Title | : | Masquerade's Moon (Blood and Snow, #6) |
Author | : | |
Rating | : | |
ISBN | : | - |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Kindle Edition |
Number of Pages | : | 59 |
Publication | : | First published December 1, 2012 |
"Lips red as rubies, hair dark as night. Drink your true love's blood, become the Vampire, Snow White."
Summary: Professor Pops throws Snow White a Masquerade Ball for her sixteenth birthday. A war is brewing and her party may be the battle ground.
***This is a novelette***
Masquerade's Moon (Blood and Snow, #6) Reviews
Snow's birthday party is a Masquerade Ball, but a war is brewing, and her party may be the battle ground.
This series took a while for me to warm up to. The first few novelettes seemed to progress too slowly and didn't necessarily end with me finding myself anxiously awaiting the next installment in the series. Well...that time is over. I am fully hooked now. Snow has come a long way since part 1 and she has really found her groove in the life experience she is going through. In this installment, she is no longer struggling with who she is, she is only selflessly trying to find out what she needs to do. As she hears all the varying "stories" each person tells her is the truth, she might discover what path she will take.
The friends that surround her have drawn closer in this installment to protect her and help her along whatever path she chooses. We are left wondering "what happens next?" as we all anxiously await the arrival of Gabriel's Seal. -
(Source: I own a copy of this book.)
This was another okay instalment, but I’m starting to get a bit bored with this series now. This instalment was about Snow’s birthday and birthday party. The boys all bought her sixteen of something, including watches. Who needs 16 watches?
Then we had the party and there was a bit of a ruckus, but to be honest I just didn’t find it all that exciting, and ended up watching the percentage in the corner of the kindle screen, checking how much more I had to get through ‘til the end.
Overall; an okay instalment, but I’m starting to get bored.
6 out of 10. -
I cannot find the regular novel. This was book 2 for me, not book 6. It was several hundred pages. I didn't like it as well as the first one because most of it was Snow asleep and in a magical dream sequence where she's with the Silindra the Vampire Queen's sister. It wraps up fine at the end, but I didn't like that so much of it was this dream sequence and just kind of peppers in what's going on in the real world.
This was interesting. So Snow White faught the leader of the Chayot, killed him and got this pendent called the Seal of Gabriel sucked into her. She sleeps for 2 years going through the last moments of the original vampire Silindra's life. How she was betrayed not only by the man whom she loved and thought loved her, but also by her sister Sharra. Now that Snow White is awake knows the truth what will she do with this information?
All I can say is WOW! This book made up for the last two. So much action in the book. I love it. It didn't drag at all. This might be my favorite in the series so far.
These do keep getting better and better.
Naše upíří Sněhurka slaví šestnácté narozeniny. Profesor Pops se rozhodl, že uspořádá velký bál, jelikož Sněhurka neměla nikdy opravdovou narozeninovou oslavu. Sněhurka je nadšená - šaty má ráda každá dívka a naše upírka má přece možnost vybrat si ty nejlepší!
Na konci pátého dílu zabila Sněhurka svého přítele Gaba.
Sněhurčin život se pomalu začíná komplikovat. Ačkoliv stále drží svou krvežiznivost na uzdě, někdy uvažuje o tom, jak by bylo úžasné, kdyby se napila krve. Nejvíc touží znovu ochutnat krev svého lovce . I když už se poučila, jaké nedozírné následky může mít pití krve, stále po ní dychtí.
Samozřejmě nesmíme zapomínat na zlou Upíří královnu, která chce Sněhurčino tělo posednout a být tak opět mladá. Schyluje se k velké bitvě mezi Dobrem a Zlem, mezi Sněhurkou a Upíří královnou.
Tento díl začíná pomalu a postupně odhalovat spletitost celé záležitosti. Dozvídáme se historii Upíří královny, vstupují nové nadpřirozené postavy a děj nabírá na obrátkách. Podle mého názoru, se jedná o zatím jeden z nejlepších dílů této série. Předchozí byly něco jako jednoduchý úvod, avšak v tomto dílu se začíná vše komplikovat a děj stupňovat.
