Title | : | The Promise (Avatar: The Last Airbender, #1) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | 1616550740 |
ISBN-10 | : | 9781616550745 |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | 240 |
Publication | : | First published February 19, 2013 |
The Promise (Avatar: The Last Airbender, #1) Reviews
1.) The Promise ★★★★.5
2.) The Search ★★★★.5
3.) The Rift ★★★★
4.) Smoke and Shadow ★★★★.5
5.) North and South ★★★★.5
4.5 stars
This is so great - it really tackles a lot of things that we can really relate to in our world too. It mainly deals with colonialism and the aftermath of a city that is not fire nation and not earth kingdom, but both, and what this means for the future of this world. I also really liked how they included something similar to the whole 'my culture is not a costume' movement that happened a few years ago (and that some people still need to learn about tbh).
That being said, if Aang and call each other sweetie one more time, I'm gonna puke.
Original review - Avatar is everything and if you don't think so, bite me. -
December Tierlist Vlog is up! Click the link to see the video review of all the books read in December!
Imagine my surprise when I wake up Christmas Morning to this GORGEOUS book.
I've been a fan of avatar for about a decade now and have always been curious about the comics for the series.
For those not in the know, the comics pick up where the cartoon's series ends and provides cannon adventures for the Gaang.
However, I've always been uncertain where to start or what to buy to get into the series.
The Promise contains volumes 1-3 of the Avatar comics, and chronicles what happens right after the series ends.
Toph begins her metal-bending school, Aang and Katara are lovey-dovey, Sokka is Sokka and Zuko struggles with being a ruler.
I loved the illustrations and the tone of the comics. It truly felt like the story was being continued opposed to the comics re-interpreting the series.
I also liked that within the 3-volume collection, we get little notes from the creators about why and how they made the comics. From artistic choices to plot direction analyses. It was so cool to see all of that!
All in all, I highly recommend this for the Avatar fan!!
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This was exactly as precious and adorable and nostalgic as I expected it to be, and I'm just sad that I didn't read it a long time ago. As someone who has been a diehard A:TLA fan since literally the world premiere of s01e01, I was a little bit apprehensive about finally picking this up, but it holds up the values and humor of the show SO WELL and it was just so delightful to see my little bendy babies growing up a little. Plus, Zuko was his usual conflicted cinnamon roll self 😍
If you'll all excuse me, I'm pretty sure the next few days are just going to consist of me binge-watching my DVDs of the show (for the eighteenth time). -
If you guys see continuous Avatar updates....don't think I have gone crazy!!!*laughs Azula style*
I am OFFICIALYY ADDICTED to this series..and I will be bingeing it
Will write thememesreviews later😅
Till then..enjoy these memes!!
Sokka is my soul twin bro(?) or is it twin soul bro(?) *confused Mrin*!!
Update 1
HELP!!!! HELP!!!! This comic illiterate aka Mrin needs help
I am so confused how to start this series
Do I directly start with "THE PROMISE" ???!!
Or do I need to read any other comic before it??!!
Because each book has 3 parts right??!
But they are one book(?)
Someone mind helping me understand the reading order???!!
GR list doesn't help!!
It got me even more confused!!
Cause it has added some single volumes *confusion level increased 284734* -
This was a great continuation of Avatar! The characters all felt the same and the storyline was interesting enough. I loved the themes present, but the only reason why I’m not giving it 5 stars is because it didn’t quite feel as impactful as it should have. Maybe I’m spoiled by the show but I almost wanted to see the conflict drawn out longer so we could get even more nuance. But it’s still a great read, definitely worth it if you love the show!
Aaaaaahh I love my babies so much I MISS THE GAANG EVERYDAY
Avatar is ?? the highest quality tv show of All Time and thats the tea
Anyway this was super fun and I just loved getting back in the world even if it's only in a small way. I definitely think this tackles an important and massive problem within the Avatar verse to the concept and theming were great. I also think the character voices were so well written it felt very in character and I could hear the characters voices
Aang is my son I'd protect him with my life
GOD they all make me so emo -
even beyond the show Zuko’s arc is still 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌
January 2022
i'm currently rewatching ATLA and now i want to reread this, too.
