Title | : | You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After a Breakup, Divorce, or Death |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 140194387X |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781401943875 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 216 |
Publication | : | First published January 1, 2014 |
With a perfect blend of Louise’s teachings and affirmations on personal growth and transformation and David’s many years of working with those in grief, this empowering book will inspire an extraordinary new way of thinking, bringing hope and fresh insights into your life and even your current and future relationships. You will not only learn how to help heal your grief, but you will also discover that, yes, you can heal your heart.
You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After a Breakup, Divorce, or Death Reviews
Available February from Hay Publishing.
Thanks to the authors for the copy via netgalley.
Ok so the first thing to say is, I’m not a fan of “self help” books. I’ve always found any that I have dipped into rather preachy and smug as if to say “well if you would only do THIS your life would be fantastic”. But I read the blurb on this one, and as the content struck me as extremely relevant to my personal life at the moment, I thought well, why not?
So over the last evening and this morning I read the whole thing cover to cover – and I was very surprised at just HOW relevant it was and how much of what the authors were saying struck a cord with my own feelings and emotions right now. Suffering any kind of loss is hard – we all know that – often coping skills are hard to find. What I found within the pages was a way of focussing those feelings, understanding them a bit better, and realising that nothing I was thinking or feeling was wrong.
This book does not preach at you. It does not attempt to make your suffering go away, in fact after reading this I’ve accepted that suffering is just something we have to go through in order to move on. And that there IS a way of moving on and retrieving your own sense of self worth after a loss, a break up, or indeed any huge life change.
It is simple to read and understand – you are not dazzled by important sounding words or over excessive psychology – it speaks simply to self. Through the stories and experiences of others, it helps you understand that you are not alone, that you are not strange or unusual and that there ARE ways of making it, if not easier, then more productive.
The layout is great – separate chapters speak to separate issues – the issue that is affecting me most, that of moving on after a long term relationship comes to an end had its own specific pages, as did the death of a close friend or relative and various other issues that we all face at some point in our lives. If you just want to read the relevant chapter to your situation, you can.
I read it all – the advice given was straightforward, extremely helpful and very calming. I’m not sure my heart is healed JUST yet – but now I know what to expect, I have some mechanisms to help me cope, and there are certainly some passages in this book that I shall return to whenever my emotions get the better of me.
I would recommend this to anyone who is finding it hard to cope after an emotional issue – it won’t cure the problem or make it go away – what it WILL do perhaps is, help you to move through every part of the grief process with a greater understanding and more rational thinking.
My thanks to the authors once more – you have helped. Truly. -
��تاسفم که به کتاب محبوبترین نویسنده م چهار ستاره بدم اما متاسفانه ترجمه بد کتاب رو داغون کرده، حتی احساس میکنم مترجم اینقدر با فلسفه فکری این نویسنده ناآشناست که جملاتی رو نوشته در کتاب که مطمئنم حرف نویسنده نیست! برای نشر البرز ایمیل زدم و گله کردم اما ایمیله برگشت خورد دیگه نمیدونم چطور باید صدای خواننده به گوش مترجم و انتشاراتی برسه
كتاب مُهم. يتحدث الكتاب عن التأثير الكبير للأفكار التي نقولها لأنفسنا أو في أدمغتنا بدون وعي منا وخاصة في أوقات الحزن مثل الموت أو الطلاق أو الخسارة ؛ هذه الأفكار التي قد تجعلنا غارقين في دوامة
متواصلة من الحزن والأسى طيلة حياتنا.
يحاول الكاتبان تقديم العلاج عن طريق تحليل الأفكار التي يتبناها الفرد خلال فترة الحزن أو الفقد. معظم هذه الأفكار تكون سلبية وتأثيرها كالسُم ، ومن خلال تحويلها إلى تأكيدات إيجابية مُكررة تتغير حياة الفرد جذرياً
يتحدث الكتاب أيضاً عن موضوع حُب الذات وكيف تقوم التأكيدات الإيجابية اليومية مثل "أنا أُحِب نفسي وأُقدرها" بالتأثير الفعّال على حياة الفرد نحو حياة أكثر سعادة. أنا شخصياً جربتها ؛ مفعولها عجيب ؛ كالسحر تماماً (:
يحرص الكتاب على أهمية أن يعيش الفرد فترة الحزن بأكملها وبمراحلها دون أن يكبت شئ من مشاعره ؛ فمن خلال الحزن سيتلقى العلاج والمعنى العميق لخسارته.
