Vitesse moderne by Blutch

Vitesse moderne
Title : Vitesse moderne
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 2800131675
ISBN-10 : 9782800131672
Format Type : Board book
Number of Pages : 80
Publication : First published October 9, 2002

Décidément, Paris recèle d'étranges mystères et donne naissance à de curieuses rencontres… Un soir, alors qu'elle sort de son cours de danse, une jeune femme – elle s'appelle Lola – est abordée par une certaine Renée. Renée se dit écrivain. À son actif, rien de bien glorieux : Husky mon ami et Gérer son stress. Le genre de "littérature" alimentaire, en somme. Mais bon. Renée lui propose de partager son quotidien afin d'écrire un livre sur elle. Un livre dont elle serait le sujet. Évidemment, Lola se laisse tenter. Ah, ces artistes… Et la voilà qui marche dans les rues de la capitale avec Renée à ses côtés. Aventure, aventure… C'est peu dire que le quotidien des deux jeunes femmes va basculer – et le lecteur avec, d'ailleurs.

Voici tout ce petit monde embarqué dans un drôle de voyage, mi-onirique, mi-fantasmatique, à travers les rues étrangement désertes de la ville. Comme si le scénariste (ici, il est aussi dessinateur) avait congédié tout esprit rationnel, ouvrant tout grand les portes du rêve et du surnaturel. Le long des trottoirs de Paris privés de lumière (l'ambiance nocturne de ces pages est proprement captivante) et d'où les piétons comme les automobiles sont curieusement absents, les deux jeunes femmes déambulent. En chemin, elles font de drôles de rencontres : le papa de Lola (bizarrement, elle ne le reconnaît jamais tout de suite), Omar Sharif et ses souvenirs érotiques inattendus (ah, les joies insoupçonnées du métro…), une araignée… Avant de terminer la nuit dans une fête hautement improbable, perdue dans un décor situé au beau milieu de nulle part…

Avec Vitesse moderne, Blutch signe l'un des albums les plus déroutants, mais aussi les plus envoûtants, publiés depuis longtemps. Il démontre ainsi toute la variété de son talent, également à l'aise dans l'absurde, la dérision, la parodie ou la nostalgie. Son coup de crayon suit allègrement les méandres de son inspiration, révélant à coup sûr l'un des dessinateurs – et des auteurs, tout simplement – les plus doués de sa génération. Une génération pourtant déjà bien fournie : Blutch, né en 1967, s'est affirmé au même moment que les Sfar, Trondheim et David B. Ami lecteur, n'hésitez pas à cheminer en compagnie de Lola et Renée. La balade tout au long de cet album rend à coup sûr perplexe. Elle recèle quelques surprises et donne à voir un Paris pour le moins incongru. Mais franchement fascinant… --Philippe Actère

Vitesse moderne Reviews

  • EisΝinΕ|v|XenoFoneX

    Blutch has been the cool kid at Angouleme for many a year now, winning the big prize that recognizes his artistic contributions over the span of a career, despite the fact he's not quite dead. And probably won't be for a while, unless the festival organizers know something I don't. Actually, they know lots of things I don't. Why wouldn't they? They know a LOT more words in French than I do. They know more than one Edith Piaf song. And they know way more about Asterix. I hate Asterix, sort of... not because Asterix sucks, but because I wanted to like it, tried to like it, and failed miserably... I feel better now that I've admitted the awful truth.

    From 'Vitesse Moderne' (as are the images that follow, unless noted otherwise) and 'Lune L'Envers', by Blutch:
    In North America, he's only known by a small group of comic-book loving freaks who have learned to forgive foreigners for not speaking English. That may be starting to change; Picturebox released an English edition of 'So Long, Silver Screen', his meandering book-length rumination on the fading beauty of cinema, and the New York Review of Books have a long-overdue translation of his classic
    Peplum coming out in April. After 'Peplum', 'Vitesse Moderne' might be the best place to start with Blutch, assuming you can excuse his French. It makes a little more sense if you know what the characters are babbling about, but I think open-minded readers might appreciate the untranslated version... heavy emphasis on 'might'.

