Title | : | Peter Pan Must Die (Dave Gurney, #4) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0385348401 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780385348409 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 440 |
Publication | : | First published November 7, 2013 |
Awards | : | Nero Award (2015) |
The daunting task that confronts Gurney, once the NYPD’s top homicide cop: determining the guilt or innocence of a woman already convicted of shooting her charismatic politician husband -- who was felled by a rifle bullet to the brain while delivering the eulogy at his own mother’s funeral.
Peeling back the layers, Gurney quickly finds himself waging a dangerous battle of wits with a thoroughly corrupt investigator, a disturbingly cordial mob boss, a gorgeous young temptress, and a bizarre assassin whose child-like appearance has earned him the nickname Peter Pan.
Startling twists and turns occur in rapid-fire sequence, and soon Gurney is locked inside one of the darkest cases of his career – one in which multiple murders are merely the deceptive surface under which rests a scaffolding of pure evil. Beneath the tangle of poisonous lies, Gurney discovers that the truth is more shocking than anyone had imagined.
And the identity of the villain at the mystery’s center turns out to be the biggest shock of all.
Peter Pan Must Die (Dave Gurney, #4) Reviews
In my search to find a crime fiction series that might approach the quality of those penned by Michael Connelly, James Lee Burke, John Sandford and Donna Leon I’ve found myself steadily working my way through John Verdon’s books, featuring ex-NYPD homicide detective Dave Gurney. This is book 4 and I’ve so far been impressed by both the quality of the character development (a key component for me if I’m going to keep coming back for more) and the inventiveness of his plots. At the core of the books is Dave, a studious problem solver who you know would be significantly happier left alone with a Rubik’s Cube than he would be mixing with friends at a party. In fact, I’m struggling to see Dave having friends that he’d catch up with on a regular basis. He does, however, posses the reputation of being the NYPD’s star homicide detective of all time, with a case clearance rate of incomparable status. Now, having retired and moved to a small holding in rural upstate New York, he seems to spend most of his time sparring with his wife, Madeleine, and attempting to avoid carrying out chores and fixing minor problems around their property. The additional regular characters are Dave’s son by a first marriage and an ex-colleague who keeps cajoling Dave into helping him investigate and solve strange, challenging cases.
In this book, Dave is asked to look at case involving a rich businessman who was shot dead whilst attending his mother’s funeral. The wife of the deceased has already been locked up for the murder but there now seems to be some doubt as to whether she committed the crime. In truth, it does take a long time for this to get going. The first half of the book (and it’s not a short one, at around 450 pages or over 15 hours of audio) is spent running through the events leading up to the conviction and then Dave’s meticulous re-investigation of the same. It’s pretty tedious at times. But the book does come alive in the second half as slowly Dave starts to pick at the detail of the case and unearth some surprises – okay, better late than never! Now the possibility of an alternative, complex murder plot is introduced and the overall energy level of the story increases significantly. The final section of the book is great and ends with major set-piece finale that is frantic and exciting.
So it’s a book of two halves and I can’t help feeling that the first half could have been trimmed somewhat. It’s the nature of this series that the devil is in the detail so there is going to be some element of having to wade through the minutiae, but there really is too much faffing about here. So, is it worth toiling through the heavy going first part of the book to reap the rewards to come? Yes, I think so. It is all very clever (if slightly improbable) and I really did enjoy the second half of the book: a five-star finish to a two-star warm up.
I’m going to be kind and award it 4 stars overall, and that’s primarily because I’ve grown to like the characters so much. There’s definitely a good deal more exploration of Dave and Madeleine’s relationship in this book with the ongoing side-story concerning the death of their young son some years back being visited in more detail than before. The way the pair deal with this tragedy is dealt with sympathetically and convincingly and I want to see how their relationship continues to play out. And then there’s the imaginative plotting, which I’ve compared before to Jeffery Deaver. These elements lift this series above the norm and though I wouldn’t yet state that Verdon is up there with the very finest contemporary crime fiction writers, at his best I really don’t think he’s too far behind. -
His first was 5 stars. Imaginative, puzzling, witty.
His second was 4 stars. Entertaining, but not quite the puzzle.
