Prey and Magic (Blood and Snow, #5) by RaShelle Workman

Prey and Magic (Blood and Snow, #5)
Title : Prey and Magic (Blood and Snow, #5)
Author :
Rating :
ISBN : -
Language : English
Format Type : Kindle Edition
Number of Pages : 56
Publication : First published November 1, 2012


"Lips red as rubies, hair dark as night. Drink your true love's blood, become the Vampire, Snow White."

When blood is all you crave, is there even a choice?

Prey and Magic (Blood and Snow, #5) Reviews

  • RaShelle Workman

    What do you think of Snow's fangs?

  • Dorothy McFalls

    I can't wait!!!

  • Mimi Barbour

    In this book #5 of the Blood and Snow series, Snow is now a vampire and has to fight her way through a morass of guilt and use her knowledge of feeding without killing. For weeks she wanders lost and alone until the evil Vampire Queen summons her. During her visit, she’s even more uneasy until she wakes up at home. Gladness overwhelms her and so does the shocking appearance of someone she never expected to see again. But his forewarning of an upcoming battle is unsettling. Ms. Workman’s writing is so graphic; I easily visualized Snow’s every thought and action. With lines like: Tears, hot with hurt and devastation, trickled down my cheeks.” How can a reader not get caught up? Plus, I know that ‘if and when’ Snow is kissed by her true love, she’ll be saved... well that alone keeps me intrigued and addicted.

  • Emmanuelle

    Another good installment as we continue learning more about Snow's story. I wish the installments were longer lol; they're just so fast to read. Snow continues to learn more about the world she's been thrust into and she starts to make decisions about what she's gonna do.

    Looking forward to knowing the rest of the story.

  • Teiamarie

    Once again RaShelle Workman does not disappoint!

    Snow is a bit of a mess in the beginning of the 5th volume of the Blood and Snow series after killing one of her best friends and the guy she loved, Gabe. She has learned to control her urges which has resulted in no other deaths but with Gabe's she has lost a little bit of herself.

    At the end of the last story I was shocked! I couldn't believe what happened and I desperately hoped that Gabe wasn't dead. He was handsome, sweet, desirable, sensitive, and funny. Basically all the ideal characteristics that any starry eyed girl is looking for in a guy. As a result Snow finds herself in something of a downward spiral, wandering aimlessly and feeding. She has given up all semblance of personal hygiene until the Vampire Queen finds her and takes her to Sharra.

    New twists are introduced as well as a huge but welcome surprise that results in some steamy, butterfly inducing, make-your-heart-flutter moments. Snow finds herself in a quandary leaving me with no other choice than to eagerly anticipate the next installment in her story!! I love this story and any one who makes it this far just has to continue!!

  • Phaedra Seabolt

    A huge change has occurred in Snow White. After believing that she killed Gabe just after they had just rekindled their friendship, Snow runs away. She believes she is a true monster, which isn't that far from the truth. Once she drank human blood, she made the complete transition to being a vampire. She allows herself to become exactly what she feared, but maintained the rules that Professor Pops, Gabe's adoptive father and adoptive father of the other six guy friends of hers, have her in order to not kill humans. During her adventure in baptism, she is swept away to the Vampire Queen's realm. This is an eye-opening experience that ends up returning her home. Another shocking ending, but this one made me very happy.

    Read more reviews at Identity Discovery blog.

  • Brittany

    A great follow up from book 4 that left us with a major cliff hanger. In this fifth installment of Blood and Snow we finally meet the vampire queen and find out where Christopher has been. The vampire queen wants Snow to give her the necklace and only then will Christopher be released from his slumber. Snow returns to her world and surprisingly finds Gabe alive and explains to her why he has been so hot and cold towards her and why he isn't dead like she thought he was. The story is really picking up for me and I can't wait to read the rest of this series and find out where it leads us.

  • Lis - The Indigo Quill

    So we left off at the end of book 4 where the cliffhanger made me HAVE to continue on. It seems at the beginning of this novelette Snow is also trying to grasp her actions and their consequences. This is also the first time we are introduced to the Vampire Queen herself, and discover where Christopher has disappeared to. A whole new slew of information is thrown to us the thickens the plot even further.

