Title | : | Das zweite Buch der Träume (Silber, #2) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
ISBN-10 | : | 9783841421678 |
Language | : | German |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 416 |
Publication | : | First published June 26, 2014 |
Albträume, mysteriöse Begegnungen und wilde Verfolgungsjagden tragen nicht gerade zu einem erholsamen Schlaf bei, dabei muss Liv sich doch auch schon tagsüber mit der geballten Problematik einer frischgebackenen Patchwork-Familie samt intriganter Großmutter herumschlagen. Und der Tatsache, dass es einige Menschen gibt, die noch eine Rechnung mit ihr offen haben – sowohl tagsüber als auch nachts…
Das zweite Buch der Träume (Silber, #2) Reviews
I am SO angry that there keep on being insinuations about a possible romantic relationship between Liv and Grayson, from both outside sources and Liv and Grayson displaying attraction towards each other themselves. JUST KISS ALREADY! You know, I'm already pretty sure that Henry and Liv is endgame, but just give me one kiss scene between these two and I will die a happy woman.
June 26th ... June 26th .... June 26th ... -
Ach Mann, Liv und Mia waren so niedlich, aber die Geschichte eeeecht langweilig :D
Review posted on The Eater of Books! blog***
Dream On by Kerstin Gier
Book Two of the Silver Trilogy
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. (BYR)
Publication Date: May 3, 2016
Rating: 4 stars
Source: ARC sent by the publisher
Summary (from Goodreads):
Things seem to be going well for Liv Silver: she's adjusting to her new home (and her new family) in London; she has a burgeoning romance with Henry Harper, one of the cutest boys in school; and the girl who's been turning her dreams into nightmares, Anabel, is now locked up. But serenity doesn't last for long.
It seems that Liv's troubles are far from over--in fact, suddenly they're piling up. School gossip blogger Secrecy knows all of Liv's most intimate secrets, Henry might be hiding something from her, and at night Liv senses a dark presence following her through the corridors of the dream world. Does someone have a score to settle with Liv?
Romance, adventure, and danger abound in Dream On, the second book in the Silver trilogy.
What I Liked:
What an excellent sequel! There were so many things about this book that really worked for me. This book is classic Kerstin Gier, with humor and a few awkward situations, realistic teenage speech and actions, and a hilarious and yet deceptively strong and capable heroine. Also swoony boys (and NOT in a triangle/square/pyramid "swoony boys" way). This book was a really great sequel, and an lovely addition to the series, and I can't wait to read book three!
Liv Silver doesn't dislike her life so much; she's adjusted to living with her mother's boyfriend and his twin children, along with her, her sister, and au pair. Florence (one twin) is awful, but Grayson (the other twin) is actually a nice person, a fantastic brother that Liv never had. And Liv has been enjoying her time with Henry, the boy she adores and has been dating for over two months. And the mess with Anabel from book one is over - or is it? Someone is haunting Liv's dreams, and it's not just Liv's dreams - but Mia's too. And someone's been leaking personal information of Liv's to Secrecy, the school's blogging gossip. And what's more, Henry has been even more secretive than usual. Does it have to do with the dream world? Can Liv seek out the danger before someone gets hurt?
I love Liv! She's funny and adorable and sweet - so sweet - and she likes to talk. She's one of those people that talks in a stream-of-consciousness kind of way, and it's hilarious. She's honest and kind and protective of her sister, her au pair, her boyfriend. I like how she seems somewhat absent-minded at times, but she's sharp as a tack. There are so many funny scenes, and also several times when I experienced some second-hand embarrassment. Ha!
Henry is her boyfriend, and he's a pretty important character in both this book and Dream a Little Dream. Henry is really good at dream weaving/walking (however you want to call it), and he and Liv meet in the dream world often. Henry is devoted to Liv, and cares about her a great deal. He's affectionate and kind, and also protective. Did I mention that he's pretty swoony? I like him a lot, secrets and all. He has many secrets though, and it drives Liv crazy that it seems like everyone knows more about Henry than she does. I don't blame her for getting irritated about his secrets - they are secrets that affect her.