ومن المعاني العميقة التي يهديها الحزن عندما تفقد شخصاً عزيزاً أن تظل تتذكره بالحُب والدعاء وليس الألم والمرارة والمعاناة.
بإختصار؛ هذا الكتاب للقلوب المكسورة التي تستحق الحُب والحياة المليئة بالسلام. -
الكتاب يتكلم عن اعاده ترميم النفس بعد علاقه حب فاشله او طلاق او مرض وكيف انه الحياه فيها فرص اخرى و جوانب كثير ما ننتبه لها
ودايما في العلاقات يكون عندنا سؤال ليش كذاصار .؟ او انا ما غلطت شي عشان النهايه تكون محزنه ؟الجواب انه ممكن تكون مثالي في العلاقه بس الطرف الاخر كلب =)
حبيت الكتاب كثير -
عليك أن تعبر خلال الحزن و تسمح له ان يمر خلالك بكل بؤسه حتى تشفى .. الحياة تحبك
This is a good book. But it made me sad. There is excessive optimism in it that is almost chastising to those unable to feel it. It is comprehensive, dealing with death, illness, divorce, breakups, and other losses- even of things that never were. But it’s overfilled with vignettes, which is what gives the book a “doom ‘n’ gloom mood”... A cool thing in it is that it encourages us to remember that grief happens where there was love. And that every experiences, good or bad, is a gift filled with life lessons.
جميل جداً أنصح بقراءته لكل من عانى من الإنفصال أو الطلاق أو موت شخص عزيز كذلك في حالات العقم والإجهاض وسن اليأس ، تحتاج لقراءاته كل سيدة متعبه
اكثر عبارة أعجبتني بالكتاب ( لا تنسى أن تحب نفسك . أنت تستحق ذلك ) -
I received a complementary copy of this book from Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.
Everyone experiences loss in this life, whether it be the breakup of a relationship, the death of a loved one, or something else. If you are like me who sometimes find loss hard to take, authors David Kessler and Louise Hay can help. They have created a wonderful new book on the subject – You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After a Breakup, Divorce, or Death.
On the cover of this month’s Unity Magazine Kessler is called “America’s Leading Grief Expert”. I love how the book mixes Kessler’s expertise with Hay’s affirmation techniques. “Grieving is challenging, but it is our thoughts that often add suffering to our pain,” the authors write in the first few pages. Kessler knows all about grief, Hay knows all about positive thoughts. It’s a powerful combination.
You Can Heal Your Heart is a book that gives readers hope, even in the most dire of circumstances. “Although it’s natural to forget your power after you lose a loved one, the truth is that after a breakup, divorce, or death, there remains an ability within you to create a new reality,” they say. The most common causes of grief are covered in different chapters: a broken romantic relationship, divorce, death of a loved one, even death of a pet. One chapter is devoted to other types of losses, such as losing a job. Regardless of the loss, there is light on the other side according to Kessler and Hay. “Our ultimate wish is for you to discover that no matter what you’re facing, you can heal your heart. You deserve a loving, peaceful life.”
Reading You Can Heal Your Heart caused me to take a fresh look at some of my past losses, and to appreciate the lessons learned through those events. “Life is always moving toward healing,” say the authors. One story that touched me was of Candy Lightner, who lost her first grade son Jesse in the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy. Mrs. Lightner encourages us to “change an angry thought into a loving one, each and every day.” The book is full of other inspiring stories of people who have dealt with loss and have come out on the other side with a positive outlook on life.
“We deeply believe in the affirmation Life loves us, although you may wonder how that applies in loss,” the authors conclude. “It doesn’t mean that you won’t experience loss—but depending on how you hold, perceive, and think about that loss, life can be there for you, even cradling you through your toughest times.” This is a book to read if you are having difficulty with a loss of your own, or to give to a friend or family member going through a similar ordeal. -
This book came my way providentially. My heart needed a lot of healing and letting go of old wounds.
So as Louise Hay and David Kessler would put it in the form of affirmation, all people and all situations are delivering me towards my higher good.
An easy book to read, chapters divided into short sections, gentle in its words, respectful of the matter being discussed but firm in showing the path to self-empowerment and healing.
This book deals with all that has to do with losses that clog our hearts leaving it blocked and shrivelled for years causing prolonged sadness, anger and a complete disappointment in life. An ever bleeding wound that will not let us live our life to its completeness.
It is only through thoroughly honouring our losses, live in and move through the grievance that we can slowly change our usually biased perception of what has happened. Repeated affirmations will slowly dissolve away our negative thoughts. Healing will bring us to a place where we can safely let go of pain and sorrow leaving us free to hold our love as a beacon to all that, who and what we loved and cherished in this lifetime.