His third I gave 3 stars. Seemed like he'd put in at least 15K unnecessary words.
Down to two on this one. Another rather tiresome-serial-killer tale including a "good guy" who f*&^ing can't speak more than four f*%^#ing words in a row without f(^$ing being f&%$#ing tediously profane.
Endless recapping of grisly scenes and details. Constant inner dialogue rehashed and rehashed. I really sped through the final chapters. There was a very dramatic and unexpected detail in the final apocolypse, but hardly worth the read.
So sad a comedown from THINK OF A NUMBER. -
Encima de la rosa,
Es un libro descomunal. Mi caso favorito de mi detective favorito, David Gurney. Es sumamente enigmático y tiene un ritmo electrizante. Pistas, testimonios, hechos, secretos, y nada de eso concuerda; hasta se contradice.
un ramillete posa,
cenizas, cenizas,
y todos caen.
Me gustaría considerarme un buscador de la verdad, pero probablemente sólo soy un pescador de mentiras.
Obviamente está presente lo que caracteriza a las novelas de Verdon, el factor imposible literal. Es excelente.
Gurney se quedó paralizado un momento. Notó ese extraño hormigueo que le recorría cuando creía estar poniendo los pies donde un asesino los había puesto, viendo en buena parte lo que el asesino había visto.
Si tengo que elegir mi asesino favorito de todos los libros de misterio que leí, elijo a Petros Panikos, alias Peter Pan. Es tan descabellado, inteligente, perspicaz, el mejor de los mejores.
Lo más importante, lo que tiene que saber de él es que son dos personas. Una es precisa, exacta, completamente segura. La otra es un loco de atar.
Lean la saga de Gurney, les va a encantar. -
Mejora con respecto al tercer libro de Verdon (Deja en paz al diablo) volviéndose a poner a la altura de los dos primeros. Gurney haciendo lo que mejor sabe hacer, el caso es muy potente y el asesino lo es aún más. Adictivo.
Αυτοι που λένε οτι έγραψε περιπου 200 σελιδες παραπάνω από ότι χρειαζόταν έχουν δίκιο.
Κατά τα άλλα το τέλος μου άρεσε! -
2,5 / 5
Yine aynı şey 🙄 Kitabın başindan sonuna ip uçları bul, onları takip et, mantığa oturt ama sonunda kendini aptalca tehlikeye sokmadan katili bulama 😒 Üstelik de bu kitap gereksizce uzatılmıştı. Gurney'in 4 kitaptır süren degismeyen, aynı iç hesaplaşmaları, karısıyla durumları da sıktı artık. -
Πριν ξεκινήσω το συγκεκριμένο βιβλίο του Verdon,διάβαζα κάποια 'παράπονα' αναγνωστών για τον όγκο του,και πως άνετα θα μπορούσε να αφηγηθεί την ιστορία του ακόμα και με -2οο σελίδες.
Τελειώνοντάς το όμως,έχω να πω πως προσωπικά το απόλαυσα. Η ιστορία ουσιαστικά αποτελείται από δύο μέρη: αρχικά, ο Ντέιβ Γκάρνεϊ μπλέκεται άθελά του στην υπόθεση απλά για να μπορέσει η κατηγορουμένη για το φόνο να ζητήσει έφεση. Αυτό θα έπρεπε να είναι εύκολο και,με τη συγκέντρωση των απαραίτητων στοιχείων,να κλείσει η υπόθεση για εκείνον. Όμως,επειδή ακριβώς μιλάμε για τον Γκάρνεϊ,δεν αποτελεί έκπληξη η επιμονή του να βρει όχι μόνο τα στοιχεία που αποδεικνύουν πως η κατηγορούμενη είναι αθώα,αλλά και τον πραγματικό ένοχο. Κι εκεί πλέον η αφήγηση αφήνει το αρχικό της πλαίσιο και περνάει σε...άλλο level. Σε ένα ανελέητο κυνηγητό ενός ψυχοπαθούς επαγγελματία εκτελεστή,εκλεκτικού και φημισμένου,που δεν αποτυγχάνει ποτέ. Σε ένα κυνηγητό που δεν θα τελειώσει,παρά μόνο όταν ο ένας από τους δύο αναγκαστεί να παραδοθεί εντελώς. Και μόνο όταν αυτός ο κύκλος κλείσει συγγραφέας,ήρωες και αναγνώστες επανέρχονται στην κατακλείδα και της αρχικής υπόθεσης -που,γι�� να λέμε την αλήθεια,έχεις ξεχάσει σε κάποιο σημείο την ύπαρξή της!