I like the pair together. In this sequel novel, as one would expect, there are some conflicts with their relationship. Most of the conflicts have to do with Henry's secrets and Liv's doubts. I like that there are insecurities that one would find in any budding relationship, and there are also conflicts directly related to the paranormal dream aspect of the book. I like Liv and Henry together. There are plenty of swoony moments in this book, but also some heavy and heartbreaking moments. But the romance overall is good, and there is no love triangle. Also, the ending of the book makes up for some of the conflicts during the book.
The conflicts that have nothing to do with the romance are troubling, and the climax climbs steadily until we reach the great reveal of what is happening. And even then, not everything is revealed. I like that the larger conflict of the overall plot of the book isn't a save-the-world-or-everyone-dies kind of conflict. It's serious and dangerous and crazy, but not on a world scale, which I found refreshing. And the high school gossip is not nearly as bad as the synopsis makes it out to be - it barely bothered me (and Liv, and everyone else)!
I like how close Liv and Grayson become! Being stepsiblings forced to live together wasn't easy in Dream a Little Dream, and so I really liked seeing them get closer. Grayson looks out for Liv on more than one occasion, like a good big brother. Their relationship is purely platonic and sibling-esque!
I've mentioned the characters, relationships, romance, plot, overall plot... I think I've covered it all! I really liked this book, and the ending is not a cruel cliffhanger like most sequels of trilogies are. I repeat: no cliffhanger! I mean, the story is definitely not resolved, and I am dying to read book three, but there is no cliffhanger!
What I Did Not Like:
I'm still a tiny bit confused as to what exactly Henry was doing in his dream world (think mermaid scene), but I think this will be better explained in book three. I was hoping we'd get a more solid answer about this in particular, but I think it's one of several things that we'll know more about, in book three! Gier always does a good job of answering questions and wrapping up series.
Would I Recommend It:
I love this series and highly recommend it! I know there were a number of people that didn't enjoy Dream a Little Dream, but I am enjoying this series. Gier's books are so lighthearted and fun, and realistic and relate-able. If you like paranormal books about dreams (the dream door concept is new!), this is definitely a series to try!
4 stars. More, please! I don't know how Gier does it, but you can tell her stories and writing are different from most YA stories and writing styles. I loved her Ruby Red trilogy, and I am hooked on this Silver trilogy! -
Anlatımı böylesine tatlı olan kitaplara bayılıyorum cidden! En az ilk kitap kadar akıcı ve en az onun kadar eğlenceliydi. İlk kitapta merak konusu olan şeylerin bazılarını öğrendik falan ama yazar birçok şeyi -özellikle de en önemlilerini- üçüncü kitaba saklamış. Eğer hala bu seriye başlamamışsanız lütfen daha fazla gecikmeden okuyun. Rüya kapıları koridoru ve rüya yolculuğunda vaktin nasıl geçtiğini anlamayacaksınız bile! ( çünkü ben ne ara son sayfaya geldiğimi bi türlü anlayamadım)
This book was just as good as the first one and a great second part of the trilogy! It was once again a very quick read and this time I also started to really connect to the characters! I'm excited to see how this series will end and decided to give this book 4 out of 5 stars!
4.5 or smth
(Also I think I'm out if that reading slump induced by Throne of Glass and the fact that after reorganising it, my bookshelf looks magnificent but doesn't really leave any space for more. *cough* I THINK I'm out of it ...)
THERE IS A COVER (nobody edited it yet, but there is)
"dream on"
June? June is fine. I'm okay with June. *eye twitch* I can wait. I can wait. I WON'T burn any buildings just because I wait for Silber 2. Silber 1 wasn't even cliffhangery, so it's all good.
I can wait, I can wait, I can wait...
*lights fire*
I can wait...
İlk kitapla karşılaştırırsak 3 ama yine de inanılmaz tatlıştı. Torpille 4/5 ehehhehe
This series is fascinating to me. I really like this author! Short review because I need to start the third right away to get some reading done before bed!