October 2020
Aaargh the ending was not very satisfying to me but it was still so good!! But seriously. My Zuko deserves better than this. Hmpf.
Here's a few Zuko appreciation GIFs just because.
(Also I’m a fire sign (Aries) and my Chinese zodiac sign is a dragon 🐉 - just sayin’ that maybe that’s what this is partially coming from 😂)
I mean...
And now, the best for last.
People explaining to me that Zuko is a fictional character.
Zuko to me: -
My Video Review:
I definitely think this is the edition that people should read these comics out of with all of the extra behind the scenes notes. I already wrote out my notes to do a video on this, so it'll be posted here when it's done. I love Avatar though, so expect some mild gushing. -
I finished watching ATLA on Sunday, and I'm SO glad I had the comics to dive straight into because I needed (and still need) more.
This was PERFECT! It feels exactly like the show (the vibe, the humour, the characters, everything).
All ATLA fans must read this!!
So flippin' excited to get to
The Search -
A very solid continuation of the cartoon. The Promise starts out with the Fire Nation relocating all of the colonies they established in the Earth Nation. But problems arise when the older colonies do not want to leave. They've lived there for over a hundred years now and members of Fire and Earth Nation have combined into new families consisting of both. Yang does a good job of capturing the characters from the show. Gurihiru's art is very anime influenced. It's pretty good most of the time but can get overly hammy in places.
Received a review copy from Dark Horse and Edelweiss. All thoughts are my own and in no way influenced by the aforementioned. -
Just finished re-watching the show. And instead of dealing with the sadness that threatened to consume me whole I ignored my feelings and immediately went in search of more Avatar content because that's a totally healthy way to deal with things.
Анімацію «Аватар: Останній маг повітря» створену Браяном Конієцко та Майклом Данте ДіМартіно я переглядав кілька разів. Мені було відомо, що є також комікси в цьому світі, але ніяк не виходило познайомитися з ними. Та видавництво Lantsuta вирішило мою долю без мене, видавши перший том коміксу «Аватар: Останній маг повітря», яка має назву «Обіцянка», сценарієм якого займався Джин Леунь Янґ.
Комікс є прямим продовженням мультсеріалу, який починається після перемоги над лордом Вогню Озая, після чого спадкоємець Зука сідає на трон замість батька. Новоспечений лорд стає на шлях відновлення миру або, якщо говорити словами із коміксу, його метою є відновлення гармонії у світі. Далі Джин Леунь Янґ перемотує події на один рік уперед, де відбувається нова криза у світі на фоні кризи ідентичності лорда Вогню Зука. Першочерговий план відновлення гармонії, який передбачав переселення всіх громадян країни Вогню із колоній на території країни Землі назад на рідні землі, летить шкереберть. Не всі громадяни вогненної держави хочуть цих змін, адже за той довгий період існування старих колоній, більшість людей із країни вогню вже мають там сім’ї, які складаються із громадян різних націй, а діти вважають себе громадянами вогню, але володіють магією землі, чи навспак. Це колонії, де побут чи стосунки із сусідами і друзями не обмежується тільки людьми однієї нації. Та лорди Вогню й Землі, Зука й Куей, не розбираючись у нюансах, мають власні плани щодо цього. Через це, ці країни знову опинилися на межі війни.
Майже на початку коміксу мене вибісив дуже награний момент. Аанґ, який прилетів до свого друга Зука, щоби розібратися в складній ситуації, не міг потрапити до нього взагалі, через те, що місто повністю перекрили й навіть Аанґу не можна туди. Та все ж таки, це ж Аанґ, останній маг повітря, звісно, що він надає на горіхи воїнам країни Вогню. І після цього Зука погоджується з ним поговорити. Що це взагалі відбулося? Цей конфлікт виглядає занадто награно, як для мене.