The book makes no distinction between mayor or minor loss.
The heart does not make that difference.
Besides the classical losses of death, divorce and broken relationships of all kinds, the book dedicates a whole section on disenfranchised grief, that is that grief for which people do not feel they have a socially recognized right to grieve such as, LGBT relationships, loss of pets (a whole chapter is dedicated), abortion or miscarriages, suicide, drug/disease related deaths, loss of jobs or a kind of life that can never be again like it was before, such as cancer patients.
The beauty of this book is that it lovingly points out many times that all our interrelations and exchanges with and within this world are assigned to us for our own healing. That relationships and events are our guides and teachers that the Universe uses to help us discover within ourselves the Divine and the Power we all carry within and rarely acknowledge.
So now grab your pen and several Post-it and start writing your way out of grieve and your way in to your true free loving self.
The book will be published on the 4th February 2014. -
After two horrendously bad break ups in the space of 3 years, I felt floored. I was at the lowest point of my life and I didn't think I would ever be able to love again.
Typical me, I went on a theraputic book buying spree - scooping up everything I could find on dealing with heart-ache, loss and the entire gamut of emotions that follow the end of a significant relationship.
This one was probably my favourite!
Louise Hay and co-author David Kessler help you go back into your childhood to explore what shaped your particular views, attitudes and behaviours when it comes to dating. I am not too proud to admit that I had to put the book down several times to dry my tears. Accepting my own role in the demise of my relationships was a MASSIVE turning point in my emotional growth. I also enjoyed the meditations and affirmations provided as they helped me on a journey of self discovery, self love and healing.
If you find yourself at the end of a relationship or marriage - THIS book will help you deal with the myriad of emotions stirring in your soul. -
Ho divorato questo libro!
A onor del vero, ho saltato due capitoli, questo assolutamente non perchè non mi piacessero, ma perchè in questo momento della mia vita, grazie a Dio, non era necessari.
Il volume affronta il tema della perdita sotto diverse sfaccettature e prova ogni volta a tirar fuori da ogni situazione una lezione di vita, senza però mai sminuire il lutto, qualsiasi esso sia.
La lettura è scorrevolissima anche perchè ogni argomento è introdotto da una spiegazione sotto forma di esempio pratico, affinché il lettore possa capire al meglio che tipo di lutto stanno per affrontare gli autori.
Penso che leggerò altri libri di Louise L. Hay perchè questo l'ho trovato davvero utile e, sono onesta, la tecnica delle affermazioni mi piace molto e sono sicura che in qualche modo funzioni, anche solo a livello morale, che comunque non è cosa da poco! -
Awesome as usual by Louise L Hay.
This book is amazing for anyone dealing with any sort of loss (death, relationship). Louise Hay is an amazing author.
Everyone needs a champion. Louise Hay is that champion. Her language makes you realize how important it is to really give up negative feelings and focus on yourself first.
They could have done a better job. I spent the whole time with a highlighter and pencil in hand and hardly used the highlighter and mainly used the pencil to correct the false facts that were listed.
A lot of mention of "The Universe" was in there and this is a whole pile of BS. The universe doesn't care about us. God does. As a Christian, all of this rubbed me the wrong way. The universe doesn't do anything for us. God does. So if you find you've been seeking the universe for help and have been screwed over, it's because you weren't seeking God.
There were several passages where the authors were trying to provide help that was either outlandish or just completely wrong. I'm half tempted to send my Goodreads giveaway win copy back to them so they can see their mistakes.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and not everyone is going to agree, and here's my own take on this book. I'm done ranting about this, it's not worth my time to keep going with what was wrong with it, when I scraped the surface. -
احد الكتب القليلة التي تكرس جهودها من اجل استكشاف الجانب الروحي العميق لنهاية العلاقات ، الطلاق ، الموت ، وأشكال الفقد الاخرى .
ان الحزن الذي نشعر به في نهاية العلاقة يكون احيانا نتيجة سوء الفهم بأن الاشياء لم تأخذ مجراها الصحيح ، وأن حياتك تسير في منحى خاطىء . بالطبع ان الوحدة التي تتبع انتهاء العلاقة تكون مؤلمة .
الطلاق خاتمة لكنه يمكن ايضاً ان يكون بداية شيء جديد ، يجب التذكر ان ما نمنحه الاهتمام ينمو ، التركيز على الحاضر والامكانات الغير المحدودة في الحب والسعادة .