Θεωρώ πως ελάχιστα πράγματα θα μπορούσαν να λείπουν. Π.χ. η σκηνή του Γκάρνεϊ με τον ψυχίατρο δεν μπορώ να πω πως με ενδιέφερε και πολύ,ή πως προσέφερε τόσα πολλά πια στην εξέλιξη. Αντίθετα,ενώ αρχικά βρήκα χαζή την σκηνή με την ταφή του κόκορα,τελικά αποδείχτηκε πως ήταν κάτι παραπάνω από χρήσιμη στην εξέλιξη της ιστορίας! Άντε να το φανταστεί κανείς. :Ρ
Εκεί όμως που ο Verdon πραγματικά μεγαλούργησε ήταν στο φινάλε. Προσωπικά,το βρήκα ως ένα από τα πιο ευφάνταστα,συναρπαστικά,ανατρεπτικά και τρομακτικά που έχω διαβάσει τελευταία! Ο συγγραφέας έδωσε πραγματικά ρέστα! Δεν δίστασε να "ποτίσει" τις σελίδες του με τέτοιες δόσεις φρίκης,που αισθάνθηκα σαν να διάβαζα ένα βιβλίο του λατρεμένου King! Κόβει την ανάσα και δεν σε αφήνει να σταματήσεις την ανάγνωση,προτού διαβάσεις όλα όσα διαδραματίστηκαν!
Αυτό και μόνο,το φινάλε δηλαδή,'έδωσε' στο βιβλίο τα 2/4 αστέρια μου. Απογείωσε πραγματικά μια αρκετά καλή ιστορία,που όμως ίσως με ένα διαφορετικό φινάλε να μην είχε την ίδια δυναμική. Συγχαρητήρια στον συγγραφέα που το σκέφτηκε και το τόλμησε! -
Dave Gurney #4 from one of my most anticipated authors, John Verdon.
It's a good who-dun-it. BUT, that's not what I most liked about Verdon! For the same reasons others seem to think this is an improvement, I feel completely the opposite. It's 75% logistics and procedure "and then he said, and then they went" and just a figment of the psychological and obscure originality of the former Dave Gurney series. I enjoyed every one of those three more than this- at least to a 1 to 2 stars increase in both entertainment and cleverness factors. And within enjoyment too.
Now Dave is a retired detective who is not. And every aspect, every single one, is formulaic male cop think and team personality dynamics. HOW disappointing. To me, very. That was exactly what I didn't find cored the other Gurney books.
It's long and highly redundant. With every video, clue, phone call- the exact same "facts" are relayed to another of the 4 base team members. The book happens more in the car or the phone than in any thought tension. Maybe that's what so many action readers like? Especially male action readers? I can't otherwise parse the high ratings on this book from my GR friends. They clearly enjoyed the length of repetitive tedium of dozens of phone calls more than I did.
From any other author, I would say "well done". But not from this one. Oh John Verdon, do not, do not get into the 3 or 4 page philosophy treatise habit. Or intermix relationship musings of 12 pages length with sentimental Hallmark card style interspace and endings. Please do not do that. PLEASE!
This is the average serial killer who was abused as a boy tale. At page 200 out of 420 something I had the main perps "found". There were certain decisions by Dave and by his wife that I found absolutely stupid. And yet the author has to tell you, especially Madeleine's descriptions- how "smart and intelligent" a woman she is. HUH! And she's the one that found the rooster in that condition, under these circumstances, and made a "weasel" assumption? And then her next actions!!
You certainly could fool me about that "smart, highly intelligent" description.
