Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars, Part 1 by Jim Shooter

Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars, Part 1
Title : Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars, Part 1
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Hardcover
Number of Pages : -
Publication : First published January 1, 1984

Kidnapped by an impossibly powerful being known as the Beyonder, Earth's greatest heroes and villains find themselves forced to fight on a planet called Battleworld. To the winners - power beyond their wildest dreams. But to the losers there will only be certain death! Collects Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #1-6.

Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars, Part 1 Reviews

  • Jim Ef

    Some of the greatest heroes are forced by someone/something named the Beyonder, to fight some of the most fearsome villains in an alien planet.

    A great premise, the first ever huge crossover, that is executed so very poorly.
    At first i was on board but it is getting worse and worse. You just get tired.
    The amount of times everything is repeating is ridiculous. It seems like you read the first issue all the time. Not only the dialogue is the same, everyone explaining who they are, what they do and how they do it, all the time. ( This is a classic thing that happens to comic books and i usually like it. The thing is that usually is 1 , 2 or 3 characters that do that. Spidey and the Volture etc, here there are 20? Characters all do the same thing )
    Also the story seems to be on replay. Bad guys attack, lose,attack again, win, attack again, lose.

    The worst part is how the X-Men are treated. They are useless here, completely useless. They can't fight they and they are not so smart either.
    Spider-Man by himself defeats the entire X-Men team and he does it with ease. Actually anyone can beat them, good guy or bad.

    I thought i will like this, i tried to like it but no.
    I will read part2 cause i already own it and i hope things are getting better.

  • Daniel

    Strip iz zlatnog doba i koji pretstavlja odličnu kolekciju tada najpopularnijih junaka u dosta jednostavnoj priči u neočekivanoj borbi za opstanak. Crteži su lepi i u boji, tempo priče je dobar, dijalozi su malo smešni i naivni, ali je sve lepo upakovano.

    Ako ste ljubitelj stripova slobodno navalite. Zabavno je. Plus prevod je fino odradjen :)

  • Димитър Цолов

    Симпатична ретро визия (серията е от 80-те години на миналия век), обилно подплатена с текст, който на моменти буквално идва в повече с пространните вътрешни монолози на героите (но това, вече го установих и при предни броеве, си е характерно за епохата). Въпреки въпросния дребен (поне за мен) дразнещ момент, екшънът е експлозивен и не секва от първия до последния панел, а ни чака и продължение, поради което доволно потривам ръчички... От обяснителните бележки в края на албума пък става ясно, че формулата на сценариста Джим Шутър е била толкова успешна, че Тайни войни успява да продаде по милион копия месечно и тенденцията се запазва при всички броеве. Ами... рИспектЪ!!!

  • Martin Doychinov

    Много добра и иновативна за времето си идея - да се скупчат всички герои и злодеи в приключение!
    Самият сюжет също е добър, дори и ярките осемдесетарски цветове ми допаднаха. Проблемът ми е, че диалозите и особено вътрешните монолози на участниците са за деца трети клас. Мотивацията на Оотвъдния липсва, дано се покрие във втори том.
    Три е малко, четири е много :)

  • Gustavo

    La verdad que con lo que había escuchado/leído del comic venía pensando que iba a ser una porquería, pero terminó siendo bastante entretenido a pesar de algunos diálogos horribles y los elementos trillados de la época.

    Mis momentos favoritos son cuando Iron Man usa sus patines y cuando la avispa está preocupada porque se le parte una uña y está a miles de kilómetros de su manicura.

  • Книжни Криле

    Томове 25 и 26 от Върховната колекция графични романи на Marvel представят за първи път на българските читатели едно истински култово заглавие - „Супергероите на Марвел: Тайни войни“ от 1984 г. 12-те броя (всички от които са поместени в тези два тома) представляват най-мащабният кросоувър на издателството (за да не кажа в цялата комиксова индустрия) за онова време и слага началото на супергеройската традиция за огромни катаклизми, които звездите на различни поредици трябва да предотвратят с общи усилия. И в основата на всичко това стои серия играчки… Прочетете ревюто на „Книжни Криле”:

  • Gabriel Llagostera

    De lo peor que he leído en mucho tiempo. Esto envejeció como el orto. Es tan aburrido que ni siquiera pude terminar el tomo. Imposible.

  • Derek Neveu

    To be fair, considering this was the first big crossover event and laid the groundwork for all the good, the bad, and the ugly crossovers that would follow, you have to give Shooter and his team at Marvel props. That being said, the plot is a hot mess, and although you can follow it, there are a lot of moments simply not worth following. My biggest qualm I have with this event so far is the way Shooter writes female characters and all of the romantic elements he included in the first 6 books. Jim Shooter will always have a special place in my heart because it seems like there wasn’t a favorite comic, cartoon, or toy of mine in the 80s that he didn’t play a role in. However, the way he depicts the female characters in these books, and especially the way he shows all of the heroes pining for their female counterparts back on Earth just adds a cringy element to the plot that is unnecessary. I’ll go so far as to argue the romantic angle in general is not needed, and although in those fleeting silent moments you may miss home, when facing an intergalactic Hunger Games, the last thing you will probably be worrying about is what your significant other is doing on Saturday night. Shooter’s portrayal of women and the romantic elements in these books feels like the way a pre-pubescent boy fantasizes about a relationship before he’s had his first kiss. I am looking forward to the story continuing, but I wish Shooter’s take on Hero romance would cease, but alas, I doubt that it will!