كل الناس يتعرضون الى الخسارة ، ولكن موت شخص عزيز لا يعادله شيء من حيث الشعور بالخواء والحزن العميق ، لأن الموت أمر بالغ الاهمية بالنسبة الى معنى الحياة .يعتقد البعض ان الموت عدو يحقق انتصاره علينا في النهاية ، وأنه خدعة رهيبة من الطبيعة كي تهزمنا بوحشية . التخلص من انماط الفكر السلبي التي تدور حول اللوم والشعور بالذنب . بغض النظر عن الطريقة التي توفي بها الشخص الذي نحبه . ان قوة الحب لا يمكن ان تتبدد بسبب الموت .
في النهاية سواء كانت الخسارة شيئاً حاصلاً في العالم الخارجي ، او كانت توقعاً في الحياة لم يحصل بالطريقة التي توقعها ، فإن الشفاء منكن دائماً . -
I've come to expect more from a Louise L. Hay book and found this one to read choppy and without a thread that connected it all. Sure, I found helpful tips but struggled with the writing in this book.
many good points. One part even seemed to be written about me. I am finding that I don't love myself as much as I thought.. so now? lessons and affirmations from this little book are going to be looked at daily!
كتاب جدا مفيد يساعد على شفاء القلب من آلام الحزن و الفقد ، و يساعد أيضا على العثور على السلام الداخلي مع النفس ، أنصح به و بشدة!👌🏻
In You Can Heal Your Heart, self-help luminary Louise Hay and renowned grief and loss expert David Kessler, the protégé of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, have come together to start a conversation on healing grief. This remarkable book discusses the emotions that occur when a relationship leaves you brokenhearted, a marriage ends in divorce, or a loved one dies. In my case it was saying good-bye to my beloved dog: Olly.
جعلني هذا الكتاب أحمد الله وأشكره لاني لم أمر بمعاناة موت او فقد شخص عزيز ولا حيوان أليف
كتاب مواساة لمن يعيش الحزن والاكتئاب لمصائب الدنيا التي لم نحسب لها حساب
أهم درس ونصيحة التى اخذتها هي انه يجب علينا التقبل لكل ما نمر به و��ترك المساحة لذواتنا لنعيش الحزن ولا نقمعه هذا هو بداية العلاج -
كتاب ناجع لأصحاب هذه النكبات؛ انفصال، طلاق، موت
تربيت على الكتف
تقبل الذات
فهم الواقع
تفهم الطرف الأخر -
I am honestly surprised that this book has so many good reviews. I found this book next to worthless, and the so called “advice” that so many other readers seemed to find in it was not present for me. Each chapter gave various scenarios of people grieving, with some kind of adage at the end meant to be a more positive way to look at the situation. That was it. Essentially, the message of the book was to think more positively and that would help you heal. True, but that is not new advice, nor was it even presented in an applicable way for the reader’s life.
You Can Heal Your Heart
Finding peace after a breakup, divorce or death
Louise L. Hay
David Kessler
Copyright 2014
ISBN 978-1-4019-4387
“You Can Heal Your Heart” is a collaboration of love by authors Louise L. Hay and David Kessler; David is one of the most well-known experts and lecturers on grief and loss. He co-authored two bestsellers with the legendary Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. This book is written as a means to explore and find ways to heal after a significant loss.
The general subject matter of “You Can Heal Your Heart” is grief, loss and how to heal. It is about all types of losses we may experience whether it’s break-up, divorce, or death of a loved one. The purpose of this book is to explore how we grieve, and ways to find healing after any type of loss. It is the authors hope that this book will expand the readers awareness and thinking around loss.
Both authors agree that changing your beliefs around the subject of grief and loss can expediently improve recovery time. Their intentions are that the reader allows himself to feel the grief fully and not get stuck in sorrow and suffering. Louise offers positive affirmations to help us through whatever beliefs needs to be changed or altered so as to move past grieving. You are asked to change your thinking after a loss occurs not as a means of avoiding the pain, but rather as a means of connecting to love and releasing the sorrow.
“Pay attention to your thinking”
Louise L. Hay
There are three areas the book will focus on;
• Helping you feel your feelings
• Allowing old wounds to come up for healing
• Changing distorted thinking about relationships, love and life
Throughout “You Can Heal Your Heart” importance is place on becoming fully aware of how our thinking contributes to our suffering, the authors point out that often we bring our childhood wounds to the grieving process and our thoughts and self-talk after a significant loss can add to the pain and suffering we can experience while in the throes of grief.Grief is a natural response to loss, there is no way around it, but rather we have to go through it to bring ourselves back to a feeling of balance and healing.