Oh, I absolutely despise when an author, such an excellent writer, gets manipulated by publishers to going the "best seller" route. Longish redundant and TIRESOME marriage baggage aspects also made this one in need of a huge edit. As did the dying psychologist segment! What a laugh to put that in there as something therapeutic. Oh they are ALL real rocket scientists in this tale for sure.
And the ending! It must be that there was mention of a possible movie to Verdon. Cartoonish and in associations- nearly impossible. As if the locals don't know their own and are all just trusting lemmings running to the cliff. Please Mr. Verdon, go back to the psychological and original succinct style and form. And Madeleine- go herd your alpacas with someone who wants to herd alpacas. LOL!
Another thing that irked me intensely while reading this book. The food. How many men do you know who live on cheese omelets, coffee, and stale bagels. And all that time in the kitchen and the garden (future chicken coop area)- and the meals! Not being foodies is one thing. And one point they mentioned a dinner of "left-overs". From what? Strange and skinny couple. And he doesn't even know she is missing for hours once too? These are not smart people. -
Είναι το πρώτο βιβλίο του John Verdon που διαβάζω. Μου άρεσε αλλά δεν μπορώ να πω ότι ενθουσιάστηκα. Ενδιαφέρον είναι ότι ο συνταξιούχος ντετέκτιβ ξεκινάει από την αρχή να εξετάζει ένα φόνο που ήδη έχει εξιχνιαστεί. Επίσης, και η ιστορία του Πίτερ Παν είναι ενδιαφέρουσα, αλλά θεωρώ ότι άργησε ο συγγραφέας να τη βάλει στο προσκήνιο (έπρεπε να διαβάσεις τουλάχιστον τη μισή ιστορία για να κάνει την εμφάνιση του). Στα θετικά του μυθιστορήματος είναι το ανατρεπτικό τέλος, αλλά θεωρώ ότι η έκταση του βιβλίου έπρεπε να είναι μικρότερη.
За съжаление, тази част се оказа най-слабата от цялата поредица. След онези изключително добри и интригуващи загадки от първите три книги, случаят от „Питър Пан трябва да умре“ беше доста скучен. Действието през цялото време вървеше толкова бавно. И откъм семейната страна на историята нямаше особено голямо развитие сега. И само последните глави и събитията, които се случиха на панаира, спасиха книгата от това да я оценя с две звезди.
It's not a mystery book, not for me.
I liked the first part of it, it was enjoyable read. The rest was painful and disappointed, too repetitive thoughts and dialogs.
I don't think it's a page-turning book.
It's good not great. -
While Verdon may never live up to the awesome promise of his debut, this was still a strong entry into the series, almost on par with book 2. It's all I want in my audio book (format for which my standards are lower than usual), a fun fast paced mystery thriller. Gurney, during what must be one of the most active retirements ever, is at it again when what starts off as a fairly simple inquiry to exculpate a convicted murderess quickly turns into something altogether more sinister and elaborate. More again on the strange marriage of Gurneys. I think I finally figured out what's off about it, based on the way Dave described his relationship to his son. There is a basic comfortable cohabitation, physical attraction, love...but it just seems so affectionless somehow. There is an obvious mutual respect and meeting of minds, but it's all so strangely dispassionate, unlike, for example the murder solving. Primarily due to Dave Gurney's emotional ineptitude, which in a way balances out his genius detective acumen. Anyway, it works for them. And it works for readers, giving the books a much welcome another dimension. Pretty good story, nice ironic twist at the end. Enjoyable and entertaining listening experience.
Άλλη μία ενδιαφέρουσα ιστορία του Verdon που κρατάει το ενδιαφέρον αμείωτο μέχρι τέλους. Όσο κι αν ακούγεται παράξενο για αστυνομική ιστορία, μου αρέσεουν πολύ οι περιγραφές των τοπίων που εξελίσσεται η ιστορία καθώς επίσης και το κτήμα που ζει ο Κεντρικός ήρωας με την γυναίκα του. Είναι τόσο ωραία δοσμένες που με κάνουν να αισθάνομαι ότι βρίσκομαι και εγώ παρών και παρακολουθώ τα γεγονότα εκ του σύνεγγυς.
Cuarta entrega de esta serie y John Verdon ha sabido subir el nivel.