  • Fugo Feedback

    Antes que nada, he de admitir que llegué a este comic desde el prejuicio. Pensé que me iba a encontrar con un bodrio ochentoso casi ilegible y me terminé encontrando con un pochoclo ochentoso bastante entretenido. Se ve que acá todavía había muchos personajes marvelosos que se hacían los malos por contrato y las peleas entre "buenos" son abundantes y hasta diría que sobran, y eso sin contar las que tienen con los malos. El dibujo está muy bien, aunque el coloreado lo desluce asquerosamente. Lástima que cuando tuve el #2 a mano lo pasé por alto porque ahora ya no lo tengo más y no sé cuándo lo conseguiré, salvo que me lo compre, claro. Cuando lo haga veo si me releo todo o qué.

  • MatiBracchitta

    Es increíble lo mal que envejeció esta historia.
    Vamos a comenzar: ¿De qué trata Marvel: Secret War? Básicamente una deidad cósmica hasta entonces desconocida teletransporta a un grupo de superhéroes y supervillanos a un mundo formado por retazos de muchos planetas diferentes y los pone a luchar.
    El argumento es propio de un niño o un adolescente, y Jim Shooter admitió que así es. Se trata de un evento que los propios fans (que recordemos que eran más que nada niños) en esa época le pedían. Entonces la trama es completamente inexistente. Es puro fan-service.
    Antes que nada, yo entiendo lo que este cómic significó para la industria y sé de la revolución de ventas que causó. Además entiendo que el hecho de que una historia reuniera a diferentes héroes y que afectara a sus series regulares haya sido algo trascendental para que las aventuras de los superhéroes existan como hoy las conocemos.
    Sin embargo, no puedo dejar de pensar que en esa misma época Claremont y Byrne ya habían publicado una historia tan interesante como Días del Futuro Pasado, o que habían revolucionado por completo la saga a través de Fénix Oscura. Tampoco puedo dejar de pensar que Walt Simonson estaba creando, de la nada y en pocos números, a un personaje tan bien caracterizado como Beta Ray Bill; así como no puedo quitarme de la cabeza el trasfondo político y social que Mckenzie y Stern estaban poniendo en las historias de El Capitán América.
    Es decir, la época no es excusa. En mayor o menor medida, ya había historias de la misma compañía (y con los personajes que Shooter usa) que tenían profundidad, que resultaban interesantes y que poseían un peso argumental que incluso hoy es apreciado.
    Entiendo que quizás La Avispa y Iron-Man aún fueran caracterizados de forma tan superficial e infantil como Shooter lo ha hecho, pero la manera en que rebaja a los X-Men me pareció incluso insultante. Sentí que este autor no conoce o no quiere a estos personajes.
    El trabajo que realizó Claremont en la franquicia mutante es superlativo, y si bien es verdad que en cuanto a fuerza bruta no pueden rivalizar con Thor, Hulk o la Mole; esto no quita que no dispongan del poder para hacerle frente y superar a un grupo de segundones como, por ejemplo, la patrulla de demolición. ¡Especialmente con Magneto en sus filas!
    Me parece una locura lo que Shooter realiza con esos personajes. Al leerlo me produjo reminiscencias a los G-Men de Garth Ennis en The Boys. Un verdadero ninguneo a los personajes y al trabajo que venía realizando Claremont al frente de la franquicia (que, por cierto, no era un trabajo menor pues en ese entonces solo era superado por Spiderman en cuanto a ventas).
    Sobre el trabajo de Zeck y Layton no tengo mucho para opinar. Hay cosas que me gustan como la forma en que muestran la creación del mundo batalla (un poco demasiado explícita, pero agradable visualmente) y otras cosas no me gustan tanto (como por ejemplo que se represente los poderes de Magneto a través de un globo blanco con guiones en los contornos, me pareció una completa falta de imaginación y una basura a nivel artístico). Además de por sí no sé tanto sobre dibujo y color como para opinar con conocimiento de ello.
    En fin, como dije al principio, una historia que envejeció muy mal. Sé que la segunda parte mejora porque ya leí el cómic hace unos años, pero aprovecho a hacer mi descargo gracias a esta separación que la edición de Salvat realiza en la historia.

    PD: Aunque entiendo que el grupo de villanos se formó en base a criterios argumentales (además de comerciales), habría sido un buen detalle que se colocara a personajes interesantes como Shaw o Emma Frost que no solo son poderosos, sino que además ya fueron lo suficientemente bien desarrollados para ser atractivos por sí solos; y aunque entiendo que se necesitaba villanos que fueran factibles de ser lacayos de Doom, la presencia de personajes como Kang o Ultron demuestran que no era alocado tener personajes fuertes e independientes si el guion funcionaba de forma adecuada.

