Paradise Kiss, Vol. 4 by Ai Yazawa

Paradise Kiss, Vol. 4
Title : Paradise Kiss, Vol. 4
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : 1591821088
ISBN-10 : 9781591821083
Language : English
Format Type : Paperback
Number of Pages : 192
Publication : First published June 27, 2002

"One should either be a work of art, or wear a work of art." - Oscar Wilde. The school fashion show is finally here, and it's a last-minute fight to the finish to get the awesome ensemble ready on time. The drama escalates when a stressed-out Yukari literally passes out from exhaustion in George's car. No one knows if she'll recover in time to model for the show. Meanwhile, a mysterious female friend from George's past shows up to support him on the big day. Are they just friends...or something more? Yukari's not sure who she can trust. All she's 100 per cent sure about is that she wants the Paradise Kiss posse to take first place at the fashion show, no matter what it takes. Will they reign victorious or be forced to taste the agony of defeat?

Paradise Kiss, Vol. 4 Reviews

  • Luke Reynolds

    It took me three days to read a manga volume LOL. *cries*

    Thank goodness they updated the rating to Older Teen (16+). It’s a lot more fitting.

    Putting that aside, this was my least favorite volume of the series so far. Yazawa’s very self-aware of the machinations of this story, and her self-deprecating bite is fun, but the content here, even with the fashion show, felt flat to me. At least we know George and Yukari are doomed (there’s this very foreboding feeling). Everyone’s also calling her Caroline (even her little brother, which confuses me; when did he learn about that?).

    Hopefully the last volume wraps everything up well.

  • Violeta

    Aaaa en serio que es odioso George, y ya sé que lo mencioné en el tomo anterior pero qué toxicas relaciones! También la de Arashi y Mikako :(
    Y pues por cómo terminó este tomo no pude esperarme al siguiente y ya lo empecé 😅
    Igual la mamá de "Caroline" que pesada, aunque digan que es su madre y que no importa como la trate que igual la quiere mucho, pues noo, eso no se hace!! pero bueno, hay mamás así y también existen los George y Arashis :/

  • Lau

    Fue un lindo volumen. Yukari se está convirtiendo en una persona completamente distinta a como era al comienzo del manga, pero esta vez no se centró tanto en el desarrollo de los personajes sino en la historia en sí. Al fin llegó el momento de ver el famoso vestido terminado, es verdad que George no cree en el minimalismo XD.
    Me encantó la pequeña historia que se vio sobre Isabella, casi logra que deje de despreciar a George. Aunque en mi lista negra ahora está primera que nadie la madre de Yukari.

  • Yuri

    Finally we got to see more of Isabella, which I love, but Yazawa could’ve approached her transness more thoughtfully. I liked that the support characters had a major role in the plot. Also, how George received more character traits beyond treating Caroline poorly. The way Yazawa showed how much he cares about fashion and values his friends/coworkers job was very nice.

  • Alfit0

    Al fin tenemos background de isabella, una historia muy bonita y que nos cuenta el origen de su lealtad a George.

    Cada capítulo que pasa me pregunto si Caroline terminara enamorada de Tokumori que nunca confesara su amor, espero que se aleje de George, quien sabemos tiene sus problemas pero vive pasando por encima del resto.

    Los dibujos en esta pasada estuvieron preciosos

  • Blue

    I adore Yukari so much, BUT I swear I will never understand the obsession and insistence she has with George, NEVER!!

  • Roma

    I hate George.

  • Natalia Bas

    Manga recomendado: ‘’Paradise Kiss’’, de Ai Yazawa. Editorial Ivrea, 5 tomos. LGBT, moda, relaciones varias, juvenil…

    Este manga me lo hizo descubrir mi hermano: una deuda pagada, porque yo le hice descubrir la saga de películas de Bourne…

    Al principio no creí que me gustara, y todavía no entiendo el porqué… Su dibujo es precioso, adulto y estilizado. También es monísimo… Detallado y emocionante…

    Y su historia, adornada entre telas de fantasía, brillante maquillaje, plumas y pasarelas, va de las presiones que tienen los estudiantes; las ilusiones varias como el amor, que puede presionar también, así como la presión que te puede provocar un vestido increíble, pero apretado ;) Va sobre crecer en muchos aspectos, darse cuenta de que tenemos derecho a equivocarnos y a aprender y corregir: como coser y poner botones… Va sobre oportunidades y sentimientos en verdad multicolor, como sus personajes.

    Un taller de aprendizaje precioso ^^

  • Jack Reynolds

    The Yazawa fashion show is the center attraction of this volume, but what also blossoms is background development for Isabella and the introduction of Kaori Aso, who is visiting the senior fashion show after studying in London. She may be the cause of some questionable romantic angst late in the game, but, hey, new character all the same.