Та все інше мені сподобалося, читалося легко та весело, а найголовніше комікс підіймає соціологічні наслідки новоствореного ладу в світі. Замість нового лиходія, сценарист Джин Луень Янґ рухає сюжет зовсім в іншому руслі. Він використав цю арку, як можливість дослідити культурну неоднорідність, яка значною мірою побудована на догмі про те, що мир і спокій досягається лише завдяки культурній однорідності нації. Цей комікс також показує руйнівну природу колоніалізму та запитує, як ми можемо впоратися з її наслідками в сьогоденні. І в особі Аватара, викривається расизм та сегрегація, припускаючи, що змішування культур може створити більше краси, ніж політика ізоляції певної нації. У цьому коміксі, можна відчути різного роду емоції та спробувати знайти щось більше, аніж веселу пригодницьку історії про Аанґа.
Малюнок створений студією Gurihiru без сумніву переносить нас знову в атмосферу мультсеріалу, просто на сторінках мальованої історії. Кожен кадр чистий, послідовний і привертає увагу від початку до кінця. Динамічні сцени, розмови, інтер’єр, вулиці міст чи красиві пейзажі — усе виглядає якісно й чудово. Тут взагалі в мене ніяких претензій немає, бо малюнок, справді, приємний оку, гарно розповідає історію та створює ту атмосферу, до якої я звик у анімації.
Я не знаю чи арка «Обіцянка» заслуговує великої похвали. Але мені сподобалося, що замість нового грізного лиходія, тут сценарист має намір делікатно дослідити культурні та суспільні проблеми сьогодення за допомогою простих сюжетів у коміксі. Та все ж, думаю цей мальопис підійде якнайкраще фанатам оригінального мультсеріалу, щоби дізнатися продовження однієї з улюблених історій. Новим читачам, які просто хочуть взяти і прочитати якийсь комікс про Аанґа теж можна спробувати ознайомитися із ним, просто потрібно знати кілька речей, які принципі розповідають на самому початку. Єдиним мінусом буде те, що всі деталі, становлення вже нинішніх стосунків між Аанґом і його друзями, пройдуть повз. А так, беріть і читайте. -
This was well written and the illustrations were spectacular. I loved the Avatar and all the characters. I liked the message of peace and I can't wait to read more!
I ADORED this graphic novel! I love seeing Aang's and Katara's relationship, and I love knowing that the story goes on.
This series is everything. -
a great return to the atla world. it balances humour and drama perfectly, creating an enjoyable and engaging read.
I am a huge fan of the TV series. When it ended, I was left with a gaping hole in my heart because I had to bid farewell to the Avatar universe, the diverse characters which had captivated me so and to the wise words of General Iroh. I was so glad when I found out that there were graphic novels of the series. The Promise picks up right after the end of the TV series finale.
The book serves as an extended epilogue, following the events that occurred after the war. Zuko faces his first great task as a Fire Lord, which may lead to another war. Kudos to the team behind this graphic novel to have pulled this off. Both the writing and art are similar to that of the TV series. The characters also retain their trait and attributes, which is a relief as adaptations really tend to mess that up.
The book is far from being epic, but it is lots of fun and captures the essence of the TV series perfectly. -
This one never struck the right chord. The characters acted exaggeratedly and out of line based on how they would have acted in the show itself, and almost the entire conflict would have ceased to be if they'd just calmed down and talked about it. Also, Katara is reduced to a fawning and largely useless girlfriend.
I'm so happy these graphic novels exist. They perfectly continue the story of the show and capture each character flawlessly. I forget I'm reading a graphic novel and feel like I'm still watching the show. Plus, Azula comes back too and she's one of my favorite villains ever!!
Team Avatar is back! But I can't handle Katara and Aang calling each other 'sweetie' it's unbearable!
