Title | : | Thor: God of Thunder, Vol. 2: Godbomb |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 0785168435 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9780785168430 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 136 |
Publication | : | First published October 9, 2013 |
As the dark origin of Gorr is revealed, along with the truth behind his bloody quest to butcher the gods, three time-bending Thors unite to lead an army of slave gods in the fight to save all of divinity. But will it all be for naught as the clock ticks down and the massive Godbomb is triggered at last? And after the dust clears, what will be left of the universe’s divinity?
Collecting: Thor: God of Thunder 6-11
Thor: God of Thunder, Vol. 2: Godbomb Reviews
Voldemort Jr. is back. This time he goes up against three Thor’s.
Three! Count them! Three!!
Thors from different timelines trying to defuse the Godbomb.
There’s old man Thor (“Hey, you frost giant kids, keep off of my rainbow bridge!”) from the future.
Present day Avenger Thor and young buck, raging hormone Thor from the past, who does all his thinking with Lil’ Mjolnir.
Avenger Thor gets to try to smash the God Bomb with two Mjolnirs.
Two! Count ‘em, two!
Before all that happens we get Voldemort Jr.’s (aka Gorr) back story about why he went off the deep end with his hatred for all that is godly and what motivated him to go on a killing spree. It’s not that convincing, kind of perfunctory, but it’s a comic book so just roll with it.
Bottom Line: Aaron winds up the God-smash storyline here. Although there’s good times to be had, it’s a slight step down from the near perfect volume one -
Thor: God of Thunder, Vol. 1: The God Butcher
BONUS shark content for karen
Avenger Thor gets smacked in the face with a space shark.
It doesn’t get much better than that! -
Gorr, the God Butcher, builds a bomb designed to travel back in time and kill all gods. The present day Thor and the All-Father Thor united to stop him. But can two, or even three, thunder gods be enough?
Wow. The three Thors vs. the Butcher of Gods. It reminded me quite a bit of the Elric tales when multiple versions of the Eternal Champion would team up against some huge menace. Whereas the first volume was mostly setup, this one was all payoff, like a porno that's entirely money shots.
Aaron brought forth his A-game in this one. It was everything a cosmic fantasy tale should be. The three Thors kicked serious ass and ended the menace of the God Butcher. The carnage level was pretty huge but it seems to me that a story headlined by so many gods should feature wholesale destruction.
The interplay between the three Thor incarnations was worth the read alone. I like that this tale is how the young Thor finally become worthy to wield Mjolnir. Old Thor drops some tantalizing hints of things to come, hopefully during Jason Aaron's run.
Four out of five hammers. -
Yea and I did look upon thy second tome of Thor, God Of Blunders, and I was not well pleased to see logic and common sense has forsaken this story and Scribe Aaron is determinedly taking thine piss!
Ok I’m gonna stop talking like that because I can’t keep it up. But yeah, this one isn’t good. I did read the first volume and had numerous problems with it, but fans of the series told me, no dude, you’re only seeing half of the complete story - you’ve got to read the second volume to get how awefrikkinsome it is! So I did – I’m an open-minded guy always on the lookout for awefrikkinsome comics – but unfortunately no, it wasn’t better. In fact it was worse because it made less sense than the first volume!
The story is: a madman called Gorr is killing gods left and right giving him the name The God Butcher. He’s built a bomb to kill all of the gods and is determined to set it off, destroying every single god that ever was or will be. Only Thor can stop him - all three of him, past, present and future!
The stuff I liked: as you might expect from having three different Thors showing up, time travel is a factor, and I hate time travel, but Thor does acknowledge the inherent stupidity of time travel as a storytelling concept. I also liked that present Thor and future Thor got drunk and drove their space boat - galactic drunk driving! – which was funny. I liked Thor’s granddaughters who’re crazy and cool and should get their own series, plus Thor swinging two Mjolnirs is all kinds of awesome. And lastly, I liked the godbomb itself.
The godbomb, when detonated, will explode through time killing every god who ever lived or ever will. While it’s so out there conceptually, nuts and over the top, I like that about it. In a story about Thor fighting a time travelling monster through time and space, this doomsday device should be as weird and crazy as it is - it’s a Marvel comic after all! It’s like Jim Starlin himself came up with it.
That’s the good stuff and it’s mostly little things. The bad stuff is to do with the bigger aspects of the story. Oh, and fair warning – spoilers ahead.
