Title | : | The Newborn Twins Sleep Guide: The Nap and Nighttime Sanity Saver for Your Duo's First Five Months |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1637744439 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781637744437 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Paperback |
Number of Pages | : | 301 |
Publication | : | Published March 5, 2024 |
Who says having twins means you’ll never sleep again? Let Natalie Diaz of Twiniversity and The Sleep Lady® Kim West help you get better sleep for the whole family—from birth—with gentle, proven tips, tools, and techniques.
Raising twins doesn’t have to fill you with sleep dread. There are many small ways to help them sleep just a little bit better right now—long before your duo is ready for sleep training—and together, these can add up to significantly better sleep for everyone!
As founder of Twiniversity, Natalie Diaz has welcomed millions of parents into the rewarding world of parenting twins. Now, she and longtime friend Kim West, known around the world as The Sleep Lady®, turn their attention to helping parents of twins navigate their babies’ early months.
In month-by-month chapters that are easy to read (even in the middle of the night!), The Newborn Twins Sleep Guide breaks down:
• How feeding, attachment, soothing, and temperament all factor into your babies’ sleep—with strategies to navigate the unique demands of caring for two
• The key developmental milestones from birth through five months and how to encourage sleep at every stage
• How pre-term birth impacts this early period (and therefore sleep!)—and how to support your duo while they “catch up”
• Success stories from real twin parents who’ve been there (and survived!)
• Alternatives to the “cry it out” method once your babies are developmentally ready to self-soothe
• What parents and caregivers need to know to make sure they’re taking care of themselves, too
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by conflicting advice on sleep training, nap coaching, sleep schedules, and more. The Newborn Twins Sleep Guide provides clear guidance and a gentle approach to help you feel better about the entire sleep process, from A to ZZZs.
Raising twins doesn’t have to fill you with sleep dread. There are many small ways to help them sleep just a little bit better right now—long before your duo is ready for sleep training—and together, these can add up to significantly better sleep for everyone!
As founder of Twiniversity, Natalie Diaz has welcomed millions of parents into the rewarding world of parenting twins. Now, she and longtime friend Kim West, known around the world as The Sleep Lady®, turn their attention to helping parents of twins navigate their babies’ early months.
In month-by-month chapters that are easy to read (even in the middle of the night!), The Newborn Twins Sleep Guide breaks down:
• How feeding, attachment, soothing, and temperament all factor into your babies’ sleep—with strategies to navigate the unique demands of caring for two
• The key developmental milestones from birth through five months and how to encourage sleep at every stage
• How pre-term birth impacts this early period (and therefore sleep!)—and how to support your duo while they “catch up”
• Success stories from real twin parents who’ve been there (and survived!)
• Alternatives to the “cry it out” method once your babies are developmentally ready to self-soothe
• What parents and caregivers need to know to make sure they’re taking care of themselves, too
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by conflicting advice on sleep training, nap coaching, sleep schedules, and more. The Newborn Twins Sleep Guide provides clear guidance and a gentle approach to help you feel better about the entire sleep process, from A to ZZZs.
The Newborn Twins Sleep Guide: The Nap and Nighttime Sanity Saver for Your Duo's First Five Months Reviews
If you are expecting twins, this is absolutely essential and should be one of the top two books to read before they arrive or in the early weeks. (My number ONE recommendation is Natalie Diaz’s first book.)
Its only flaw is that it can be a bit repetitive. But I think that’s intentional and wise, given the by-definition sleep-deprived audience.