কিছু কিছু জিনিসের স্বাদ আমরা আসলে যখন পাই তার যথার্থ মহত্ব ঠিক তখনই টের পাই না, টের পাই ভবিষ্যতে, যখন সেই জিনিসগুলোর অভাব বোধ করি। অ্যাভাটার দ্য লাস্ট এয়ারবেন্ডার সিরিজটা ছিল আমার জন্য তেমনই এক জিনিস। একুশ শতকে এর চেয়ে ভালো অ্যানিমেটেড সিরিজ আর তৈরি হয় নি। চমৎকার রাইটিং, দুর্দান্ত অ্যানিমেশন, সলিড ক্যারেকটার বিল্ডিং কী ছিল না এই সিরিজে। ২০০০ এর দশকে আমার মতো টিভির পর্দায় চোখ রেখে যারা বড় হয়ে উঠেছে কিন্তু নিকেলডিয়ানের এই অ্যানিমেটেড সিরিজটা স্কিপ করে গেছে তাদের মত চরম দুর্ভাগা আর নেই। ২০০৮ সালের সিরিজ ফিনালের পর ১৩ বছর পাড় হয়ে গেছে, আজও লোকজন এই শো নিয়ে কথা বলে। নেটফ্লিক্সে ২০১৩ সালে রিলিজ পাওয়ার পর টানা ষাট সপ্তাহ টপ চার্টে থাকার রেকর্ডও ধরে রেখেছে এই শো। আইএমডিবির অল টাইম হাইয়েস্ট রেটেড সিরিজের তালিকায় স্থান চতুর্থ, ব্রেকিং ব্যাড এর ঠিক পরেই। রেটিং ১০ এ ৯.৩! দুঃখের কথা হল মাত্র তিন সিজন পরই শেষ হয়ে যায় এই শো। শো এর ক্রিয়েটররা যখন ফোর্থ সিজন করার চিন্তা-���াবনা করছিলেন তখনই বাধ সাধেন এম. নাইট শ্যামালান, দ্য সিক্সথ সেন্সের ডিরেক্টর, ওয়ান টাইম ওয়ান্ডার। এই লোকের কারণে ফোর্থ সিজনের প্ল্যান বানচাল হল, তার বদলে একটা লাইভ অ্যাকশন রিমেক নিয়ে কাজ শুরু হল। শ্যামালান মুভিখানা বানালেন। এবং এম. নাইট শ্যামালান বানালেন ইতিহাসের সর্বকালের সবেচেয়ে বাজে মুভির একটা। তারপর সিদ্ধান্ত হল ফোর্থ সিজন কন্টিনিউ করা হবে কমিকস এর মাধ্যমে। অ্যাভাটার: দ্য ল��স্ট এয়ারবেন্ডার: দ্য প্রমিস কমিকের কাহিনী শুরু অরিজিনাল সিরিজের কাহিনীর পর থেকে। সবাই ভয়ে ভয়ে ছিল, অরিজিনাল সিরিজের উচ্চতায় যেতে পারবে কী না তা ভেবে। রাইটার ভিন্ন, একটা সম্পূর্ণ আলাদা মিডিয়ামে ট্রাঞ্জিশন, ব্যাপারটা কেমন হবে? কমিকসটা আসলে হতাশ করে না। স্টোরি খুবই ভালো। আসলে অরিজিনাল সিরিজটা যেভাবে পুরো ইউনিভার্সটাকে সেট করেছে কমিকসের মাধ্যমে ভালো কিছু অর্জন করা সহজ বই কী। কমিকসের কাহিনী সিরিজের আসল এসেন্স যা, তাকেই ফাউন্ডেশন বানিয়ে লেখা— মানবতা, শান্তি, বন্ধুত্ব। তার উপর চমৎকার ইলাস্ট্রেশন চোখের আরাম। পরের ইস্যুগুলোও পড়ার জন্য মুখিয়ে থাকব।
This is the beginning of the season 4 we'll never get from A:TLA. The series already had a perfectly satisfying ending, but that doesn't mean there aren't new obstacles to overcome. Taking place right after the end of the series, it deals with some heavy themes, especially colonialism and the lingering effects of an incredibly long war, while maintaining the light humor that characterizes the show.
