Title | : | Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars, Part 2 |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781908648112 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 168 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 1984 |
Este volume reúne as edições 7-12 de Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars.
Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars, Part 2 Reviews
The story of why and how this was created is more interesting than the graphic novel itself.
The year is 1983 and Mattel just lost the rights of DC characters to a smaller company named Kenner toys. So what do they do? Call Marvel of course.
The people over Marvel headquarters like the idea a lot and reply positively.
-Not so fast say the folks from Mattel, we want to print toys with your characters but.... You have to create a big event for promotion( at the time DC was more popular, mostly thanks to the very very successful Superman movie ).
- Ok sure, responds Marvel.
- That's not all tells them Mattel,we also want the name of the event to be Secret wars
-Not negotiable we afraid, our research team found that kids love the words 'secret' and 'war'
-Alrighty then, we know what we going to do.
So yeah, the reason we have have this very important moment in the comic book history is mainly because of a toy company
* The dialogues are probably not 100% accurate
The sales for the comics were great but for the toys not. Mattel decided to have only one body type for all the toys, so there were no Hulk or Galactus or even a single female character. There were other issues with the toys too.
Ok to the actual book now.
Seriously what is the deal with the X-Men? There is the way Storm talks to professor X and of course the idiotic love story with the Colossus. One moment he is super sad he is not with Kitty Pride, that's all he thinks about he can't focus on the fight. The next moment out of nowhere he is in love with an alien doctor lady and the disrespect for Kitty men. He says he never met anyone so kind and pretty before. What?
The reasons for the 3 stars instead of 2 ( my rating for part 1 ) are that there are some cool panels and the without a doubt the best thing that came out of this story, Spidey's black suit which eventually will lead to the birth of Venom -
Za početak moram reći na momente vrlo konfuzno. Imamo gomilu pseudo nauke, odluka i razmišljanja koji nemaju puno smisla, kao i događaje sa rezolucijama koji su na momente suviše naivni. Plus onih par ozbiljnih momenata bude upropašteno nekom deus ex događajem koji poništi nešto što bi mogla biti scena za pamćenje.
Puno potencijala na kraju ne iskorišćeno.
I opet pored svih problema dosta je zabavno čitati sve to naročito što se stvarno nema ideja kako će priča da ide dalje ili da se završi.
Kažimo 3,5/5 zaokruženo na 4. -
Супергероите на Марвел: Тайни войни, част 1 леко завиших крайната си оценка, но тук леко ще я понижа, защото, макар да се води завършена история, след нея останаха куп отворени въпроси. Искаше ми се да разбера малко повече за Отвъдния, примерно... Плюс това последният дванадесети брой беше толкова малоумно ситуиран спрямо предния, че ме прати от дузпа в тъч. И ако понякога един драстичен сценариен обрат може да накара читателя да хлъцне от удоволствие, в случая, поне за мен, въпросният не е сработил... -
Томове 25 и 26 от Върховната колекция графични романи на Marvel представят за първи път на българските читатели едно истински култово заглавие - „Супергероите на Марвел: Тайни войни“ от 1984 г. 12-те броя (всички от които са поместени в тези два тома) представляват най-мащабният кросоувър на издателството (за да не кажа в цялата комиксова индустрия) за онова време и слага началото на супергеройската традиция за огромни катаклизми, които звездите на различни поредици трябва да предотвратят с общи усилия. И в основата на всичко това стои серия играчки… Прочетете ревюто на „Книжни Криле”:
https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/202... -
Σπάνια το 2ο μέρος είναι καλύτερο από το πρώτο, αλλά εδώ έχουμε μια ενδιαφέρουσα ανατροπή. Νέοι χαρακτήρες και υποπλοκες προστίθενται και δίνουν μια πνοή στη σειρά. Επίσης, κάποιες ιδέες περί πνευμάτων και κατανόησης του σύμπαντος απογειωνονται σχεδιαστικά στο χαρτί. Και πάλι το σκίτσο είναι πολύ καλό αλλά η κάποια προβλήματα στο σενάριο και στη βεβιασμένη θα έλεγε κανείς πλοκή δεν αφήνουν τη ιστορία να απογειωθεί.
Marvel evreninin neredeyse bütün büyük karakterlerini bir araya getirmesi açısından çok önemli bir hikaye. X-Men, Avengers , Fantastic Four ve kötü adamların çoğunu seri boyunca sürekli bir mücadele içinde görmek müthiş. X-Men grubunun bu mücadelede bazı noktalarda tarafsız bir konumda görünmesi şaşırtıcıydı. Bu büyük toplaşmaya daha iyi bir final yapılabilirmiş bence.