One of my problems with the first book was that Gorr (Gorr = gore, and he’s a butcher, geddit?) didn’t have a motivation for doing what he was doing. Well, in the first chapter of this book we see it. Why would a man want to kill a god? It’s because he believed in them and they didn’t answer his prayers and let his family die. In other words, bad things happening to good people. Oh, boo hoo! Can you get more clichéd? How many times have we seen a man lose his faith and turn against it? Like Jason Aaron’s version of Thanos’ origin, recasting him with a serial killer mindset, it’s unoriginal and deeply unimaginative.
For some reason there’s a lot of Christian imagery in a book without any Christians. I get that many people in real life believe in the Judeo-Christian god, but we don’t see him (or any Earth deity besides Thor) in the story – so why all the Christian imagery? Gorr crucifies gods left and right (Jesus’ death), he allows his god-slaves to rest on the seventh day (the Creation myth), Thor dies and is resurrected three days later (like Jesus), and there are three Thors (the Holy Trinity). It’s a contrived idea because these things would mean something to many readers but nothing at all to any of the characters in the book – why is Gorr so enamoured with the Christian religion above all others? We don’t know, but we do know he’s obsessed with Thor – so why don’t we see any references to the Viking religion?
What is a god? Is it just a being with superpowers like Thor who is worshipped by lesser beings – are the X-Men gods? Why do gods need to be worshipped? Why is this concept of a god universal to billions of star systems in the universe? This is inherently a humanistic concept isn’t it? And why is there a God of Bombs? Are bombs sentient? Do they worship Shadrak, the God of Bombs? Did he give himself the title? What makes him a god? What makes any of them a god? There must be varying levels of powers, so Thor is obviously a god to humans but what about other alien races to whom he might be less powerful and therefore not a god? In a story where there are literally a billion gods, are they all of the same power level as Thor? If not, why are they considered gods?
If Gorr is able to time-travel whenever he wants to, why not travel to when Thor was a baby and kill him then? Why wait until there are three adult, fully powered Thors to fight (and defeat) him? The god-slaves have somehow secretly built their own bomb without Gorr knowing about it? When past Thor throws this bomb at the Godbomb, he suddenly appears on the ship with present and future Thor – how?!
But probably the most damning plot hole in the book is at the end when present Thor is killed but brought back to life by future Thor. This is why I hate time-travel stories: if present Thor died, future Thor would’ve died as well, right? They’re the same person after all. Future Thor should’ve disappeared rather than stuck around for three days, giving him the time to raise present Thor back from the dead.
I really tried with this story but I honestly don’t know what people love about this comic. Verily it is terribly overrated! -
The origin of Gorr the God Butcher is revealed.
His family died trusting in gods that couldn't be bothered to help. So Gorr has devised his own plan with the help of time travel. He created a godbomb to annihilate every god who ever has and ever will live across all time in an instant.
The only thing left standing in his way are three Thors from different time periods.
Godbomb was a good conclusion to the tale of Gorr the God Butcher. It's easy to see why Gorr turned out to be the way he was and how he grew to despise all the gods. He's truly sympathetic because all he sought was help and what he got in return was seeing his entire family including his children die in front of him.
The three Thors were interesting.
I really wanted to see more of the All-Father Thor because he's the character who has been seen the least among the three.
Godbomb had some solid writing and I definitely enjoyed it. -
Guess I'm all alone here, but I just didn't think Godbomb was all that great.
I'm giving it 3 stars instead of 2, because I can't get my hands on
Thor: God of Thunder #1...so maybe I just didn't understand what was going on in this volume. Maybe volume 1 was stuffed full of awesomesauce?
Also, I'm not a fan of Thor in Asgaard. I like the Avenger version, not the one where he does all the viking stuff.
So three time-traveling Thors try to stop an alien who is trying to kill all of the gods. I found that to be a bit confusing. I mean, how are they meeting up? Does one of them have a time-travel machine or does one of them have special powers that lets them do that? Again, maybe this is because I didn't read volume 1, so I'm trying not to be an ass about it.
I thought the concept of a 'god of bombs' was dorky. Sorry, but I giggled instead of gasped when the little green god finally told the librarian guy who he was. But since this volume is named Godbomb, I guess I should have expected that there would be a, um, god of bombs.