  • Sarah Elizabeth

    (Source: I own a copy of this book.)
    This is part 5 of the ‘Blood and Snow’ series.
    This was another interesting instalment, and apart from a few info dumps was pretty good. I liked what we found out about Gabe, and there was a brief sexy moment in there. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next book, and whether Snow will ever make it to her birthday party!
    Overall; bit too info-dumpy, but okay overall.
    6.75 out of 10.

  • Jennifer

    This was by far my favorite of the Blood and Snow series. Not only does it pack the most emotional punch of the first installments, but it manages to grant my biggest wish so far. Seeing Snow and ____ get down and dirty and honest with each other. Expect more blood, more vampires and a threatening dose of true love.

  • pinK

    I'm a bit disappointed that Gabe didn't die. I think that having a death on her conscience would do well for her character development.

    I still liked this installment, but it just had some coincident factors I find a bit unrealistic (not that vampire Snow White is realistic).

  • Emily


  • L.

    Tak ona mu zláme vaz a on ji za to políbí? Nechápu.

  • Colleen

    I think this was the most interesting so far. Intrigued to learn more

  • Domika

    Reakce po dočtení: Docela mě překvapilo, jak autorka otočila děj o 180°
    Vadilo mi, že se Sněhurka skamarádila se Zlou Královnou a začala si o ní myslet, jaká je to chuděrka. Probuď se! Chce tě zabít a sebrat ti tělo! Měla bys proti ní bojovat, ne s ní vykecávat a řešit chuť jablka -.-
    Naštvalo mě, že ples, na který se tak moc těším, bude až v dalším díle!
    Taky by si Sněhurka mohla uvědomit, koho sakra vlastně miluje!
    Takže dávám 2* a jdu na další díl... ;)

    Na konci předchozího dílu vysála Sněhurka z Gaba všechnu krev. Byla špatná z toho, že zabila svého přítele a jednoho ze sedmi bratrů. Nedokázala žít s pocitem, že někoho zabila. Toho využije Zlá královna a poprvé se s ní Sněhurka setkává tváří v tvář.

    Blíží se Sněhurčiny šestnácté narozeniny a naše malá upírka je nadšená. Konečně bude mít velký bál, po jakém toužila. Stále si nemůže vybrat šaty, stejně jako si nemůže vybrat chlapce, kterého miluje. Gabe? Lovec? Nebo jiný ze sedmi bratrů?

    Čtenář se dozví spoustu nových informací, které je potřeba vstřebat. Veliký šok na konci předchozího dílu vystřídalo zjištění, že Sněhurka podle mě patří k lovci, i když mu taky moc nevěřím. Přece jenom pracoval pro Královnu.

    Také se v knize poprvé objeví Královna. Při jejich setkání, jako by Sněhurka zapomněla, že ji chce ukrást tělo, a normálně si povídaly. Řešily chuť jablka, krev a spoustu normálních věcí, jako by se nechumelilo. Na Sněhurku jsem zírala s otevřenou pusou... Nejdřív se bojí královny, protože ji chce zabít, a pak s ní vysedává na zahradě a klábosí?

    Další ze slabších dílů. Předchozí byl lepší. Kdyby autorka nechala , třeba by se v ději něco změnilo. Tak můžu dát knize pouhé 2/5 a těším se na další díl, kde by už konečně měl být ona slibovaná oslava narozenin.

  • Kasey

    So I’m going to review this entire set all together because really each installment was just too short to stop and write a review. I don’t think I would’ve made it all the way through if I had done that. That being said, I enjoyed this series for it’s straightforwardness. There were times that Snow went back and forth between men, but I think it was always pretty clear that her true love was going to be Dorian. I picked up on it by the time I hit Revenant in Training. So much happens in the series, but I will say that there was great character building especially for everything being set up in such short novellas. For being so many installments it was a surprisingly quick read, and I did enjoy reading them. I would recommend just buying the complete set instead of buying each one individually especially because it was obnoxious having to keep moving to the next one. I just wanted to be able flip the page! Overall, I would give the series 3 stars. It wasn’t spectacularly amazing, but it was a good quick read that I did enjoy overall despite it being a bit juvenile.

  • *Book Euphoria *

    You know I was surprised she would go all vampire on people. She ran away after what happened in the last book. She was sad, devastated, and wanted to forget. The Queen finds her. I think the Queen wants her to think that she isn't as bad as they say she is. She wants Snow to be on her side but also kind of let's her see what she's capable of doing if Snow doesn't do what she's told.