The authors point of view are brought forth by means of a series of personal stories of people experiencing different types of losses and how they respond to their loss. How their daily self-talk and assumptions or beliefs about the loss has an impact on recovery.
Louise then offers a series of affirmations to be used as a means of altering the negative beliefs and transforming the experience, to allow love to heal your heart.
“Our thinking creates our experiences, it doesn’t mean the loss didn’t happen it means our thinking shapes our experience of the loss. “
Having personally experienced multiple losses in a short period of time, I fully understand the feelings of loss and the grief that comes with it. I was surprised to find that within myself there was still some unresolved grief I had not let go of. “You Can Heal Your Heart” is for anyone experiencing a loss, we often don’t realize that grief is not exclusive of a death of a loved one, that grief and loss can be part of many different scenarios that we experience throughout life.
Whether it’s the loss of a job, separation, divorce, death of a loved one or a pet grief is a natural response to the loss. The authors are both loving and caring individual that have been in the field of personal development for a long time, grief is a tough subject to write about but what I have found throughout the years is that many don’t seek support from others, they feel isolated in their own pain and this book helps those experiencing grief to look at things in a new way. It is packed with very insightful stories that many will relate to in some way.
There is the very real possibility of finding yourself within the pages of “You Can Heal Your Heart” loss and grief are parts of the life experience and I would highly recommend this book even if you are not presently experiencing grief because it’s insights are powerful tools and can awaken the mind to a better way of coping and recovering.
You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After a Breakup, Divorce, or Death
by Louise L. Hay, David Kessler
Relief of Grief From Any Type of Loss!
In typical Louise Hay fashion, this book does not disappoint. The collaboration between grief counseling expert David Kessler and metaphysician Louise Hay brings about a wonderful book with intelligent insight into the behavior associated with grief. Louise guides the reader to analyze their thinking. Most likely it will contain negative affirming thoughts that hinder the healing process. She advises positive affirmations to change the thought processes which are the first step to overcoming grief. When grief incapacitates ones life to the point they can not move forward, they need to re-evaluate their thinking as well as their behavior.
David Kessler brings his expertise in dealing with grief and how to handle it. Both of them agree it should not be suppressed in order to move on, as it will only re-emerge with a vengeance later on. They cite examples in story form that allow the reader to see the alternatives to thinking negatively and the possibilities with the changes.
The beauty of this book is that it does not only deal with grief of death. Grief is an emotion that is felt at any loss. Although the principals could be attributed to seemingly simple losses its main focus is life-altering loss such as relationship break-ups, divorce and death. There is also a chapter on other losses such as miscarriage, job loss, lost dreams/achievements and so on.
Divorce or Break-ups do not have to be a war between the parties involved. With respect, both parties can heal their hearts and honor what was between them, what brought them together in the first place and what they will continue to carry with them as they separate.
The lessons within are beautiful and if followed will lead to a more nurturing society based on respect and honor rather than competition of victimized thinking.
If you have a family member or friend dealing with a loss, this book can help them to heal. They would have to be open to move past the trough of grief and anguish, but it would lift them toward a path of recovery. Beautiful insight, beautiful nourishment for the soul!
To see other titles by Louise Hay, visit her website at:
www.LouiseHay.com and
To see other titles by David Kessler, visit his website at:
www.DavidKessler.org and
FTC Disclaimer: I was given an ARC of this title by Hay House Publishing for review purposes only, no other compensation was awarded.
"نعتقد أننا نرغب بتجنب الحزن لكننا بالفعل نود تجنب ألم الفقد .. إن الحزن هو عملية علاجية تجلب لنا في النهاية الراحة من ألمنا إذا سمحنا له بالحدوث دون السماح لتفكيرنا المشوه بالتدخل" .
كتاب ل (لويز هاي و ديفيد كيسلر) يصوران معنى الحزن بطريقة شفائية.. نعم شفائية.. مهما كان الحزن إن كان بعد انفصال .طلاق . موت أحد قريب .موت حيوان أليف . فقدان وظيفة . إجهاض أو حتى الشيء الغير موجود في حياتك و تتمنى وجوده فهذا يدخل ضمن مشاعر الفقد أيضاً..
"إن إعطاء الوقت لخسارتك و الاعتراف بها أسهل بكثير من مقاومتها".