The art was very cool in spots, but at times it felt a little too watery for my taste. I guess that was the point, but I didn't love it.
Not my cuppa, but most of the other reviewer's loved it. -
Gorr is an asshole, but a believable one. Forged in the crucible of cruel fate, he makes enough sense that this story isn't just an excuse for Thor to man up.
Speaking of which, I've always wondered at these superhero physiques - especially the divine ones. Does Thor lift? He's got those ridiculous garden hose veins on his bicep, like what you see when Hugh Jackman went nuts getting 'cut' for the last Wolverine movie. Compare:
Jackman only got that way through some extreme jacking and day-before-shooting-dehydration. So it makes me wonder: does the Odinson do boulder curls, then go on an epic whiskey binge the day before battle? It's hard to believe he needs to work out, but then if he has superhuman strength because he's a god, why couldn't he just be a scrawny pencil neck and still pull the same stunts? Wouldn't that be even more awesome - Thor, God of Adrenaline Car-Lifting?
Forget that though, have you seen Thor's granddaughters? The Goddesses of Thunder? Now that is a trio worth trading in the Warriors Three, Power Pack and even (numerically challenged) the Sinister Six (not to mention the Holy Trinity of DC).
This is a story that reaches for the epic - and with a few hot flickers of humour to boost it, becomes one of the great stories that balances the bombast with the profound narrative and a respect for the reader I'm not used to reading in Thor (I'm hairy-eyeballin you, JMS).
That was worth every brain cell I just sacrificed on the insane altar to Jason Aaron I have blessed with my bodily fluids. -
"Thor...hear my prayer. Hear the prayer of Odin. Do not fall, my son. Be the savior of us all. Be the God of Gods."
The story of the God Butcher concludes, and what a journey it has been.
The first issue in this volume gives the readers a glimpse of the man that Gorr once was. It justifies his actions to a little extent, but as the story progresses, the readers start seeing the madness in him.
This story is about the haughty Thor, the mature Thor and the All-Father Thor all coming together to stop Gorr, before he wipes out all the gods from space and time. The dialogue exchanges among the three are funny and also sad at times. The Thor from the future looks at his younger selves and thinks about the failures they are about to face and the losses they are about to suffer. In one panel he asks the Thor from the present to be a better Thor than he ever was. These moments make the book all the more enjoyable.
Gorr's origin story is drawn by Butch Guice, while the remaining issues are drawn by the inimitable Esad Ribic. -
This is both an epic and simple read with a resounding story and gorgeous art. I totally recommend it even if you aren't even a Thor fan because it might just turn you into one.
Simple, I say, but across all time, all gods, three out-of-time Thors, and a God Butcher, we even get to see the birth of a certain massively over-powered sword. One, I believe, we got to see at the end of a recent Marvel movie.
Suffice to say, I'm even more thrilled than ever. Just.. wow. I can't wait to see where this will go. -
Wow! Just wow! This is my new favorite series! And that's the first time I've said that about Marvel, coming from a diehard DC boy. Jason Aaron (with Esad Ribic's stunning illustrations) has created a mind blowing and balanced tale of epic violence and existential contemplation.
Gorr's tale and motivation is a classic revenge story but new with a twist of deep existentialism. That fury that we as humans (or creatures, in his case) have for a higher power when we suffer tragedy. As if we are unrightfully being punished. Which is something that I think most people (myself included) feel at some point in their lives. That's true in the case of Gorr. Loss after loss on a tidally-locked planet of arid heat and total sunlight. He seeks revenge on the gods that abandoned him, instilling us with sympathy for a murderous and tragic creature. Volstagg the Valiant makes a great point that, for all of Gorr's hatred for gods, he himself has become a god that punishes and destroys. And we see just how hypocritical that is in the end. -
This was an epic one and it starts off with the origins of Gorr and its an emotional and explains why he hates gods and then we see his plan to detonate Godbomb in the far future through time to make sure no gods are formed and its an epic team up between Thor the Viking, Thor the Avenger and King Thor. And its bloody and beautiful and they are defeated at first but they come together when revelations are to be had and when a final face off happens and I just love that part! Plus the lessons they learnt and the fate that awaits them is epic for sure.