I really, really want to love this series, as I am a HUGE fan of Kerstin Gier’s other work. However, this just got a bit too…cliché YA. It could be sweet at times, but it lacked the originality and charms from her other series.
I was feeling the romance in the 1st book, but nope, I’m done here. Henry was just bringing too much of the cliché romance from other YAs I’ve read. Too much secrecy, bad communication, and nonsensical angst.
In general, most of the females who were present in this book sucked: 3 bitches who picked on the protagonist for no good reason, 1 love-crazed, superficial girl who was sorta Liv’s best friend, but heck Liv didn’t even seem to like her most of the times, 1 gold-digger, 1 murderous psychopath (literally). I was done with all of their shit.
The “dream-traveling” plot was still an interesting idea like in the first book, but I think this one lacked direction. I felt like it was a fun concept, but I was bored at times. I think this book was more focused on Liv’s life at home and at school than the dream plot. I would usually be OK with that, but a lot of the stuff she was dealing with at home and at school weren’t fun to read about. Not terrible, not scarring – just unpleasant (except for the stuff about Lottie and Mia). Also, there was perhaps too much attention on the school gossip website (Gossip Girl style). Also-also, the villain of this book had such a childish, stupid reason to enact revenge. I mean I suppose a lot of villains do evil things for no good reason, but I’m just like reallyyyy??? Furthermore, I saw the mystery of who the villain was a mile away because I mean.. this book didn’t have many characters, so it wasn’t hard to guess.
Anyway, ranting aside - there were some sweet moments in this book. The only good, pure characters would be Lottie, Liv’s au pair, and Mia, Liv’s younger sister. In addition, Grayson, her almost stepbrother was pretty sweet at times, despite his flaws. These characters were immensely caring and good to Liv. They were funny and warm and the true bright spots of this book. I appreciated that.
This book was not… the worst. It was pretty entertaining at times. However, as a whole, it was lacking. For my own preferences, I wanted some good, healthy female friendships and some good, healthy romance and some good, healthy self-love from my YA. And if not those, I would like some kickass character developments from lowly state to self-actualization in these areas. Anyway, this book had a few good moments, but it was definitely not my cup of tea. I’m giving it 2 stars.
I am looking forward to see how the next and LAST book would be like because who knows? Things might turn around.
Things that you might want to know (WARNING: Spoilers below)
Is there a happy/satisfying ending?
Love triangle? Cheating? Angst level?
What age level would be appropriate?
I don't really believe in "second book syndrome" but OK I'm really hoping this book will make me love this series. I absolutely adore this author but I am not (yet) entirely convinced on this series.
Also, that cover is absolutely gorgeous!❤️ -
Gestern angefangen und in nicht mal 24 Stunden beendet, ups.
Was wir hier erleben ist das typische Kerstin Gier- Phänomen. Diese Bücher sind wahrlich keine hohe Literatur, aber sie unterhalten doch jedes Mal sehr gut und vermitteln dem Leser immer ein wohliges, angenehmes, entspannendes Gefühl. Entgegen der massiven Kritik, die der Silberreihe hier und da zuteil wird, bin ich von ihr bisher wirklich begeisert. Die Handlung ist amüsant und nicht vorhersehbar, außerdem innovativ und interessant und die Charaktere sind wie immer absolut goldig und liebeswert. Man muss sie einfach ins Herz schließen. Das Teenager-Liebes-Hin-und-Her hätte ich persönlich nicht gebraucht, aber da ich auch nicht zur primären Zielgruppe der Autorin gehöre, kann ich darüber hinwegsehen. Es ist für die Erzählung und im Anbetracht des Alters der Charaktere ja auch stimmig. Interessant ist auch der Secrecy-Handlungsstrang, wenngleich er offensichtlich von GossipGirl übernommen ist. Ich bin gespannt, wie er letztendlich aufgelöst werden wird. Achja und #unpopularopinion: #TeamGrayson. Geht mal alle weg mit eurem Henry, ich will Liv mit Grayson sehen :D -
Bu kadının anlatımındaki tatlılığa gerçekten bayılıyorum. Okurken akıp gidiyor sayfalar.