Втората част на "Тайни войни" е сякаш малко по-добре от първата, но не достатъчно. Дори има няколко (макар и предвидими) обрата! Общо взето, идеята би могла да се осъществи много по-добре. Поощрително 3,5.
Еми не стана по-добре. Безинтересна ми беше тази история.
Obviamente, este número es la continuación del primer tomo de Secret War, y aunque mejora un poco en cuanto a la historia, tampoco había mucho material para poder salvar este evento que envejeció de la peor manera.
En este número vamos a ver el orígen de Venom a través del nuevo traje de Spider-Man, vamos a conocer a Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman), y vamos a ver las mayores consecuencias que el universo Marvel tendría con el evento (el cambio en la formación de los 4F, los cambios en Coloso que provocarían su ruptura con Kitty Pride, el cuestionamiento de la filosofía de Magneto, etc), pero por más que la historia haya dejado esos cambios (algunos positivos como el traje de Spider-Man y otros nefastos como la ruptura de Coloso y Kitty) no hay que dejar de considerar que el arco termina con la última página y no con las conclusiones que otros autores le brindan a los hilos argumentales inconclusos en este evento.
Dicho esto, la saga se encuentra saturada de Deus ex machina. Entiendo que en esa época por el tipo de público al que se dirigían las historias, se intentaba minimizar el grado de complejidad de las mismas, sin embargo, me resulta increíble que no haya absolutamente ningún arco bien trabajado en toda la historia.
Y quiero detenerme puntualmente en la muerte de todos los héroes. Algo que no solo era obvio que no sería permanente, sino que su resolución resulta tan vaga, tan forzada y tan tirada de los pelos que incluso llega a ser insultante para el lector.
En fin, no quiero seguir enroscandome con esto. Mejoró sobre la parte anterior (que era demasiado mala) pero definitivamente es una historia que envejeció muy muy mal. No lo recomendaría como lectura, pero entiendo que haya gente que lo pueda llegar a disfrutar en cierta medida. -
I read this after reading a reboot, which I had criticised for not being as good as the original series. This was a major comics event back in 1984, although in the UK a crowded marketplace for toys, comics, films etc made this easy to miss and I didn’t catch up with it until years later. Essentially it was a marketing scam/tie-in with the idea to get a whole bunch of heroes together. It was quite a bold move and would have thrilled the younger me- I liked it at 14 too. However, looking back the volume of characters dilute the story quality. What stays with me after all of this are the peripherals - Spidey’s costume, The Thing leaving the F4, etc. These continue to resonate today, more than the Beyonder’s limited main plotline.
El primer gran evento de Marvel que a mi entender ha envejecido algo flojo. Pese a la gran cantidad de invitados a lo largo de esta historia nunca termina de engacharte durante ambos tomos (Es más en ciertas ocasiones los personajes actuan de forma "rara"). Pero si también hay que decir que tenemos momentos históricos importantes como el origen del clásico traje negro de Spider-Man!. Un evento que toma relevancia más que nada por lo histórico y ser un producto de su época, que por su calidad argumental. Solo para los mas fanáticos de la Casa de las Ideas.
skupo dnevni4e
za takuv mid tier comics kraqt beshe brilliant af
v toq broi vsichko se povtarq mnogo puti kato v pochti vsqka glava ima bitka podobna na predhodnata
iskami se da bqhme razbrali neshto poveche za spider woman i beyonder
7/10 -
3,75/5 stars
Mejora respecto al primer tomo, pero no me termina de convencer. Esperaba más.
Good old, campy Marvel. Nice twists at the end, and an awesome portrayal of Dr Doom at his fullest. What else a comic fan would want?
Dr.Doom....... Ka booooom Ka kroooooom
Just read it, and it kinda good
this comic has aged beautifully throughout the ages. at first glance it might just seem like another comic but this trip to battle world is truly beautiful for what it means to the universe.
Um pouco melhor que a parte 1, mas ainda bem fraquinha a história. O interessante dessa parte é ver como que as Guerras Secretas afetaram a cronologia dos heróis envolvidos.
I didn’t hate secret wars part 2 but I didn’t love it either, I felt the ending was unsatisfying and like some things were unfinished / rushed. -
This is a review for Marvel Superheroes: Secret Wars Part 1 and Part 2.