Hace tiempo que leí los anteriores y, aunque recuerdo que los dos primeros eran más intensos y de más ágil lectura, considero que aquí todo está más pensado. La trama es lenta en la primera mitad del libro, presentando poco a poco todas las pistas de un caso que ya está supuestamente resuelto, pero dejando al lector con ese picor de querer saber más.
Al final, todo está perfectamente hilado y disfrutas viendo cómo todas las piezas encajan una a una en el puzzle. -
"Peter Pan Must Die" is a hot mess of a book, well below expectations for this otherwise fine series by John Verdon. Mediocre writing, wooden dialogue, a lead character that spends about 400 pages going against his own investigatory principles, a secondary character reduced to a cartoon figure, and a silly ending combine to make the 4th book in the series a big disappointment.
The story begins with Dave Gurney, ex-NYPD superstar now retired out in the sticks outside the city, getting talked into a project by a private investigator to free a woman in prison on a murder conviction. The PI happens to be Dave's old buddy Jack Hardwick, recently fired from his law enforcement job due to some unauthorized help he provided Gurney on a previous case. Gurney feels he owes Hardwick one, so against his instincts and over the objections of his wife he takes the case, which isn't one of those 'indigent person who was poorly represented gets railroaded and thrown in prison to rot' deals. These are rich folk, with rich folk problems combined with some serious morality issues.
The gist of the case is this: a bad rich guy is assassinated at his deceased mother's burial, his wife is convicted of the murder and Hardwick thinks he can goose his own 2nd career as a PI (and stick it to his former employer) by pulling in a favor from Gurney so he can leverage Dave's pristine reputation to his benefit. Gurney, once he goes through his normal internal back and forth and decides to pay off his debt to Hardwick, quickly finds enough holes in the case that one wonders how the 'poor' wife ended up in the can. He determines that not only was the kill shot physically impossible but that alternative scenarios abound and the list of people who'd benefit from the murder is quite long. Prosecutorial and law enforcement misdeeds relative to the trial are also identified, so Hardwick's objective of getting the imprisoned wife released seems like a no-brainer. However, Gurney wants to go all the way and find out who really did the deed. I won't spoil it, but Peter Pan eventually makes an appearance and, hint, it's not the Disney version. The conclusion is a cheap action-movie ending.
Hopefully, this was a temporary step back for a series I've admired to this point. -
Trataré de canalizar mi impacto en una reseña que demuestre lo importante que es que todo el que ame los libros de suspenso lea los de Dave El Genio Gurney.
Empecé a leer este libro con la impresión de que era un caso un tantito aburrido. Quiero decir, me seguía gustando mucho cómo se manejaba la intriga y el personaje de Dave es estupendo, sobre todo con esos extras de humanidad que desde el primer libro ha estado reconociendo como parte de su bendita naturaleza, pero el hecho de que comenzara con una apelación y con una simple venganza de Jack Hardwick no me terminaba de atraer (no importa cuánto me agrade Jack, la cosa no pintaba tan bien como en los otros libros, parecía menos emocionante).
Como a la mitad del libro la cosa se puso peliaguda. Las hipótesis imposibles, las pruebas retenidas, los testigos desaparecidos, los polis corruptos, los sospechosos dementes, los asesinos potenciales, las mentiras, las opiniones diversas y contradictorias, los pasados turbios, los secretos más perturbadores, todo esto relegó por completo la importancia de demostrar que se habían equivocado con la sentencia de una mujer que al final nada tenía que ver con el caso.
El final fue épico. ¡En una feria! En definitiva, este es el caso más extraño, siniestro y horrible que he leído, y eso lo hace el mejor. Todo lo que pasaron para descubrir la identidad de Peter Pan, o Petros Panikos, requirió más vueltas de tuerca que nunca. Me gustó el plot twist, las ironías, y el final que Gurney le dio al caso como si explicara un chiste malo.