I guess the only flaw I could pinpoint is Roku's advice, who goes from "listen to your heart, Aang" in the series, to "follow my teachings and KILL THAT DUDE" in the comics (and even that can be more understandable if you consider his own feelings of guilt for not putting the world's interests above his own, which resulted in massive destruction for the four nations).
Regardless, The Promise is not just a fluffy filler (while I enjoyed the Pirate comic, it didn't add much to the main story, unlike this one). It takes its role as a continuation seriously, and for me, it is a worthy successor. Even the art subtly reflects the passage of time, as the characters seems a bit more mature, and they continue growing throughout these 3 volumes (I feel like a mom, so proud of her babies).
Last but not least, dear Uncle Iroh invented bubble tea. A man truly ahead of his time. -
I really loved this! If you’re a fan of the tv series then there’s a good chance that you’ll love this too. It was really fun to read, but also tackled some bigger issues (much like the tv show does).
I read the Hardcover/library edition which included commentary along some of the pages and I really loved the inclusion of these comments. They explained why certain layouts/colour schemes were chosen, how they decided on dialogue/names, and where they referenced A:TLA or TLoK. There were also sketches showing the process of the characters’ designs which was really cool to see!
Overall, I loved it and can’t wait to read the next one! -
This was such a refreshing dive back into the world I love. And while I wish this would have been an animated follow-up to the trilogy, I could still hear the character's voices and see their expressions in my head almost as well as if it was animated . . . so really didn't lose with this one. EXCEPT IT ISN'T A COMPLETE STORY and now I gotta scramble to get my hands on the rest of this follow-up tale.
Harikaydı başından sonuna dek gülümseyerek okudum
Although I, overall, enjoyed this very much, I also found myself very disappointed in it. The “voices” of the characters, I felt, were very spot on. I really felt that they stayed true to them. There were only two things about this comic that really disappointed me: the direction the storyline immediately went, and the romance. The romance I could have done without and the plot was predictable and upsetting.
First off, the romance. It was very annoying to read “sweetie” over and over again, especially as this, particularly, seemed very out of character for both Aang and Katara. I know they were together at the end of the anime, but it still seems very out of character for them to continually be calling each other sweetie over and over again. I almost felt as if their relationship was being forced on me, or that the story was trying to remind me that, hey, they’re in a relationship! Remember? Yeah, they are. It got very repetitive after a while.
The other problem I had was the predictability of the story and the direction they had Zuko take. In the anime, we got to see Zuko’s journey from an angry, Avatar obsessed boy, to the great, powerful leader he was to become. All of this, it seemed, was immediately destroyed when Zuko made Aang promise to end him if he went “bad.” I did think that was something he would say. However, I didn’t think it was something that would have happened. Zuko had grown and changed so much in the anime, but he seemed almost back to square one in this comic.
And then, of course, we have to watch as he regresses more and more into his adolescent, immature self. He starts to essentially become his father, the one thing he didn’t want, and seems to do and say things I really don’t see Zuko doing/saying. In all honesty, this is, of course, my own personal opinion of Zuko, and perhaps I’m simply pushing my own views on the character off on this book but, either way, I was just very disappointed with Zuko and the direction they took him.
I did love the “voices” of the characters though. Sokka and Toph in particular. They stayed very true to their originals, and their humor stayed intact to! I found both of them funny, and was glad that they really grew Toph’s character. She had really moved on, by opening that school, and I was impressed by her growth. I’m glad they gave us quite a bit of her story! The alternating stories, between Sokka/Toph/Suki, Aang/Katara, and Zuko was well shown. Again, I’m very happy that I got to see each of their takes on the events happening around them.