  • Vinicius

    A premissa da HQ é de fazer uma batalha entre os personagens dos vingadores, x-men e vilões do universo Marvel em um planeta desconhecido, formado por pedaços de outros planetas que parecem ter sidos destruídos. Tal evento é organizado por um tal beyonder, que até essa edição, não sabemos quem é, mas aparenta ser alguém de grande poder.

    Sem saber exatamente como o Beyonder os levou para esse planeta e/ou por qual motivo, os personagens buscam as melhores maneiras de se organizarem e sobreviverem em um planeta desconhecido.

    Eu achei a leitura e a história muito truncadas, os textos eram muito longos com excesso de explicações, bem como a história se tornava rasa ou meio sem sentido em alguns pontos, parece que os eventos narrados se perdiam e tirava o leitor da trama.

    Alguns personagens que são bem mais fortes do que representados, por exemplo she hulk e miranha, são deixados de escanteio e perdem lutas facilmente. Aliás, as lutas também deixam a desejar as vezes, pois elas são 1 embate de heróis x vilões de 1 ou 2 páginas no máximo, em que os personagens tomam um golpe e já estão fora de combate.

  • David

    Marvel Super Heroes: Secret Wars might be the first truly big Marvel crossover storyline (with the Contest of Champions being like a dry run), but it's a bit difficult to truly recommend it.

    The main problem with it is that there are just too many characters, particularly on the super-villain side. It results in certain characters behaving unusually or even in the complete opposite way than you would expect.

    Obviously you can't please all fans, but I feel like some characters are thrown to the wayside and it's a bit annoying. It's almost as though the writer, Jim Shooter, isn't as familiar with the characters as he should be.

    As for the art, well it's decent enough, but nothing special.

    I admire the sheer scope of it all. It must have been a difficult undertaking, but for me it falls flat.

  • Dimitris Patriarcheas

    Οι καλοί και οι κακοί όλοι μαζεμένοι σε έναν εξωγήινο πλανήτη από έναν άγνωστο σούπερ κακό με σκοπό την επικράτηση της νικήτριας ομάδας. Πλοκή με τόσα κλισέ όσα φαντάζεσαι, με τόσους πολλούς ήρωες που αισθάνεσαι την ανάγκη πως ο καθένας πρέπει να πει και μια ατάκα για να δικαιολογησει το μελάνι που χυθηκε για να σχεδιαστεί και ένα τέλος πρώτου μέρους που δεν φέρνει κλιμάκωση πάρα χτίζει σε έναν άλλο κακό. Απλή απογοήτευση. Το μόνο που αξίζει για εμένα είναι το σκίτσο.

  • Ivan Tsakov

    skupo dnevni4e
    mnogo qko nachalo na istoriqta
    mnogo me kefi che vsichki se razdelqt na otbori i igraqt igra za ocelqvane
    sushto obratite v istoriqta i nai veche tva che nqma dobur ili losh dori i da ima zlodei a prosto vseki e sreshtu vseki i trqq da se ocelqva
    doom e istinski badass
    az sam qk

  • Alana Godfrey

    This storyline felt so dumb. "How can we create a war between a bunch of heroes and villains? I know! Let's just kidnap them and tell them they have to fight each other". Everything felt so trivial and disappointing. Everyone seems to want to get it on with everyone else. I'm really not sure what the takeaway from this story is meant to be but I could take or leave it...

  • Francisco Becerra

    This is campy Marvel at its best. The avengers, the X-men, the Fantastic Four, all forced to battle in a makeshift planet by an untra powerful being that puts Galactus to shame. Nothing extraordinary, just fun. By the way, how I miss this Doctor Doom in modern Marvel. Simply the best.

  • Tânia

    Guerras Secretas 1: Heróis vs Vilões é um volume bastante interessante. Gosto que reúna não só os Vingadores, mas também os X-Men e o Quarteto Fantástico, todos juntos numa luta contra um vilão sem igual.

    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

  • Emma Foxtail

    I was expecting more...

  • Zoran Dojcinov

    Prica slaba, samo akcija.

  • Andres Pasten

    Salvo un par de momentos, hasta ahora la historia no va para ningún lado. Espero que en el segundo tomo expliquen de dónde salieron Titania y Volcana.

  • Jimmy Rodríguez


  • Billford

    This is about the 80th time I've read this, love it every time

  • Ahmad El-Saeed

    I Just Read it, and it's kinda good.

  • Ivaelo Slavov

    Фен сървиз за хора от 70-80те, след филмите на Марвел и новите кросоувър арки тази изглежда като лошо написано оправдание да се сберат на едно място добряци и лошковци за да се понатупат. И толкоз

  • Mike2115


  • To


    I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it. It had an interesting cast of characters and an interesting story but I got a little bored. Intrigued to see where part 2 goes.

  • B3RG1S

    Один из первых "фан-сервисов". Очень достойно. Легендарная работа

  • Jakub

    I was sure that such a Marvell all-star battle royale would be more enjoyable. As it is it seem the authors wanted to pack too much into one series. Too many character, too many alliances, too many groups and too many all-powerful Beyonder inventions. The part with Galactus are quite interesting but it a pity that the Beyonder stays absent. Maybe part two will improve this.