One thing I love about this story is how it shows that hate leads you to become the thing you despise and also showing Thor as the greatest god who ever lived and that scene where he holds two hammers is just epic. Plus the ending was beautiful compounded by the art and how every panel looked remarkably amazing. Aaron really showing the great side of Thor here. -
The second volume collection of the continuing God-Butcher epic/murder mystery is Godbomb which revealed the accumulation of all of the villain Gorr's plan from the beginning ever since he started his personal crusade of wiping out every living god in existence. Comprised of issues 6-11, Godbomb has all the essential elements to increase the stakes and fairly conclude this arc, and some of its important parts did manage to deliver a solid ending; but there are details across said issues that make less sense once examined more critically.
Still, this volume is what the first one's set up was eluding to: it was brisk and exciting filled with great action sequences and small crowning moments of awesome among the three versions of Thor and their roles in the story.
The sixth issue focused primarily on Gorr's origin which was emotional and believable enough to accept. He was an ordinary being from a harsh environment who lost his wife and unborn child to unfortunate circumstances. Even with the worsening conditions, his wife remained faithful to the higher powers, often lecturing and assuring him that the gods are looking after them. Already an aspiring atheist, Gorr questions her religious allegiance and after her tragic death, he began to outwardly and passionately despise the concept of gods in general and so began his lifelong hunt to exterminate every kind of deity across the universe.
The one god who struggled to find a way to prevent this is Thor and all his past, present and future incarnations gathered together because each version feels responsible about Gorr in some way, and the strength in their number should be enough to overcome the god-butcher's ill-intentioned and widespread hate-mongering disease. All three of them--though initially uncomfortable with each other--arrive to a common goal to destroy Gorr and his malicious plan to render all godly creation null with this 'bomb' he created as reinforced by the surviving gods he had managed to acquire and enslave for his own personal use. His personal army, the Black Berserkers, meanwhile, face the Thors from every counter point holding them back until the climatic confrontation with Gorr himself.
Thor: God of Thunder is spectacular because it was every bit of fantasy and mythology fiction that I have always wanted from a character I am slowly and steadily growing to love and look forward to. The story was uncanny and unlike anything I would have believed is possible to read in a Thor title. It was a haunting tale about the myth of gods and why people need to believe in a higher power; as well as what happens when that faith is taken for granted and betrayed such as the case with Gorr. I didn't personally connect with him as a villain but I thought he served his role well enough for the plot.
The three Thors fighting alongside together was always a hoot and I especially love future-Thor the most. I like glimpsing into the possible king and leader Thor will become someday. He was a prissy, cranky old man, sure, but you can tell he knows what he's doing and why he must do it. The overconfident version of him as the past-Thor was oddly endearing, though, and present-Thor was possibly the Thor I'm most closest to because I do believe he's in the middle of an important transition at this point, and seeing him interact with his past and future is rather intriguing.
I found this moment between him and past-Thor moving:
It's an eye-opening moment for both Thors. Young Thor aspires to be just like Odin, his father, but the future-Thor invalidates this and tells him for his own good that he will never be the son Odin wants him to be and there's nothing to fear or be ashamed of in understanding this truth. Future-Thor is also admitting this for himself; for so long, whatever kind of man he shaped himself to be was dictated by what his father wants but not this time, and he hopes his past version would fare better by imparting him this knowledge. Perhaps Thor needs to come to terms with this by himself though.
I'm so excited to read the next issues for this series (there are 25 of these by now). Overall, The God Butcher and Godbomb are worthy installments that you should pick up if you like mythology stories that feature the Mighty Thor. Somehow, his characterization for this series needs more work but I'm confident that both Aaron and Ribic's collaboration will have more ways to move forward and improve.
This is Thor at his Hulking best (for lack of a better explanation/an easy reference). Though I haven't read Vol. 1 (my library does this very odd thing of ordering books out of sequence...GRRRRRR) I found that I was able to pick this right up and not be lacking for much info.
Gorr is a man who questions the Gods, and when bad shit befalls him, like any sane person would, he loses faith, and takes it to the extreme. He wants to kill all the Gods so men can and will stand on their own. I actually found this to be a very acceptable idea, even if not a very original one.
Thor has to stop Gorr from building his God-bomb, which is exactly what it sounds like...a bomb made by a God to kill all the Gods...silly, but OK, serves the purpose.