    Yazawa creates another entertaining volume with the occasional 4th wall joke and engrossing drama. George and Yukari's relationship is still as much of a tidal wave as it was initially, but it's clear that's going to sputter out soon. It depends on how much Yazawa crafts Kaori, as the lead writer for the anime seemed unsure on what to do with her.

    Only one volume left. Time for this drama to hit the fan!

  • Rasha | رشا

    يعجبني التوازن الي تصنعه يازاوا في شخصياتها بين العيوب والمميزات والقوة والضعف، تستحق درجة ماستر

  • Conejo Literario

    Me encanta que por fin llegamos a la parte del desfile <3.

  • ♡ ari

    best part of this volume was isabella’s backstory! a surprisingly good trans rep esp considering when this was made 🥺

  • Aminaa

    I wish we got more of the actual competition.

  • Christina

    I first read this series in middle school, and for a long while I didn't really understand it. Sure, it seemed fun and the characters were interesting.

    Now, having gone through the motions of school, I appreciate Caroline and her break out so much more. Re-reading now, this series really speaks to me both for its nostalgia factor and for the themes and ideas explored in it. The people, their flaws, their strengths, their weaknesses - all of it is (to me at least) incredibly real and incredibly relatable. Especially in volume 4 and 5.

  • M.M. Strawberry Library & Reviews

    For a manga that only spanned five volumes, Paradise Kiss was incredible and had a really fun story. In this volume, everyone scrambles to finish off their ensemble for the fashion show, and the stress is getting to everyone, including Yukari. All in all this is a really good volume and builds up for the volume 5 conclusion.

  • Anna C

    3.5 stars

  • Pauline

    **Review is for the entire series**

    OMG I've got such a book hangover from finishing this series. The ending... Aaaaaargh. It's beautiful, but a little heart breaking too. Or maybe a lot heart breaking. I'm a bit emotional right now.

    Paradise Kiss follows the story of Yukari as she approaches the end of her high school years and her final exams, when she is discovered by a group of local art college students, who instantly want her to model for them in their end-of-year show. Initially outraged by these 'weirdos', Yukari is soon caught up by their passion, and starts to realise that her own life isn't very fulfilling. Within this group she meets George, a charismatic, demanding designer, who sees in Yukari his muse for the designer label, Paradise Kiss.

    And so begins a few frantic weeks in which lives are changed, hearts are broken and new paths are forged.

    First up, the art here is beautiful. Not too surprising since the focus is fashion, but really it's just gorgeous. Secondly, the writing and pacing are pretty good - things move along quickly, and you never get the sense that things are being dragged out from one chapter to the next. If anything, it would be nice if it were a little longer - there were moments that felt rushed and characters that didn't get as much 'page time' as they deserved.

    Finally, the characters themselves. Wow there are some flawed characters here, with their emotions beautifully displayed in the artwork. No one is perfect, and you will definitely have those moments where you just want to pull out some hair over a character's choices. But this is a coming-of-age story, and the path to adulthood is typically a bumpy one. So I have to admit a lot of respect for Yazawa Ai in writing real characters in a genre (and medium) that is rife with cardboard cutouts and mary sue's. You may not always like the characters, but you will believe them.

    I first read this probably around 15 years ago, but I couldn't remember finishing it. Now I'm wondering if I just erased the ending from my memory :P I won't lie, don't go into this one expecting it to have a fairy tale ending. There is plenty of foreshadowing throughout that hints at it, but it still feels like a sucker punch when you reach the end. And that's probably the main reason why I can't give this 5 stars.

    But it's a solid 4.5 stars, sadly rounded down to 4 stars for Goodreads.

    Note that this manga contains some nudity & sex scenes. No non-consent or anything like that though. Also the cover art really doesn't do this series justice.

  • Shelley

    I’m this volume we see a lot of of characters trying to rebuild their relationships with other characters. Georgie boy’s mom is trying to be a better parent and more supportive of her son (even though she’s terrible at it), Yukari tries to appease her mother while also fulfilling her own goals and dreams and Hiro, while trying to help Yukari get caught up is falling in love with her.

    It feels like nothing is going on and a lot is going on at the same time. The plot id very slow (the nothing going on except the big grand show) yet a lot is going on (but it’s all internal dialogue).

    ...And then back to square one

    George’s mom still sucks at being a parent, George is still a jerk, and Yukari knows her boyfriend is a jerk but continues to blindly change for him rather than changing for herself. Blegh! Definitely not a mature romance and borderline toxic.

    Besides the show, the best part in this whole volume was learning about Isabella! I loved seeing just a little bit into Isabellas past considering this is one of the only main characters we still knew nothing about! It was a nice change and minor development in the story.

    As for the show...

