her mother to leave Pemberley and take up residence in the Inn at Lambton!!!!! You may disagree, but I did not like to see such a side to Elizabeth.
Nonetheless my dislike of Elizabeth at times, did not detract from the overall enjoyment of the story, which also incorporated some of the famous lines from P&P, surprisingly spoken by another couple other than Darcy and Elizabeth! Pemberley Mistletoe is an entertaining and original read. Darcy and Elizabeth are my favourite couple and this story is set at my favourite time of the year! -
Pemberley Mistletoe è il romanzo austeniano che avevo scelto da leggere per il periodo natalizio.
Purtroppo non mi è piaciuto granché, anche se lo stile è molto semplice ed accattivante e spinge a continuare la lettura.
La storia è ambientata circa tre settimane dopo il matrimonio di Lizzy e Darcy, che stanno preparando la tenuta di Pemberley per l'imminente Natale, durante il quale ospiteranno i Bingley, Fitzwillian e Georgiana.
Ma presto, l'incubo "festivo" di qualsiasi coppia si avvera per i due teneri sposini: sia aggiungono ai loro ospiti, infatti, non invitati, dapprima i coniugi Bennet, Kitty e Mary, poi i Matlok, con figlio, moglie e tre nipotini, ancora Anne, ed infine, ciliegina sulla torta, la terribile zia Catherine De Bourgh.
La situazione si pone tra il comico ed il tragico, ma per fortuna tutto andrà per il meglio, grazie soprattutto ad Elizabeth, perfetta padrona di casa, al sostegno di Darcy, e all'aiuto della cara Mrs Reynolds.
Alcune scene sono molto carine e dolci, come quelle che raccontano dell'amicizia tra Georgiana, Kitty e Mary, o lo scambio di regali ed auguri tra i padroni di casa e i loro affittuari.
Per il resto, ho trovato davvero fuori luogo le continue allusioni sessuali presenti all'inizio della storia (non credo proprio che durante la Reggenza fosse così facile parlarne, neppure tra marito e moglie), o il modo estremo in cui è stata caratterizzata la signora Bennet, fino ad un certo punto così insopportabile da essere addirittura cacciata via di casa dalla propria figlia.
Fulcro del racconto è però la storia d'amore tra Anne e il colonnello Fitzwilliam.
Scappata di casa, Anne si reca a Pemberley per vedere l'uomo che ama e cercare di comprendere se sia da lui riamata. Anche in questo caso, come in altri sequel di Orgoglio e Pregiudizio, Anne ha finto di soffrire di uno stato di salute cagionevole, soprattutto per difendersi dalla propria madre, e, a quanto pare, gode di ottima salute.
Come per le allusioni di cui ho parlato poco prima, ho trovato inadeguato rispetto al tempo in cui è ambientato il romanzo, il fatto che Anne si dichiari al colonnello, o che lo baci di proposito in pubblico davanti alla propria madre, contraria all'unione, e a tutto il resto della famiglia.
Anche Catherine De Bourgh, così come la signora Bennet, è secondo me descritta in modo da peggiorare estremamente tutti i lati peggiori del suo carattere: non posso credere che il suo personaggio sarebbe capace di mandare intenzionalmente Rosings Park in rovina, o di mentire spudoratamente a sua figlia, riguardo al testamento paterno, solo per vendicarsi su di lei per il fatto di aver avuto un matrimonio senza amore (che sarebbe capace di mentire per controllarla, invece, sarebbe di certo più credibile).
Perfino il modo in cui il colonnello Fitzwilliam la caccia via da quella che è stata per decenni la sua casa mi è sembrato veramente inopportuno. Pare quasi che tutta la faccenda sia stata scritta per permettere una sorta di piccola "vendetta" a tutti quei lettori che avevano odiato profondamente la De Bourgh nel romanzo originale.
La storia mi ha quindi deluso molto, ho impiegato più del dovuto per leggerla e non si è rivelata il piacevole racconto che cercavo.
Speriamo nel prossimo Natale...
http://iltesorodicarta.blogspot.it/ -
Pemberley Mistletoe
Story of Darcy and Elizabeth's first Christmas celebration at Pemberley. The guests included Jane, Charles, Colonel Fitzwilliam, and Georgiana. By the time the first group arrived the Bennet family has wormed their way into an invitation: Mother, Father, Mary, and Kitty, the letter for Jane arriving fifteen minutes before the carriage. Havoc starts almost the minute the family enters the door. A stern Darcy tells his mother-in-law that she cannot insult Lizzy. The next family calamity happens when Mary and Kitty are pushing each other through the hall. One falls into the table holding a vase of flowers. All Mrs. Bennet shares is that Darcy is rich enough that can afford more vases not realizing that it was the last vase given her mother before she died. The next morning, the Darcys receive a letter from Georgiana telling them that Fitzwilliam's have also invited themselves: Aunt and Uncle Matlock, James Fitzwilliam, his wife Roslynd , and their three children. So our distressed newlyweds planning on a quite Christmas holiday having a total of six guests, now have seventeen. Best is yet to come. Lady Anne de Bourgh shows up alone because she is in love with Richard and wants an agreement between them. As they make their commitment, Lady Catherine arrives in a snit. Words are exchanged, Sir Lewis de Bourgh's Willis requested, and Catherine is beside herself. She has run the estate into the ground, Richard returns to a military mission, and the Darcys, the Matlocks return to Rosings with Anne. Things are set right when Richard returns. Lady Catherine is much displeased. -
Don't wait for Christmas to enjoy this lovely romance! The Darcys, Bingleys, and a new family couple work through various family issues to continue on their happily ever romances. Very entertaining!
I love to read Christmasy books at Christmas, and what could be more fun than some Pride and Prejudice fan fiction? Is that what this is considered? I mean who loves that story and hasn't imagined what came next?
Christmas at Pemberley, what could be nicer. Well that seems to be the popular thought as relatives abound at Pemberley for the holidays. Darcy and Elizabeth have a house full of guest expected and unexpected.
I rarely read fan fiction, but I quite enjoyed this. I felt the author did a good job of capturing Jane Austen's characters and writing style.
Great way to spend my Christmas vacation... Visiting my favorite characters reading Pemberley Mistletoe. A nice P&P sequel.
Very enjoyable!
I really liked this spin of my favorite story, and most of all, Lady Catherine's fate. Great for an agreeable distraction! -
When Lizzy & Darcy's first Christmas at Pemberley goes from a small intimate family affair to a familial invasion Lizzy gets stressed. Mrs. Bennet is really unlikable in this short book.