Title | : | The Dragon Who Dared (Henry The Brave \u0026 Hubert The Happy Book 1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 18 |
Publication | : | First published April 11, 2013 |
A delightfully illustrated tale of Hubert the Horrible, a dragon who dares to be different. High in the dark mountains, Hubert dreams of giving up his dragony ways, and playing joyfully with the children in the village in the valley instead of eating them for breakfast.Will Hubert find the courage to put aside what others think and say, and follow their dreams?A short and poignant tale with a purpose - to teach little ones that they are created to be just who they are - not what someone else thinks they should be.It is a lesson in overcoming peer pressure, and knowing that it is ok to follow your dream, even if others may not understand.
The Dragon Who Dared (Henry The Brave \u0026 Hubert The Happy Book 1) Reviews
Review as stated by my five year old
I like the Dragon book because the Dragon had to be brave but being brave doesn't always mean fighting or being mean. and he was a nice Dragon. -
A fun story my son had me read to him about a knight and a dragon raising ...well read it to find out!