Yine çok keyif alarak okudum ama bu kitapta pek olay olmadığı için 1 puan kırdım. Olay olmaması beni sıkmadı ama her şey son kitapta peş peşe ve hızlı hızlı olacak diye korkmama sebep oldu. O yüzden bu kitapta daha fazla bir şeyler görmeyi beklerdim. Yinede dediğim gibi çok güzeldi.
Üçüncü kitabı aşırı merak ediyorum. Sanırım aksiyonu en bol kitap o olacak :') -
Ohne Worte weil mega geil💞 ich weiß nicht was ich sagen soll ohne zu spoilern, also lass ich es und schnapp mir direkt den dritten Band, der praktischerweise schon im Regal auf seinen Einsatz wartet😋
This was a slight disappointment after I enjoyed book one in the series so much. The main reason I enjoyed it so much less is because the characters became SO damn annoying and I constantly wanted to strangle them all! And the teenage drama? No thanks! The whole idea of dream walking is still incredibly interesting and really intrigued me and I did enjoy getting to learn more about it and how it works and that’s what kept me interested through until the end. I won’t be continuing with this series though, this is where my journey with it ends!
4.5 stars
As I reread this trilogy I’m updating my ratings, and I’m not saying this wasn’t great but the first one is superior ✨ (I disagree with my teenage self).
Overall this was fun as hell, and I loved it even though I felt something missing in the plot (sounds like Kerstin Gier wanted to go in another direction with this book but it didn’t work? At least that’s what I gather from the author’s note).
This ended with a bang though, so I’m curious to see where the conclusion will go as I remember basically nothing about it lol.
I loved this! This series just keeps getting better and better.
I was so glad to see that this time Grayson was included in the main plot against the enemy with Liv and Henry. Those three are so cute together! I missed Jesper so much tho. Jesper please come back to us in the third book.
Apart from the great characters, what I really love about this books is how funny they are. I actually have problems reading this series in public places.
The funniest scene of this book was Ernest's birthday at the restaurant with Liv who tries to calm down everyone while she's upset because of Henry as well.
Mr Snuggles' death is a close second OMG HAHAHA
And Henry. Why? Why Henry? I still can't believe he did that! He says it's nothing because it was a dream, but don't you see the contradiction? You spend a lot of time with Liv in your dreams too 😭
I hope he's just confused because I want to see a happily ever after in the third book. Liv and Henry are just perfect for each other *throws rose petals*
Oh and I really want to see more of Milo and Amy too!
I have a pretty good prediction about Secrecy, so I can't wait to read the third book to see if I'm right! -
4.5 stars rounded up because I really thoroughly enjoyed this!
This book takes place a couple months after book 1 left off and I felt that the time jump didn't impact the series in a good way. In fact, I think it was actually really well done. I felt like the character progressions where fine the way they were and that relationships didn't suffer or feel too advanced.
Plot wise, I liked the overall theme of this one better than book 1, but I didn't like individual plot points. The Mr. Snuggles plot point was ridiculous, the love interest drama was sort of thrown in seemingly for no reason, and I felt it actually caused the strong female character to disintegrate a bit. I love her still, dearly, but I think she can be so much stronger than she was in this book for some of it.
Overall, enjoyable. Cannot wait to finish the series, I should get the last book tomorrow from the mailman, and I cannot wait to finish off this trilogy! -
I've really enjoyed al of Kerstin's books, so I was beyond eager to get my greedy hands on this one.
As always, I love Liv and Mia. Their relationship is filled with banter. Liv is a snark machine and being in her head is a lot of fun. This entire cast of characters makes the story interesting.
The downside to the second book in a trilogy is that it's sometimes seems useless. And while I did enjoy this story, I don't feel like any of it was necessary. Sure, we did find a few things out, but mostly it felt like nothing progressed plot wise.