I do not remember reading the Secret Wars when it was first published so I cannot say that the Suck Fairy has visited. The only reason I did not give it One Star is its historical significance in the introduction of Spiderman's new costume, the introduction of the Beyonder and Julia Carpenter as the second Spider-Woman.
There are also consequences for the heroes and villains time on the Battleworld that have future ramifications for their storylines in the Marvel Universe.
That said the treatment of women in this storyline was abysmal. At one point the story has The Wasp, the nominal leader of the Avengers at the time, saying: " ... Oh! Oh, No! I just realized --! I don't have MAKE-UP on! And my hair must be a mess! Oh, GOODNESS!'
The rest of the dialogue doesn't rise above one liners and the occasional attempt of pathos and gravitas that ends up bathos and self-aggrandment. -
Tras un planteamiento plausible y una buena y variada caracterización en el inicio de la saga, Shooter extravía el rumbo. El argumento deviene en una serie de cliffhangers efectistas que llenan el relato de inverosimilitud. El abuso de la resurrección como forma de generar impacto para alcanzar los doce números es un pecado imperdonable.
Párrafo aparte para el destino de algunos personajes que se resuelve fuera de cuadro y sin explicación alguna de por medio. Una prueba de que un esfuerzo de semejante tamaño requiere una importante labor de producción.
Evitando el desastre total está el regreso de Zeck a los lápices de tiempo completo y algunos elementos del final que estaban planeados desde el principio. Es evidente que la planificación de esta obra no tenía fuelle temático para tamaña extensión y que con la mitad de páginas podría haber sido mucho mejor. -
Fluctua entere el dos i el tres. Sospito que tiro cap al tres per motius sentimentaloides.
Suposo que esperava molt del primer gran crossover de Marvel i ha estat una decepció molt gran. La història és senzilla i repetitiva, i tot i així aconsegueix contenir forats argumentals i deus ex machina. Alguns personatges tenen la personalitat que esperaries, d'altres en tenen una de diferent, però molts (pitjor encara) no tenen personalitat en absolut i tan sols estan allà de fons donant cops de puny.
La traducció també té tela. Mai havia llegit tantes vegades seguides la paraula "chati". La portada del segon volum, que no correspon a cap portada dels originals, sembla dibuixada per un becari de Panini. El What if? afegit és bastant lamentable.
Amb tot, és un precedent maco i és curiós veure l'origen de coses com el trajo de simbionita o Hulka amb els 4 Fantàstics. -
Como el primer tomo, no me pareció tan malo como esperaba que fuera, aunque este fue un poquito peor. Jim Shooter usa el mismo cliffhanger una y otra vez y está un poco enamorado del Dr. Doom. Un título más adecuado probablemente sería "Dr. Doom: Guerras Secretas".
Momentos destacados:
• La avispa se aterroriza de no estar maquillada ni peinada (?)
• Iron-Man dice que la nueva Spider Woman es sospechosa, "pero tiene lindas piernas"
• El hombre molécula descubre que pueda alterar la realidad, y sigue usando el mismo traje horrible de siempre.
Le sumé una estrella por el traje nuevo de Spiderman (?) -
First you need to have read part 1 in this epic series. This continues on with one of the wars that changed a lot for Marvel characters, especially Spider-Man as he comes across the black suit for the first time, not realising it is in fact an alien symbiont. The fantastic four briefly loses a member and gains an avenger plus the apparent deaths of all of them. Dr. Doom taking on the Beyonder and winning. So much is going on and to think it's a tale about 30 years old!!!
It's a sad day when one of the villains is the best character in a story. The heroes just react to circumstances and threats, it's only Doctor Doom who actually tries to do anything to solve the problem presented by the Beyonder.
I seem to remember this being a big thing at the time—and it was Marvel's first major cross-over event—but it hasn't aged well.
Recommendation: If you've read the first part then you will probably want to read this, but there's much better things out there to read. -
La única razón por la que me interesaba leerlo es por el origen del traje negro de Spider-man, el cual es bastante decepcionante. Ya la primera parte me había aburrido.
De todas formas, comprendo el impacto del evento en su época y lo respeto.
Para leer hoy en día como entretenimiento, no lo recomiendo. -
Super pesado, soso. Los villanos sólo están ahí para ser chicos malos cobardes pero no tienen un propósito para serlo y no terminan siendo devastadores (y esto me molesta mucho más que el No haber muertes). Y sólo se pone bueno al final cuando Doom se "fuciona" con el Beyonder.
En fin; horrible