De los cuatro que he leído de John Verdon, este es el más genial. Mi favorito. -
Питър Пан трябва да умре, но ще отнесе мнозина със себе си:
Дейв Гърни продължава с противоречивото си пенсионерстване – от една страна, скука и жена, която не разбира, макар да обича безмерно, от друга, един след друг заплетени случаи, които неминуемо го изправят на прага на смъртта. Този път обаче нещата не ще да са така – случаят, който се наема да разследва, е вече приключен и напълно ясен. Богаташ е убит на погребението на собствената си майка, а убиецът се оказва жена му. Доказателствата са събрани, тя е в затвора. Само дето едно приятелче на Гърни има огромен интерес да злепостави полицията, пък и в случая следователят не си е свършил добре работата. И Гърни трябва само да покаже, че държи на справедливостта – и да помогне делото да бъде преразгледано. Но… става страшно.
http://knigolandia.info/book-review/p... -
Η ιστορία συνολικά είχε μεγάλο ενδιαφέρον. Θα την προτιμούσα απλώς λίγο μικρότερη και σφιχτή. Κάποιες φορές με κουράζουν αρκετά και οι σκηνές Ντέιβ-Μάντλιν (χαρακτηριστικό παράδειγμα αυτού του βιβλίου, οι κότες). Από εκεί πέρα, η πλοκή είναι καλά δεμένη, ενώ στο τέλος βρήκα και την τελική ανατροπή πολύ δυνατή!
El mejor caso de la saga de Dave Gurney!!
Tiene todo lo que me encanta de esta serie. Amo como Verdon alterna una historia de misterio con la vida personal del protagonista; ya en este punto leo esperando saber mas de la relación de Dave y Madeleine a los cuales amo.
En este caso la historia es espectacular, el "villano" me dio escalofríos y la resolución... impecable!!!.
De todos los libros, el mejor que leí hasta ahora y el único que se gana las 5 estrellas. -
Gurney no decepciona. 👏
La primera parte del libro me resultó poco atrayente y no conseguía leer de forma continua. Más adelante, la trama de repente me enganchó y ya no pude parar.
Sin duda, unos detalles muy buenos y encajan de forma sorprendente. Me encanta como al final el libro siempre iba un paso por delante, aunque yo intentaba alcanzar el misterio.
Lo mejor es la personalidad imparable de este protagonista. -
"Ο Πίτερ Παν πρέπει να πεθάνει"...οκ, αλλά μέχρι να πεθάνει αυτός κόντεψα να πεθάνω πρώτη εγώ από βαρεμάρα. Η ιστορία έχει ως εξής: Ψάχνουμε στοιχεία για την έφεση, μπλα μπλα μπλα, ο ντετέκτιβ πίνει αμέτρητους καφέδες, μπλα μπλα μπλα, η γυναίκα του αγαπάει τις κότες, μπλα μπλα μπλα, ψάχνουμε εναν εκτελεστή ο οποίος είναι ένα μινιόν αμφιβόλου φύλου, μπλα μπλα, επι 20 σελίδες χτίζουν το κοτέτσι στο αγρόκτημα, μπλα μπλα πολυ μπλα μπλα το οποιο κρατάει για 500!!!! σελιδες και στις τελευταίες 100 εχει και λίγη δράση με ενα αστείο φινάλε και μια ακόμα πιο γελοία επίλυση του γρίφου. Όταν διάβασα δε από που προέρχεται το "Πιτερ Παν" ενα δάκρυ κύλισε.....
Φίλε John μετά το 5αστερο "Σκέψου έναν αριθμό", η κατρακύλα καλά κρατεί...
Υ.Γ. Κορτώ τί θα γινει με τη μετάφραση; Θα πρέπει να κρατάμε και λεξικό αρχαίων ελληνικών δίπλα; δε μας φτανει το βασάνισμα απ τον συγγραφέα δηλαδή; "εικοτολογία", "αδήριτη", "λύκονος"! -
Este es el tercer libro del autor que leo. Es un buen libro, pero no su mejor novela. Todas las que leí eran de la saga de David. El orden muy mezclado sí. Como todas las novelas de Verdon, tiene una maravillosa ambientación. La trama tenía enorme potencial, pero creo que no fue tan bien narrada. El ritmo es flojo, la información repetitiva, los personajes superficiales. En particular, el villano está muy desdibujado, se pierde y no resulta relevante. Creo que lo mejor es la construcción del contexto, un lugar y situación tan interesante, que no aprovecharlo fue un desperdicio. En cualquier caso, seguiré leyendo a Verdon. Creo que es factible e incluso usual que hasta los mejores escritores tengan un libro más flojo. Respecto a thriller o policiales, hace poco empecé otra novela donde el asesino serial era nieto de un asesino serial que secuestraba hikkers para comerselos. Canibalismo!!!! El nieto solo secuestraba niños para 'salvarlos' de malos ambientes, pero los mataba al cumplir 18 😱 El villano importa, incluso más que el detective. #johnverdon #noconfiesenpeterpan
"No hay nada en la vida que importe, salvo el amor".