Regardless, I'll definitely be reading the next book. I can't wait to see how it all ends.
**Huge thanks to Henry Holt for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review** -
Dnf. Enjoyed the first one, but it doesn't give me any emotions and the love interest is not it.
How does this series have so few characters, yet I know nothing about any of them? -
9 out of 10
ревью на русском/review in russian
Childishly predictable, superficial, and simple. But damn it's magical! Kerstin Gere's books are my cure for the autumn sadness (winter, spring, and summer too, like Lottie's cookies) I don't care how the story ends, I just enjoy each page, laughing out loud (do you often laugh out loud when reading books?).
In this part, we lose Jasper. What a loss! This guy is so silly, without him the show just can't go on. And we find Grayson who acts like a grandma and Florence who dislikes the newly-made relatives. Every ship except Miss Matthews and Ernest has a second book crisis, which suits me. Why? Because of Grayson. Could he kiss our Liv at least once? Of course, it's not a convenient twist, but I like him! Henry is good too, but can live have both?
Henry and Bee. He wanted to find out her dark secrets, not to have sex, so the setting was so weird...
Kerstin is a master of awkward and comical situations. She can write scripts for sitcoms. Still laughing at the scene with the collective eavesdropping and simulative drunkenness.
I won't talk about the plot, everything is elementary there, my Watsons. But who is Lady Mystery? Hopefully not Dan Humphrey. What worries me is that there's only one book left, and the intrigue hasn't yet had time to resolve properly (or did I not notice?). So...
Silber Trilogie (Трилогия сновидений):—
Silber: Das erste Buch der Träume (Зильбер. Первая книга сновидений) #1/3
Silber: Das zweite Buch der Träume (Зильбер. Вторая книга сновидений) #2/3
Silber: Das dritte Buch der Träume (Зильбер. Третья книга сновидений) #3/3 -
It was underwhelming!
Un libro que gusta pero no tanto como el primero...
Siento que se perdió mucha de la esencia y de las cosas interesantes que nos ofrecía el primero: ese misticismo, los asuntos demoniacos, el misterio... Y nos fue reemplazado por otras cosas no tan interesantes como los chismes, dramas personales y personajes de relleno.
Me gusta la participación de Mía en este libro, tiene más protagonismo y juega un papel importante; sus aportes son graciosos (incluso a veces son DEMASIADO y cortan el tono del libro). Pero no concibo el giro que ha tenido Liv aquí, pasa de ser una niña astuta y valiente a una muchachita enamorada y empañada por su lástima.
El juego de los sueños, todo el enigma alrededor, Arthur y Anabel, Grayson y Secrecy hace que sigas leyendo el libro y mantiene tu interés; el problema viene con la pequeña insatisfacción que sientes cuando lees el último capítulo: y es que sientes que al libro le faltó algo, te sientes ligeramente estafado porque el climax nunca llegó.
3 estrellas y leeré el siguiente porque QUIERO SABER QUIÉN ES SECRECY (otra versión de Gossip Girl). -
Mein Lesetagebuch:
4,5 Sterne -
Wie schon im ersten Band hat mir ein wenig das Finale gefehlt. Die Story war unterhaltsam, aber aus vielen kleinen Storys zusammengeschustert. Dadurch fehlte mir der rote Faden mit einem Hauptstrang etwas und das große Finale war in gefühlten 3 Seiten abgehakt. Trotzdem eine unterhaltsame Geschichte.
Milé, pútavé, vtipné. Zbožňujem knihy Kestin Gierovej, hoci sa toho mohlo udiať viac.