    Peplum by Blutch
    From 'So Long, Silver Screen' and 'Peplum':
    'Vitesse Moderne' is a lightly surreal tale unlike anything else I've read; it follows a half-insane dream logic, featuring a chase, a stalker, a disconcertingly intense dance instructor who is way too fucking old for his leotard, a friendship and/or a romance. If you need a big, healthy plot to chew on, leave this for someone else and find your nearest
    Dungeon (it's my default recommendation at the moment), but this is some of the best comic art you'll find between two covers. So says me, at least, and a bunch of artists who all seem to agree on his awesomeness; after Alex Toth, Blutch is the essential 'artist's artist'.


    If you know and appreciate Craig Thompson's art in 'Blankets' or 'Habibi', you'll appreciate this. Thompson inadvertently based his entire style on Blutch when he started work on 'Blankets'. Based on the merits of 'Goodbye, Chunky Rice!', 'L'Association' expressed interest in publishing a French edition, but upon seeing the first part, they changed their mind. "We already have a Blutch", he was told. Oh, that wonderful French Snark. Upon getting their crusty rejection letter, however, he wasn't angry... he was embarrassed. It suddenly hit him just how much he had subconsciously been imitating Blutch, even discovering panels from the 'The Little Christian' that he had copied from memory, completely without thinking. Thompson is a nice guy, and honest to a fault... that story was part of a testimonial featuring several renowned artists when Blutch was awarded 'le grand prix' (that might actually be what they call it) at Angouleme.


    I'm not going to recommend 'Vitesse Moderne' to every English-speaking comics fan, obviously. If you've never read a book published by Fantagraphics or D & Q or Pantheon, it's probably not for you. Fair enough. Some people want very specific things from their comic books, and there is a definite scarcity of superpowers, secret origins and cosmic-Kirby-crackle in this book... though tights and capes play a brief role, I think. If you like Frederik Peeters, David B., and/or Craig Thompson, I'll suggest 'Vitesse Moderne' -- and the English edition of 'Peplum', when it's released -- might be worth your time.

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  • Richard

    A comic book/graphic novel that is almost impossible to review. Written and illustrated by the cult figure of Blutch whose depictions of modern Paris are quite wonderful in this surreal story. A story about the meaning of love and cognitive understanding into feelings and desires of your heart.

    The ideas are focused through the life of a dancer, Lola who is struggling to put her unconscious self into a part for a challenging role in the production. She has a stalker, Renée with two e's who approaches her to ask if she can spend time with Lola as she wants to write a book about her life. Renée interrupts Lola outside the dance studio where a strange admirer is pronouncing his unrequainted love. Perhaps to escape his advances but without real consideration she finds herself in the company if Renée.

    The drawings are wonderful, the translate a sense of place, convey danger and the lack of control Lola has in the next 24 hours. In an almost dreamlike world Lola is presented with various situations that threaten her life, challenge her sanity and undermine her ability to see reality. Paris becomes a menacing backdrop, devoid of people and tourist just characters like her Father from her past & present memories. intermixed with her strange suitor, her dance maestro and weird parties. I was freaked out by the images of nuns they follow to escape a perceived danger.

    The theme seems to be relationships and in this 24 hour episode can Lola comprehend her own desires or will she be left to the misery of spurned suitors, indecision, trying to be someone different, repeating mistakes of others, missed opportunities and a life without the love of the one?

    So much to contemplate; I feel I have so little understanding and comprehension on first reading. The images will live long in my mind and you know the meaning of the piece is perhaps secondary to my enjoyment of engaging with this visual format. I could score it from 1 to 5 stars but I only know it will always bring something new and please me each time I pick this comic up again.

  • Lukasz

    So, here's the thing. It was surreal and gross. I like surreal. I rather dislike gross. All told, I could. have misunderstood it. Or maybe it's just not for me?

    Anyway, I see no story or plot here. The art is great in places, less so in others.

    ARC through NetGalley

  • Marc Bosch

    Velocidad Moderna no está hecha para ser entendida, si acaso funciona como reflejo o como alegoría. Blutch no sigue ninguna lógica en el planteamiento de la trama, aunque todo lo que sucede a Lola desde la noche hasta el alba tiene capacidad de resonar. La heroína y el resto de personajes entran y salen de escena bajo las mismas premisas que los personajes y situaciones que se dan cuando soñamos. En este sentido son reales. Lo son para el autor y también por el lector que esté dispuesto a sumergirse hasta ciertas profundidades para reconocerlos. Cada uno de ellos deja algunas frases memorables y aporta una dimensión sobre la forma que toman las relaciones según esos personajes que nos habitan.
    El trazo de Blutch y la paleta de colores utilizada acaban por redondear una bella obra de autor que acepta segundas y terceras lecturas hasta ir desentrañando los kilos de simbolismo que atesora.