I received an e-book of this from NetGalley and was very excited to read it. However, I did have trouble because of resolution and overall pixilation of many of the words. The comic itself was much easier to read then any of the annotations. I struggled with those quite a bit, but was probably able to read less then 20% or 30% of them. The one I was able to read were nice little tidbits, and so anyone thinking about picking up a copy should absolutely take the time to read them. They’re interesting and some of them explain why the artist drew something one way or another.
So, all in all, 4 out of 5 stars and I’m looking forward to reading The Search.
This review can also be seen on
The Forbidden Library -
The Promise is the first in what appears to be an ongoing series of graphic novels continuing the adventures of the characters from the Avatar: The Last Airbender animated series. It's a worthy continuation of the story, though some of the characterization lacks the vibrancy of the original series.
The story of The Promise centers on the "Harmony Restoration Movement," an effort to remove the Fire Nations' colonies from the territory of the other Nations after the end of the Fire Nation's war of conquest. The Movement quickly runs into difficulty when it turns out that these colonies, having existed for more than a century, have put down hard-to-dislodge roots. Generations of people have lived and died with these cities as their homes, and the boundaries between Nations have blurred by intermarriage and assimilation. The themes are more complex and mature than those found in the TV show. It's also clear how the events depicted here help bridge the gap between Last Airbender and its sequel animated series, Legend of Korra, with its cosmopolitan multinational locales. There are of course kung fu battles and element-bending stunts, but there are no clear Evil Overlord style villains like in the shows.
If the macro-scale story is subtle and well imagined, the micro level is the opposite. The artwork does a great job of depicting the characters a few years older than we saw them in the cartoon, but their personalities are written with flat, one-note repetition. Toph's habit of giving out nicknames, Sokka's discomfort with his sister's newfound romance, and the Katara-Aang relationship itself show no nuance or variety. The writers pick a word or phrase to represent each topic--"lily livers," "oogie," and "sweetie" respectively--and insert it repeatedly into scenes, as if by main force new beloved in-jokes will be born. It never feels natural enough to come together, though. The characters' wit vanishes beneath these overused scripts.
I enjoyed the comics, and would certainly recommend them to anyone who liked the show. But I hope the next comic, The Search, gets more creative editorial attention to its dialogue. -
-Son Hava Bükücü'nün finalinden itibaren gelişen olayları anlatıyor bu çizgi roman. Zuko'nun yanar döner hali canımı sıkmaya başlamıştı, ama kitabın sonunu Zuko'nun bu haliyle ilgili öyle güzel bağlamışlar ve öyle iyi bitirmişler ki kitap bittiğinde canımı boşuna sıktığımı anladım.
-Aang ve Katara'nın şapşik sevgili halleri çok hoşuma gitti:)
-Tabii Sokka bu durumdan o kadar memnun değil:)
-Sokka ve Toph'un diyalogları enfesti:)
-Çizgi romanın çevirisi oldukça iyiydi. İndirmek isteyenlere linki de vereyim hatta:
-Benim gibi Avatar'ı severek izlediyseniz, bu kitabı da beğenerek okuyacağınızdan emin olabilirsiniz.
NOT: Okurken, arka planda dinleyebileceğiniz harika soundtrack:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cxh6... -
Aang acude una vez más a su mentor, Roku, para pedir consejo. Ambos son uno solo, pero Aang se da cuenta de que la forma de pensar del Ávatar de la Nación del Fuego no es la suya, por lo tanto rompe toda conexión con él. A partir de aquí el Airbender comenzará a crecer y a buscar su identidad propia. Como un hijo buscando la emnacipación ideológica del padre. Zuko acude a Ozai por las mismas razones y llega a la misma conclusión: el nuevo Firelord hará las cosas a su manera, buscando el bien para su gente. Aang y Zuko, dos caras de una misma moneda.
Esta historia salió un año antes de que The Legend of Korra fuera estrenada, así que la idea de Republic City ya se le había ocurrido a los creadores, y aquí vemos su nacimiento.
A pesar de que se sintió como una consecuencia natural de los eventos de la serie, no le doy las 5 estrellas porque no hubo algo que me dejara sin aliento.