Esta excelente frase de cierre da por concluido uno de los mejores libros que he leído, el primero al que me atrevo a dar la calificación de cinco estrellas.
Este es el cuarto libro que leo de este autor. El primero de ellos Sé lo que estás pensando fue una grata sorpresa. Me encontré ante un autor que sabe como manejar el hilo narrativo, capaz de realizar ciertos saltos en el tiempo que, poco a poco van tomando forma y adquiriendo sentido, aunque el final resultara algo abrupto, decidí que este autor merecía, definitivamente, una segunda oportunidad. Tal es así que no dudé en leer el segundo libro que publicó No abras los ojos, también es un libro excelente así como el tercero Deja en paz al diablo.
No obstante su incuestionable calidad literaria, los dos últimos títulos padecen un gran defecto, resultan algo previsibles en el desarrollo de la historia, la cual conduce a un final abrupto dejando la sensación que la historia podría contarse de una manera más coherente, ello a pesar del excelente manejo que hace el autor de los recursos literarios que posee a su disposición. Esta situación, unida al carácter detestable del protagonista desde el segundo libro contribuyó a cierta sensación de que este autor - John Verdon - a pesar de su incuestionable calidad, aún adeudaba algo...un no sé qué, que lleve a decir WOW.
Ello es exactamente lo que ocurrió con esta cuarta entrega. En esta, puede decirse que lo bueno se inicia ya con el título, algo atractivo como No confíes en Peter Pan. En la misma, igualmente, el carácter del protagonista ya no resulta tan detestable ni está tan irritable. Excelente manejo de los tiempos, de los recursos literarios e incluso de las interjecciones. La historia perfectamente estructurada de inicio a fin mantiene la tensión durante todo su desarrollo. El final para nada abrupto constituye la guinda que corona un excelente libro y constituye un cierre perfecto habida cuenta de la manera en que el libro se desarrolló.
Con este libro, considero que el autor ha superado el grave defecto que han padecido sus libros 2 y 3, cuyos títulos ya he citado, su carácter predecible y los finales abruptos que privaban a la historia de un mejor desarrollo y un acabado más pulido. Considero que el mismo se ha reivindicado, por lo que sí o sí su siguiente obra Controlaré tus sueños estará en mi grilla de lectura.
No obstante lo dicho, recomiendo todos los libros de este autor. Es excelente y esta cuarta entrega, la mejor de todas...al menos hasta ahora. -
Verdon injects more thrills and chills in his latest novel, sure to stir up the mind and leave the spine tingling for the foreseeable future. David Gurney, the ever retired-yet-not former NYPD detective is enjoying a quiet life, at least for a time. When asked to help with the investigation portion of a murder conviction appeal, Gurney's interest in definitely piqued. A woman is accused and convicted of shooting her husband while he attends his mother's funeral, all in an effort to secure his vast wealth. Fuelled by large loopholes in the evidence, Gurney begins his own series of investigative techniques and realises that injustice may have been served, but no clear answers can be found to help with the appeal. With a ragtag collection of justice-seekers, Gurney begins to posit possible scenarios. Finding a killer-for-hire plot that may blow the case wide open, Gurney also stumbles upon a corrupt cop hell-bent on sweeping the alternative theories under the rug. After getting some great tips on cases that may relate, Gurney determines that this elusive killer, named Peter Pan, accepts no guidance or rules, and shows up when he sees fit. Gurney struggles with this, as well as some of his own demons as he seeks to stay one step ahead of Mr. Pan, his most sinister killer to date. As the story progresses, the momentum keeps pace and the reader ends up in a wonderful state of being enveloped in the climax of the chase. Who hired this killer and what motive could there be? Verdon knows just how to make his books enticing and fast-paced, which makes them all the more alluring.