  • Celil

    Yeni başlayanlar için Blutch edebiyatı. Bir garip curcuna. Çok kısa zamana birden fazla temayı sıkıştırıp, aynı potada eritme çabası var. Bunun gereği tartışılır ama, ben pek sevemedim. Yine sinema dünyasının önemli isimlerini kendi hikâyesi içine eklemlendiğini görüyoruz. İlla iyi bir yan arayacaksak, belki sadece bunu diyebiliriz. Öbür türlü, bu serinin başka bir esprisi olduğunu sanmıyorum. Modern Speed, modern çağın bir dejenere toplumu olduğunu anlatan ufak ve itici bir hikâye.

  • Juan Pablo

    El dibujo es maravilloso y la historia, fascinante. Se añade un epílogo con las mismas protagonistas en unas circunstancias completamente diferentes. Un cómic original y muy bueno.

  • Cookie

    Seriously, what are these authors smoking when they write these?

  • Wayne McCoy

    'Modern Speed' with art and story by Blutch is a strange fever-dream of a story that takes place with a dancer and her would be biographer.

    When we meet Lola, she is a dancer rehearsing for a demanding role. She meets a woman named Renee who introduces herself as a writer and wants to follow her around a write about her. What follows is a strange evening, where every door that opens brings another bizarre surprise in Lola's life, like her philandering father and his odd art projects, or the masked hoodlums who keep following them around.

    I admit to not really getting this one. I tried to just go with the flow, but it eventually felt pointless, which is too bad. I usually like weird stories. It reminded me a bit of the Griffin Dunne movie 'After Hours.' Just not enough to recommend. I did like the art style with it's elongated lines and weirdly deformed male characters.

    I received a review copy of this graphic novel from Europe Comics and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this graphic novel.

  • Mips

    Thema: dromen, angsten, verrassende ontmoetingen,...
    Lekker totaal absurd met interessant bijvoegsel over de totstandkoming van de strip.

  • Lucy Goodfellow

    ⭐️1 Stars

    A surreal depiction of modern Paris that is at once both dangerous and expected.
    Focused on the life of one woman and her family, Blutch struggles to encapsulate the emotional intricacies of these relationships and instead relies on cheap scares and cliches to keep the reader interested.

    Although I enjoyed the dynamic between our main characts Lola and Renée I felt that the style of the story hindered my attachment to them and this affected my enjoyment of the book.

    You Should Read This Book if you Like 💕:
    + Interesting Narratives
    + Unique Art Styles

    Trigger Warnings: Assault, Kidnapping, Predatory Men, Nudity.

    I read this book twice expecting to enjoy it significantly more on reread and although I think
    Blutch's writing conveyed an excellent sense of pace and it was very easily digestible at 82 pages, I didn't get anything out of it on my second reading that I dint get on my first.

    I received an advance review copy for free via NetGalley. I am leaving this review voluntarily 📚.

  • NoID

    Des rencontres dans un récit qui ressemble fortement à un rêve qui saute d’une idée à une autre avec des fils conducteurs aussi fins que ceux de l’araignée de Tintin

    Je suis entré dans ce récit sans attentes… heureusement.

    Une BD comme une occasion de se laisser aller au gré des fantaisies de Blutch

    J'ai pas compris grand chose, mais c'est pas trop grave

  • Chad

    I couldn't get into this strange story of a fevered night following a dancer and a woman who has decided to chronicle her life out of the blue. None of it really made any sense as she walked into strange scene after strange scene that felt more like a fever dream.

  • Frank

    Goeie tekenaar, raar verhaal. Freudiaans droomnarratief. Seks, ouders, kinderen, liefde, prestatiedwang, je loopt een deur door en staat ineens in zee. Dat werk. Ik kan er geen touw aan vastknopen.

  • Garconniere

    The first Blutch I read - loved the style but wasn't captivated by the story. Liked it enough to want to seek out everything else he's done, though!

  • Javier Jiménez

    Mon premiere Blutch. C'est justement le type d'histoire que j'aime: surrealiste, très bizarre et quelquefois un peu effrayante. Quelle agréable surprise!