Recenzia na blogu:
Btw, bol tam Benedict Cumberbatch ako Sherlock! :3 -
Meine Gedanken zum Buch:
Müsste ich das Buch mit einem Wort beschreiben, komme ich immer wieder auf -> enttäuschend. Ich hatte normale Erwartungen an das Buch, da ich die Geschichte auch schon im ersten Teil etwas flach fand, aber hatte gehofft, dass es nun besser wird – ähnlich wie bei der Edelsteintrilogie. Aber nichts davon – es wird sogar alles zusammen noch banaler und die Träume kommen zwar immer wieder vor, aber nicht als Hauptstory, um darin etwas Wichtiges zu entdecken oder aufzuklären, sondern um dem Liebesdrama rund um Liv und Henry einen Raum zu geben.
Die Träumerei in den Fluren und in anderen Träumen sollte eigentlich nach Band 1 aufgehört haben – zumindest haben sie das so ausgemacht – aber Henry und Liv können die Finger nicht davon lassen. Natürlich nur um sich dort zu treffen und zu knutschen. Was mich ja nicht gestört hätte, wäre auch mal etwas anderes passiert. Und dann tut es das und es geht dabei wieder um Henry… *gähn*
Spielt die Geschichte dann doch einmal in der realen Welt und nicht in den Träumen von Liv oder Henry, geht das Liebes-Teenie Drama auf der Schule in die nächste Runde, wo es nur so von gemeinen Zicken wimmelt, die man allesamt wo einsperren möchte. Weiß ja nicht, was der Sinn hinter diesem Buch sein soll, aber es wirkte so, als wollte Gier mit ihrer eigentlichen guten Fantasieidee über das Träumen auf den Contemporary Romance Zug mit aufspringen und hat dazu vorher noch einen Gossip Girl – Marathon angetan. ^^
Womöglich um heutige Jugendliche in einer Stadt besser nachvollziehen zu können? Keine Ahnung, was sie Absicht dahinter war, aber es ist kläglich gescheitert. Wenn ich so gewesen wäre, hätte man mich wo wegsperren können, und wenn mein Kind mal so werden sollte … bekommt es Hausarrest. xD
Und ich verstehe nicht, dass bis auf das Ende, so wenig Wert auf das Träumen und die eigentliche Geschichte/ Plot gelegt wurde. Das war so schade, dass ich keine Wörter dafür finde. Der Fokus ist fast ausschließlich auf dieses hin und her von Henry und Liv gerichtet – way too much. Dabei haben sie echt andere Probleme, auf die sie sich hätten konzentrieren sollen. Bzw. waren auch diese irgendwie sehr vorhersehbar, und konnten mich wenig mitreißen oder fesseln.
Das einzig Gute an der Geschichte war der schnelle, leicht zu lesbare Schreibstil von Gier und auch der besonders Sarkasmus und Witz in dem Buch. Schmunzeln musste man immer wieder, sei es wegen Livs Gedanken, wegen Mias Kommentare, Lotties Schrulligkeit oder dem ganz normallen Wahnsinn im Hause Silver.
Trotz aller Kritik habe ich Lieblingsfiguren im Buch und auch wenn ich Henry nicht besonders mag, sind Grayson und Mia die besten und ich finde sie am coolsten, aber das war es auch schon. Florence ist einfach unausstehlich und es ist für mich komisch, dass Livs einzige Freundin in der Schule diese Persp…-wie auch immer – ist, die ständig nur quasselt und die Liv nicht einmal mag?! *unerklärlich*
Hinzu kommt, dass es total verwirrend ist, dass hier fast alle blond sind – da verwechselt man ständig alle und es ist auch etwas unrealistisch, egal ob es nun in England spielt oder nicht. ;)
Das Ende der Geschichte hat mich auch nicht umgehauen und war kein richtiger Höhepunkt, der mich positiv mit dem Schluss hätte schließen lassen. Viel zu einfach und auch teilweise langweilig – generell hatte ich immer das Gefühl, dass hier kein roter Faden war und die Autorin selbst nicht weiß, was sie mit ihrer Geschichte eigentlich sagen will. Zwar war ich nicht begeistert von dem Buch oder dem Ende, werde aber auch den dritten Teil lesen, einfach um zu wissen, wie der Abschluss ist.