John Verdon is a master of his genre and cannot be discounted as following in the footsteps of others. His books are chalk-full of powerful narrative and a main character who lives in no shadow, but whose techniques are paced and thought provoking. Add to that, the way the attentive reader will want to swat Madeleine Gurney, David's sanctimonious wife, upside the head every time she natters on, and you have a book that pulls you in and will not let go. Tapping into the past and the elusive death of a child also forces Gurney, and the reader, to take a stroll through doors best left closed, which is the crux of a great psychological thriller. Verdon knows how to paint a story worth telling in such a way as to differentiate himself from the others who populate the thriller genre.
Kudos, Mr. Verdon for this excellent fourth book in the series. Do bring us more! -
John Verdon vuelve a repetir la fórmula de los tres anteriores libros pero en esta ocasión se ha quedado más corto que otras veces. La fórmula es sencilla: asesinato imposible, asesino malvado y protagonista que sufre. Pero en esta ocasión ni el asesinato es tan imposible, ni el asesino transmite esa sensación de maldad, y ni el protagonista sufre tanto.
La relación entre David Gurney y su mujer se ha quedado tan estancada que llevan cuatro libros repitiendo las mismas frases y solamente el protagonista parece tener un desarrollo personal mayor, pero sigue sin convencer.
En general, es un libro que te lees rápido, mucho diálogo y situaciones de acción. Pero al ser el cuarto libro de la saga te esperas una mayor evolución en todos sus aspectos. -
un cuarto libro impresionante, en especial la última parte, acción frenética a más no poder. El culpable y la resolución de este caso son increíbles... bueno, pongámoslo en los huecos que hay en el caso nuevo de Peter Pan. Enfrentarme a alguien como él está para morirte de miedo.
Seguimos descubriendo también más de la personalidad tan única de Gurney, en concreto el por qué su afán por ponerse en riesgo en cada caso.
Buenos libros, me han gustado aunque a veces me pierdo ya que tienen la característica de que son más investigativos que tener una propia acción. Son más enigmáticos, de ponerte a pensar y a generar hipótesis junto a Dave y Harwick. seguimos la aventura. -
Προσωπικά πιστεύω ότι ήταν το πιο αδύναμο και σε πλοκή και σε θεματολογία, συγκριτικά με τα τρία προηγούμενα. Θα συμφωνήσω με πολλούς σχετικά με το μεγάλο όγκο του βιβλίου, το οποίο θα μπορούσε κάλλιστα να είναι εκατόν πενήντα σελίδες μικρότερο.
Εννοείται θα διαβάσω και το επόμενο της σειράς, γιατί έχω αδυναμία στον Γκάρνεϊ και ανυπομονώ να δω που θα μπλέξει πάλι. -
Dave Gurney is a legend. This series gets better and better, in my opinion. I feel so strongly most of the time that a series should be read in order, not so much because of events, but because it allows us to get the most out of character development. This series proves that theory to me. Dave Gurney retires from the NYPD at the tender age of 48, as we see in the first book. He and his wife move from the city to the Catskills, where it is quiet, and his wife loves it, but Dave- not so much. It sits between them, and he has difficulty verbalizing it. As the series goes on, we see Dave get involved in ultra dangerous cases, and we see him put himself at risk over and over, much to his wife’s consternation. It is revealed in passing that they once had a young son who died. In this excellent book, these pieces of the puzzle come together. Dave is a great detective because he loves putting pieces of the crime puzzle together, but he cannot put his personal life puzzle together, for all of his trying. Luckily, he has a wife like Madeleine. Just saying.
This is just a great series, and if you are a crime fiction reader, do not miss it. I have read other reviews and a lot of folks do not like the wordiness of the author, via his protagonist, to think through the crimes, but to me, this is the strength of the books-to see, hear, and feel how a detective would reason out and mull over different scenarios while trying to solve the crime. To each his own, of course, but I would call this a thinking persons’ crime series. -