Bude válka...
Sněhurka bude muset bojovat o svůj život...
Ples se změní v bitevní pole...
...kdo zvítězí?
4/5 -
So I’m going to review this entire set all together because really each installment was just too short to stop and write a review. I don’t think I would’ve made it all the way through if I had done that. That being said, I enjoyed this series for it’s straightforwardness. There were times that Snow went back and forth between men, but I think it was always pretty clear that her true love was going to be Dorian. I picked up on it by the time I hit Revenant in Training. So much happens in the series, but I will say that there was great character building especially for everything being set up in such short novellas. For being so many installments it was a surprisingly quick read, and I did enjoy reading them. I would recommend just buying the complete set instead of buying each one individually especially because it was obnoxious having to keep moving to the next one. I just wanted to be able flip the page! Overall, I would give the series 3 stars. It wasn’t spectacularly amazing, but it was a good quick read that I did enjoy overall despite it being a bit juvenile.
Snow White's 16th birthday is finally here. In the beginning of this series, Professor Pops practically begged her to let him throw huge party which she agreed to simply because she hadn't ever had a real birthday party that she could remember. Well, we found out later Professor Pops knew of Snow White's destiny. He knew she would probably be turned into a revenant, but he believed it wouldn't happen until after her 16th birthday. Unfortunately, Snow is special and was turned months too soon. What was meant be a part where Pops and his boys could protect her turned into a party of supernatural creatures. Snow controls her bloodlust well, but can't keep from defending herself from a group of chayot that come to kill now that she is a vampire. How can she stay alive when the world's oldest Angel-like creature is determined to destroy her? How will Gabe react to his father and what he is supposed to be destined to do? The plot is thickening and now Snow White must decide who the good guys really are.
Read more reviews at Identity Discovery blog. -
I think I liked this book better than the others. There are a couple of things that still don't feel okay to me. Like for example all of a sudden Cindy is a witch with powers and Snow doesn't bat an eye. And the fact that Gabe was flirting with Cindy just a couple of days after he said he likes Snow and will be there for her. Gabe was just messing with her. And he is a Chayot, they kill vampires, he says he has to kill her but they just make out, it's like "girl, he wants you dead, he's daddy wants you dead".
Her Sweet 16 was cute, the guys dressed up for her, had a ball dance for her, invited kids from school, it was nice, until Gabes Papa showed up and The Vampire Queen, then crazy things happened. Makes you wonder who's really the bad guy.
Liked this book, have to see what happens next. -
Wow! I tore through this novella like the pages were on fire!! I jumped on my treadmill and ran until I reached the end, my eyes flying across the pages!! If you've read any of my previous reviews on the Blood and Snow series you'll see I have nothing but positive things to say about each of the installments and about RaShelle Workman. I LOVE this series and I know I'll be sad when it's finally over.
In part six, Masquerade's Moon, it's finally time for Snow's birthday ball. It's fun, exciting but then something surprising happens. I really can't say more without giving anything away but it's fantastic and it definitely leaves you salivating for the next book in the series! If you've made it this far into the series, you probably feel the same. Great story! -
This short story continued with the tale of Snow White, a vampire, who in the last story thought she had killed her boyfriend Gabriel. Upon his death, she took off only to come back months later to find out that he wasn't dead but that he was an angel who is supposed to kill evil things (things like her) but he isn't able to because he loves her. This short story takes place on the day of Snow's birthday where she finds herself in a battle between the Queen of the Vampires and the leader of the Angels, her boyfriend's dad. Can't wait for the next short story.