Thor isn't quite up to the challenge, but ThorS are. Yes that's right...not one, not 2, but THREE THORS! (and no I don't have a lisp/speech impediment)
The holy trinity of past, present and future Thors (Young Thor of Scandinavian days, a rage-fueled warrior who hasn't yet proved himself worthy to carry Mjolnir; Thor the Avenger ("our" Thor from present days) and King Thor (Future, who looks just like Odin, but is in fact, a much older Thor).
So you have the best of what Thor was, is, and will be. I like this idea very much. As much as a battle against Gorr, this is just as much about Thor, and who he is, and needing to figure that out.
The wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey travel-y stuff is made fun of properly, especially by King Thor, who's quite a funny old man for all the bad shit that's befallen him. Either way, the 3 of them have to go defeat Gorr.
We also get a glimpse at King Thor's granddaughters, who end up working alongside Young Thor (and in a funny section, one of them has the hots for him, only to realize it's a younger version of her Grandad! HA INCEST! ZING!).
This is nice to have some humour inserted into what could otherwise be far to heavy/dark/New 52ish of a book.
I won't get into the specifics of what goes down and any more stuff, but I understand what some people think Gorr is lacking as a character/motivations/originality. I also think maybe I saw it more as a reflection on Thor. That being said, it's also got some kick ass God of Thunder reigning down from the Heavens.
This tome doth rock verily.
This was an awesome ending to the God Butcher storyline. I'm very impressed. I started the first volume with low expectations because I've never really found Thor an intriguing character. But after reading
Thor: God of Thunder, Vol. 1: The God Butcher and finishing this volume, I love Thor (this version of him anyway, because sometimes they make him seem really stupid and selfish).
I find Gorr the God Butcher one of the most compelling comic villains I have ever read. His anger against the gods is given background in this volume and it really makes him better as a character. The scene at the end in which . So I am very impressed with this aspect of it.
I also loved seeing Thor's character development over a couple millennia. This heavily contributed to how I came to feel about Thor through this series. I gained some respect for him and he began to interest me (finally). I'm still kind of shocked that one of my favorite comics is a Thor comic.
The God Butcher run wrapped up nicely, but there are two more volumes in this series. Apparently he goes back to Midgard. The ratings are a little lower for the final two volumes, but these first two have definitely locked me in for the next two. -
And here is the conclusion of the godbomb story arc. Good storytelling but a little too neat in the way it was wrapped up. The art is phenomenal and Ribic has quickly become one of my favourite artists. This is definitely worth your time if you want a good Thor story.
There are some really great ideas here. The three Thors, past, present, and future, joining forces to defeat Gorr. Thor's granddaughters. The godbomb itself, that will, once exploded, entirely destroy all deities across the universe, forwards and backwards in time. And I like the mythic feel of the narration. I love seeing Thor as an actual god.
But I still find Gorr less than convincing as a villain. He's definitely a genuine threat, I don't argue that. But his motivation is almost painfully cliche. It's the one real flaw in a story that's otherwise very good. -
Two words: Hel yea!
Also: -
I admit I was surprised a few times when reading the story of this volume. Volume 1 is just for preparations, the main dining experience is on Volume 2. Three Thors are dazzling!
I would give it 4 star rating if not for the epilogue. -
I didn't enjoy this as much as the first. Maybe the nostalgia factor got worn down a bit. I still had fun and still have a hold on book three but I wasn't blown over this time around. Still, plenty of beer and women to make for a Viking good time.
This volume concludes the whole "Godbomb" story line. The three Thors meet up and attempt to overcome the devourer dude.
It was pretty boring and predictable but elevated by the fine artwork and the interesting interplay of the three Thors. -
Gorr lived in a tribe that firmly believed in gods. He believed that the gods punished their followers more than they deserved by drying up their world. This planted the seed for his hatred of the gods, leading to his tribe casting him out. Wondering in the desert alone, wishing for death, a thing falls from the sky next to him. The thing was actually two gods already weakened from fighting each other. Gorr accuses them of inaction when his family needed them. He unleashes his fury on them using a symbiote-like black mass that allows him to then fly into space, wondering if there are more gods out there.
Gorr tortures a mad god into revealing the way to construct a bomb that can kill all the gods of the omniverse. He has enslaved a multitude of gods, including young Thor, to unknowingly build the bomb. The slave gods have always had a plan to destroy the godbomb before its completion, but it's young Thor that takes the initiative. -
Thor: God of Thunder, Vol. 2 had some great fight scenes but didn't have the emotional punch that Volume 1 had.