Geniales, wunderschönes Cover, das einfach nur bezaubert mit den ganzen tollen Details! <3
All in all:
Ich in leider wirklich enttäuscht von dem zweiten Teil der Silber Reihe. Es war im Prinzip fast nur ein Liebes-Teenager-Drama – andere würden es einen Gossip Girl Abklatsch nennen, aber da ich das nie gesehen habe, kann ich das nicht bestätigen^^ – und konnte mich so gar nicht mitreißen, weil die Story dahinter gefehlt hat. Natürlich wird es auch nicht besser, wenn man immer wieder vor Augen hat, wie toll doch dagegen die Edelsteintrilogie war. Man hätte so viel MEHR aus der Idee mit den Träumen machen können, aber das passiert leider nicht. Dafür war es aber lustig, nett und schnell zu lesen, dafür die zwei Punkte. Mehr war aber leider nicht dran. Fazit: Entscheidet selbst, ob ihr auch den zweiten Teil versuchen wollt.
Mehr dazu auf meinem Blog:
http://martinabookaholic.wordpress.co... -
Mit dem zweiten Buch der Träume legt Kerstin Gier noch einmal eins drauf und beschert uns Lesern einige wunderschöne, teils sehr witzige, teils sehr spannende Lesestunden. Die Grundstory aus Band 1 zieht sich hier wie ein roter Faden durch die Handlung, doch im Grunde wirkt es fast so, als wäre es eine völlig neue Geschichte; quasi als müssten Liv und Mia einen neuen Fall lösen. Wieder war es kein rasantes Actionabenteuer, aber dafür wirklich tolle Unterhaltung, die mitreißen und begeistern kann. Falls ihr noch mehr wissen möchtet, dann schaut gerne einmal
» hier « bei der ausführlichen Rezension vorbei. Viel Spaß. -
Das Buch ist immer noch superwitzig und es macht einfach Spaß, es zu lesen. Aber leider geht es mit der Handlung nicht so wirklich voran, erst ganz zum Schluss kommt etwas Fahrt auf. Dafür liegt der Fokus mehr auf den Nebenhandlungen, welche zum Glück aber auch sehr unterhaltsam sind. Das gemeinsame Abendessen der Spencer- und Silber-Familie war definitiv meine Lieblingsszene.
Ich verstehe Arthurs unbändigen Hass auf Liv immer noch nicht. Der macht doch aus 'ner Mücke 'nen Elefanten. -
2,5/5 Sternen mit Tendenz zu 2 Sternen. (Wann führt Goodreads endlich halbe Sterne ein -.-)
Ich fand es grausig und langweilig.
Und ehrlich gesagt habe ich keine Ahnung, worauf hinaus die ganze Geschichte laufen soll.
Alles plätscherte nur so dahin.
Ich werde mir den dritten Band trotzdem auch in der Biblio ausleihen sobald er erschienen ist. -
Wat een geweldig boek weer, al vond ik het eerste boek leuker! In het begin kwam ik er niet zo goed door heen en had ik steeds geen zin om verder te lezen.
Uiteindelijk werd het wel super leuk én spannend en ik kan niet wachten totdat het derde boek vertaald is! Ik wil zo graag weten hoe dit alles afloopt. -
3.5 stars
Didn't like this one as much as the first book. The plot wasn't as interesting. My main problem is Henry, and the romance. I did really like him in book one, but here, one particular scene reaaly bothered me.
It's strange, but as much as I love and adore Gier's books (the humour, the protagonist's, setting, the fresh ideas behind the story), I found out there's generally only one thing which does not work for me in any of her books: the romance.
I remember loving Ruby Red trilogy so freaking much. I loved the MC, the girl friendship, the plot, the side characters and how funny it was... Everything but the love interest and the romance.
In The Silver trilogy, I actually did find the romance cute in the first book, but here it has definitely gone into the unbearable territory for me once again.
Who I did like just as much here (if not more) - both as a character and his friendship with the MC - was Grayson though. He is definitely my favourite fromthe whole group of boys. I also liked the MC's sister and a few other secondary characters in her family.