In this next installment Snow has finally turned 16. She's celebrating by having a masquerade with the people she loves and cares about the most. Cindy knows that Snow is a vampire and Snow knows that Cindy is a witch. Regardless they are both still best friends. When a shocking party crash is made to Snow's party what will everyone do? Snow can hand herself over and protect the innocent or fight back. This series is really starting to pick up. It started off small, cute, and innocent. Now it's become dangerous, mysterious, and exciting. Loving it so far!
I felt like it took us forever to get to Snow's 16th birthday. When we began, it was only supposed to be two months until her Sweet 16, but I felt like the timing of everything was a bit inconsistent. Other than that, this was where the real world and the magical world finally collided. The party, unfortunately, is a little less of a success. Gabe's emotions are starting to give me whiplash. There is Good vs Evil vs Evil (yes, I do mean to put evil in there twice) and we rediscover the Seal of Gabriel that apparently has more power than we realize.
3.75 stars....working her way up to 4...
so, author seems to have cooled off on her comma OCD, but now she's omitting them where they are ABSOLUTELY necessary...
one bit improves, another falters...
it seems as if the author is learning to write as she writes these books...
one issue gets resolved (the excessive commas), just to have another one, that she didn't previously have an issue with, come up...a bit frustrating
-detailed review on book 7...consistently has same mistakes in all books, so it applies to all of them...
https://www.goodreads.com/review/show... -
This installment delivers more action, anticipation and more at stake for Snow and her friends. The glamour was exciting and lovely, as Workman describes the beauty of Snow's birthday Masque with near perfection. At this point in the series it is difficult to say much without giving more plot away. But let's just say I am very happy with the way things ended, and am anxious to see how it translates in the coming installment!
I think this is my favourite installment so far. This is the story of Snow's 16th Birthday Ball. I loved how Gabe defied his dad and let Snow live. I also loved how she didn't kill Gabe's dad, even after threatening her, just because Gabe didn't want her to.
I can't wait to read the next installment to this addictive story. -
I get all caught up and POOF! The End!
Poor Snow, if it isn't bad enough to be turning sixteen, in love with a guy who is supposed to kill you, she has a passion for blood and is on the vampire queen's hit list, still.
Each installment has me wanting more, yet each is a complete tale on its own, told in detail and non-stop action! -
It was a fun read. it has a interesting twist on the snow white tale and it is fun to see where RaShelle Workman is going to take the story! It is a very quick read for me but I find it helps me to feel not so bogged down by how many books I have to read. I can read one of her books in less then an hour so I feel a sort of complasment with finishing a series
Amazing! Just too darn short! I would love to read this series as one long novel. It is so entertaining, engaging, and well written that I want it to last longer. I can't wait for the next installment.
I love love love this series!!!! The only thing I don't like is it ends too quickly . I just really sink my teeth into it and it stops . I just want to keep reading and lose myself for a few more hours!
Wow, that was good! Better than #5 for sure. I still maintain that these short, and fast reads make it so that the character development seems rushed. I am invested in these characters now though. These dreaded cliffhangers keep bringing me back..lol
Masquerade's Moon, is one of best books that has been written.. One of the best twists of Snow White... I have nothing bad to say about the books.. RaShelle Workman is now one of my top authors. there for i give her and Blood and Snow series 5 stars.
Actually, 3,5 stars.
Things happen so fast and many reactions seem totally unrealistic. But anyway, I want to keep reading. I want to know for Jesus freaking sake if Gabe's a liar or not!
Complete review to come in the complete series edition -
It's about time! Snow finally gets her party and oh what a party it is. It looks like all the A listers decided to attend. The Vampire Queen and the Chayot. This series just keeps getting better. I still wished it was longer though.
Passionate Bites Anthology
Despite all of the danger they still have Snows birthday party. It is of course interrupted by Gabe's jerk dad and the vampire queen. Snow tries to fight back and ends up tapping into even more power. -
Another amazing story by RaShelle! I didn't want it to end where it did. Snow is getting ready for her birthday party. It ended in the middle of epic events. I can't wait for more!