    Snow gets a surprise when she gets back home. I'm telling you, it's like they forget what just happened, he tells her he has to kill her, but then they make out, while she's thinking of another guy, who will she end up choosing? It was awkward and funny when the Professor walks in on them hehehe :)

    The books are good. I still want to see what happens with Snow, what she'll do, hopefully there aren't any more lies and secrets, it hurts when they betray you. These characters are getting to me,, in a good way :)

  • Dianne

    You have to love the idea of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs re"vamped" in the modern world! Talk about a twist to a fairytale!

    In this way-too-short addition to the series, Snow is now a vampire, on her own, hiding from the the vampire queen who 'needs/wants' her body as a vessel to continue to exist. Meanwhile, Snow is learning to feed without killing, Gabe is back and the queen has a task for Snow to complete. Lots of action told a little too quickly, but still well worth it! Four Stars

  • Jessica

    This series is like a tv show to me. Such a quick, fun read. I love the Snow White re-telling aspect, add the vampire and 7 sexy brothers... cannot go wrong!
    Cannot wait to see what happens, and to find out who her true love is.

  • Meaghan R. (YA-aholic)

    (stars still being weighed down by sub-par writing...story isn't enough to compensate)

    writing seems to have improved a little...seems like maybe the author took an english/grammar class at her local MIDDLE SCHOOL

    -detailed review on book 7...consistently has same mistakes in all books, so it applies to all of them...

  • Emily

    This is a novelette and it is super short, which is annoying.... There is no plot build up, no climax or resolution.... It was like 2 or 3 short chapters. I'm not sure how I feel about the twist in the story and I won't be snake to evaluate without reading the rest of the story.... I might have to wait until the whole thing is published

  • Kirsten Lenius

    This was an exceedingly short piece and a continuation of the retelling of Snow White as a vampire tale. The brevity of each story has left little space for character development and plot advancement, leaving you with a feeling of incompleteness. I think the author would bebmuch better served by writing the whole story, rather than doling it out in disjointed dribs and drabs.

  • Blakely

    Still good, however, the last volumes flow together as if only minutes have passed. This one opens up three weeks later. But I enjoyed the reunion with her friends.

    Spoiler alert:
    But I am frustrated that Gabe has come back as a love interest. Christopher is more interesting, and I am very intrigued by his backstory. Hey, backstory, not backside... But that, too. ;)

  • Wendie

    I won't be buying the next 5 novellas. Not really worth my time. So sad because the premise was very promising- but the quality of writing is too amateur for me- I can't stay interested nor do I care enough for the characters. The writer breaks every rule I teach my fiction writing classes to never break. It's like reading bad 10th grade short stories for a dollar a pop.

  • Amber

    These books keep getting better and better. I am glad we finally got a glimpse of the vampire queen and found out the truth about Gabe. now Snow seems to have a bigger problem who does she believe Professor Pops and the brothers or the Queen? And it seems like she has had time to have 4 birthdays since she left and we are still waiting for her birthday party WTH? maybe she'll make it to it.

  • Chrystal Evans

    Loving this as a series but this book was kinda of a nothing book. Not much really happened except a few expected events **spoiler alert**

    Meeting the queen (bound to happen eventually)
    Cindy's a witch - yep kinda a given
    Christopher is in the queens lock up. Who would have thought lol.
    Gabe loves snow. Yep

    On to the next one :)

  • Heidi

    Another great story by RaShelle Workman. She is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. Snow discovers a lot of things in this part of the series, but a lot more is yet to come. I can't wait to read more!

  • Emily Walker

    So when I found out that this was another Novelette and not a full book I was sad. I couldn't wait to know what happened to Snow after and how the ball will go, but this one was my favorite. I can't wait for the next one.

  • Megan

    This one was so short. All I remember was thinking, "um, Chace is locked in a glass coffin.. And you're caught up with Gabe, the guy that was supposed to kill you? Where did your brain go?"

    I might get the next one just to see where this book is headed.. Because, quite frankly, I'm confused.

  • AK

    I loved the book. However it's quite 'unrealistic'. I know it's a fantasy book but still; you need to keep it a bit realistic. The only reason I started reading it was because I got the first 4 books for free on my Kindle..But I was immediately hooked into it..And I just had to buy the rest.