3 1/2 Stars
This series continues to be a page turner as the three different Thors converge into one timeline to take on Gorr the Butcher of Gods.
Despite having some issues with how 'time travel' is handled in this story, I enjoyed it. At one point 'Young Thor' says that he is the only one to have beaten Gorr twice and 'Old Thor' adds that he is also the only one to be captured twice, this does not make sense. If something happens to 'Young Thor' it would be a part of all of their pasts. Another example is at the end, when the narration say that the three will never meet again....but they will, won't they? I can accept that either this is a cycle that will continue, meaning that 'Young Thor' will have to fight this battle 2 more times or that this event changed the course of the future, but in that case things in 'Old Thor's' world should have been altered. Why the heck can Gorr time travel? When did he figure out how to do that? Why didn't he just go back in time and save his family?
Whatever, time travel is hard, I get that, but in this story I felt like it wasn't really thought through. It was just a means to an end, like they sat down at a meeting and we're like...
hmmmm how can we make this really epic....I know 3 Thors! *Chest bumps all around*
but how will we explain 3 Thors?
TIME TRAVEL, DUH *forceful high fives*
yeah, but are we going to use the string theory or..
It is still a very fun read, I guess I just would have liked a little bit more thought behind the 'epic-ness' of three Thors but I'm just obsessive like that. The art was great and I loved the villain's added back story, it made sense and really made the character come alive.
Overall, a fast paced, entertaining read even if the definition of a god seems a little murky and the time travel is a tacked on plot device. A great comic as long as you don't stop to think about it, great mindless entertainment but not EPIC in my opinion. -
Jason Aaron and Esad Ribic's Thor has been one of the highlights of the Marvel NOW launch. The God Butcher story spans over two arcs (or volumes), includes 3 different Thor's from 3 different time periods, and comes to a conclusion that's satisfying. The storyline also centres on Thor (or 3 of them) a lot. He has a big supporting cast, but none of them really appear. This is good though because it lets the story be more of a character piece whilst Thor is facing off against this new and big villain.
I highly recommend both volumes of Thor: God of Thunder. -
This was the Thor story Marvel's needed for a long time. Holy hell, this was huge and beautiful.
Jason Aaron talvez se iguale ao Tom Taylor dentre os meus favoritos por causa desses dois primeiros volumes de Thor. O roteirista não estende a história de Gorr mais do que o necessário, tendo seu término em uma jornada fascinante que reuniu os três Thors (e um punhado de divindades). É fantástico em como a narrativa prende o leitor do início ao fim e a arte transmite as sensações necessárias.
Eu talvez tivesse alterado a forma da derrocada de Gorr. Se ele adquire poder da morte dos Deuses, a esperança neles deveria ser sua queda (e de certa forma foi dependendo da interpretação).
Animado para o que os próximos volumes aguardam. -
In a destroyed future Asgard, a duo of Thors (Thor: Avenger of Earth and Thor: Ruler of Asgard) join together to end the reign of Gorr, the God Butcher, once and for all.
Gorr's final attempt to exterminate the gods is the 'Godbomb'.
What is it?
And how do they stop it?
In what they know is a suicide mission, the Thors, now a trio, (Avenger, Ruler of Asgard, and Viking) race to fight Gorr in a battle to the death to avenge the death of every god thus far, and save all who remain.
But can they do it before the Godbomb, whatever it is, blows?
An amazing sequel!
I loved The God Butcher, but Godbomb builds to an awesome climax and shows great character development for Thor- threefold!
The best part was the humanization (so to speak) of Gorr.
You learn why he set out to kill the gods of every pantheon.
"Open your eyes, you ignorant bastard! We move from one dried-up cave to another, eating slime off the bottom of rocks, leaving a trail of dead behind us, under a sun that will never set!
Gorr, whatever he is, prayed to these gods with everyone he ever loved...
With everyone that was ever taken from him.
"The gods don't hear your prayers because there are no gods. There never were. No gods in the sky. No gods who made us. No gods watching over us. No gods who give a damn. There's only us."
I'm a little sad to see the God Butcher arc end, but it was a spectacular ending. I'm looking forward to Thor returning to Midgard (and maybe interacting with more Avengers...?).