    This was a fun volume to read, but I wish there was more action and plot than there was relationship drama. It was not as good as I was hoping it would be. Maybe the last volume will go off with a bang?!!!

  • ✮Octjillery✮

    -Isabella background, finally!
    -The dress!

    -George, still. He's worse with every volume, and I can't even give the rest of it more than 3 stars because of him.

    "What if I trip?" asks a nervous girl before modeling a dress on a runway for the first time.

    "Then we made a mistake in choosing you," replies the huge piece of shit that she calls her boyfriend.


    Yukari was definitely being a butthead by complaining so much about but that's more understandable than 99.9% of the garbage George pulls.

    Also not sure why everyone is calling her Caroline now, including her brother? What?

    Can't wait for the relationship to finally to crash and burn in the last volume because that's what I'm really hoping for. Then Yukari can run off with Hiroyuki who actually gives a shit.

  • arisita⭐️

    Después del final del anterior tomo tuve la esperanza de un gran desarrollo de personaje pero lamentablemente esperé en vano. Yukari entiendo que sea humana y tal pero me tiene cansada lo mismo de siempre, se da cuenta que george es un forro y la trata mal entocnes se aleja pero luego mágicamente se da cuenta que es el amor de su vida y deja que el haga lo que quiera con ella otra vez YA CÁNSATE NIÑA
    La introducción de un posible rival amoroso a estas alturas como que no sé, ni siquiera quiero que Yukari termine con george, quiero que evolucione a tal punto que se de cuenta de su valor y que no tiene que cambiar por nadie y valore más las personas a su alrededor cof* cof* TOKUMORI
    TBH a este punto sólo quiero que acabe de una vez la historia porque siento que los personajes no tienen ningún desarrollo y se están estancando volviéndose bastante planos o irrelevantes. Si el dibujo no fuera bueno ya habría abandonado este manga desde el segundo tomo

  • Lucía

    La verdad es que me han gustado más todos los vestidos que han salido a lo largo del manga que el del desfile, no sé, a lo mejor me gusta más al verlo animado en el anime, pero me ha parecido un poco feo al verlo dibujado en papel.

    Por otro lado, me intriga cómo van a seguir en contacto todos, ya que el desfile se ha acabado. Obviamente si George y Yukari son pareja supongo que tienen una excusa pero siendo lo tóxicos que son al igual no duran mucho.

  • Brianna Jo♡

    There's the fashion show finally. We get to see Isabella's origin story and the final dress is revealed. We meet George's father and there's a cameo character from Neighborhood Story. George's old friend, Kaori makes an appearance and Yukari is once again being very hard on herself for not be an "ideal" woman...whatever the hell that means.

    The next (and final) volume wraps everything up. I'm excited !

  • Yasmin Halliwell Fraser Bower

    That dress was absolutely stunning, I mean, WOW.
    As the story progresses, I realise that all she has are toxic relationships, with George, her mom. I mean, she gets all jelaous for no reason and he just walks out on her, says mean and hurtful things. Her mom slaps her? Gosh, it's all hideous. It's very compelling to read, but not to aspire to it.
    Loved the flowers analogy. And it's true, looking good gives us confidence. I love this manga, can't wait for the final edition.

  • Ady Weasley

    Yukari regresa a la escuela y se pone al día con sus estudios. Así mismo habla con Hiroyuki y le agradece que se preocupe por ella.
    La dueña de la agencia habla con su mamá y parece que la convencen.

    Con ciertos inconvenientes al final los chicos de Parakiss logran terminar su vestido y el día del desfile llega dejando sorprendidos a michos pues Yukari se ve increíble con la creación de George

  • Jenifer

    Okay - this one was such a beautiful part to the story. The build-up to the show in the first three books and now we got to see the show and the beautiful dress and Yakori in the dress. It was drawn amazingly well and so intricately detailed. Such talent. Can't wait to see how the story ends.

  • Sandy

    Un volumen muy significativo donde aparece el famoso vestido del desfile de modas del concurso... Una sola palabra... ¡Impresionante! Sé nota el amor y la pasión que la mangaka le puso al arte... Y especial para Yukari por su fortaleza y confianza en sí misma.

  • Eduarda Prauchner

    esse mangá tá cada vez melhor
    amando o enredo, o traço e o desenvolvimento de personagem
    tudo muito simples, mas muito bem feito; espero que essa obra tenha tocado e siga tocando o coração de várias pessoas
    vamos para o último volume <3

  • Joni

    Siento que la caga un poco Yazawa. Desde que arranca la historia, manijeando con el desfile y cuando llega, no figura la puntuación. O sea, desfila Caroline, acto seguido están hablando al otro día comentando que quedaron segundos, medio raro ese lapsus.
    Mucho flashback y al fin data de Isabella.