"أنت فقط من يمكنه إدراك خسارتك على نحو حقيقي ، لأنه أنت و أنت فقط من يمكنه معالجة هذه الخسارة ".
حتى إن لم تمر بعد بأحد من هذه التجارب القاسية جداً لكن قراءتك لهذه الكلمات في هذا الكتاب كافية لأن تقدر الفقد الذي يتعرض له الآخرين من حولك و إن كان بسيطاً بنظرك ..
تصوير تقدير الذات و التوكيدات التي أكدوا عليها الكاتبين تجعلك تنظر إلى عينيك كل يوم و تنظر إلى روحك من خلالهم و تكلم هذه الروح بهذه التوكيدات اللطيفة مع الذات و المقدرة لها.
"إن الشخص الوحيد الذي يحتاج أيّ منا على التركيز عليه و الوحيد الذي يمكننا العمل عليه هو ذاك الذي (في المرآة. إنه دائماً عمل داخلي)".
"مامن أحد يمكن أن يكون مصدرك أو بيده مفتاح حبك الحقيقي. إن الحب الحقيقي دائما داخلك و أنت تقرر سواء في عقلك الواعي أو اللاواعي إذا ما كنت ستسمح لنفسك بالدخول إليه أم لا".
كتاب يمنح طاقة و تقدير للمشاعر في الفترات الصعبة و أمل بالشفاء بعد الجروح العميقة و رفيق دائم بالتوكيدات الموجودة فيه .
كتاب يتكلم عن أصواتنا الداخلية بصوت مرتفع.
أنصح به كل من شعر أنه حزين و بائس في هذه الحياة. "لأن الحیاة ُتحبّك. إذا كانت لديك قابلیة فتح أّي باب من أبواب البصیرة عندما ُتعاني من الفقد والخسارة، فأنت حینھا على الطريق الصحیحة. إذا لم تكن كذلك، فستسعى الحیاة كي تسوق لك الدروس التي تحتاجھا حتى تتمكّن من إيجاد الشفاء. على الرغم من أنك قد ُتخطئ في تفسیر ھذه الدروس على أنھا.نوع من العقاب، ولكنّھا فقط جزء من تجارب الحیاة"
قمت باستعارة هذا الكتاب من المكتبة العامة في تورونتو الصيف الماضي و موجود أيضاً pdf لمن يرغب بتحميله. -
I think you need to be dealing with some sort of immediate loss or unresolved grief to really cry like I did when I was reading this book. During the chapter on death of loved one, I related to every word that was said, and I found it helped me out a bit.
However, I enjoyed the other chapters as well. They were full of personal stories that I could relate to and every single loss that was discussed in the book was something I could relate to in some way. For instance, suicide is not something that I have had to deal with personally, but my best friend has had to deal with it. So, the part on suicide helped me understand what she was going through and how she could heal.
I got this book in exchange for a review from Hay House, and I picked it because we all go through loss at some time or another, so I knew that it would help me now and in the future in some way.
I also wanted to read it because I have been very big on positive affirmations lately, and Louise Hay is the queen of affirmations, which are incorporated into this book very nicely. There are suggestions for affirmations after each topic or point is made.
All in all, if you are struggling with loss of any kind, then this is a good insightful book that will help you gain a new perspective on that loss and help you to move forward in a happier and healthier way. And, even if you are not struggling with loss, this book can help you get prepared to deal with loss in a healthier way. I recommend it. -
I'm not done reading this book yet....but...the best day to start reading this book is on Valentine's Day. Truly. If you're trying to heal your heart (which I am) this book is like the pint of ice cream for the soul.
I'm not done reading yet...I'll keep you updated.
I'm Done: Is it possible to be a vibrational match with a book? If so, than I am. Sometimes I'll read a book and out of 300 pages I'll remember one line. This book I drank it in like a glass of water on a hot and steamy Chicago day. It was quenching, what I needed, and it was written incredibly smooth...I could taste the love and compassion in every word.
Thank YOU both...a healing tool that was needed and I will refer back to it often. It was a beautifully soothing read. -
I requested this book on a whim, as I am not a huge fan of self help books. This one, however, seemed different. The stories and advice were practical and common sense; what was different was the approach. Lots of books, and people, tell you to change your thinking and many even give good advice on how to do so. The difference in this book was that you not only learned the affirmations, but that they were repeated so often, they almost become part of your core. The authors tell you to repeat these affirmations to yourself over and over again, a process they model throughout the book. As I have incorporated that model into my life, I have seen and felt the change. Many thanks to the authors!