Art specs
God of Thunder I hate Esad Ribic's art.
The headshots are Mad magazine at best, the backgrounds and scenery look like the backdrop from a cheap CG movie, and the expressions are just plain bad.
I mean Jeebus!
Now, that was only issues #7 to #11.
#6 was illustrated by Butch Guice.
It's his issue that chronicles the life of Gorr before and leading up to when he became the God Butcher.
Maybe not ground-breaking, pretty much just post- NOW! Marvel, but I like it more than the main series artist.
I hate the art but I rated it four stars and I fully plan to continue, so what does that say about the book? -
It had been some time since I read Volume one, so I had a bit of trouble remembering how we got to where we are when this story begins. I don't recall how the time travel thing is supposed to work here, so how the current version of Thor ended up with the older version I can't say. I also had a bit of comic confusion when I was trying to remember how the story of young Thor fighting Apocalypse and getting his axe fit in, but then I realized I was thinking of a story from Uncanny Avengers. (Wasn't I?) None of that really helped while reading this volume.
I liked how it began with the origin of Gorr. I like reading the origins of characters that give real reason's for their actions, rather than the usual "they are Crazy/Greedy/Evil".
It was fun to see the different versions of Thor interact. People change a lot during their life, and I'd imagine someone who lives for hundred of thousands of years would change even more. We get the Young Thor who seems to act only for his own Pride, running around almost like a giant hard-on, the current Thor, doing his best to live up to being the hero people see him as, and King Thor, old as hell and he knows it. It's just funny to see them getting together and acting so different when you know they are all the same person.
There is also some cool moments that come along with that. When young Thor sees his older selves holding the hammer he himself has been struggling to even budge he knows that when he final does it will be his greatest moment. King Thor is quick to point out that this will not be even close to his greatest moment. And King Thor provides some possibly cool future storylines when he asks current Thor if he's become a space cop yet. Very cool stuff.
The art was really great in this book. I liked the technic of not inking all the blacks, just leaving the pencils. It made for some cool visual effects.
The big problem of this book is the ending. I'm going to give you a bit of a spoiler, but to me it just doesn't make sense. Thor stops the Godbomb by taking in all the energy of the Godbomb? How did it not just kill him since that was supposed to happen? And if the Godbomb was really meant to be handle by Gods, wouldn't it not be a threat to them at all? I just don't know.
Still a good series, and I would like to keep reading it. -
My re-read of Jason Aaron's Thor run continues with the second volume of Thor: God of Thunder and the culmination of what was essentially a year-long arc on the character, Its impact still felt in the current books with every regretful look the unworthy Odinson takes at Mjolnir in the capable and worthy hands of his former lover, Jane Foster. This volume concludes the God-Butcher arc decisively and satisfylingly.
#6 - This chapter contained the origin of Gorr, before he was the God-Butcher and the bearer of the Necro-Sword. He's basially alien Job, whose life was wrought with nothing but suffering.
#7 - Thor the Avenger got spend some quality time with his future self, the Old King Thor, as they gird themselves for the final confrontation with Gorr.
#8 - This was the issue where Old King Thor's grandchildren debuted. The trio became known as the Goddesses of Thunder but in their first appearance, they were but slaves in building Gorr's god-bomb. Speaking of trio, the trinity of Thors were united for the first time when Young Thor stumbled upon his older selves. There was one scene that only became apparent for this reader during this re-read, but it had been building up since the very first issue. It's the moment where Young Thor sees Avenger Thor pick up Mjolnir.
#9 - The Thors versus Gorr, round 1!
#10 - After a rain of Thors and their hammers, the Thor trinity pick up their second wind and begin round 2 with Gorr.
#11 - The conclusion! A satisfying ending to a most epic story. -
This was awesome. Very well-written and Gorr's backstory was amazing. He was a very complex, scary villain. I hope he makes it into the MCU. As in the first volume, having 3 Thor's was great, since we get to see their different personalities: arrogant young Thor, noble Avenger's Thor, gruff All-Father Thor. The artwork was also great and there were some impressive panels depicting Avenger Thor wielding two mjolnirs.
Note: annoyed with the unnecessary scene of young Thor sleeping with one of the ladies he was wooing. Also, the outfits for the goddesses of thunder were lacking in the material area. BOOO! Anyway, thought I'd point that out for younger readers.